# # National Water Information System # 2025/01/15 # # # Date Retrieved: USGS Water Data for the Nation Help System # parm_cd meth_cd meth_ds meth_src_cd cit_meth_no cit_nm 5s 5s 254s 8s 23s 50s 00001 G0001 00003 G0002 00009 G0003 00010 G0004 00010 THM01 Temperature, water, thermistor thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00010 THM02 Temperature, water, liquid-in-glass thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00010 THM03 Temperature, water, noncontact infrared 00010 THM07 Temperature, water, field measurement (NY WSC) 00010 THM08 Temperature, water, Platinum Resistance Temperature Device (CAWSC) USGS OF 2019-1063 00010 THM15 Temperature, water, thermister low accuracy and precision 00011 G0004 00011 THM01 Temperature, water, thermistor thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00011 THM02 Temperature, water, liquid-in-glass thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00011 THM03 Temperature, water, noncontact infrared 00020 G0005 00020 THM04 Temperature, air, thermistor thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00020 THM05 Temperature, air, liquid-in-glass thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00021 THM04 Temperature, air, thermistor thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00021 THM05 Temperature, air, liquid-in-glass thermometer USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.1 00025 BAROM Atmospheric pressure, barometer method USGS NFM 6.2 USGS National Field Manual 00025 G0006 00025 PUNAJ Atmospheric pressure, unadjusted, from weather station USGS NFM 6.2 USGS National Field Manual 00035 WSUA1 Ultrasonic anemometer, dual paired orthogonally oriented transducers, horizontal plane CSI ClimaVue50 Compact Digital Weather Sensor 2024 00035 WSUA2 Ultrasonic anemometer, three equally spaced ultrasonic transducers, horizontal plane Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT530 series, 2023 00036 WSUA1 Ultrasonic anemometer, dual paired orthogonally oriented transducers, horizontal plane CSI ClimaVue50 Compact Digital Weather Sensor 2024 00036 WSUA2 Ultrasonic anemometer, three equally spaced ultrasonic transducers, horizontal plane Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT530 series, 2023 00045 G0007 00045 PCPPE Precipitation, contact plate-piezoelectrical sensor Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT530 series, 2023 00045 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00045 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00045 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00045 POPT Precipitation, optical 00045 PPBSC Precipitation, pulse bridge switch counter CSI ClimaVue50 Compact Digital Weather Sensor 2024 00045 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00045 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00045 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00045 PTBHP High precision tipping bucket 00045 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00045 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00045 PWBMC Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen), coarse 00046 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00046 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00046 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00046 POPT Precipitation, optical 00046 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00046 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00046 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00046 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00046 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00052 RH001 Campbell Scientific, relative humidity sensor HMP155A 00052 RH002 Campbell Scientific ClimaVue50 relative humidity sensor CSI ClimaVue50 Compact Digital Weather Sensor 2024 00052 RH003 Relative humidity sensor, capacitive thin-film polymer Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT530 series, 2023 00055 SADVM Stream velocity measured using a sideways looking acoustic doppler velocity meter. 00055 UADVM Stream velocity measured using an upward looking acoustic doppler velocity meter. 00055 V-EST Stream velocity, estimated USGS National Field Manual 00055 VADCP Stream velocity, acoustic doppler current profiler USGS OF 01-1 00055 VADV Stream velocity, acoustic doppler velocimeter 00055 VELC Stream velocity measured using an Electromagnetic Velocity Meter 00055 VICE Stream velocity measured with Ice Vane Meter 00055 VIPAA Stream Velocity measured with a Price AA meter with polymer cups 00055 VIPYG Stream Velocity measured with a Price Pygmy meter with polymer cups 00055 VOPT Velocity measured by a surface velocity stroboscopic device 00055 VOTT Stream velocity, horizontal shaft (Ott) meter 00055 VPAA Stream velocity, Price AA meter 00055 VPYG Stream velocity, Price pygmy meter 00055 VRAD Stream surface velocity, radar 00055 VTIME Stream velocity measured by any time of travel method 00055 VTRNS The method used to measure the velocity is not known. 00055 VULT Stream velocity, ultrasonic meter 00058 EUFM External ultrasonic flow meter 00058 G0008 00058 GVOLM Groundwater discharge, measured, volumetric Sterrett 2007 Groundwater and Wells 3rd ed, p 185 00058 GVOLM Groundwater discharge, measured, volumetric USGS WSP 2175 00058 IMFM Inline mechanical flow meter 00059 G0009 00059 GVOLM Groundwater discharge, measured, volumetric Sterrett 2007 Groundwater and Wells 3rd ed, p 185 00059 GVOLM Groundwater discharge, measured, volumetric USGS WSP 2175 00059 ZEROF Observed Zero Flow 00060 G0010 00060 Q-EST Discharge, estimated 00060 QADCP Discharge, measured, acoustic doppler current profiler from moving boat USGS OF 01-1 00060 QBOYR Boyer Method 00060 QCLVT Culvert theoretical 00060 QDAM Dam structure theoretical 00060 QFLUM Discharge, measured, flume USGS TWRI 3-A14 00060 QFLWM Discharge, flow meter 00060 QHFLM Discharge, measured, high-precision flume 00060 QHPWR Discharge, measured, high-precision weir 00060 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A1 00060 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A2 00060 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A3 00060 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A4 00060 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A5 00060 QSAT Reach-based discharge computation using satellite imagery and satellite altimetry data J Hydrology, 2018, v 561, p 1000-1018 00060 QSCMM Discharge, measured, midsection method USGS TWRI 3-A8 00060 QSLPA Slope-area theoretical 00060 QSLPQ Discharge, slope-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 00060 QSTGQ Discharge, stage-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 00060 QSVEL Surface-velocity probability concept 00060 QTRAC Discharge, measured, tracer dye dilution USGS TWRI 3-A16 00060 QUNSP Discharge measured with an unspecified method 00060 QVELO Discharge, index-velocity rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 00060 QVIMG Discharge, image velocimetry 00060 QVOLM Discharge, measured, volumetric USGS TWRI 3-A8 00060 QVRAD Discharge, surface velocity radar 00060 QWEIR Discharge, measured, weir USGS TWRI 3-A8 00060 ZEROF Observed Zero Flow 00061 G0011 00061 Q-EST Discharge, estimated 00061 QADCP Discharge, measured, acoustic doppler current profiler from moving boat USGS OF 01-1 00061 QFLUM Discharge, measured, flume USGS TWRI 3-A14 00061 QHFLM Discharge, measured, high-precision flume 00061 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A1 00061 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A2 00061 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A3 00061 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A4 00061 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A5 00061 QSCMM Discharge, measured, midsection method USGS TWRI 3-A8 00061 QSLPQ Discharge, slope-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 00061 QSTGQ Discharge, stage-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 00061 QTRAC Discharge, measured, tracer dye dilution USGS TWRI 3-A16 00061 QUNSP Discharge measured with an unspecified method 00061 QVELO Discharge, index-velocity rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 00061 QVOLM Discharge, measured, volumetric USGS TWRI 3-A8 00061 QWEIR Discharge, measured, weir USGS TWRI 3-A8 00061 ZEROF Observed Zero Flow 00062 ACOUS 00062 CLIP Gage height, maximum or minimum gage height only 00062 CSG Gage height, crest stage gage 00062 ENCD Gage height, float driven analog to digital shaft encoder 00062 ETG Gage height, electric tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00062 FLOAT Gage height, float tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00062 HWM High Water Mark USGS TWRI 3-A1 00062 INSD Gage height, staff gage inside the gage house 00062 MANO Gage height, manometer USGS TWRI 8-A2 00062 NCAC Gage height, non-contact acoustic 00062 NCLZ Gage height, non-contact laser 00062 NCRD Gage height, non-contact radar 00062 NTRAN Gage height, non-submersible pressure transducer 00062 OTSD Gage height, primary reference staff gage outside the gage house 00062 RP Gage height, tape up or tape down from reference point USGS TWRI 3-A7 00062 STAFF Gage height, staff gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00062 STRAN Gage height, submersible pressure transducer USGS TWRI 8-A3 00062 WWG Gage height, wire weight gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00065 ACOUS 00065 CLIP Gage height, maximum or minimum gage height only 00065 CSG Gage height, crest stage gage 00065 ENCD Gage height, float driven analog to digital shaft encoder 00065 ETG Gage height, electric tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00065 FLOAT Gage height, float tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00065 G0012 00065 HWM High Water Mark USGS TWRI 3-A1 00065 INSD Gage height, staff gage inside the gage house 00065 LPRNT Gage height, low-pressure range non-submersible pressure transducer 00065 MANO Gage height, manometer USGS TWRI 8-A2 00065 NCAC Gage height, non-contact acoustic 00065 NCLZ Gage height, non-contact laser 00065 NCRD Gage height, non-contact radar 00065 NTRAN Gage height, non-submersible pressure transducer 00065 OTSD Gage height, primary reference staff gage outside the gage house 00065 RP Gage height, tape up or tape down from reference point USGS TWRI 3-A7 00065 STAF1 Gage height, low-precision staff gage 00065 STAFF Gage height, staff gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00065 STRAN Gage height, submersible pressure transducer USGS TWRI 8-A3 00065 WWG Gage height, wire weight gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00072 ACOUS 00072 CLIP Gage height, maximum or minimum gage height only 00072 CSG Gage height, crest stage gage 00072 ENCD Gage height, float driven analog to digital shaft encoder 00072 ETG Gage height, electric tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00072 FLOAT Gage height, float tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00072 HWM High Water Mark USGS TWRI 3-A1 00072 INSD Gage height, staff gage inside the gage house 00072 MANO Gage height, manometer USGS TWRI 8-A2 00072 NCAC Gage height, non-contact acoustic 00072 NCLZ Gage height, non-contact laser 00072 NCRD Gage height, non-contact radar 00072 NTRAN Gage height, non-submersible pressure transducer 00072 OTSD Gage height, primary reference staff gage outside the gage house 00072 RP Gage height, tape up or tape down from reference point USGS TWRI 3-A7 00072 STAFF Gage height, staff gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00072 STRAN Gage height, submersible pressure transducer USGS TWRI 8-A3 00072 WWG Gage height, wire weight gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 00076 00103 TURBIDITY (NTU-EPA) USEPA 180.1 00076 TBD01 Turbidity by comparison with standards using a turbidimeter USGS I-3860-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 497 00077 G0013 00077 SECCH Secchi disk method EPA 841-B-97-003, section 5.5 00078 G0014 00078 SECCH Secchi disk method EPA 841-B-97-003, section 5.5 00078 SECH1 Secchi Disk method (USGSOHML) Limnological Analyses, 2002, 3rd edition 00080 CC002 True color of filtered water by visual comparison with standards (EPA method 110.2; DODEC program) USEPA 110.2 00080 CC003 Color in filtered water by visual comparison using a color comparator USGS I-1250-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 191 00080 CC005 True color of filtered water by visual comparison with standards (Standard Methods 2120 B; DODEC program) STDMETH 2120 B Standard Methods 00080 CL014 COLOR (EPA) USEPA 00081 CC001 Apparent color of unfiltered water by visual comparison with standards (EPA method 110.2; DODEC program) USEPA 110.2 00081 CC004 Apparent color of unfiltered water by visual comparison with standards (Standard Methods 2120 B; DODEC program) STDMETH 2120 B Standard Methods 00081 CC006 Apparent color in unfiltered water by visual comparison with Pt-Co standards (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00090 B0082 00095 SC001 Specific electrical conductance, field, contacting-type sensor USGS I-1780-77 00095 SC001 Specific electrical conductance, field, contacting-type sensor USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.3 00095 SC003 Specific conductance, water, field, electrometry (NRP and CO WSC) USGS TWRI 9-A6.3/1998 00098 G0015 00118 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00118 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00118 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00118 POPT Precipitation, optical 00118 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00118 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00118 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00118 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00118 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00119 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00119 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00119 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00119 POPT Precipitation, optical 00119 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00119 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00119 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00119 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00119 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00120 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00120 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00120 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00120 POPT Precipitation, optical 00120 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00120 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00120 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00120 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00120 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00121 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00121 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00121 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00121 POPT Precipitation, optical 00121 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00121 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00121 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00121 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00121 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00122 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00122 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00122 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00122 POPT Precipitation, optical 00122 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00122 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00122 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00122 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00122 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00123 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00123 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00123 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00123 POPT Precipitation, optical 00123 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00123 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00123 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00123 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00123 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00124 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00124 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00124 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00124 POPT Precipitation, optical 00124 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00124 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00124 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00124 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00124 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00125 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00125 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00125 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00125 POPT Precipitation, optical 00125 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00125 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00125 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00125 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00125 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00126 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00126 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00126 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00126 POPT Precipitation, optical 00126 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00126 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00126 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00126 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00126 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00127 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00127 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00127 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00127 POPT Precipitation, optical 00127 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00127 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00127 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00127 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00127 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00128 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00128 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00128 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00128 POPT Precipitation, optical 00128 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00128 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00128 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00128 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00128 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00129 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00129 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00129 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00129 POPT Precipitation, optical 00129 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00129 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00129 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00129 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00129 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00149 GCN03 Alpha-emitting isotopes of Radium, water, filtered, pCi/L, by gas proportional counting 00191 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00193 G0016 00193 PFLT Precipitation, total volume measured with a float 00193 PGEN Precipitation, unspecified method 00193 PMAN Precipitation, manual reading of calibrated collector 00193 POPT Precipitation, optical 00193 PRAD Precipitation, radar 00193 PTB1 Precipitation, tipping bucket with single bucket 00193 PTB2 Precipitation, tipping bucket with dual buckets 00193 PWBE Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with an electronic method (strain gage or load cell) 00193 PWBM Precipitation, weighing bucket measured with a mechanical method (potentiometer or pen) 00300 AZIDE Dissolved Oxygen, Alsterberg-Azide modification of the Winkler Titration STDMETH 4500-O C Standard Methods 00300 G0017 00300 G0018 00300 IND02 Dissolved Oxygen, CHEMetrics indigo carmine colorimetric field kit, 2-15 mg/L CHEMetrics V-2000 Photometer Manual, Rev. 16, 2011 00300 IND03 Dissolved oxygen, water, field, Chemetrics indigo carmine test kit, 0-15 ppm (mg/L), photometrically determined 00300 INDGO Dissolved Oxygen, Spectrophotometric Indigo Carmine ASTM D888-87 Meth A ASTM 00300 INDKT Dissolved Oxygen, CHEMetrics indigo carmine colorimetric field kit, 1-12mg/L American Laboratory, March 1982, p 119-134 00300 INDKT Dissolved Oxygen, CHEMetrics indigo carmine colorimetric field kit, 1-12mg/L ASTM D888-87 Meth A ASTM 00300 LUMIN Dissolved Oxygen, Luminescence Quenching (Luminescence-Based Sensor) ASTM D888-05 ASTM 00300 LUMIN Dissolved Oxygen, Luminescence Quenching (Luminescence-Based Sensor) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.2 00300 MEMB2 Dissolved oxygen, laboratory, membrane electrode method (Standard Methods 4500-O G; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-O G Standard Methods 00300 MEMBR Dissolved Oxygen, Amperometric (Membrane Electrode Method) STDMETH 4500-O G Standard Methods 00300 RHODA Low level dissolved oxygen, CHEMetrics Rhodazine-D colorimetry (visual comparison) field kit, 0-1 mg/L ASTM D5543-94 ASTM 00300 RHODA Low level dissolved oxygen, CHEMetrics Rhodazine-D colorimetry (visual comparison) field kit, 0-1 mg/L ASTM ASTM, 1984, Lowlevel DO, Power Plant Manual, p 169 00300 SPC10 Low level dissolved oxygen, CHEMetrics Rhodazine-D, spectrophotometry (analysis by spectrophotometer) ASTM D 5543-94 Ground Water, 1990, v 28, no 4, p 584-590 00300 WINKL Dissolved Oxygen, Iodometric (Winkler Titration) STDMETH 4500-O B Standard Methods 00301 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00301 CAL33 Dissolved oxygen solubility in hypersaline waters, calculation Limnol Oceanogr, 1991, v 36, no 2, p 235-250 00301 CAL35 Dissolved oxygen saturation, water, unfiltered, computation by multimeter algorithm (NewEng WSC) 00301 G0019 00310 00097 BOD 5-DAY AT 20 DEG (EPA) STDMETH 507 Standard Methods 00310 00099 5-Day BOD Test STDMETH 5210B Standard Methods 00310 G0020 00310 INC01 BOD in unfiltered water by incubation for 5 days at 20 deg. C (EPA method 405.1; DODEC program) USEPA 405.1 00310 INC02 BOD in unfiltered water by incubation for 5 days at 20 deg. C (Standard Methods 5210 B; DODEC program) STDMETH 5210 B Standard Methods 00310 INC04 BOD in unfiltered water by incubation for 5 days at 20 degrees Celsius with oxygen determination by the azide modification of the titrimetric method or the membrane electrode method (Standard Methods 5210 B; DODESP) STDMETH 5210B 00339 TT044 COD in bottom materials by dichromate oxidation and titration USGS I-5560-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 359 00340 00082 CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (HACH) 00340 00120 CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (EPA) USEPA 410.4 00340 CL025 COD in unfiltered water by dichromate digestion and automated colorimetry USEPA 410.4 00340 G0021 Chemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, titrimetric, 0.25N dichromate oxidation USGS I-3560-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 969 00340 G0021 Chemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, titrimetric, 0.25N dichromate oxidation USGS I-3560-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 605 00340 OX003 COD by dichromate oxidation and colorimetry USGS I-3561-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 357 00340 OX004 COD by dichromate oxidation and colorimetry (Hach COD digestor and colorimeter system) USGS I-3561-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 357 00359 INC01 BOD in unfiltered water by incubation for 5 days at 20 deg. C (EPA method 405.1; DODEC program) USEPA 405.1 00359 INC03 BOD in filtered water by incubation for 5 days at 20 deg. C (Standard Methods 5210 B; DODEC program) STDMETH 5210 B Standard Methods 00400 EL003 pH,WWR,FLD, ELEC USGS I-1586-77 00400 EL009 pH, water, field, glass electrode (NRP and CO WSC) USGS TWRI 9-A6.4/1998 00400 EL027 pH in unfiltered water by glass electrode with ionic selective field effect transistor (ISFET) Sea-Bird Sci. AN99 ISFET pH sensor 00400 PAPER pH, field, by litmus paper or test strips 00400 PROBE pH, field, electrometric USGS NFM 6.4 USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.4 00403 EL002 pH of unfiltered water, laboratory, by electrometry (EPA method 150.1; DODEC program) USEPA 150.1 00403 EL006 pH, lab, by automated glass electrode USGS I-2587-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 363 00403 EL007 pH in low ionic-strength water by automated electrometry USGS I-2588-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 171 00403 EL008 pH of unfiltered water, laboratory, by electrometry (Standard Methods 4500-H B; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-H B Standard Methods 00403 EL010 pH, water, laboratory, automated, glass electrode (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2587-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 363 00403 EL011 pH in low ionic-strength water by glass electrode with ionic strength adjustment 00403 EL014 pH, unfiltered water, manual laboratory measurement with Orion Ross electrode (USGS-NYL) EPA 600/4-87/026, Section 5.0 00403 EL015 pH, unfiltered water, automated laboratory measurement with Orion Ross electrode (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00403 EL018 pH, lab, low ionic-strength (LIS) unfiltered water, custom automated electrometry with glass electrode and ionic strength adjustment (ISA) 00403 EL019 pH, unfiltered water, manual laboratory measurement with Orion Ross electrode (NY WSC; ALSC) 00403 EL020 pH, unfiltered water, laboratory measurement with Orion Ross electrode (NY WSC; KECK) 00403 EL022 pH, water, unfiltered, lab, electrometry by glass electrode (NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) USEPA 150.1 00403 EL023 pH, water, unfiltered, manual laboratory measurement with Orion Three Star Benchtop meter (NewEng WSC; USFSHBSL) 00403 EL024 pH of unfiltered water, laboratory, by electrometry (Standard Methods (19th Ed.) 4500-H B; Dakota WSC, ND-HDL) STDMETH 4500-H-B Standard Methods 00405 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00405 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00405 G0022 00405 GC152 Dissolved gases by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection USGS_GW_Dating_Lab_Procedures_Dissolved_Gases_2018 00408 EL017 pH, water, filtered, lab, initial pH measured by alkalinity instrument 00409 TT058 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00409 TT059 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00409 TT079 Acid neutralizing capacity, unfiltered water, laboratory, manual Gran titration (USGS-NYL) EPA 600/4-87/026, Section 5.0 00409 TT080 Acid neutralizing capacity, unfiltered water, laboratory, automated Gran titration (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00409 TT090 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, manual Gran titration (USGSNYWC; ALSC) 00409 TT091 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration (USGSNYWC; KECK) 00410 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00410 TT008 ANC, FET, FIELD, fixed endpoint 00410 TT009 ANC, FET, FIELD, incremental titration 00410 TT063 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00410 TT064 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00410 TT081 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration (pH 4.5 using bromcresol green, methyl red colorimetric indicator), field (CO WSC) HACH 8203 Hach Water Analysis Handbook, Alkalinity, 1992 00410 TT081 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration (pH 4.5 using bromcresol green, methyl red colorimetric indicator), field (CO WSC) STDMETH 2320B Standard Methods 00413 TT058 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00413 TT059 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00413 TT060 ANC or alkalinity, laboratory, Gran titration, automatic titrator Analyst, 1952, v 77, p 661-671 00413 TT078 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration (NRP and CO WSC) USGS TWRI 9-A6.6/1998, p 28 00413 TT094 Alkalinity, water, filtered, lab, by autotitrator fixed endpoint titration to pH 4.5 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 57 00413 TT105 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, automated titrator (NewEng WSC; USFSHBSL) 00415 TT096 Acid neurtalizing capacity in unfiltered water by laboratory titration to a phenolphthalein endpoint (SM 2320 B; DODESP) STDMETH 2320 B 00416 TT077 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, inflection point titration with buret (NRP and CO WSC) USGS TWRI 9-A6.6/1998, p 19 00416 TT103 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection point titration method, automated titrator STDMETH 2320B Standard Methods 00416 TT107 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection point titration method, automated titrator (USGSNWQL) STDMETH 2320 B Standard Methods 00417 TT010 ANC, FET, LAB, fixed endpoint 00417 TT011 ANC, FET, LAB, incremental titration 00417 TT093 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory (Standard Methods 2320 B; USGS-NYL) STDMETH 2320 B 00417 TT098 Acid neutalizing capacity (ANC) in unfiltered water by laboratory titration to a indicator end point (SM 2320B; PA WSC; PA-SLW) STDMETH 2320 B 00418 TT054 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00418 TT055 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00418 TT082 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration (pH 4.5 using bromcresol green, methyl red colorimetric indicator), field (CO WSC) HACH 8203 Hach Water Analysis Handbook, Alkalinity, 1992 00418 TT082 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration (pH 4.5 using bromcresol green, methyl red colorimetric indicator), field (CO WSC) STDMETH 2320B Standard Methods 00419 TT001 ALKALINITY,WWR,IN-TITR,FLD (unknown owner) 00419 TT065 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00419 TT066 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00419 TT076 Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, inflection point titration with digital titrator, field (NRP and CO WSC) USGS TWRI 9-A6.6/1998, p 22 00421 TT071 Alkalinity in filtered water by titration (DODEC program) STDMETH 2320 B Standard Methods 00421 TT102 Alkalinity, water, filtered, manual fixed end-point electrometric titration, laboratory (USGSTMCO) USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 55 00430 TT003 Carbonate ALK FLD EP (NWQL) 00434 EL016 pH, water, lab, adjusted to 25 degrees Celsius, electrometry (EPA method 9040B; DODEC program) USEPA 9040B 00435 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00435 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00435 G0023 Acidity, electrometric titration USGS I-1020-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 845 00435 G0023 Acidity, electrometric titration USGS I-1020-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 515 00435 TT033 Acidity of unfiltered water by titration with NaOH USEPA 305.1 00435 TT069 Acidity in unfiltered water by titration (DODEC program) STDMETH 2310 B Standard Methods 00440 ASM07 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00440 ASM07 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00440 ASM08 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00440 ASM08 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00440 SSM07 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00440 SSM08 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00440 TT006 ANC HCO3 FET FIELD, fixed endpoint 00440 TT007 ANC HCO3 FET FIELD, incremental titration 00440 TT063 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00440 TT064 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00445 ASM07 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00445 ASM07 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00445 ASM08 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00445 ASM08 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00445 SSM07 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00445 SSM08 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00445 TT004 ANC CARB FET FIELD, fixed endpoint (OWQ) 00445 TT005 ANC CARB FET FIELD, incremental titration 00445 TT063 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00445 TT064 Acid neutralizing capacity, fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00447 ASM09 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00447 ASM09 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00447 ASM10 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00447 ASM10 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00447 SSM09 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00447 SSM10 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00447 TT065 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00447 TT066 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00450 ASM09 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00450 ASM09 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00450 ASM10 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00450 ASM10 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00450 SSM09 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00450 SSM10 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00450 TT002 BICARBONATE,WWR,IN-TITR,FLD (unknown owner) 00450 TT065 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00450 TT066 Acid neutralizing capacity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00452 ASM01 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00452 ASM01 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00452 ASM02 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00452 ASM02 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00452 SSM01 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00452 SSM02 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00452 TT018 Carbonate, dissolved, field, fixed endpoint 00452 TT019 Carbonate, dissolved, field, incremental titration 00452 TT061 Alkalinity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00452 TT062 Alkalinity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00453 ASM01 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00453 ASM01 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00453 ASM02 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 00453 ASM02 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00453 SSM01 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00453 SSM02 Inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 00453 TT016 Bicarbonate, dissolved, field, fixed endpoint 00453 TT017 Bicarbonate, dissolved, field, incremental titration 00453 TT061 Alkalinity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00453 TT062 Alkalinity, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 00480 00094 SALINITY (PPT) STDMETH 2520B Standard Methods 00480 G0024 00495 G0025 00495 GRV28 Moisture content of bottom material, by weight USGS P-0590-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 48 00495 GRV63 Moisture content, tissue, solids, gravimetry, custom method by AXYS Analytical Services, Sidney, BC (AXYS SLA-015; CANSGSAA) 00495 GRV72 Moisture content of soil, fraction of dry weight ASTM D-2216 ASTM 00496 GRV25 Loss on ignition, from bottom material, by weight USGS I-5753-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 451 00500 GRV55 Total solids, water, unfiltered, dried at 103-105 degrees Celsius, gravimetric (Standard Methods 2450 B; USGS-NYL) STDMETH 2450 B 00500 ROE08 Residue on evaparation of unfiltered water, dried at 105 deg. C and weighed (EPA method 160.3; DODEC program) USEPA 160.3 00500 ROE12 Residue on evaporation at 105 deg. C of unfiltered water, by weight USGS I-3750-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 441 00500 ROE13 Residue on evaporation, water, unfiltered, dried at 105 deg. C (SM 2540 B; DODEC program) STDMETH 2540 B Standard Methods 00500 SLD13 Total solids in unfiltered water, gravimetric, dried at 103-105 degrees Celsius (Standard Methods 2540 B; PA WSC) STDMETH 2540 B 00505 GRV13 Loss on ignition of residue on evaporation of unfiltered water, heated to 550 deg. C and weighed USEPA 160.4 00505 GRV58 Loss on ignition of fixed and volatile solids, water, unfiltered, ignited at 550 degrees Celsius, gravimetric (Standard Methods 2540 E; USGS-NYL) STDMETH 2540 E 00505 GRV71 Loss on ignition, from residue on evaporation of water, by weight (USGSOHML) USGS I-3765-85 USGS TWRI 1985 00505 SLD03 Loss on ignition, from residue on evaporation of unfiltered water, by weight USGS I-3753-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 447 00515 GRV44 Solids, residue on evaporation at 105 degrees Celsius, dissolved, gravimetric (USGS I-1749-85; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USGS I-1749-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 00515 ROE09 Residue on evaporation at 105 deg. C of filtered water, by weight USGS I-1749-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 439 00520 ROE11 Loss on ignition, from residue on evaporation of filtered water, by weight USGS I-1753-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 445 00525 GRV03 Solids, non-vol, FIL 00530 CAL16 Computed using GCLAS 00530 GRV45 Solids, residue at 105 degrees Celsius, suspended, gravimetric (USGS I-3765-85; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USGS I-3765-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 00530 GRV48 Suspended solids, freeze dried at -50 degrees Celsius, by weight (USGSBGCA) 00530 GRV52 Total suspended solids (TSS), dried at 103 to 105 degrees Celsius, gravimetric (USGS I-3765-85; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USGS I-3765-85 00530 GRV53 Suspended solids (TSS), water, unfiltered, dried at 103 to 105 degrees Celsius, gravimetric (Standard Methods 2540 D; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) STDMETH 2540 D 00530 GRV54 Suspended solids (TSS), water, unfiltered, dried at 103 to 105 degrees Celsius, gravimetric (Standard Methods 2540 D; USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) STDMETH 2540 D 00530 GRV61 Suspended solids (TSS), dried at 105 degrees Celsius, gravimetric (USGS I-3765-85; DODESP) USGS I-3765-85 00530 GRV68 Total suspended solids (TSS), water, dried at 103-105 degrees Celsius, gravimetric (Standard Methods 2540 D-2011; NYWSC) STDMETH 2540 D-2011 Standard Methods 00530 ROE01 Residue T-NONFL105 S 00530 ROE07 RESIDUE TOT NON-FILT AT 105C USEPA 160.2 00530 ROE20 Residue, filtered from water, dried at 105 deg. C, by weight (Standard Methods 20th Ed. 2540D; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) STDMETH 2540D Standard Methods 00530 SLD01 Suspended solids filtered from water (aka: TSS or nonfilterable residue), dried at 105 deg. C and weighed (EPA method 160.2; DODEC program) USEPA 160.2 00530 SLD04 Suspended solids, dried at 105 deg. C, by weight USGS I-3765-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 443 00530 SLD06 Residue, filtered from water (aka: nonfilterable or TSS), dried at 105 deg. C, and weighed (Standard Methods 2540 D; DODEC program) STDMETH 2540 D Standard Methods 00530 SLD08 Residue, total nonfilterable, dried at 105 deg. C, by weight (Colorado WSC) USGS I-3765-89 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 443 00530 SLD10 Residue, non-filterable, gravimetric, dried at 103-105 deg. C (EPA 160.2, Colorado WSC) USEPA 160.2 00530 SLD11 Residue, non-filterable, gravimetric, dried at 103-105 deg. C (EPA 160.2; Colorado WSC; CO-HFMAN lab) USEPA 160.2 00530 SLD17 Suspended solids (TSS) filtered from water, dried at 105 degrees Celsius and weighed (Standard Methods 2540 D; WI WSC) STDMETH 2540 D 00535 GRV60 Loss on ignition of suspended solids, water, unfiltered USGS I-3767-85 00535 GRV64 Loss on ignition (LOI) from suspended sediment material filtered from water, heated to 550 degrees Celsius, by gravimetric analysis (Standard Methods 2540 E; New England WSC) STDMETH 2540 E 00535 SLD02 Loss on ignition of suspended solids filtered from water, heated to 550 deg. C and weighed USEPA 160.4 00535 SLD05 Loss on ignition, from suspended solids, by weight USGS I-3767-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 449 00535 SLD16 Loss on ignition (LOI) from suspended solids filtered from water, heated to 550 degrees Celsius, and weighed (Standard Methods 2540 E; WI WSC) STDMETH 2540 E 00540 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00540 GRV59 Suspended solids remaining after ignition, water, unfiltered USGS I-3766-85 00540 ROE02 Residue fixed nonfil 00540 SLD09 Residue, fixed nonfilterable, ignition at 550 deg. C, by weight (Colorado WSC) USEPA 160.4 EPA/600/4-79/020 00540 SLD12 Residue, nonfiltrable, after ignition (Standard Methods 2540 E; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 2540 E 00545 IMHOF Settleable solids from unfiltered water, measured volumetrically with an Imhoff cone (EPA method 160.5; DODEC program) USEPA 160.5 00545 SLD18 Settleable solids from unfiltered water, measured either volumetrically or gravimetrically (Standard Methods 2540 F; DODESP program) STDMETH 2540 F 00552 00101 EPA Method 1664, Oil & Grease USEPA 1664 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 1996.08 00552 GRV30 n-Hexane extractable material (HEM) by extraction and gravimetry (see attachment 1 in the reference) USEPA 1664A EPA-821-R-98-002 00552 GRV36 n-Hexane extractable material (HEM) and silica gel treated n-hexane extractable material (SGT-HEM) by extraction and gravimetry (oil and grease and total petroleum hydrocarbons)(EPA method 1664; PA WSC) USEPA 1664 00552 GRV46 n-Hexane extractable material (HEM; oil & grease) and silica gel treated n-hexane extractable material (SGT-HEM; non-polar material), water, unfiltered, by extraction and gravimetry (EPA 1664B; DODESP; RTI) USEPA 1664B 00553 GRV29 n-Hexane Extractable Material (HEM) USEPA 9071B EPA SW-846, Method 9071B 00556 00101 EPA Method 1664, Oil & Grease USEPA 1664 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 1996.08 00556 GRV26 Oil and grease extractable from unfiltered water, by weight USGS O-3108-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 51 00557 GRV27 Oil and grease extractable from bottom material, by weight USGS O-5108-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 53 00572 GRV15 Periphyton, gravimetric method for biomass (NWQL) USGS B-3520-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 139 00572 GRV16 Periphyton, gravimetric method for biomass (Ocala) USGS B-3520-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 139 00573 GRV15 Periphyton, gravimetric method for biomass (NWQL) USGS B-3520-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 139 00573 GRV16 Periphyton, gravimetric method for biomass (Ocala) USGS B-3520-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 139 00597 GC153 Dissolved gases by gas chromatography with thermal conductivity detection USGS_GW_Dating_Lab_Procedures_Dissolved_Gases_2018 00600 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00600 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00600 B0083 Total nitrogen, water, unfiltered, calculated USGS I-3556-77 00600 CAL11 Total nitrogen calculated as the sum of analytically determined total dissolved (P62854) and total particulate (P49570) nitrogen 00600 CAL12 Total nitrogen in unfiltered water calculated as the sum of total Kjeldahl nitrogen plus nitrate and nitrite 00600 CAL30 Nitrogen (TN) calculated as the sum of Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) + nitrate (NO3) + nitrite (NO2) 00600 CAL31 Total nitrogen, water, unfiltered, calculated (USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) 00600 PSF13 Total nitrogen in unfiltered water by semi-micro-Kjeldahl persulfate oxidation (SM 4500-N C; PA WSC; PA-DEP) STDMETH 4500-N C Standard Methods 00600 PSF15 Total nitrogen in unfiltered water by persulfate method, alkaline oxidation, cadmium reduction, continuous flow analyzer (Standard Methods 4500-N C; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) STDMETH 4500-N C 00601 CAL27 Total particulate nitrogen (TPN) calculated as the difference between total nitrogen (TN) and total dissolved nitrogen (DN) 00601 CMB02 Elements in suspended sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 00601 CMB02 Elements in suspended sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 00601 CMB13 Carbon and nitrogen in sediment and particulates by combustion (EPA 440.0; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 440.0 00602 00141 USGS I-1556-77 00602 AKP03 Dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in filtered (0.45 um) water by alkaline persulfate digestion and colorimetry (New England WSC; MACCSHML) USGS WRI 03-4174 00602 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00602 CAL28 Total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) calculated as the sum of dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen (DKN) and nitrate plus nitrite (DNOx) 00602 CDR12 Dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and nitrite, filtered water, persulfate oxidation/cadmium reduction, flow injection analyzer (USGS-NYL) USGS SOP NYL 2011 TDN & NO2 00602 HYZ01 Nitrate plus nitrite in filtered water by automated hydrazine reduction (Standard Methods 4500-NO3- H; DODESP program) STDMETH 4500-NO3- H 00602 PCL01 Total nitrogen in filtered water by pyrochemiluminescence (CA WSC) SSSAJ, 1996, v 60, p 1050-1055 00602 PSF14 Total nitrogen in filtered water by semi-micro-Kjeldahl persulfate oxidation (SM 4500-N C; PA WSC; PA-DEP) STDMETH 4500-N C Standard Methods 00602 PSF17 Nitrogen in filtered water by alkaline persulfate digestion and colorimetry (USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) Limnol Oceanogr, 1977, v 22, p 760-764 00602 PYRO1 Pyrochemiluminescence, N, TOT Nitrogen as N, FIL (NWQL) 00602 PYRO2 Total nitrogen in filtered water by pyrochemiluminescence (NWQL) USGS I-2511-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 167 00602 PYRO3 Total nitrogen (TDN),water, filtered, by pyrochemiluminescence (NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA SSSAJ, 1996, v 60, p 1050-1055 00603 G0026 Total nitrogen, bed sediment, calculated by NWQL USGS I-5556-77 00603 G0027 Total nitrogen, bottom material, titrimetric, digestion-distillation USGS I-5554-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 959 00603 G0027 Total nitrogen, bottom material, titrimetric, digestion-distillation USGS I-5554-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 599 00605 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00605 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00605 B0084 Organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, calculated USGS I-4548-78 00607 00143 USGS I-2547-78 00607 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00607 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00607 CDR12 Dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and nitrite, filtered water, persulfate oxidation/cadmium reduction, flow injection analyzer (USGS-NYL) USGS SOP NYL 2011 TDN & NO2 00608 00042 N, NH4 as N, FIL 00608 00043 N, NH4 as N, FIL low-level 00608 00048 Nutrients in filtered water, colorimetric, by discrete analyzer 00608 CAL16 Computed using GCLAS 00608 CL003 Colorimetry, automated segmented flow (ASF), Salicylate-hypochlorite, N, Ammonia as N, low-level, unpreserved, FIL 00608 CL015 Ammonia in filtered water by automated phenate colorimetry USEPA 350.1 00608 CL035 Ammonia in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) salicylate/hypochlorite colorimetry USGS I-2522-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 125 00608 CL036 Nutrients, filtered water, acidified (FCA), salicylate/hypochlorite, colorimetric USGS I-2522-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 125 00608 CL037 Nutrients, filtered water, salicylate-hypochlorite, colorimetric USGS I-2522-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 125 00608 CL038 Ammonia in low ionic strength (LIS) water by automated segmented flow (ASF) salicylate/hypochlorite colorimetry USGS I-2525-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 119 00608 CL039 Nutrients, low level, filtered water, salicylate-hypochlorite, colorimetric USGS I-2525-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 119 00608 CL101 Ammonia, low level, in filtered water by automated phenate colorimetry USEPA 350.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00608 CL143 Ammonia, low level, water, filtered, phenate colorimetry (CO WSC) USEPA 350.1 EPA/600/R-93/100 00608 CL150 Ammonia in filtered water by phenyl phenolate/hypochlorite colorimetry (2-phenylphenolate reagent variant of the Berthelot reaction (indophenol blue)) (NWQL) 00608 CL153 Nutrients in brine by colorimetry USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-03 00608 CL172 Ammonia in filtered water by discrete analyzer (DA) phenate method with direct phenol/hypochlorite reagent and indophenol colorimetry (NWQL Kone Schedule) 00608 CL173 Ammonia in filtered water (FCA) by discrete analyzer (DA) salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (NWQL) 00608 CL188 Ammonia in filtered water by semi-automated colorimetry (EPA 350.1 rev2; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 350.1 r2 1993 00608 CL207 Ammonia, water, filtered, by semi-automated colorimetry (USEPA 350.1; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 350.1 Rev. 2.0 EPA Method 350.1 00608 CL218 Ammonia, water, filtered, alkaline phenol-hypochlorite reaction, colorimetry by discrete analyzer (SM 4500 NH3 G; CAWSC; MDUMDCBL) STDMETH 4500-NH3-G Standard Methods, 2011 00608 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 00608 ISE09 Ammonia in filtered water by ion selective electrode (SM 4500 NH3 D; DODESP) STDMETH 4500NH3 D 00608 PHH01 Custom method for ammonia in filtered seawater by discrete analyzer phenol-hypochlorite (Berthelot reaction chemistry) colorimetry (NWQL) 00608 PHN01 Ammonia in filtered water by automated phenate colorimetry (EPA 350.1; DODESP) USEPA 350.1 00608 PHN02 Ammonia in filtered water by automated phenate colorimetry (EPA method 350.1, rev 2.0; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 350.1 00608 PHN03 Ammonia, low level (LL), water, filtered, flow-injected auto analyzer (FIA) using phenol/hypochlorite reaction and indophenol colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500 NH3 H; WI WSC) STDMETH 4500 NH3 H 00608 PHN04 Ammonia in filtered water by flow injection phenate colorimetry (EPA 350.1; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 350.1 00608 PHN05 Ammonia in filtered water by automated phenate colorimetry (USGS I-4523-85; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USGS I-4523-85 00608 PHN06 Ammonia, water, filtered, alkaline phenol-based method, 0.2% H2SO4 preserved samples (Lachat 10-107-06-1-B; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) LACHAT 10-107-06-1-B 00608 PHN07 Ammonia, water, filtered, alkaline phenol-based method, non-preserved samples (Lachat 10-107-06-1-C; USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) LACHAT 10-107-06-1-C 00608 PHN08 Ammonia, low level, in filtered (0.45 um) water by automated phenate colorimetry (EPA 350.1; New England WSC; MACCSHML) USEPA 350.1 r2 1993 00608 PHN09 Ammonia, water, filtered, alkaline phenol-based method, low flow, preserved and non-preserved samples (Lachat 10-107-06-J; NCDUNSEL; CAWSC) LACHAT 10-107-06-1-J 00608 PHN10 Ammonia, water, filtered, alkaline phenate method with hypochlorite and sodium nitroprusside (indophenol blue; EPA 350.1 rev. 2, 1993; USGSBPGL) USEPA 350.1 r2 1993 00608 S0095 00608 SHC02 Ammonia in filtered water by discrete analyzer salicylate-hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00048; NWQL) Analyst, 1980, v 105, p 305-316 00608 SHC02 Ammonia in filtered water by discrete analyzer salicylate-hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00048; NWQL) Analytical Chemistry, 1977, v 49, p 464-469 00608 SHC02 Ammonia in filtered water by discrete analyzer salicylate-hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00048; NWQL) Talanta, 1989, v 36, p 261-269 00608 SHC02 Ammonia in filtered water by discrete analyzer salicylate-hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00048; NWQL) USGS I-2522-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 125 00608 SHC03 Ammonia in filtered water, salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (DODESP) USGS I-2522-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 125 00608 SHC04 Ammonia in filtered water by gas diffusion, salicylate/hypochlorite reaction, and colorimetry with matrix correction (EPA 350.1 rev2; NWQL) USEPA 350.1 rev 2 EPA/600/R-93/100 00608 SHC04 Ammonia in filtered water by gas diffusion, salicylate/hypochlorite reaction, and colorimetry with matrix correction (EPA 350.1 rev2; NWQL) USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-03 00610 00080 Whole water nutrients for Ocala cooperators 00610 CL016 Ammonia in unfiltered water by automated phenate colorimetry USEPA 350.1 00610 CL017 Nutrients, unfiltered water, colorimetric USEPA 350.1 00610 CL070 Ammonia in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (NWQL) USGS I-4522-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 315 00610 CL071 Ammonia in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (Ocala) USGS I-4522-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 315 00610 CL072 Ammonia in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (Ocala) USGS I-4522-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 315 00610 CL073 Ammonia in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (Ocala) USGS I-4522-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 315 00610 CL074 Ammonia in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (Ocala) USGS I-4522-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 315 00610 CL075 Ammonia in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) formation of indophenol and colorimetry USGS I-4523-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 321 00610 CL100 Ammonia, low level, in unfiltered water by automated phenate colorimetry USEPA 350.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00610 CL163 Ammonia, unfiltered water, indophenol blue colorimetry, flow injection analyzer (FIA) (USGS-NYL) USEPA 350.1 Rev. 2.0 00610 CL163 Ammonia, unfiltered water, indophenol blue colorimetry, flow injection analyzer (FIA) (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00610 CL174 Ammonia in unfiltered water (WWR) by discrete analyzer (DA) salicylate/hypochlorite reaction and colorimetry (NWQL) 00610 CL189 Ammonia in unfiltered water by semi-automated colorimetry (EPA 350.1 rev2; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 350.1 r2 1993 00610 CL193 Ammonia, unfiltered water, indophenol blue colorimetry, flow injection analyzer (NY WSC; ALSC) 00610 CL194 Ammonia, unfiltered water, indophenol blue colorimetry, flow injection analyzer (NY WSC; KECK) 00610 CL206 Ammonia, water, unfiltered, by semi-automated colorimetry (NewEng WSC; NH-HDL) USEPA 350.1 00610 PHN11 Ammonia in unfiltered water by semi-automated phenate colorimetry (EPA 350.1, rev 2.0; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 350.1 rev. 2.0 EPA 350.1 rev. 2.0 00610 SHC01 Nutrients, unfiltered water, salicylate-hypochlorite, colorimetric USGS I-4522-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 315 00610 TT095 Kjeldahl nitrogen and ammonia in unfiltered water by sulfuric acid titrimetry (SM 4500-NH3 C) after preliminary distillation step (SM 4500-NH3 B) (DODESP) STDMETH 4500-NH3 C 00610 TT095 Kjeldahl nitrogen and ammonia in unfiltered water by sulfuric acid titrimetry (SM 4500-NH3 C) after preliminary distillation step (SM 4500-NH3 B) (DODESP) STDMETH 4500-NH3 B 00611 CL092 Nutrients, bed sediment, salicylate-hypochlorite, colorimetric USGS I-6522-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 125 00611 CL128 Ammonia, solids, automated phenate colorimetry USEPA 350.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00611 S0096 Ammonia, total in bottom material, by ASF salicylate-hypochlorite colorimetry USGS I-6522-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 125 00613 00049 Nutrients in filtered water by enzymatic reductase colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00613 CDR07 Nitrate & nitrite, water, filtered, colormetric, automated cadmium reduction (DODEC) USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00613 CDR12 Dissolved nitrogen (TDN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and nitrite, filtered water, persulfate oxidation/cadmium reduction, flow injection analyzer (USGS-NYL) USGS SOP NYL 2011 TDN & NO2 00613 CDR17 Nitrate plus nitrite, and nitrite, water, filtered, cadmium reduction, automated colorimetry (EPA 353.2; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 353.2 00613 CL009 Colorimetry, N, Nitrite as N, FIL (NWQL) 00613 CL011 Colorimetry, N, Nitrite as N, low-level, FIL 00613 CL040 Nitrite in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) diazotization colorimetry USGS I-2540-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 143 00613 CL041 Nutrients, water filtered, colorimetric USGS I-2540-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 143 00613 CL042 Nitrite in low ionic strength (LIS) water, by automated segmented flow (ASF) diazotization colorimetry USGS I-2542-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 137 00613 CL043 Nutrients, low level, filtered water, colorimetric USGS I-2542-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 137 00613 CL111 Nitrite in filtered water by diazotation of sulfanilamide, coupling with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, and spectrophotometry at 540 nm (EPA method 354.1; DODEC program) USEPA 354.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00613 CL136 Nitrite in filtered water by coupling diazotized sulfanilamide with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, and spectrophotometry (Standard Methods 4500-NO2 B; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-NO2 B Standard Methods 00613 CL148 Nitrate plus nitrite, nitrite, ammonium and orthophosphate ions in filtered water by automated colorimetric methods (NRP and CO WSC) USGS OF 93-638 00613 CL220 Nitrite, water, filtered, diazotization, colorimetry by discrete analyzer (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) USEPA 353.2 rev. 2.0 EPA 353.2 rev. 2.0 00613 DZ001 Nitrite, filtered water, discrete analyzer, diazotization and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00049) USGS USGS OF 93-125, p 217 00613 IC005 Ion chrom Nitrite 00613 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00613 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00613 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00613 IC073 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 9056A 00615 00114 NO2 DW USEPA 353.2 00615 00116 Sample was acidified to meet EPA requirement USEPA 354.1 00615 CDR08 Nitrate & nitrite, water, unfiltered, colormetric, automated cadmium reduction (DODEC) USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00615 CDR20 Nitrate-nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; USGS-NYL) USEPA 353.2 00615 CDR24 Nitrate & nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; NewEng WSC; NH-HDL) USEPA 353.2 00615 CDR25 Nitrate & nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) USEPA 353.2 00615 CL010 Colorimetry, N, Nitrite as N, WWR (NWQL) 00615 CL012 Colorimetry, N, Nitrite as N, low-level, WWR 00615 CL076 Nitrite in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) diazotization and colorimetry (NWQL) USGS I-4540-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 343 00615 CL077 Nitrite, low level (LL), in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) diazotization and colorimetry USGS I-4540-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 343 00615 CL078 Nitrite in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) diazotization and colorimetry (a 48-hour sample holding time was enforced for this method) USGS I-4540-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 343 00615 CL079 Nitrite, low level (LL), in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) diazotization and colorimetry (a 48-hour sample holding time was enforced for this method) USGS I-4540-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 343 00615 CL080 Nitrite in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) diazotization and colorimetry (Ocala) USGS I-4540-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 343 00615 CL110 Nitrite in unfiltered water by diazotation of sulfanilamide, coupling with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, and spectrophotometry at 540 nm (EPA method 354.1; DODEC program) USEPA 354.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00615 CL135 Nitrite in unfiltered water by coupling diazotized sulfanilamide with N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride, and spectrophotometry (Standard Methods 4500-NO2 B; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-NO2 B Standard Methods 00615 IC026 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00615 IC028 Anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 9056) USEPA 9056 EPA SW-846 00615 IC059 Inorganic anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 300.0 00616 CL008 Colorimetry, N, Nitrite as N, BTM 00616 IC042 Inorganic anions in bed sediment by ion chromatography (EPA 9056A; DODESP) USEPA 9056A 00618 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00618 CAL08 Nitrate, water, filtered, calculated USGS I-1531-78 NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Appendix 00618 CAL26 Nitrate in filtered water calculated as the difference between Pcodes 00631 and 00613 00618 CDR07 Nitrate & nitrite, water, filtered, colormetric, automated cadmium reduction (DODEC) USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00618 CL006 Colorimetry, N as Nitrate, low-level, FIL 00618 IC004 Ion chrom Nitrate 00618 IC024 Anions, low ionic strength (<100uS/cm), filtered water, ion chromatography USGS I-2058-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 527 00618 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00618 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00618 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00618 IC034 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography with ion suppression (USGS-NYL) USEPA 300.0 Rev. 2.1 00618 IC034 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography with ion suppression (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00618 IC043 Major anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 95-426A 00618 IC062 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography (USGSNYWC; ALSC) 00618 IC063 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography (USGSNYWC; KECK) 00618 IC066 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; USGSTMCO) USEPA 300.0 00618 IC067 Anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (SM4110B; DODESP) STDMETH 4110 B 00618 IC073 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 9056A 00618 IC077 Inorganic anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; VA WSC) USEPA 300.0 00620 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00620 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00620 CDR08 Nitrate & nitrite, water, unfiltered, colormetric, automated cadmium reduction (DODEC) USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00620 CDR20 Nitrate-nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; USGS-NYL) USEPA 353.2 00620 CDR24 Nitrate & nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; NewEng WSC; NH-HDL) USEPA 353.2 00620 CL005 Colorimetry, N as Nitrate, WWR 00620 CL007 Colorimetry, N as Nitrate, low-level, WWR 00620 IC026 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00620 IC028 Anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 9056) USEPA 9056 EPA SW-846 00620 IC059 Inorganic anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 300.0 00620 IC068 Anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (SM4110B; DODESP) STDMETH 4110 B 00620 IC086 Anions, unfiltered water, 20 um laboratory filtration, ion chromatography with ion suppression (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00621 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00621 CL004 Colorimetry, N as Nitrate, BTM 00621 IC017 Inorganic Anions by IC USEPA 9056A EPA SW-846, Method 9056A 00621 IC042 Inorganic anions in bed sediment by ion chromatography (EPA 9056A; DODESP) USEPA 9056A 00623 00044 N, NH4+OGR as N, FIL 00623 CL051 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) block digestion with sulfuric acid/mercuric sulfate, reaction with salicylate/hypochlorite, and colorimetry USGS I-2552-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 327 00623 CL061 Total phosphorus in filtered water by microkjeldahl digestion, and automated segmented flow (ASF) dialysis and colorimetry USGS I-2610-91 USGS OF 92-146 00623 KJ002 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, filtered water, Kjeldahl digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USGS I-2515-91 USGS OF 00-170 00623 KJ003 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, filtered water, Kjeldahl digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USGS I-2515-91 USGS OF 00-170 00623 KJ016 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in filtered water by Kjeldahl analysis USEPA 351.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00623 KJ021 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, filtered water, Kjeldahl digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00623 KJ022 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, filtered water, acidified (FCA), Kjeldahl digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00623 KJ027 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, filtered, Kjeldahl digestion with mercury catalyst (Lachat 10-107-06-2-E; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) LACHAT 10-107-06-2-E 00623 KJ031 Kjeldahl nitrogen, water, filtered, colorimetry (PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 351.2 00624 00001 AMMONIA+ORGANIC-N,SUS 00625 CAL16 Computed using GCLAS 00625 CAL20 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in unfiltered water, sum of organic nitrogen by macro-Kjeldahl and ammonia by distillation and titration (STDMETH 4500Norg B and 4500-NH3 B&C; PA WSC; lab PA-FLA) STDMETH 4500-Norg B 00625 CAL20 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in unfiltered water, sum of organic nitrogen by macro-Kjeldahl and ammonia by distillation and titration (STDMETH 4500Norg B and 4500-NH3 B&C; PA WSC; lab PA-FLA) STDMETH 4500-NH3 B&C 00625 CL083 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) block digestion with sulfuric acid-mercuric sulfate, reaction with salicylate-hypochlorite, and colorimetry USGS I-4552-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 327 00625 CL144 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, Kjeldahl colorimetry (CO WSC) USEPA 351.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00625 KJ001 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in unfiltered water by Kjeldahl analysis USEPA 351.2 00625 KJ006 Ammonia Plus Organic Nitrogen in Unfiltered Water by Microkjeldahl Digestion, and ASF Gas Diffusion Cleanup and Colorimetry USGS I-4515-91 USGS OF 00-170 00625 KJ007 Ammonia Plus Organic Nitrogen in Unfiltered Water by Microkjeldahl Digestion, and ASF Gas Diffusion Cleanup and Colorimetry USGS I-4515-91 USGS OF 00-170 00625 KJ008 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, unfiltered water, acidified (WCA), Kjeldahl digestion, continuous flow colorimetry USGS I-4515-91 USGS OF 00-170 00625 KJ023 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, unfiltered water, acidified (WCA), Kjeldahl digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00625 KJ025 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in unfiltered water by semi-micro Kjeldahl method (STDMETH 4500Norg C; ASTM D6919-09; PA WSC; lab PA-FLA) STDMETH 4500-Norg C 00625 KJ025 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in unfiltered water by semi-micro Kjeldahl method (STDMETH 4500Norg C; ASTM D6919-09; PA WSC; lab PA-FLA) ASTM D6919-09 00625 KJ026 NH3+org-N, water, unfiltered, flow-injected auto analyzer (FIA) using Kjeldahl analysis (EPA 351.2; WI WSC) USEPA 351.2 00625 KJ028 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, Kjeldahl digestion with mercury catalyst (Lachat 10-107-06-2-E; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) LACHAT 10-107-06-2-E 00625 KJ029 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), water, unfiltered, by Kjeldahl digestion, salicylate/nitroprusside, copper catalyst (Lachat 10-107-06-2-I; USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) LACHAT 10-107-06-2-I 00625 KJ030 Kjeldahl nitrogen, water, unfiltered, potassium and mercury sulfate digestion, and colorimetry (PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 351.2 00625 S0097 00625 TT095 Kjeldahl nitrogen and ammonia in unfiltered water by sulfuric acid titrimetry (SM 4500-NH3 C) after preliminary distillation step (SM 4500-NH3 B) (DODESP) STDMETH 4500-NH3 C 00625 TT095 Kjeldahl nitrogen and ammonia in unfiltered water by sulfuric acid titrimetry (SM 4500-NH3 C) after preliminary distillation step (SM 4500-NH3 B) (DODESP) STDMETH 4500-NH3 B 00626 CL093 Ammonia plus organic nitrogen in bottom material by automated segmented flow (ASF) block digestion with sulfuric acid-mercuric sulfate, reaction with salicylate-hypochlorite, and colorimetry USGS I-6552-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 327 00626 G0028 Nitrogen, ammonia plus organic, total in bottom material, colorimetric, block digestor-salicylate-hypochlorite, automated USGS I-6552-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 669 00626 G0028 Nitrogen, ammonia plus organic, total in bottom material, colorimetric, block digestor-salicylate-hypochlorite, automated USGS I-6552-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 401 00626 KJ017 Total Kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN), solids, colorimetry USEPA 351.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00630 00080 Whole water nutrients for Ocala cooperators 00630 00113 NO2 + NO3 DW USEPA 353.2 00630 00115 NITROGEN NO2+NO3-N TOTAL LL USEPA 353.2 00630 CDR02 Nitrate plus nitrite in unfiltered water by automated cadmium reduction and colorimetry USEPA 353.2 00630 CDR03 Nutrients, unfiltered water, cadmium-reduction, colorimetric USGS I-4545-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 351 00630 CDR04 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, in unfiltered water by automated cadmium reduction and colorimetry USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00630 CDR15 Nitrate+nitrite in unfiltered water by automated cadmium reduction and colorimetry (EPA 353.2 rev2; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 353.2 r2 1993 00630 CDR20 Nitrate-nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; USGS-NYL) USEPA 353.2 00630 CDR24 Nitrate & nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; NewEng WSC; NH-HDL) USEPA 353.2 00630 CDR25 Nitrate & nitrite, water, unfiltered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (EPA 353.2; NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) USEPA 353.2 00630 CL001 Automated-segmented flow, colorimetric 00630 CL081 Nitrite plus nitrate in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) cadmium reduction, diazotization, and colorimetry (NWQL) USGS I-4545-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 351 00630 CL082 Nitrite plus nitrate in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) cadmium reduction, diazotization, and colorimetry (Ocala) USGS I-4545-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 351 00630 CL131 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, in unfiltered water by hydrazine reduction method and colorimetry USEPA 353.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00630 CL133 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, in unfiltered water by hydrazine reduction/ sodium pyrophosphate method and colorimetry USEPA 353.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00630 CL200 Nitrate plus nitrite in unfiltered water by automated colorimetry (Lachat QuikChem 10-107-04-1-P; DODESP) LACHAT 10-107-04-1-P 00630 CL201 Nitrate plus nitrite in unfiltered water by automated colorimetry (EPA 353.2 [Lachat QuikChem 10-107-04-1-P]); DODESP) USEPA 353.2 00630 CL209 Nitrate plus Nitrite, water, unfiltered, by automated colorimetry (EPA 353.2, rev 2.0; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 353.2 Rev. 2.0 00630 HYZ02 Nitrate plus nitrite in unfiltered water by automated hydrazine reduction (Standard Methods 4500-NO3- H; DODESP program) STDMETH 4500-NO3- H 00630 IC026 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00630 S0098 Nitrite plus nitrate, water, unfiltered, colorimetric, hydrazine reduction-diazotization, automated-discrete USGS I-4543-83 00630 S0098 Nitrite plus nitrate, water, unfiltered, colorimetric, hydrazine reduction-diazotization, automated-discrete USGS I-4543-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 355 00631 00045 NO2+NO3-D HYD DSCRT 00631 00046 NO2+NO3DLL HYD DSCRT 00631 00112 Colorimetric, Automated, Cd Reduction USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00631 CAL16 Computed using GCLAS 00631 CDR05 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, in filtered water by automated cadmium reduction and colorimetry USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00631 CDR06 Nitrate plus nitrite in filtered water by automated cadmium reduction and colorimetry USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00631 CDR14 Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, flow-injected auto analyzer (FIA) using cadmium reduction and colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500 NO3 I; WI WSC) STDMETH 4500 NO3 I 00631 CDR16 Nitrate+nitrite in filtered water by automated cadmium reduction and colorimetry (EPA 353.2 rev2; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 353.2 r2 1993 00631 CDR17 Nitrate plus nitrite, and nitrite, water, filtered, cadmium reduction, automated colorimetry (EPA 353.2; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 353.2 00631 CDR18 Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, cadmium reduction, low?flow (LF) method (Lachat 10-107-04-1-A; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) LACHAT 10-107-04-1-A 00631 CDR19 Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, cadmium reduction, low?flow (LF) method (Lachat 10-107-04-1-A; USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) LACHAT 10-107-04-1-A 00631 CDR22 Nitrate plus nitrite in filtered (0.45 um) water by automated cadmium reduction and colorimetry (EPA 353.4; New England WSC; MACCSHML) USEPA 353.4 00631 CDR26 Nitrate & nitrite, water, filtered, automated cadmium reduction and colorimtery (ASTM D3867-04; VA WSC) ASTM D3867-04 00631 CDR29 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, water, filtered, cadmium reduction, colorimetry by discrete analyzer (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) USEPA 353.2 rev. 2.0 EPA 353.2 rev. 2.0 00631 CL044 Nitrite plus nitrate in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) cadmium reduction, diazotization, and colorimetry USGS I-2545-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 351 00631 CL045 Nitrite plus nitrate in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) cadmium reduction-diazotization colorimetry USGS I-2545-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 157 00631 CL047 Nutrients, filtered water, acidified (FCA), cadmium-reduction, colorimetric USGS I-2545-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 157 00631 CL048 Nutrients, filtered water, cadmium-reduction, colorimetric USGS I-2545-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 157 00631 CL049 Nitrite plus nitrate in low ionic strength (LIS) water by automated segmented flow (ASF) cadmium reduction-diazotization colorimetry USGS I-2546-91 USGS OF 93-125, p 149 00631 CL050 Nutrients, low level (LL), filtered water, cadmium-reduction, colorimetric USGS I-2546-91 USGS OF 93-125, p 149 00631 CL114 New Method, water, filtered, acidified (FCA), colorimetry, discrete analyzer (DA), enzyme reduction-diazotization (ERD) 00631 CL115 New Method, water, filtered, colorimetry, continuous flow analyzer (CFA), enzyme reduction-diazotization (ERD) 00631 CL116 New Method, low level (LL), water, filtered, colorimetry, continuous flow analyzer (CFA), enzyme reduction-diazotization (ERD) 00631 CL117 New Method, water, filtered, acidified (FCA), colorimetry, continuous flow analyzer (CFA), enzyme reduction-diazotization (ERD) 00631 CL118 New Method, water, filtered, colorimetry, semiautomated batch enzymatic reduction-diazotization (ERD) 00631 CL119 New Method, water, filtered, acifified (FCA), colorimetry, semiautomated batch enzymatic reduction-diazotization (ERD) 00631 CL120 Custom NWQL Labcode 8104 -- Unfiltered Acidified (at lab) Nitrate for National Cancer Institute 00631 CL132 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, in filtered water by hydrazine reduction method and colorimetry USEPA 353.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00631 CL134 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, in filtered water by hydrazine reduction/ sodium pyrophosphate method and colorimetry USEPA 353.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00631 CL145 Nitrate plus nitrite, low level, water, filtered, hydrazine colorimetry (CO WSC) USEPA 353.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00631 CL208 Nitrate plus Nitrite, water, filtered, by automated colorimetry (EPA 353.2, rev 2.0; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 353.2 Rev. 2.0 00631 CL219 Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, enzymatic reduction-diazotization (ERD) colorimetry by discrete analyzer (CAWSC; MDUMDCBL) ASTM D-7781-14 ASTM 00631 HYZ01 Nitrate plus nitrite in filtered water by automated hydrazine reduction (Standard Methods 4500-NO3- H; DODESP program) STDMETH 4500-NO3- H 00631 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00631 RED01 Nitrate + nitrite, filtered water, enzymatic reduction, Griess Reaction colorimetry, automated discrete analyzer, standard range USGS I-2547-11 USGS TMR 5-B8 00631 RED02 Nitrate + nitrite, filtered water, enzymatic reduction, Griess Reaction colorimetry, automated discrete analyzer, low range USGS I-2548-11 USGS TMR 5-B8 00631 RED03 Nitrate + nitrite, filtered-acidified water, enzymatic reduction, Griess Reaction colorimetry, automated discrete analyzer USGS I-2547-11 USGS TMR 5-B8 00631 RED04 Nitrate + nitrite, filtered water, enzymatic reduction, Griess Reaction colorimetry, continuous flow analyzer 00631 RED05 Nitrate + nitrite, filtered-acidified water, enzymatic reduction, Griess Reaction colorimetry, continuous flow analyzer 00631 RED06 Nitrate + nitrite, filtered or filtered-acidified, semi-automated batch enzymatic reduction, Griess Reaction colorimetry 00631 RED10 Nitrate + nitrite, water, filtered, colorimetry, segmented flow analyzer, enzymatic reduction-diazotization USGS I-2531-12 00631 RED11 Nitrate + nitrite, low level, water, filtered, colorimetry, segmented flow analyzer, enzymatic reduction-diazotization USGS I-2532-12 00631 RED12 Nitrate + nitrite, colorimetry, water, filtered, acidified, segmented flow analyzer, enzymatic reduction-diazotization USGS I-2531-12 00631 RED13 Nitrate + nitrite, water, filtered, colorimetry, semiautomated batch enzymatic reduction-diazotization USGS I-1531-12 00631 RED14 Nitrate + nitrite, low-level, water, filtered, colorimetry, semiautomated batch enzymatic reduction-diazotization USGS I-1532-12 00631 RED15 Nitrate + nitrite, water, filtered, acidified, colorimetry, semiautomated batch enzymatic reduction-diazotization USGS I-1531-12 00631 S0099 00633 CDR10 Nitrate plus nitrite, solids, cadmium reduction, colorimetry USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00633 CL046 Nutrients, bed sediment, cadmium-reduction, colorimetric USGS I-6545-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 157 00633 G0029 00650 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00650 IC068 Anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (SM4110B; DODESP) STDMETH 4110 B 00653 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00653 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00653 IC067 Anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (SM4110B; DODESP) STDMETH 4110 B 00660 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00660 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00660 ASC16 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, ascorbic acid method, molybdenum blue colorimetry (EPA 365.1 rev 2.0; USGS-NYL) USEPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 00660 CL167 Phosphate, water, field, CHEMetrics vanadomolybdo-phosphoric acid colorimetry test kit CHEMetrics V-2000 Photometer Manual, Rev. 16, 2011 00660 CL168 Phosphate, water, field, CHEMetrics stannous chloride colorimetry test kit CHEMetrics V-2000 Photometer Manual, Rev. 16, 2011 00660 G0030 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, calculated by NWQL USGS I-2604-77 00660 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00662 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00662 PSF22 Phosphorus, unfiltered water, flow injection analysis (FIA) UV-catalyzed persulfate digestion colorimetry (NYWSC; ALSC) LACHAT 10-115-01-3-F ALSC SOPs, 2015 00665 00118 PHOSPHORUS AS P TOT LL (EPA) USEPA 365.3 00665 AKP01 Nutrients, unfiltered water, acidified, alkaline-persulfate digestion, continuous flow colorimetry USGS I-4650-03 USGS WRI 03-4174 00665 AKP02 Total nitrogen and phosphorus, unfiltered water, acidified, alkaline-persulfate digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry (New England WSC; MACCSHML) USGS WRI 03-4174 00665 ASC03 All forms of phosphorous in unfiltered water by single reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry (EPA 365.2; DODESP) USEPA 365.2 00665 ASC04 Phosphorus, low level (LL), in unfiltered water by automated ascorbic acid reduction and colorimetry (DODESP program) USEPA 365.2 00665 ASC07 Phosphorus in unfiltered water by automated ascorbic acid reduction and colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500-P F; DODESP program) STDMETH 4500-P F 00665 ASC13 Phosphorus, low level, water, unfiltered, ascorbic acid method (SM4500-P E; DODESP) STDMETH 4500P E 00665 ASC14 Phosphorus in unfiltered water by semi-automated ascorbic acid colorimetry (EPA 365.4; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 365.4 00665 ASC17 Phosphorous, all forms, water, unfiltered, by two reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry (Lachat 10-107-04-1-P, DODESP) LACHAT 10-107-04-1-P 00665 ASC18 Phosphorous, all forms, water, unfiltered, by two reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry (EPA 365.3 [Lachat QuikChem 115-01-3-A], DODESP) USEPA 365.3 00665 CAL16 Computed using GCLAS 00665 CL001 Automated-segmented flow, colorimetric 00665 CL021 Phosphorus, unfiltered water, acidified, acid-persulfate digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USEPA 365.1 00665 CL023 Phosphorus in unfiltered water by persulfate digestion and acid hydrolysis, and colorimetry USEPA 365.3 00665 CL024 Phosphorus, Total - Colorimetric/Automated USEPA 365.4 EPA/600/4-79/020 00665 CL084 Phosphorus in unfiltered water by ASF phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry USGS I-4600-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 367 00665 CL090 Phosphorus, total in unfiltered low ionic strength water, by automated-segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-4607-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 175 00665 CL104 Orthophosphate in unfiltered water by two reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry USEPA 365.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00665 CL106 Phosphorus, low level, in unfiltered water by automated ascorbic acid colorimetry USEPA 365.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00665 CL146 Phosphorus, low level, water, unfiltered, persulfate colorimetry (CO WSC) USEPA 365.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00665 CL153 Nutrients in brine by colorimetry USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-03 00665 CL159 Phosphorus, unfiltered water, automated, block digester, digestion with H2SO4, K2SO4 and HgSO4, colorimetry (EPA 365.4; DODEC program) USEPA 365.4 00665 CL179 Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, flow-injected auto analyzer (FIA) using H2SO4, K2S04, and HgSO4 (EPA 365.4) digestion and hydrolysis, and colorimetry (WI WSC) USEPA 365.4 00665 CL216 Nutrients, unfiltered water, alkaline-persulfate digestion, segmented flow colorimetry USEPA 365.1 rev 2.0 EPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 00665 CL216 Nutrients, unfiltered water, alkaline-persulfate digestion, segmented flow colorimetry STDMETH 4500-P Standard Methods 00665 KJ009 Total Phosphorus in Unfiltered Water by Microkjeldahl Digestion, and ASF Dialysis and Colorimetry (unfiltered sample, preserved by chilling only prior to 1-1-1999, preserved with sulfuric acid 1-1-1999 to present; see OWQ Tech Memo 99.04) USGS I-4610-91 USGS OF 92-146 00665 KJ010 Total Phosphorus in Unfiltered Water by Microkjeldahl Digestion, and ASF Dialysis and Colorimetry (unfiltered sample preserved with mercuric chloride, discontinued 10-01-1994; see OWQ Tech Memo 94.16) USGS I-4610-91 USGS OF 92-146 00665 KJ011 Total Phosphorus in Unfiltered Water by Microkjeldahl Digestion, and ASF Dialysis and Colorimetry (unfiltered sample preserved with sulfuric acid; this method code was discontinued because it duplicated KJ009 with preservation change) USGS I-4610-91 USGS OF 92-146 00665 KJ020 Phosphorus, unfiltered water, acidified (WCA), Kjeldahl digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00665 PHM02 Phosphorus in unfiltered water, phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry (DODESP) USGS I-4600-85 00665 PHM03 Phosphorus in unfiltered water by semi-automated phosphomolybdate colorimetry (EPA 365.1 rev2; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 365.1 r2 1993 00665 PHM05 Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, manual acidic persulfate digestion, molybdate based method (Lachat 10-115-01-1-E; USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) LACHAT 10-115-01-1-E 00665 PHM07 Phosphorus, low level (LL), water, unfiltered, manual acidic persulfate digestion, molybdate colorimetry (Lachat 10-115-01-1-F; USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) LACHAT 10-115-01-1-F 00665 PL138 Sulfur & Phosphorus in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) (EPA 1620; DODESP) USEPA 1620 00665 PL139 Trace elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (EPA 200.7; DODESP) USEPA 200.7 00665 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00665 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00665 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00665 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 00665 PSF03 Nutrients, unfiltered water, acidified, alkaline-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00665 PSF06 Phosphorus, unfiltered water, acidified, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00665 PSF07 Phosphorus in unfiltered brines, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer (NWQL custom method for seawater) 00665 PSF10 Phosphorus in unfiltered brines, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by continuous flow analyzer with matrix matching (NWQL custom method for brines) USEPA 365.1 EPA/600/R-93/100 00665 PSF10 Phosphorus in unfiltered brines, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by continuous flow analyzer with matrix matching (NWQL custom method for brines) USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-03 00665 PSF18 Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, by Standard Methods 4500-N C (20th Ed.) persulfate digestion and then by semi-automated colorimetry following EPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 (Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 EPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 00665 PSF18 Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, by Standard Methods 4500-N C (20th Ed.) persulfate digestion and then by semi-automated colorimetry following EPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 (Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) STDMETH 4500-N C Standard Methods 00665 SNCL1 Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, by digestion, stannous chloride reduction, and molybdenum blue colorimetry (Standard Methods 425C and 425E; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) STDMETH 425C (1975) 00665 SNCL1 Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, by digestion, stannous chloride reduction, and molybdenum blue colorimetry (Standard Methods 425C and 425E; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) STDMETH 425E (1975) 00666 00117 PHOSPHORUS AS P DISS LL (EPA) USEPA 365.3 00666 AKP03 Dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus in filtered (0.45 um) water by alkaline persulfate digestion and colorimetry (New England WSC; MACCSHML) USGS WRI 03-4174 00666 AKP05 Phosphorus, water, filtered, alkaline-persulfate digestion, segmented flow colorimetry (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) USEPA 365.1 rev 2.0 EPA 365.1 rev 2.0 00666 AKP05 Phosphorus, water, filtered, alkaline-persulfate digestion, segmented flow colorimetry (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) STDMETH 4500-P B.5 Standard Methods 00666 AKP05 Phosphorus, water, filtered, alkaline-persulfate digestion, segmented flow colorimetry (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) STDMETH 4500-P E Standard Methods 00666 ASC02 All forms of phosphorous in filtered water by single reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry (EPA 365.2; DODESP) USEPA 365.2 00666 ASC05 Phosphorus, low level (LL), in filtered water by automated ascorbic acid reduction and colorimetry (DODESP program) USEPA 365.2 00666 CL019 Phosphorus, filtered water, acidified, acid-persulfate digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USEPA 365.1 00666 CL020 Phosphorus, filtered water, acid-persulfate digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USEPA 365.1 00666 CL022 Phosphorus in filtered water by persulfate digestion and acid hydrolysis, and colorimetry USEPA 365.3 00666 CL052 Phosphorus, dissolved, colorimetric, phosphomolybdate, automated USGS I-2600-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 453 00666 CL059 Phosphorus in low ionic-strength (LIS) water by automated segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-2607-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 175 00666 CL060 Phosphorus in low ionic-strength (LIS) water by automated segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-2607-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 175 00666 CL061 Total phosphorus in filtered water by microkjeldahl digestion, and automated segmented flow (ASF) dialysis and colorimetry USGS I-2610-91 USGS OF 92-146 00666 CL062 Nutrients, filtered water, acidified, alkaline-persulfate digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USGS I-2650-03 USGS WRI 03-4174 00666 CL063 Nutrients, filtered water, alkaline-persulfate digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USGS I-2650-03 USGS WRI 03-4174 00666 CL105 Orthophosphate in filtered water by two reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry USEPA 365.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00666 CL107 Phosphorus, low level, in filtered water by automated ascorbic acid colorimetry USEPA 365.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00666 CL153 Nutrients in brine by colorimetry USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-03 00666 CL154 Custom analysis for nutrients in filtered brines by colorimetry 00666 CL210 Phosphorus, water, filtered, by semi-automated colorimetry (EPA 365.1 rev. 2.0; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 EPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 00666 KJ004 Phosphorus, filtered water, acidified (FCA), Kjeldahl digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USGS I-2610-91 USGS OF 92-146 00666 KJ005 Phosphorus, filtered water, Kjeldahl digestion, continuous flow (CF) colorimetry USGS I-2610-99 USGS OF 92-146 00666 KJ018 Phosphorus, filtered water, Kjeldahl digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00666 KJ019 Phosphorus, filtered water, acidified (FCA), Kjeldahl digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00666 PHM04 Phosphorus in filtered water by semi-automated phosphomolybdate colorimetry (EPA 365.1 rev2; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 365.1 r2 1993 00666 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00666 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 00666 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00666 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00666 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 00666 PSF01 Nutrients, filtered water, alkaline-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00666 PSF02 Nutrients, filtered water, acidified, alkaline-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00666 PSF04 Phosphorus, filtered water, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00666 PSF05 Phosphorus, filtered water, acidified, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00666 PSF08 Phosphorus in filtered brines, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by discrete analyzer (NWQL custom method for seawater) 00666 PSF09 Phosphorus in filtered brines, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by continuous flow analyzer with matrix matching (NWQL custom method for brines) USEPA 365.1 EPA/600/R-93/100 00666 PSF09 Phosphorus in filtered brines, acid-persulfate digestion, colorimetry by continuous flow analyzer with matrix matching (NWQL custom method for brines) USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-03 00666 PSF16 Phosphorus in filtered water by Standard Methods 4500N C for persulfate digestion and then analyzed by colorimetry following EPA method 365.1 (USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) STDMETH 4500N C 00666 PSF16 Phosphorus in filtered water by Standard Methods 4500N C for persulfate digestion and then analyzed by colorimetry following EPA method 365.1 (USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 365.1 00666 S0100 00666 SNCL2 Phosphorus, water, filtered, by digestion, stannous chloride reduction, and molybdenum blue colorimetry (Standard Methods 425C and 425E; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) STDMETH 425C (1975) 00666 SNCL2 Phosphorus, water, filtered, by digestion, stannous chloride reduction, and molybdenum blue colorimetry (Standard Methods 425C and 425E; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) STDMETH 425E (1975) 00667 CAL29 Total particulate phosphorus (TPP) calculated as the difference between total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved phosphorus (DP) 00667 CL197 Particulate phosphorus in water by semi-automated flow colorimetry (USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) Analyst, 1976, v 101, p 187-197 00668 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 00668 ASC08 Phosphorus in bed sediment by automated ascorbic acid reduction and colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500-P F; DODESP program) STDMETH 4500-P F 00668 CL094 Phosphorus in bottom material by automated segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry USGS I-6600-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 367 00668 CL129 Phosphorus, solids, ascorbic acid colorimetry USEPA 365.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00668 G0031 Phosphorus, total in bottom material, colorimetric, phosphomolybdate, automated USGS I-6600-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 805 00668 G0031 Phosphorus, total in bottom material, colorimetric, phosphomolybdate, automated USGS I-6600-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 487 00668 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 00669 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00669 G0032 Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, unfiltered, automated phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-4602-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 769 00669 G0032 Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, unfiltered, automated phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-4602-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 463 00670 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00670 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00670 G0033 Organic phosphorus, water, unfiltered, colorimetric, calculated by NWQL USGS I-4603-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 785 00670 G0033 Organic phosphorus, water, unfiltered, colorimetric, calculated by NWQL USGS OF 80-1279, Table 2.2 00670 G0033 Organic phosphorus, water, unfiltered, colorimetric, calculated by NWQL USGS I-4603-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 473 00671 00048 Nutrients in filtered water, colorimetric, by discrete analyzer 00671 00058 P, Ortho-P as P, FIL low-level 00671 00081 non-std preservation (freezing) 00671 00119 PHOSPHORUS PO4-P DIS LL EPA USEPA 365.3 00671 ASC11 Orthophosphate, low level (LL), in filtered water and preserved with H2SO4, flow-injected auto analyzer (FIA) using ascorbic acid reduction and colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500 P G; WI WSC) STDMETH 4500 P G 00671 ASC12 Orthophosphate, low level, in filtered water by two reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry (EPA 365.3, DODESP) USEPA 365.3 00671 ASC15 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, ascorbic acid method (Hach 8048; USGSVAWC; VA-FCES) HACH 8048 00671 ASC16 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, ascorbic acid method, molybdenum blue colorimetry (EPA 365.1 rev 2.0; USGS-NYL) USEPA 365.1 Rev 2.0 00671 ASC19 Orthophosphate, water, filtered (0.45 um), ascorbic acid method, molybdenum blue colorimetry (EPA 365.5; New England WSC; MACCSHML) USEPA 365.5 00671 CAL16 Computed using GCLAS 00671 CL002 Colorimetry, automated segmented flow (ASF), Phosphomolybdate, P, Orthophosphate as P, low-level, unpreserved, FIL 00671 CL053 Nutrients, filtered water, phosphomolybdate, colorimetric USGS I-2601-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 197 00671 CL054 Orthophosphate in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-2601-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 197 00671 CL057 Nutrients, low level (LL), filtered water, phosphomolybdate, colorimetric USGS I-2606-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 191 00671 CL058 Orthophosphate in low ionic-strength (LIS) water by automated segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-2606-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 191 00671 CL103 Orthophosphate, low level, in filtered water by automated ascorbic acid colorimetry USEPA 365.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00671 CL105 Orthophosphate in filtered water by two reagent ascorbic acid colorimetry USEPA 365.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00671 CL127 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, ascorbic acid colorimetry (DODEC) USEPA 365.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00671 CL147 Orthophosphate, low level, water, filtered, ascorbic colorimetry (CO WSC) STDMETH 4500-PE Standard Methods 00671 CL167 Phosphate, water, field, CHEMetrics vanadomolybdo-phosphoric acid colorimetry test kit CHEMetrics V-2000 Photometer Manual, Rev. 16, 2011 00671 CL168 Phosphate, water, field, CHEMetrics stannous chloride colorimetry test kit CHEMetrics V-2000 Photometer Manual, Rev. 16, 2011 00671 CL198 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, semi-automated colorimetry (EPA 365.1; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 365.1 00671 CL221 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, ascorbic acid colorimetry by discrete analyzer (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) USEPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 EPA 365.1 rev. 2.0 00671 IC006 Ion chrom Phosphate 00671 IC024 Anions, low ionic strength (<100uS/cm), filtered water, ion chromatography USGS I-2058-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 527 00671 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00671 IC073 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 9056A 00671 IC076 Major anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00671 PHM01 Orthophosphate in filtered water by discrete analyzer phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00048) Anal Chim Acta, 1962, v 27, p 31-36 00671 PHM01 Orthophosphate in filtered water by discrete analyzer phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00048) Anal Chim Acta, 1990, v 229, p 115-120 00671 PHM01 Orthophosphate in filtered water by discrete analyzer phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry (formerly Mcode 00048) USGS OF 93-125, p 175-181 & 191-202 00671 PHM04 Phosphorus in filtered water by semi-automated phosphomolybdate colorimetry (EPA 365.1 rev2; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 365.1 r2 1993 00671 PHM06 Orthophosphate, water, filtered, molybdate method (Lachat 10-115-01-1-A; USGSVAWC; VA-HRSD) LACHAT 10-115-01-1-A 00671 S0101 00671 S0102 00672 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00672 CL170 Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, filtered, automated ascorbic-acid reduction method STDMETH 4500-P F 00672 G0034 Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, filtered, automated phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-2602-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 763 00672 G0034 Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, filtered, automated phosphomolybdate colorimetry USGS I-2602-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 459 00673 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00673 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00673 G0035 Organic phosphorus, water, filtered, colorimetric, calculated by NWQL USGS I-2603-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 775 00673 G0035 Organic phosphorus, water, filtered, colorimetric, calculated by NWQL USGS OF 80-1279, Table 2.2 00673 G0035 Organic phosphorus, water, filtered, colorimetric, calculated by NWQL USGS I-2603-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 467 00677 CL055 Phosphorus, hydrolyzable, dissolved, colorimetric, phosphomolybdate, automated USGS I-2602-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 459 00677 CL056 Orthophosphate and hydrolyzable phosphorus in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry USGS I-2602-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 377 00678 CL088 Phosphorus, hydrolyzable, total, colorimetric, phosphomolybdate, automated USGS I-4602-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 463 00678 CL089 Orthophosphate and hydrolyzable phosphorus in unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) phosphomolybdate formation and colorimetry USGS I-4602-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 377 00680 00122 Organic carbon in unfiltered water by combustion or oxidation to CO2 and detection by IR spectrometry or reduction to CH4 and GC-FID USEPA 415.1 00680 00124 CARBON ORGANIC TOTAL (EPA) USEPA 415.1 00680 CMB05 Organic carbon in unfiltered water by combustion (DODEC program) STDMETH 5310 B Standard Methods 00680 CMB10 Total organic carbon (TOC) in unfiltered water by high-temperature combustion and carbon dioxide detecion (Standard Methods 5310 B; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 5310B Standard Methods 00680 CMB17 Total organic carbon (TOC) in unfiltered water by high temperature combustion (HTC), preserved with H2SO4 to pH <2 (SM5310B; NWQL) STDMETH 5310 B 00680 CMB18 Organic carbon in unfiltered water (TOC) by high-temperature combustion (SM5310B; DODESP) STDMETH 5310 B 00680 COMB4 Organic carbon (OC) by combustion-infrared method STDMETH 5310B Standard Methods 00680 COMB9 Total organic carbon in unfiltered water by high temperature combustion USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-21 00680 OX001 Organic carbon in unfiltered water by persulfate-ultraviolet oxidation and carbon dioxide detection by IR, FID, or titration STDMETH 5310C Standard Methods 00680 OX009 Carbon, organic, total, wet oxidation USGS O-3100-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 15 00680 OX013 Total organic carbon in unfiltered water by carbonaceous analyzer USEPA 9060 EPA SW-846 00680 OX014 Total organic carbon, water, unfiltered, persulfate-ultraviolet oxidation method (CO WSC) STDMETH 5310C Standard Methods 00680 OX016 Total Organic Carbon by carbonaceous analyzer (EPA Method 9060) USEPA 9060 EPA SW-846 00680 OX025 Organic carbon, water, unfiltered, persulfate-ultraviolet or heated-persulfate oxidation (Standard Methods 5310 C; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 5310 C 00680 OX030 Organic carbon in unfiltered water by persulfate-UV or heated-persulfate oxidation (SM 5310 C; PA WSC; PA-DEP) STDMETH 5310 C Standard Methods 00680 OX035 Organic carbon, water, unfiltered, ultraviolet persulfate oxidation and measure with infrared detector (USGS-NYL) USEPA 415.2 00680 OX035 Organic carbon, water, unfiltered, ultraviolet persulfate oxidation and measure with infrared detector (USGS-NYL) STDMETH 5310 C 00680 OX037 Organic carbon, water, unfiltered, persulfate-ultraviolet or heated-persulfate oxidation (Standard Methods 20th Ed. 5310 C; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) STDMETH 5310 C Standard Methods 00681 00011 Carbon, organic filtered .7GF 00681 00014 Custom Method for New York, DOC by Arocap Filtration 00681 00017 Custom Organic Method for New Jersey, DOC with high chloride levels 00681 00121 Organic carbon in filtered water by combustion or oxidation to CO2 and detection by IR spectrometry or reduction to CH4 and GC-FID USEPA 415.1 00681 00123 CARBON ORGANIC DISSOLVED (EPA) USEPA 415.1 00681 CMB06 Organic carbon in filtered water by combustion (DODEC program) STDMETH 5310 B Standard Methods 00681 CMB14 Organic carbon in filtered water (DOC) by high temperature combustion and nondispersive infrared (NDIR) detection (Standard Methods 5310 B; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) STDMETH 5310 B 00681 CMB15 Organic carbon (DOC), water, filtered, 0.45 um capsule filter, acid-preserved, high temperature combustion oxidation and non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-21 00681 CMB15 Organic carbon (DOC), water, filtered, 0.45 um capsule filter, acid-preserved, high temperature combustion oxidation and non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy USGS USGS OF 92-480 00681 CMB16 Organic carbon (DOC), water, filtered, 0.7 um GF/F, acid-preserved, high temperature combustion oxidation and non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-21 00681 CMB16 Organic carbon (DOC), water, filtered, 0.7 um GF/F, acid-preserved, high temperature combustion oxidation and non-dispersive infrared spectroscopy USGS USGS OF 92-480 00681 CMB19 Organic carbon in filtered water (DOC) by high temperature combustion (SM 5310B; DODESP) STDMETH 5310 B 00681 CMB21 Dissolved organic carbon, filtered water (0.45 microns), high temperature catalytic oxidation, nondispersive infrared detection (NE WSC) Marine Chemistry, 1988, v 24, no 2, p 105-131 00681 COMB4 Organic carbon (OC) by combustion-infrared method STDMETH 5310B Standard Methods 00681 OX002 DOC in filtered water by persulfate wet oxidation and infrared spectrometry STDMETH 5310D Standard Methods 00681 OX006 DOC in Water Filtered Through a 0.45 um Capsule Filter, Acid-Preserved, and Analysed by Persulfate Oxidation and Infrared Spectrometry USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-21 00681 OX006 DOC in Water Filtered Through a 0.45 um Capsule Filter, Acid-Preserved, and Analysed by Persulfate Oxidation and Infrared Spectrometry USGS O-1122-92 USGS OF 92-480 00681 OX007 DOC in Water Filtered Through a 0.45 um Silver Filter and Analysed by Persulfate Oxidation and Infrared Spectrometry USGS O-1122-92 USGS OF 92-480 00681 OX008 DOC in Water Filtered Through a 0.7 um GF/F Filter, Acid-Preserved, and Analysed by Persulfate Oxidation and Infrared Spectrometry USGS NWQL Rapi-Note 17-21 00681 OX008 DOC in Water Filtered Through a 0.7 um GF/F Filter, Acid-Preserved, and Analysed by Persulfate Oxidation and Infrared Spectrometry USGS O-1122-92 USGS OF 92-480 00681 OX012 Total organic carbon in filtered water by carbonaceous analyzer USEPA 9060 EPA SW-846 00681 OX015 DOC in water filtered through a polypropylene capsule filter, acid-preserved, and analysed by persulfate oxidation and infrared spectrometry USGS O-1122-92 USGS OF 92-480 00681 OX017 "DOC in water filtered through a small-volume (~20 square cm surface area, 0.45 um pore diameter), disposable disk/capsule filter (e.g. ""Aquaprep"" or ""Polydisc""); acid-preserved; and analyzed by persulfate oxidation and infrared spectrometry." USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A5 00681 OX023 Dissolved organic carbon, ultraviolet persulfate oxidation and measure with infrared detector (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00681 OX024 Determination of dissolved organic carbon by UV-promoted persulfate oxidation and infrared spectrometry (Colorado WSC) USGS O-1122-92 USGS OF 92-480 00681 OX026 Organic carbon, water, filtered (GFF), persulfate-ultraviolet or heated-persulfate oxidation (Standard Methods 5310 C; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 5310 C 00681 OX031 Organic carbon in filtered water by persulfate-UV or heated-persulfate oxidation (SM 5310 C; PA WSC; PA-DEP) STDMETH 5310 C Standard Methods 00681 OX033 Dissolved organic carbon, ultraviolet persulfate oxidation and measure with infrared detector (NY WSC; ALSC) 00681 OX034 Dissolved organic carbon, ultraviolet persulfate oxidation and measure with infrared detector (NY WSC; KECK) 00681 OX036 Organic carbon in filtered water by carbonaceous analyzer (USEPA 415.3 Rev. 1.1; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 415.3 Rev. 1.1 EPA Method 415.3 00681 OX038 Organic carbon, water, filtered, persulfate-ultraviolet or heated-persulfate oxidation (Standard Methods 20th Ed. 5310 C; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) STDMETH 5310 C Standard Methods 00685 COMB8 OI/Dohrmann, inorganic carbon, FIL USGS O-0004-78 00685 COUL5 Total inorganic carbon in unfiltered water by CO2 evolution, coulometric titration ASTM D513-16 00685 IR005 Inorganic carbon, water, unfiltered, acidified, purged with nitrogen, carbon dioxide detected by infrared spectroscopy (USGS-NYL) 00685 OX021 Total inorganic carbon in unfiltered water by carbonaceous analyzer USEPA 9060 EPA SW-846 00685 OX039 Inorganic carbon in unfiltered water (DIC) by UV-promoted persulfate oxidation with IR detection (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00686 COUL1 Coulometric, Inorganic Carbon BTM USGS NWQL Tech Memo 1998.08 00686 IF001 Carbon, inorganic plus organic, total in bottom material, dry weight, induction furnace USGS O-5101-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 17 00686 IF002 Carbon, inorganic plus organic, total in bottom material, dry weight, induction furnace USGS O-5101-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 17 00686 S0103 00687 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00687 G0036 Organic carbon, bed sediment, calculated by NWQL by NWQL 00687 OX019 Total organic carbon, bed sediment, carbonaceous analyzer USEPA 9060 EPA SW-846 00687 S0104 00688 00127 Carbon, inorganic, suspended (Total Particulate Inorganic Carbon (PIC)) USEPA 440.0 00688 CMB11 Inorganic carbon (PIC), suspended sediment, retained on a GF/F filter, analyzed by high-temperature combustion (Standard Methods 5310 B; NWQL) STDMETH 5310B 00688 CMB13 Carbon and nitrogen in sediment and particulates by combustion (EPA 440.0; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 440.0 00688 COMB5 Inorganic carbon retained on a GF/F filter (PIC) and analysed by high-temperature combustion (EPA 440.0; NWQL) USEPA 440.0 00689 00016 Custom Method for New York, SOC by Glass Fiber Filtration 00689 00018 Custom Organic Method for New Jersey, SOC high volume by glass fiber filter 00689 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00689 CAL06 Particulate orgainc carbon (POC), calculated USEPA 440.0 00689 OX011 Suspended organic carbon (SOC) retained on a 0.45 um silver filter and analysed by wet oxidation USGS O-7100-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 16 00690 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00691 COMB8 OI/Dohrmann, inorganic carbon, FIL USGS O-0004-78 00691 COUL6 Dissolved inorganic carbon in filtered water by CO2 evolution, coulometric titration ASTM D513-16 00691 IR006 Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), water, filtered, acidified, purged with nitrogen, carbon dioxide detected by infrared spectroscopy (NWQL) STDMETH 5310 B 00691 OX020 Custom DIC analysis, acidify (wet oxidation)/nitrogen purge/infrared detector (NASQAN - Crawford) 00691 OX022 Dissolved inorganic carbon in filtered water by carbonaceous analyzer USEPA 9060 EPA SW-846 00693 IF002 Carbon, inorganic plus organic, total in bottom material, dry weight, induction furnace USGS O-5101-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 17 00693 IF003 Carbon, inorganic plus organic, total in bottom material, dry weight, induction furnace (NAWQA) USGS O-5101-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 17 00693 S0105 00694 CMB13 Carbon and nitrogen in sediment and particulates by combustion (EPA 440.0; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USEPA 440.0 00694 CMB27 Carbon and nitrogen in sediment and particulates by combustion (EPA 440.0; USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) USEPA 440.0 00694 COMB6 Organic and inorganic carbon retained on a GF/F filter (TPC) and analysed by high-temperature combustion USEPA 440.0 00697 IC072 Low molecular weight organic acids in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (IC) (USGSBPGL) USGS SOP RBPGL 2017 LMWOA 00697 LC051 Low molecular weight organic acids in unfiltered water by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (USGSBPGL) USGS SOP RBPGL 2017 LMWOA 00709 CMB22 Adsorbable organic fluorine (AOF) in unfiltered water by combustion followed by ion chromatography (COMB/IC; SGS AXYS METHOD MLA-119; DoDESP) CANSGSAA MLA-119 Rev.01 Ver.01 00710 CMB23 Total fluorine (TF) in solids, tissues, and serums by combustion followed by ion chromatography (COMB/IC; SGS AXYS METHOD MLA-119; DoDESP) CANSGSAA MLA-119 Rev.01 Ver.01 00711 CMB23 Total fluorine (TF) in solids, tissues, and serums by combustion followed by ion chromatography (COMB/IC; SGS AXYS METHOD MLA-119; DoDESP) CANSGSAA MLA-119 Rev.01 Ver.01 00712 CMB24 Extractable organic fluorine (EOF) on solids, tissues, and serums by combustion followed by ion chromatography (COMB/IC; SGS AXYS METHOD MLA-119; DoDESP) CANSGSAA MLA-119 Rev.01 Ver.01 00713 CMB24 Extractable organic fluorine (EOF) on solids, tissues, and serums by combustion followed by ion chromatography (COMB/IC; SGS AXYS METHOD MLA-119; DoDESP) CANSGSAA MLA-119 Rev.01 Ver.01 00714 CMB25 Extractable organic fluorine (EOF) in unfiltered water by combustion followed by ion chromatography (COMB/IC; SGS AXYS METHOD MLA-119; DoDESP) CANSGSAA MLA-119 Rev.01 Ver.01 00715 COUL4 Free cyanide in water, soil and solids by coulometric titration (EPA Method 9014; DODESP) USEPA EPA Method 9014 00716 COUL4 Free cyanide in water, soil and solids by coulometric titration (EPA Method 9014; DODESP) USEPA EPA Method 9014 00717 DIST1 Weak acid dissociable cyanide in filtered water by distillation and titrimetric, colorimetric, or potentiometric quantification STDMETH 4500-CN I Standard Methods 00718 00148 Weak acid dissociable cyanide in unfiltered water by distillation of cyanide at pH 4.5 to 6.0 and analysis of cyanide by titrimetric, colorimetric, or potentiometric procedures STDMETH 4500-CN I Standard Methods 00720 CL069 Cyanide recoverable from unfiltered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) reaction with barbituric acid and colorimetry USGS I-4302-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 205 00720 CL096 Cyanide in unfiltered water by automated UV colorimetry USEPA 335.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00720 CL098 Cyanide in unfiltered water by UV colorimetry USEPA 9012A EPA SW-846 00720 CL108 Cyanide in unfiltered water by semi-automated colorimetry USEPA 335.4 EPA Method 335.4 00720 CL177 Total cyanide in unfiltered water by colorimetry after distillation (Standard Methods 4500-CN-E; DODESP) STDMETH 4500-CN-E 00720 CL178 Total and amenable cyanide in unfiltered water by off-line distillation and automated UV colorimetry (EPA 9012B; DODESP program) USEPA 9012B 00720 CL181 Total and amenable cyanide in unfiltered water by automated colorimetry with off-line distillation (EPA 9012B; DODESP program) USEPA 9012B 00720 KEL01 Cyanide, water, unfiltered, Kelada automated method (PA WSC; PA-DEP) EPA-821-B-01-009 00721 CL091 Colorimetry, automated segmented flow (ASF), Barbituric Acid, Cyanide, BTM USGS I-5300-83 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 00721 CL098 Cyanide in unfiltered water by UV colorimetry USEPA 9012A EPA SW-846 00721 CL165 Total and amenable cyanide in sediment by automated UV colorimetry with off-line distillation (EPA method 9012A; DODEC program) USEPA 9012A 00721 S0106 Cyanide, total in bottom material, colorimetric, pyridine-pyrazolone USGS I-5300-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 349 00722 CN002 Free cyanides amenable to chlorination after distillation STDMETH 4500 CN- G Standard Methods 00723 CL032 Colorimetry, automated segmented flow (ASF), Barbituric acid, Cyanide, FIL USGS I-2302-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 00723 CL097 Cyanide in filtered water by automated UV colorimetry USEPA 335.3 EPA/600/4-79/020 00723 CL099 Cyanide in filtered water by UV colorimetry USEPA 9012A EPA SW-846 00723 CL109 Cyanide in filtered water by semi-automated colorimetry USEPA 335.4 EPA Method 335.4 00723 CL180 Total cyanide in filtered water by colorimetry after distillation (Standard Methods 4500-CN- E; DODESP) STDMETH 4500-CN- E 00730 00095 THIOCYANATE TOTAL STDMETH 4500-CN M Standard Methods 00745 CL113 Sulfide in unfiltered water by the methylene blue colorimetric method (EPA method 376.2; DODEC program) USEPA 376.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00745 CL141 Sulfide in unfiltered water by the methylene blue colorimetric method (Standard Methods 4500-S D; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-S D Standard Methods 00745 CL184 Sulfide in unfiltered water by gas dialysis and automated methylene blue colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500-S2- E; OR WSC) STDMETH 4500-S2- E 00745 TT043 ZnS ppt., Iodometric titration USGS I-3840-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 483 00745 TT053 Sulfide in unfiltered water by iodine titration (EPA method 376.1; DODEC program) USEPA 376.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00745 TT074 Sulfide in unfiltered water by iodine titration (Standard Methods 4500-S F; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-S F Standard Methods 00745 TT083 Sulfide in unfiltered water by distilation and titration (EPA method 9034; DODEC program) USEPA 9034 00746 CL112 Sulfide in filtered water by the methylene blue colorimetric method (EPA method 376.2; DODEC program) USEPA 376.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00746 CL142 Sulfide in filtered water by the methylene blue colorimetric method (Standard Methods 4500-S D; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-S D Standard Methods 00746 CL183 Sulfide in filtered water by gas dialysis and automated methylene blue colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500-S2- E; OR WSC) STDMETH 4500-S2- E 00746 S0093 00746 TT052 Sulfide in filtered water by iodine titration (EPA method 376.1; DODEC program) USEPA 376.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 00746 TT075 Sulfide in filtered water by iodine titration (Standard Methods 4500-S F; DODEC program) STDMETH 4500-S F Standard Methods 00900 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00900 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00900 CAL07 Hardness, calculation USGS I-1340-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 281 00900 CAL24 Hardness, water, calculated (SM 2340 B; PA WSC; PA-DEP) STDMETH 2340 B Standard Methods 00900 G0037 00900 TT092 Hardness of unfiltered water by EDTA titration (Standard Methods 2340 C; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) STDMETH 2340 C 00901 TT072 Hardness of unfiltered water by titration with EDTA (Standard Methods 2340 C; DODEC program) STDMETH 2340 C Standard Methods 00902 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00902 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00902 G0038 Hardness, noncarbonate, calculated by NWQL USGS I-1344-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 482 00902 G0038 Hardness, noncarbonate, calculated by NWQL USGS OF 80-1279, Table 2.2 00902 G0038 Hardness, noncarbonate, calculated by NWQL USGS I-1344-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 283 00903 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00903 TT024 NONCARBONATE HARD. L, fixed endpoint 00903 TT025 NONCARBONATE HARD. L, incremental titration 00904 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00904 TT026 Non-carb hardness, dissolved, field, fixed endpoint 00904 TT027 Non-carb hardness, dissolved, field, incremental titration 00905 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00905 TT028 Non-carb hardness, dissolved, lab, fixed endpoint 00905 TT029 Non-carb hardness, dissolved, lab, incremental titration 00906 CAL04 Hardness of filtered water by calculation STDMETH 2340B Standard Methods 00907 CAL05 Hardness of unfiltered water by calculation STDMETH 2340B Standard Methods 00907 CAL19 Hardness of unfiltered water by calculation (Standard Methods 2340 B; PA WSC) STDMETH 2340 B 00908 TT031 Hardness of filtered water by titration with EDTA (EPA method 130.2; DODEC program) USEPA 130.2 00908 TT073 Hardness of filtered water by titration with EDTA (Standard Methods 2340 C; DODEC program) STDMETH 2340 C Standard Methods 00909 TT032 Hardness of unfiltered water by titration with EDTA (EPA method 130.2; DODEC program) USEPA 130.2 00909 TT072 Hardness of unfiltered water by titration with EDTA (Standard Methods 2340 C; DODEC program) STDMETH 2340 C Standard Methods 00909 TT099 Hardness of filtered water by titration with EDTA (SM 2340 B; NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) STDMETH 2340 B 00915 AA007 Calcium in low ionic strength filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1152-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 137 00915 AA008 Calcium in filtered water by direct AAS (NWQL) USGS I-1152-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 137 00915 AA104 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; ALSC) 00915 AA105 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; KECK) 00915 G0039 NWQL method number I-1150-77. No published method has been found for this method number. USGS I-1150-77 00915 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00915 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00915 IC078 Inorganic cations in filtered water by ion chromatography (ASTM D6919-09; VA WSC) ASTM D6919-09 00915 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 00915 PL051 Metals in Blank Water by ICP USGS OF 94-539 00915 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00915 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00915 PL130 Elements, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 00915 PL133 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A 00915 PLA03 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 00915 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00915 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 00915 PLA09 Low level metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00915 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00915 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00915 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00915 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 00915 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 00915 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00915 PLA29 Metals in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (Colorado WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00915 PLA39 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 00915 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 00915 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00915 PLA52 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010D; DODESP) USEPA 6010D EPA Method 6010D 00915 PLA53 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA methods 3015A/6010D; MI-RTILI; OH-MBMTA) USEPA 6010D EPA 6010D 00915 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00915 PLM29 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in blank water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 00915 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 00915 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00915 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00915 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00915 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00915 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00915 PLM79 Trace elements, water, filtered, syringe filtration and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) (MN WSC) ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 17, p 3953-3957 00915 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 00915 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 00915 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00915 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00915 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00915 PLO18 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), [K-GCRD-1154-0-1; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 00915 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00915 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00916 AA046 Calcium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3152-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 137 00916 AA047 Calcium recoverable from unfiltered water by nitric and hydrochloric acid (EPA) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-3153-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 141 00916 AA101 Basic cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00916 AA106 Cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00916 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 00916 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00916 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00916 PL139 Trace elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (EPA 200.7; DODESP) USEPA 200.7 00916 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00916 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 00916 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 00916 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00916 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00916 PLA33 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; lab#1) USEPA 200.7 00916 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 00916 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 00916 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00916 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00916 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00916 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00916 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 00916 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00916 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00916 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00916 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 00916 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 00916 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00916 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00917 AA076 AA, Calcium, BTM USGS I-5152-86 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 00917 PLA27 Add-ons to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 3051A 00917 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 00917 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 00917 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00918 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00921 PL139 Trace elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (EPA 200.7; DODESP) USEPA 200.7 00921 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00921 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00923 PL139 Trace elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (EPA 200.7; DODESP) USEPA 200.7 00923 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00923 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 00923 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00924 AA083 Magnesium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5447-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 263 00924 PLA27 Add-ons to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 3051A 00924 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 00924 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 00924 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 00924 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00925 AA022 Magnesium in filtered water by direct AAS (NWQL) USGS I-1447-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 263 00925 AA023 Magnesium, low level, in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1447-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 263 00925 AA104 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; ALSC) 00925 AA105 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; KECK) 00925 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00925 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00925 IC078 Inorganic cations in filtered water by ion chromatography (ASTM D6919-09; VA WSC) ASTM D6919-09 00925 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 00925 PL051 Metals in Blank Water by ICP USGS OF 94-539 00925 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00925 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00925 PL130 Elements, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 00925 PL133 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A 00925 PLA03 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 00925 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00925 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 00925 PLA09 Low level metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00925 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00925 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00925 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00925 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 00925 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 00925 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00925 PLA29 Metals in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (Colorado WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00925 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 00925 PLA39 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 00925 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 00925 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00925 PLA52 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010D; DODESP) USEPA 6010D EPA Method 6010D 00925 PLA53 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA methods 3015A/6010D; MI-RTILI; OH-MBMTA) USEPA 6010D EPA 6010D 00925 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00925 PLM29 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in blank water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 00925 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 00925 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00925 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00925 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00925 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00925 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00925 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 00925 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 00925 PLO08 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00925 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00925 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00925 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00925 PLO18 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), [K-GCRD-1154-0-1; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 00925 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00925 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00926 G0040 Magnesium, suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 69 00927 AA058 Magnesium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3447-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 263 00927 AA059 Magnesium recoverable from unfiltered water by nitric and hydrochloric acid (EPA) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-3448-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 267 00927 AA101 Basic cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00927 AA106 Cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00927 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 00927 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00927 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00927 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00927 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 00927 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 00927 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00927 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00927 PLA33 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; lab#1) USEPA 200.7 00927 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 00927 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 00927 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00927 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00927 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00927 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00927 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 00927 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00927 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00927 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00927 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00927 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 00927 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 00927 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00929 AA068 Sodium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3735-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 425 00929 AA069 Sodium recoverable from unfiltered water by nitric and hydrochloric acid (EPA) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-3736-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 427 00929 AA101 Basic cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00929 AA103 Sodium and potassium in unfiltered water by direct air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometry (Standard Methods 3111 B; PA WSC) STDMETH 3111 B 00929 AA106 Cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00929 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 00929 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00929 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00929 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00929 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 00929 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00929 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00929 PLA38 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; lab#2) USEPA 200.7 00929 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 00929 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 00929 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00929 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00929 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00929 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 00929 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00929 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00929 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00929 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00929 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 00929 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00930 AA035 Sodium in filtered water by direct AAS (NWQL) USGS I-1735-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 425 00930 AA036 Sodium, low level, in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1735-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 425 00930 AA102 Sodium and potassium, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00930 AA104 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; ALSC) 00930 AA105 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; KECK) 00930 DCP10 Sodium, water, filtered, acidified, direct current plasma emission spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Chemical Geology, 2012, v 334, p 280-294 00930 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00930 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00930 IC078 Inorganic cations in filtered water by ion chromatography (ASTM D6919-09; VA WSC) ASTM D6919-09 00930 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 00930 PL051 Metals in Blank Water by ICP USGS OF 94-539 00930 PL088 Ocala Lab low level analysis of dissolved trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 00930 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00930 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00930 PL130 Elements, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 00930 PL133 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A 00930 PLA03 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 00930 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00930 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 00930 PLA09 Low level metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00930 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00930 PLA12 Metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES (Ocala) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00930 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00930 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00930 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 00930 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 00930 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00930 PLA29 Metals in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (Colorado WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00930 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 00930 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00930 PLA52 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010D; DODESP) USEPA 6010D EPA Method 6010D 00930 PLA53 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA methods 3015A/6010D; MI-RTILI; OH-MBMTA) USEPA 6010D EPA 6010D 00930 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00930 PLM29 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in blank water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 00930 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00930 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00930 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00930 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00930 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 00930 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 00930 PLO08 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00930 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00930 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00930 PLO12 Sodium, low level (LL), in filtered water, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00930 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00930 PLO18 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), [K-GCRD-1154-0-1; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 00930 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00930 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00931 00142 USGS I-1738-85 00931 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00931 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00932 ALGCY Presumptive computation by NWIS algorithm and legacy storage of that computation prior to an April 1983 decision to produce computations only on output NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00932 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 00932 CAL01 Percent sodium calculation, percent of equivalents of sodium+potassium+caclium+magnesium USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 287 00934 AA089 Sodium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5735-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 425 00934 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00934 PLA27 Add-ons to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 3051A 00934 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 00934 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 00935 AA030 Potassium in filtered water by direct AAS (NWQL) USGS I-1630-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 393 00935 AA031 Potassium, low level, in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1630-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 393 00935 AA099 Potassium, water, filtered, atomic absorption, direct (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1630-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 393 00935 AA102 Sodium and potassium, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00935 AA104 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; ALSC) 00935 AA105 Basic cations, filtered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NY WSC; KECK) 00935 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00935 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00935 IC078 Inorganic cations in filtered water by ion chromatography (ASTM D6919-09; VA WSC) ASTM D6919-09 00935 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 00935 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00935 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00935 PL129 Metals in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy (Standard Methods 3120 B; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 3120B Standard Methods 00935 PL130 Elements, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 00935 PL133 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A 00935 PLA03 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 00935 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00935 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00935 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00935 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 00935 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 00935 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00935 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00935 PLA52 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010D; DODESP) USEPA 6010D EPA Method 6010D 00935 PLA53 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA methods 3015A/6010D; MI-RTILI; OH-MBMTA) USEPA 6010D EPA 6010D 00935 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00935 PLM29 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in blank water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 00935 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00935 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00935 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00935 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00935 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 00935 PLO02 Potassium at low concentrations in filtered water by ICP-OES STDMETH 3120 ICP Standard Methods 00935 PLO03 Potassium in filtered water by ICP-OES STDMETH 3120 ICP Standard Methods 00935 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 00935 PLO08 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00935 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00935 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00935 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00935 PLO18 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), [K-GCRD-1154-0-1; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 00935 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00935 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00937 AA065 Potassium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3630-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 393 00937 AA066 Potassium recoverable from unfiltered water by nitric and hydrochloric acid (EPA) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-3631-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 395 00937 AA101 Basic cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00937 AA103 Sodium and potassium in unfiltered water by direct air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometry (Standard Methods 3111 B; PA WSC) STDMETH 3111 B 00937 AA106 Cations, unfiltered water, direct atomic absorption spectrophotometry (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00937 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00937 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00937 PL139 Trace elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (EPA 200.7; DODESP) USEPA 200.7 00937 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00937 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00937 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00937 PLA38 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; lab#2) USEPA 200.7 00937 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 00937 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 00937 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00937 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00937 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 00937 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00937 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00937 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00937 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00937 PLO01 Potassium recoverable from unfiltered water by ICP-OES 00937 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 00937 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 00937 PLO13 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; Standard Methods 3120B; NWQL) STDMETH 3120B 00937 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00937 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00938 AA088 Potassium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5630-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 393 00938 PLA27 Add-ons to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 3051A 00938 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 00938 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 00938 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00940 00010 CHLORIDE, FIL LOWLVL 00940 00111 Colorimetric, Ferricyanide USEPA 325.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 00940 ADF01 Chloride in low ionic strength filtered water by automated discrete formation of ferric thiocyanate and colorimetry USGS I-2188-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 155 00940 ADF02 Chloride in filtered water by automated discrete formation of ferric thiocyanate and colorimetry USGS I-2188-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 155 00940 CAL16 Computed using GCLAS 00940 CL028 Chloride in filtered water by formation of ferric thiocyanate and colorimetry USGS I-1187-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 149 00940 CL031 Chloride in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) formation of ferric thiocyanate and colorimetry USGS I-2187-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 151 00940 CL155 Chloride in filtered water by automated ferricyanide colorimetry STDMETH 4500 Cl- E Standard Methods 00940 FCN01 Chloride, water, filtered, flow-injected auto analyzer (FIA) using ferricyanide colorimetry (Standard Methods 4500 CL G; WI WSC) STDMETH 4500 CL G 00940 FCN02 Chloride in unfiltered water by automated ferricyanide colorimetry (SM 4500-Cl- E; MN-PADEL; US Forest Service data) STDMETH 4500 Cl- E 00940 IC007 CHLORIDE DISSOLVED (IC) 00940 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00940 IC010 Anions, low level, filtered water, by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00940 IC019 Anions in filtered water by automated ion chromatography (NWQL) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00940 IC022 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography STDMETH 4110 B-2011 Standard Methods (22d ed), 2012, p 4-5 - 4-7 00940 IC022 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography USGS I-2057-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 19 00940 IC024 Anions, low ionic strength (<100uS/cm), filtered water, ion chromatography USGS I-2058-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 527 00940 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00940 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00940 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00940 IC034 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography with ion suppression (USGS-NYL) USEPA 300.0 Rev. 2.1 00940 IC034 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography with ion suppression (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00940 IC036 Anions in filtered water by automated ion chromatography (I-2057-85; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00940 IC037 Anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (EPA 300.1; Colorado WSC) USEPA 300.1 00940 IC039 Anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (Idaho WSC, MS-USM) 00940 IC043 Major anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 95-426A 00940 IC060 Inorganic anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 300.0 00940 IC062 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography (USGSNYWC; ALSC) 00940 IC063 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography (USGSNYWC; KECK) 00940 IC065 Chloride, low level, filtered water by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0; CO WSC; US Forest Service) USEPA 300.0 00940 IC066 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; USGSTMCO) USEPA 300.0 00940 IC067 Anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (SM4110B; DODESP) STDMETH 4110 B 00940 IC070 Chloride in water by ion chromatography with ion suppression (SM 4110 B; USFSNRMN; US Forest Service data) STDMETH 4110 B 00940 IC071 Chloride in water by ion chromatography with ion suppression (EPA 300.0 rev 2.1; MN-PADEL; US Forest Service data) USEPA 300.0 rev 2.1 00940 IC073 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 9056A 00940 IC076 Major anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00940 IC077 Inorganic anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; VA WSC) USEPA 300.0 00940 IC082 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.1; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 300.1 EPA Method 300.1 00940 IC083 Inorganic Anions, water, filtered, Ion Chromatography (EPA 300.0, rev 2.1; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 300.0 rev. 2.1 EPA 300.0 rev. 2.1 00940 IC084 Inorganic Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; COWSC; USEPAR8L) 00940 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 00940 IC086 Anions, unfiltered water, 20 um laboratory filtration, ion chromatography with ion suppression (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00940 ISE08 Chloride in water, measured in the field, by ion specific electrode 00940 TT036 Chloride in filtered water by silver nitrate titration USGS I-1183-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 159 00940 TT037 Chloride in filtered water by mercuric nitrate titration USGS I-1184-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 157 00940 TT088 Chloride, water, titration with silver nitrate (Standard Methods 4500-Cl- B; FL WSC) STDMETH 4500-Cl- B 00945 00073 Turbidimetric analysis 00945 00074 Turbidimetric analysis, background corrected 00945 BASO4 Barium Sulfate Turbidity USEPA 375.4 EPA/600/4-79/020 00945 CL065 Sulfate in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF), methylthymol blue method, colorimetric USGS I-2822-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 473 00945 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00945 IC010 Anions, low level, filtered water, by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00945 IC019 Anions in filtered water by automated ion chromatography (NWQL) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00945 IC022 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography STDMETH 4110 B-2011 Standard Methods (22d ed), 2012, p 4-5 - 4-7 00945 IC022 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography USGS I-2057-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 19 00945 IC024 Anions, low ionic strength (<100uS/cm), filtered water, ion chromatography USGS I-2058-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 527 00945 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00945 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00945 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00945 IC034 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography with ion suppression (USGS-NYL) USEPA 300.0 Rev. 2.1 00945 IC034 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography with ion suppression (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00945 IC036 Anions in filtered water by automated ion chromatography (I-2057-85; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00945 IC037 Anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (EPA 300.1; Colorado WSC) USEPA 300.1 00945 IC039 Anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (Idaho WSC, MS-USM) 00945 IC043 Major anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 95-426A 00945 IC060 Inorganic anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 300.0 00945 IC062 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography (USGSNYWC; ALSC) 00945 IC063 Anions, filtered water, ion chromatography (USGSNYWC; KECK) 00945 IC067 Anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (SM4110B; DODESP) STDMETH 4110 B 00945 IC073 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 9056A 00945 IC076 Major anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00945 IC077 Inorganic anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; VA WSC) USEPA 300.0 00945 IC082 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.1; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 300.1 EPA Method 300.1 00945 IC083 Inorganic Anions, water, filtered, Ion Chromatography (EPA 300.0, rev 2.1; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 300.0 rev. 2.1 EPA 300.0 rev. 2.1 00945 IC084 Inorganic Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; COWSC; USEPAR8L) 00945 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 00945 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00945 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00945 THORN SULFATE DISSOLVED (THORIN) USGS I-1820-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 615 00946 IC018 SULFATE DISSOLVED (IC) USGS I-2057-84 00946 IC026 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00946 IC028 Anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 9056) USEPA 9056 EPA SW-846 00946 IC059 Inorganic anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 300.0 00946 IC066 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; USGSTMCO) USEPA 300.0 00946 IC068 Anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (SM4110B; DODESP) STDMETH 4110 B 00946 IC074 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 300.0 00946 IC075 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) USEPA 300.0 00946 IC086 Anions, unfiltered water, 20 um laboratory filtration, ion chromatography with ion suppression (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00946 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00946 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00950 00109 Determination of inorganic anions in drinking water by ion chromatography USEPA 300.1A EPA 815-R-00-014 00950 IC003 Ion chrom Fluoride STDMETH 4110 B-2011 Standard Methods (22d ed), 2012, p 4-5 - 4-7 00950 IC003 Ion chrom Fluoride USGS OF 93-125, p 19 00950 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00950 IC021 Anions in filtered water by automated ion chromatography with eluant makeup for water dip fluoride interference USGS I-2057-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 19 00950 IC024 Anions, low ionic strength (<100uS/cm), filtered water, ion chromatography USGS I-2058-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 527 00950 IC025 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, ion chromatography (DODEC) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00950 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) ASTM D6919-03 00950 IC032 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-2057-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 523 00950 IC043 Major anions in filtered water by ion chromatography (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 95-426A 00950 IC066 Inorganic anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; USGSTMCO) USEPA 300.0 00950 IC073 Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 9056A 00950 IC076 Major anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00950 IC083 Inorganic Anions, water, filtered, Ion Chromatography (EPA 300.0, rev 2.1; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 300.0 rev. 2.1 EPA 300.0 rev. 2.1 00950 IC084 Inorganic Anions, water, filtered, by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; COWSC; USEPAR8L) 00950 ISE03 FLUORIDE DISSOLVED (ISE-EPA) USEPA 340.2 00950 ISE04 Fluoride in filtered water by ISE USGS I-1327-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 219 00950 ISE05 Anions, filtered water, ion-selective electrode USGS I-2327-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 221 00951 00096 FLUORIDE TOTAL STDMETH 4500F Standard Methods 00951 IC026 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 00951 IC028 Anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (DODEC, EPA 9056) USEPA 9056 EPA SW-846 00951 IC059 Inorganic anions in unfiltered water by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 300.0 00951 IC064 Fluoride, water, unfiltered, ion chromatography (EPA 300.0; USGS-NYL) USEPA 300.0 00951 IC074 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 300.0 00951 IC075 Inorganic anions, water, unfiltered, by ion chromatography (USEPA 300.0; NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) USEPA 300.0 00951 IC086 Anions, unfiltered water, 20 um laboratory filtration, ion chromatography with ion suppression (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00951 ISE06 Fluoride in unfiltered water by ASF ISE USGS I-4327-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 221 00951 ISE07 Fluoride, unfiltered water, automated ion-selective electrode (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00951 ISE11 Fluoride, unfiltered water, ion-selective electrode (NY WSC; ALSC) 00951 ISE12 Fluoride, unfiltered water, ion-selective electrode (NY WSC; KECK) 00951 ISE14 Ion specific electrode sensor, Aquaread 00951 S0107 Fluoride, total, electrometric, ion-selective electrode, automated USGS I-4327-78 00951 S0107 Fluoride, total, electrometric, ion-selective electrode, automated USGS I-4327-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 529 00954 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00954 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00954 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00955 00049 Nutrients in filtered water by enzymatic reductase colorimetry by discrete analyzer 00955 AA033 Silica in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1702-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 411 00955 CL064 Silica in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) molybdate blue formation and colorimetry USGS I-2700-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 417 00955 CL151 Silica in filtered water by reduced silicomolybdate acid colorimetry using a discrete analyzer USGS I-2700-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 00955 CL160 Silica, filtered water, molybdate blue colorimetry, automated-segmented flow (USGS-NYL) USGS I-2700-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 417 00955 CL195 Silica, filtered water, molybdate blue colorimetry (NY WSC; ALSC) 00955 CL196 Silica, filtered water, molybdate blue colorimetry (NY WSC; KECK) 00955 MOLY1 SILICA DISSOLVED (MOLY-BLUE) USGS I-1700-77 00955 MOLY3 Molybdate-reactive silica 00955 MOLY4 Silica, water, filtered, molybdate reactive, automated segmented flow (ASF) colorimetry (USGS I-2700-85; USGSVAWC; VA-CLS) USGS I-2700-85 00955 MOLY5 Silica (SiO2) in filtered (0.45 um) water by automated segmented flow (ASF) molybdate blue formation and colorimetry (EPA 366; New England WSC; MACCSHML) USEPA 366 00955 MOLY6 Silica in filtered brackish and saline waters by molybdate blue colorimetry with automated discrete (AD) analysis with salinity correction (NWQL) USEPA 366.0 EPA/600/R-97/072 00955 PL051 Metals in Blank Water by ICP USGS OF 94-539 00955 PL089 SILICA DISSOLVED (ICP) (EPA) USEPA 200.7 00955 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00955 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00955 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00955 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 00955 PLA09 Low level metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00955 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00955 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00955 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 00955 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 00955 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 00955 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00955 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 00955 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00955 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00955 PLM29 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in blank water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 00955 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00955 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00955 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00955 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00955 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 00955 PLO08 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00955 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 00955 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 00955 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00956 CL161 Silicon, unfiltered water, silicomolybdate colorimetry, flow injection analyzer (FIA) (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 00956 MOLY7 Silica, unfiltered water, automated segmented flow (ASF) analysis of ammonium molybdate/ascorbic acid heteropoly blue colorimetry (NYWSC; ALSC) ALSC SOPs, 2015 00956 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00956 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00956 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00956 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 00956 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00956 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00956 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 00956 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00956 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 00956 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00956 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00956 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00956 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00956 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 00956 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 00956 PLO09 Elements, water, unfiltered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00956 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00978 GF116 Arsenic, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS; USGSTMCO) USEPA 206.2 00978 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00978 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 00978 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00978 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00978 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00978 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 00978 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00978 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00985 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00985 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00985 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 00985 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00985 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 00985 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 00985 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 00985 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00985 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00998 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00998 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00998 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 00998 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00998 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 00998 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 00998 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 00999 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 00999 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 00999 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 00999 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01000 00009 Analysis of extract - custom 01000 G0041 Arsenic, water, filtered, colorimetric, silver diethyldithiocarbamate USGS I-1060-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 503 01000 G0041 Arsenic, water, filtered, colorimetric, silver diethyldithiocarbamate USGS I-1060-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 299 01000 GF030 Determination of trace elements by stabilized temperature graphite furnace atomic absorption USEPA 200.9 EPA-600/R-94/111 01000 GF042 ARSENIC DISSOLVED (GFAA) USEPA 206.2 01000 GF043 ARSENIC DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 206.2 01000 GF085 Arsenic in Filtered Water by GFAAS USGS I-2063-98 USGS OF 98-639 01000 GF115 Arsenic, water, filtered, by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS; USGSTMCO) USEPA 206.2 01000 HY010 Arsenic in filtered water by automated sulfuric acid potassium persulfate digestion or ultraviolet radiation, hydride generation, and tube furnace AAS USGS I-2062-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 77 01000 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01000 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01000 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01000 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01000 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01000 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01000 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01000 PLM27 Trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01000 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01000 PLM38 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS (constituents not described in the published method) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01000 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01000 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01000 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01000 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01000 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01000 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01000 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01000 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01000 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01000 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01000 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01000 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01000 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01000 PLM91 Elements, water, filtered, by hydride generation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) Perkin Elmer App. Note, Seawater by ICP-MS, 2013 01000 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01000 PLM97 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 200.8 01000 PLM98 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; ME-HDL) USEPA 200.8 01000 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01000 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01000 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01000 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01000 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01000 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01001 B0085 Arsenic, suspended total constituents, calculation, total minus dissolved USGS I-7001-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 68 01002 G0042 Arsenic, water, unfiltered, colorimetric, silver diethyldithiocarbamate USGS I-3060-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 515 01002 G0042 Arsenic, water, unfiltered, colorimetric, silver diethyldithiocarbamate USGS I-3060-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 307 01002 GF031 EPA 200.9 determination of total recoverable trace elements in drinking water by GFAA USEPA 200.9 01002 GF044 ARSENIC TOTAL GFAA USEPA 206.2 01002 GF045 ARSENIC TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 206.2 01002 GF073 Graphite furnace atomic absorption USGS I-0000-91 01002 GF096 Arsenic Recoverable from Unfiltered Water by GFAAS USGS I-4063-98 USGS OF 98-639 01002 HY013 Total arsenic in unfiltered water by automated sulfuric acid potassium persulfate digestion or ultraviolet radiation, hydride generation, and tube furnace AAS USGS I-4062-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 77 01002 HY027 Uranium and arsenic, water, unfiltered, hydride generator-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, acidified with nitric acid Analytical Chemistry, 1999, v 70, p 1408-1414 01002 PL120 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01002 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01002 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01002 PL132 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-SLW) USEPA 200.8 01002 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01002 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01002 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01002 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01002 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01002 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01002 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01002 PLM31 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01002 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01002 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01002 PLM64 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-4020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01002 PLM66 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01002 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01002 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01002 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01002 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01002 PLM86 Metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8 rev 5,4; DODESP) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 01002 PLM92 Elements, water, unfiltered, by hydride generation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) Perkin Elmer App. Note, Seawater by ICP-MS, 2013 01002 PLM96 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 200.8 01002 PLM99 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; ME-HDL) USEPA 200.8 01002 PM100 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) USEPA 200.8 01002 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01002 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01003 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01003 GF104 Arsenic Recoverable from Bed Sediment by GFAAS USGS I-6063-98 USGS OF 98-639 01003 HY015 Total arsenic in bottom material by automated sulfuric acid potassium persulfate digestion or ultraviolet radiation, hydride generation, and tube furnace AAS USGS I-6062-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 77 01003 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01003 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01003 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01003 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01005 AA003 Barium in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1084-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 89 01005 G0043 Barium, water, filtered, gravimetric USGS I-1080-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 901 01005 G0043 Barium, water, filtered, gravimetric USGS I-1080-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 553 01005 GF046 BARIUM DISSOLVED (GF) USEPA 208.2 01005 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01005 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01005 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01005 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01005 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01005 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01005 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01005 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01005 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01005 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01005 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01005 PLM27 Trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01005 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01005 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01005 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01005 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01005 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01005 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01005 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01005 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01005 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01005 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01005 PLM79 Trace elements, water, filtered, syringe filtration and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) (MN WSC) ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 17, p 3953-3957 01005 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01005 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01005 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01005 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01005 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01005 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01005 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01005 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01005 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01006 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01007 AA042 Barium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3084-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 89 01007 GF033 BARIUM TOTAL (GF) USEPA 200.9 01007 PL081 Elements in drinking water by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7) USEPA 200.7 01007 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01007 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01007 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01007 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01007 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01007 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01007 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01007 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01007 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01007 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01007 PLM47 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01007 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01007 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01007 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01007 PLM76 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) USEPA 200.8 01007 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01007 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01007 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01007 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01007 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01007 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01007 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01007 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01007 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01007 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01008 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01008 AA073 Barium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5084-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 89 01008 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01008 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01008 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01008 PLM50 Add-on to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01008 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01008 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01009 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01009 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01010 AA004 Beryllium in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1095-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 93 01010 PL088 Ocala Lab low level analysis of dissolved trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01010 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01010 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01010 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01010 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01010 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01010 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01010 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01010 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01010 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01010 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01010 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01010 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01010 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01010 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01010 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01010 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01010 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01010 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01010 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01010 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01010 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01010 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01010 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01010 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01011 G0044 Beryllium, suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 69 01012 AA043 Beryllium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3095-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 93 01012 PL081 Elements in drinking water by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7) USEPA 200.7 01012 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01012 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01012 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01012 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01012 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01012 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01012 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01012 PLM47 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01012 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01012 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01012 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01012 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01012 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01012 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01012 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01012 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01013 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01013 AA074 Beryllium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5095-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 93 01013 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01013 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01013 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01013 PLM50 Add-on to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01013 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01013 PM115 Trace elements, bed sediment, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B; DODESP) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01015 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01015 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01015 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01015 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01015 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01017 PLM54 Custom add-ons to elements in unfiltered water, TMR Book 5, Section B, Chapter 1 (method code for constituents not included in the published method) 01017 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01017 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01017 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01020 CL026 Boron in filtered water by reaction with dianthrimide and colorimetry USGS I-1110-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 107 01020 DCP03 Boron in filtered water, by DCP-AES USGS I-1114-86 USGS OF 93-125, p 47 01020 PL051 Metals in Blank Water by ICP USGS OF 94-539 01020 PL084 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01020 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01020 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01020 PLA13 Metals, filtered water, add, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01020 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01020 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01020 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01020 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01020 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01020 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01020 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01020 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01020 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01020 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01020 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01020 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01020 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01020 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01020 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01020 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01020 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01020 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01020 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01022 CL068 Boron recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, reaction with dianthrimide, and colorimetry USGS I-3110-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 107 01022 DCP06 Boron in unfiltered water, by DCP-AES USGS I-3114-86 USGS OF 93-125, p 47 01022 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01022 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01022 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01022 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01022 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01022 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01022 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01022 PLA41 Trace elements, low level (LL), in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01022 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01022 PLM19 BORON TOTAL ICP-MS STDMETH 3125B Standard Methods 01022 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01022 PLM47 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01022 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01022 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01022 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01022 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01022 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01023 DCP09 Boron recoverable from bottom material, by DCP-AES USGS I-5114-86 USGS OF 93-125, p 47 01023 G0045 Boron, recoverable from bottom material, colorimetric, dianthrimide USGS I-5110-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 537 01023 G0045 Boron, recoverable from bottom material, colorimetric, dianthrimide USGS I-5110-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 319 01023 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01023 PLA14 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01023 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01023 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 3051A 01023 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 6010B 01023 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01025 AA005 Cadmium in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1135-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 127 01025 CX002 Cadmium in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1136-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 125 01025 GF003 GFAA, Cadmium, FIL 01025 GF047 CADMIUM DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 213.2 01025 GF074 Cadmium in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1137-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 129 01025 GF086 Cadmium in filtered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-2138-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 53 01025 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01025 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01025 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01025 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01025 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01025 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01025 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01025 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01025 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01025 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01025 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01025 PLM27 Trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01025 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01025 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01025 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01025 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01025 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01025 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01025 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01025 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01025 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01025 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01025 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01025 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01025 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01025 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01025 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01025 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01025 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01025 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01025 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01025 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01025 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01025 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01026 B0086 Cadmium, suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 69 01027 AA044 Cadmium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3135-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 127 01027 CX013 Cadmium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3136-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 125 01027 GF004 GFAA, Cadmium, TOT 01027 GF031 EPA 200.9 determination of total recoverable trace elements in drinking water by GFAA USEPA 200.9 01027 GF048 CADMIUM TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 213.2 01027 GF097 Cadmium in unfiltered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-4138-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 53 01027 PL096 CADMIUM TOTAL (ICP) USEPA 213.2 01027 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01027 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01027 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01027 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01027 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01027 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01027 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01027 PLA42 Metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy (Standard Methods 3120 B; DODESP) STDMETH 3120 B 01027 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01027 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01027 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01027 PLM47 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01027 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01027 PLM65 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-4471-97; Colorado WSC) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01027 PLM66 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01027 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01027 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01027 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01027 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01027 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01027 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01027 PLM90 Elements, water, unfiltered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01027 PLM96 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 200.8 01027 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01027 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01027 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01027 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01028 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01028 AA075 Cadmium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5135-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 127 01028 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01028 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01028 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01028 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01028 PLM46 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01028 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01028 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01029 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01029 AA077 Chromium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5236-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 167 01029 G0046 NWQL method number I-5238-77. No published method has been found for this method number. USGS I-5238-77 01029 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01029 PLA14 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01029 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01029 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01029 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01029 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01029 PLM13 Elements in sediment or soil using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01029 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01029 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 3051A 01029 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 6010B 01029 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01030 AA011 Chromium in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1236-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 167 01030 CX004 Chromium in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1238-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 163 01030 DCP04 Chromium in filtered water, by DCP-AES USGS I-1229-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 59 01030 GF006 GFAA, Chromium, FIL 01030 GF075 Chromium in Filtered Water by GFAAS USGS I-1233-93 USGS OF 93-449 01030 GF076 Chromium in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1235-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 169 01030 GF106 Chromium in Filtered Water by GFAAS (unknown owner) USGS I-1233-93 USGS OF 93-449 01030 GF117 Chromium, water, filtered, by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS; USGSTMCO) Talanta, 2003, v 61, p 305-313 01030 PL133 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A 01030 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01030 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01030 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01030 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01030 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01030 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01030 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01030 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01030 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01030 PLM26 Trace Elements in Water & Wastes - ICP/MS USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01030 PLM27 Trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01030 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01030 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01030 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01030 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01030 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01030 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01030 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01030 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01030 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01030 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01030 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01030 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01030 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01030 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01030 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01030 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01030 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01030 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01030 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01030 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01030 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01031 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01032 CX003 Hexavalent chromium in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1232-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 175 01032 GF027 Cation exchange Resin + Zeeman corrected Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Talanta, 2003, v 61, p 305-313 01032 GF108 Chromium(VI) in filtered water, extracted with cation exchange resin and quantified by Zeeman corrected graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy Talanta, 2003, v 61, p 305-313 01032 GF114 Chromium(VI), water, dissolved, field extraction by cation exchange and low-level laboratory analyses by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS; USGSTMCO) USGS WRI 03-4018 01032 IC008 Separation of Cr(VI) species by ion chromatography and analysis by spectrophotometry USEPA 218.6 Arar et al, 1991, Determin. diss. Cr(VI) 01032 IC033 Chromium (VI) in filtered water by ion chromatography with post column derivatization USEPA 218.6 01032 IC044 Chromium(VI) in filtered water by ion chromatography (IC) with post-column derivatization and UV-visible spectroscopy (EPA 218.7; CA WSC) USEPA 218.7 01032 IC058 Chromium(VI) in filtered water by ion chromatography (EPA 218.6; NJ WSC; NJ-DOH lab) USEPA 218.6 01032 PLM59 Trace element speciation, filtered water, solid-phase extraction with ammonium nitrate mobile phase, LC/ICP-MS 01032 UV021 Hexavalent chromium and colorimetric determination, alkaline digestion and UV-visible spectrophotometry (EPA Method 3060A/7196A; DODESP) USEPA 3060A/7196A EPA 3060A/7196A 01033 G0047 NWQL method number I-1233-77. No published method has been found for this method number. USGS I-1233-77 01033 UV021 Hexavalent chromium and colorimetric determination, alkaline digestion and UV-visible spectrophotometry (EPA Method 3060A/7196A; DODESP) USEPA 3060A/7196A EPA 3060A/7196A 01034 AA048 Chromium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3236-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 167 01034 CX014 Chromium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3238-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 163 01034 DCP07 Chromium recoverable from unfiltered water, by DCP-AES USGS I-3229-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 59 01034 GF007 GFAA, Chromium, WWR 01034 GF031 EPA 200.9 determination of total recoverable trace elements in drinking water by GFAA USEPA 200.9 01034 GF049 CHROMIUM TOTAL (GFAA-EPA) USEPA 218.2 01034 GF094 Chromium in Unfiltered Water by GFAAS USGS I-3233-93 USGS OF 93-449 01034 GF118 Chromium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS; USGSTMCO) Talanta, 2003, v 61, p 305-313 01034 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01034 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01034 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01034 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01034 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01034 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01034 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01034 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01034 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01034 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01034 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01034 PLM47 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01034 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01034 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01034 PLM66 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01034 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01034 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01034 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01034 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01034 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01034 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01034 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01034 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01035 AA013 Cobalt in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1239-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 181 01035 AA015 Cobalt in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1241-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 183 01035 CX005 Cobalt in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1240-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 179 01035 GF008 GFAA, Cobalt, FIL 01035 GF050 COBALT DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 219.2 01035 GF087 Cobalt in filtered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-2243-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 65 01035 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01035 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01035 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01035 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01035 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01035 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01035 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01035 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01035 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01035 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01035 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01035 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01035 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01035 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01035 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01035 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01035 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01035 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01035 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01035 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01035 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01035 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01035 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01035 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01035 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01036 B0087 Cobalt, suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 69 01037 AA050 Cobalt recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3239-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 181 01037 CX015 Cobalt recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3240-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 179 01037 GF009 GFAA, Cobalt, WWR 01037 GF051 COBALT TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 219.2 01037 GF098 Cobalt recoverable from unfiltered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-4243-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 65 01037 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01037 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01037 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01037 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01037 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01037 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01037 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01037 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01037 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01037 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01037 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01037 PLM47 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01037 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01037 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01037 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01037 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01037 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01037 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01037 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01037 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01037 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01037 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01037 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01038 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01038 AA078 Cobalt recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5239-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 181 01038 G0048 NWQL method number I-5240-77. No published method has been found for this method number. USGS I-5240-77 01038 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01038 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01038 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01038 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01038 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01038 PLM13 Elements in sediment or soil using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01038 PLM46 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01038 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01038 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01040 AA016 Copper in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1270-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 195 01040 CX006 Copper in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1271-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 193 01040 GF011 GFAA, Copper, FIL 01040 GF030 Determination of trace elements by stabilized temperature graphite furnace atomic absorption USEPA 200.9 EPA-600/R-94/111 01040 GF052 COPPER DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 220.2 01040 GF077 Copper in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1272-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 197 01040 GF088 Copper in filtered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-2274-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 71 01040 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01040 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01040 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01040 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01040 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01040 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01040 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01040 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01040 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01040 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01040 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01040 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01040 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01040 PLM26 Trace Elements in Water & Wastes - ICP/MS USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01040 PLM27 Trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01040 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01040 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01040 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01040 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01040 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01040 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01040 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01040 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01040 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01040 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01040 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01040 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01040 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01040 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01040 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01040 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01040 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01040 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01040 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01040 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01040 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01040 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01040 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01041 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01042 AA052 Copper recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3270-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 195 01042 CX016 Copper recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3271-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 193 01042 GF012 GFAA, Copper, WWR 01042 GF053 COPPER TOTAL (GFAA) LL USEPA 220.2 01042 GF054 COPPER TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 220.2 01042 GF099 Copper recoverable from unfiltered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-4274-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 71 01042 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01042 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01042 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01042 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01042 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01042 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01042 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01042 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01042 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01042 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01042 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01042 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01042 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01042 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01042 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01042 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01042 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01042 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01042 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01042 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01042 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01042 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01042 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01042 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01043 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01043 AA079 Copper recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5270-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 195 01043 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01043 PLA14 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01043 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01043 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01043 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01043 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01043 PLM13 Elements in sediment or soil using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01043 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01043 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 3051A 01043 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 6010B 01043 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01044 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01045 AA054 Iron recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3381-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 239 01045 FEZ01 Iron, unfiltered water by hydrochloric acid extraction, reaction with ferrozine, and spectrophotometric analysis (New England WSC; MACCSHML) Analytical Chemistry, 1970, v 42, p 779-781 01045 G0049 Iron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, colorimetric, bipyridine, automated USGS I-4379-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 643 01045 G0049 Iron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, colorimetric, bipyridine, automated USGS I-4379-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 383 01045 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01045 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01045 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01045 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01045 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01045 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01045 PLA33 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; lab#1) USEPA 200.7 01045 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01045 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01045 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01045 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01045 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01045 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01045 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01045 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01045 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01045 PLM65 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-4471-97; Colorado WSC) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01045 PLM66 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01045 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01045 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01045 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01045 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01045 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01045 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01046 AA018 Iron in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1381-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 239 01046 CL013 FerroZine Colorimetric Analytical Chemistry, 1970, v 42, p 779-781 01046 FEZ02 Iron, filtered (0.45 um) water by hydrochloric acid extraction, reaction with ferrozine, and spectrophotometric analysis (New England WSC; MACCSHML) Analytical Chemistry, 1970, v 42, p 779-781 01046 G0050 01046 G0051 Iron, water, filtered, colorimetric, bipyridine USGS I-1379-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 627 01046 G0051 Iron, water, filtered, colorimetric, bipyridine USGS I-1379-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 373 01046 PL051 Metals in Blank Water by ICP USGS OF 94-539 01046 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01046 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01046 PLA03 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01046 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01046 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01046 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01046 PLA09 Low level metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01046 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01046 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01046 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01046 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01046 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01046 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01046 PLA29 Metals in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (Colorado WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01046 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01046 PLA39 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01046 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 01046 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01046 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01046 PLM29 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in blank water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01046 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01046 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01046 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01046 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01046 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01046 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01046 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01046 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01046 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01046 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01046 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01046 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01046 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01046 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01046 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01046 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01047 CL013 FerroZine Colorimetric Analytical Chemistry, 1970, v 42, p 779-781 01047 CL138 Ferrous iron(II) in filtered water by phenanthroline colorimetry (Standard Methods 3500-Fe D (1992); DODEC program) STDMETH 3500-Fe D (1992) Standard Methods 01047 CL202 Iron(II) and total iron in filtered water by FerroZine [Fe(II)] and hydroxylamine chloride for [Fe(total)] colorimetry (USGSTMCO) USGS SOP RCL 2016 Fe(II) & Fe(total) 01047 G0052 Iron, ferrous, water, filtered, colorimetric, bipyridine USGS I-1388-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 649 01047 G0052 Iron, ferrous, water, filtered, colorimetric, bipyridine USGS I-1388-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 387 01047 PHEN1 Ferrous iron(II) in filtered water by phenanthroline colorimetry (Standard Methods 3500-Fe B; DODESP) STDMETH 3500-Fe B 01048 CL202 Iron(II) and total iron in filtered water by FerroZine [Fe(II)] and hydroxylamine chloride for [Fe(total)] colorimetry (USGSTMCO) USGS SOP RCL 2016 Fe(II) & Fe(total) 01049 AA019 Lead in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1399-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 247 01049 CX007 Lead in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1400-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 245 01049 GF013 GFAA, Lead, FIL 01049 GF055 LEAD DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 239.2 01049 GF078 Lead in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1401-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 249 01049 GF089 Lead in filtered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-2403-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 87 01049 GF119 Lead, water, filtered, by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS; USGSTMCO) USGS OF 93-125, p 87 01049 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01049 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01049 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01049 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01049 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01049 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01049 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01049 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01049 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01049 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01049 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01049 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01049 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01049 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01049 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01049 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01049 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01049 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01049 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01049 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01049 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01049 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01049 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01049 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01049 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01049 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01049 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01049 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01049 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01049 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01049 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01049 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01049 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01050 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01050 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01051 AA055 Lead recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3399-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 247 01051 CX017 Lead recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3400-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 245 01051 GF014 GFAA, Lead, WWR 01051 GF031 EPA 200.9 determination of total recoverable trace elements in drinking water by GFAA USEPA 200.9 01051 GF056 LEAD TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 239.2 01051 GF100 Lead recoverable from unfiltered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-4403-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 87 01051 GF120 Lead, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS; USGSTMCO) USGS OF 93-125, p 87 01051 PL097 LEAD TOTAL (ICP) USEPA 239.2 01051 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01051 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01051 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01051 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01051 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01051 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01051 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01051 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01051 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01051 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01051 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01051 PLM66 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01051 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01051 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01051 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01051 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01051 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01051 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01051 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01051 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01051 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01051 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01051 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01052 AA081 Lead recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5399-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 247 01052 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01052 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01052 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01052 PLM46 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01052 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01052 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01052 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01053 AA084 Manganese recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5454-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 275 01053 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01053 PLA14 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01053 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01053 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01053 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01053 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 3051A 01053 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 6010B 01053 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01054 B0088 Manganese, suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 69 01055 AA060 Manganese recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3454-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 275 01055 AA061 MANGANESE TOTAL (AA-EXT) USGS I-3456-85 01055 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01055 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01055 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01055 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01055 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01055 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01055 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01055 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01055 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01055 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01055 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01055 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01055 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01055 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01055 PLM65 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-4471-97; Colorado WSC) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01055 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01055 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01055 PLM76 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) USEPA 200.8 01055 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01055 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01055 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01055 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01055 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01055 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01055 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01055 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01055 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01056 AA025 Manganese in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1454-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 275 01056 CX008 Manganese in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1456-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 273 01056 GF079 Manganese in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1455-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 277 01056 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01056 PL133 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A 01056 PLA03 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01056 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01056 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01056 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01056 PLA09 Low level metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01056 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01056 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01056 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01056 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01056 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01056 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01056 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01056 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 01056 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01056 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01056 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01056 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01056 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01056 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01056 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01056 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01056 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01056 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01056 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01056 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01056 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01056 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01056 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01056 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01056 PLM79 Trace elements, water, filtered, syringe filtration and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) (MN WSC) ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 17, p 3953-3957 01056 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01056 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01056 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01056 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01056 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01056 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01056 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01056 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01056 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01056 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01057 GF067 THALLIUM DISSOLVED (GFAA) USEPA 279.2 01057 GF068 THALLIUM DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 279.2 01057 GF083 Thallium in filtered water by GFAAS USGS I-1866-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 485 01057 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01057 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01057 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01057 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01057 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01057 PLM38 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS (constituents not described in the published method) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01057 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01057 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01057 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01057 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01057 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01057 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01057 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01057 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01057 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01057 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01057 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01057 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01057 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01057 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01059 00108 EPA approved method, Thallium, Whole Water Recoverable, contract USEPA 279.2 01059 GF022 GFAA, Thallium, WWR (NWQL) 01059 GF031 EPA 200.9 determination of total recoverable trace elements in drinking water by GFAA USEPA 200.9 01059 GF066 Thallium in unfiltered water by GFAA (DODEC) USEPA 279.2 01059 GF069 THALLIUM TOTAL (GFAA) (Ocala) USEPA 279.2 01059 GF070 THALLIUM TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 279.2 01059 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01059 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01059 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01059 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01059 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01059 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01059 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01059 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01059 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01059 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01059 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01059 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01059 PLM96 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 200.8 01059 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01059 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01059 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01060 CX009 Molybdenum in filtered water by chelation-extraction with 8-hydroxyquinoline and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1490-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 293 01060 GF057 MOLYBDENUM DISSOLVED (GFAA) USEPA 246.2 01060 GF080 Molybdenum in Filtered Water by GFAAS USGS I-1492-96 USGS OF 97-198 01060 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01060 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01060 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01060 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01060 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01060 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01060 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01060 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01060 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01060 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01060 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01060 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01060 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01060 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01060 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01060 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01060 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01060 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01060 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01060 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01060 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01060 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01060 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01060 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01060 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01061 G0053 Molybdenum, suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 69 01062 CX018 Molybdenum recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with 8-hydroxyquinoline and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3490-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 293 01062 GF095 Molybdenum Recoverable from Unfiltered Water by GFAAS USGS I-3492-96 USGS OF 97-198 01062 PL098 MOLYBDENUM TOTAL (ICP) USEPA 246.2 01062 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01062 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01062 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01062 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01062 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01062 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01062 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01062 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01062 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01062 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01062 PLM66 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01062 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01062 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01062 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01062 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01062 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01062 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01062 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01062 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01062 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01062 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01062 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01063 CX021 Molybdenum recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with 8-hydroxyquinoline and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-5490-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 293 01063 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01063 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01063 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01063 PLM46 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01063 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01063 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01063 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01064 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01064 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01064 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01065 AA028 Nickel in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1499-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 303 01065 CX010 Nickel in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1500-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 299 01065 GF016 GFAA, Nickel, FIL 01065 GF058 NICKEL DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 249.2 01065 GF081 Nickel in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1501-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 305 01065 GF090 Nickel in filtered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-2503-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 113 01065 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01065 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01065 PL133 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A 01065 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01065 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01065 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01065 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01065 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01065 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01065 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01065 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01065 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01065 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01065 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01065 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01065 PLM26 Trace Elements in Water & Wastes - ICP/MS USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01065 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01065 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01065 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01065 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01065 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01065 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01065 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01065 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01065 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01065 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01065 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01065 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01065 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01065 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01065 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01065 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01065 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01065 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01065 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01065 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01065 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01065 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01065 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01066 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01067 AA063 Nickel recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3499-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 303 01067 CX019 Nickel recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3500-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 299 01067 GF017 GFAA, Nickel, WWR 01067 GF059 NICKEL TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 249.2 01067 GF101 Nickel recoverable from unfiltered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-4503-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 113 01067 PL081 Elements in drinking water by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7) USEPA 200.7 01067 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01067 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01067 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01067 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01067 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01067 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01067 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01067 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01067 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01067 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01067 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01067 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01067 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01067 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01067 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01067 PLM66 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01067 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01067 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01067 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01067 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01067 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01067 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01067 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01067 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01067 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01068 AA087 Nickel recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5499-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 303 01068 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01068 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01068 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01068 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01068 PLM13 Elements in sediment or soil using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01068 PLM46 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01068 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01068 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01072 CL166 Phosphorus, water, filtered, ascorbic acid colorimetry (EPA method 365.1; DODEC program) USEPA 365.1 01072 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01072 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01072 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01074 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01075 CX011 Silver in filtered water by chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1720-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 423 01075 GF064 SILVER DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 272.2 01075 GF082 GFAA, Silver, FIL USGS I-1721-78 01075 GF092 Silver in filtered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-2724-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 203 01075 GF093 Silver at Low Concentrations in Low Ionic Strength Water by GFAAS USGS I-2725-93 USGS OF 93-416 01075 PL084 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01075 PL088 Ocala Lab low level analysis of dissolved trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01075 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01075 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01075 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01075 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01075 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01075 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01075 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01075 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01075 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01075 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01075 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01075 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01075 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01075 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01075 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01075 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01075 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01075 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01075 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01075 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01075 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01075 PLM84 Silver, water, filtered, preserved with 0.4% HNO3 and 2% HCl, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-4471-97; NWQL) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01075 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01075 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01075 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01075 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01075 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01075 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01075 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01076 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01077 CX020 Silver recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with APDC and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3720-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 423 01077 G0054 01077 GF020 GFAA, Silver, WWR 01077 GF065 SILVER TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 272.2 01077 GF103 Silver, recoverable from unfiltered water, by GF-AAS USGS I-4724-89 USGS OF 93-125, p 203 01077 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01077 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01077 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01077 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01077 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01077 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01077 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01077 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01077 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01077 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01077 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01077 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01077 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01077 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01077 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01077 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01077 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01077 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01077 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01077 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01077 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01078 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01078 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01078 PLM50 Add-on to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01078 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01078 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01078 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01080 AA038 Strontium in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1800-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 465 01080 PL065 STRONTIUM DISSOLVED (ICP) LL 01080 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01080 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01080 PLA12 Metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES (Ocala) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01080 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01080 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01080 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01080 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01080 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01080 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01080 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01080 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01080 PLM38 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS (constituents not described in the published method) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01080 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01080 PLM44 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01080 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01080 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01080 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01080 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01080 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01080 PLM79 Trace elements, water, filtered, syringe filtration and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) (MN WSC) ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 17, p 3953-3957 01080 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01080 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01080 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01080 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01080 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01081 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01082 AA070 Strontium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3800-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 465 01082 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01082 PL139 Trace elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (EPA 200.7; DODESP) USEPA 200.7 01082 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01082 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01082 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01082 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01082 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01082 PLA33 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; lab#1) USEPA 200.7 01082 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01082 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01082 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01082 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01082 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01082 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01082 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01082 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01082 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01082 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01082 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01082 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01082 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01083 AA090 Strontium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5800-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 465 01083 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01083 PLM13 Elements in sediment or soil using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01083 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01083 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01084 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01085 CL066 Vanadium in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) catalytic oxidation and colorimetry USGS I-2880-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 501 01085 CL067 Vanadium in filtered water by automated segmented flow (ASF) catalytic oxidation colorimetry USGS I-2880-90 USGS OF 93-125, p 211 01085 G0055 Vanadium, water, filtered, colorimetric, catalytic oxidation, automated USGS I-2880-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 837 01085 G0055 Vanadium, water, filtered, colorimetric, catalytic oxidation, automated USGS I-2880-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 507 01085 GF071 VANADIUM DISS (GFAA) USEPA 286.2 01085 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01085 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01085 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01085 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01085 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01085 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01085 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01085 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01085 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01085 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01085 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01085 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01085 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01085 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01085 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01085 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01085 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01085 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01085 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01085 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01085 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01085 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01085 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01085 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01085 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01085 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01085 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01085 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01087 GF072 VANADIUM TOTAL (GFAA) USEPA 286.2 01087 PL002 VANADIUM,WWR,ICP 01087 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01087 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01087 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01087 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01087 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01087 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01087 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01087 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01087 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01087 PLM31 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01087 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01087 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01087 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01087 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01087 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01087 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01087 PLM90 Elements, water, unfiltered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01087 PLM96 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 200.8 01087 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01087 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01088 G0056 01088 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01088 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01088 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01090 AA039 Zinc in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1900-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 507 01090 GF023 GFAA, Zinc, FIL 01090 GF084 Zinc in low ionic strength water by GFAAS USGS I-1901-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 509 01090 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01090 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01090 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01090 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01090 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01090 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01090 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01090 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01090 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01090 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01090 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01090 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01090 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01090 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01090 PLM26 Trace Elements in Water & Wastes - ICP/MS USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01090 PLM27 Trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01090 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01090 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01090 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01090 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01090 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01090 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01090 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01090 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01090 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01090 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01090 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01090 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01090 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01090 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01090 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01090 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01090 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01090 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01090 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01090 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01090 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01090 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01091 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01092 AA071 Zinc recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3900-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 507 01092 GF024 GFAA, Zinc, WWR 01092 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01092 PL132 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-SLW) USEPA 200.8 01092 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01092 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01092 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01092 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01092 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01092 PLA40 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01092 PLA42 Metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy (Standard Methods 3120 B; DODESP) STDMETH 3120 B 01092 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01092 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01092 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01092 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01092 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01092 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01092 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01092 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01092 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01092 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01092 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01092 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01092 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01092 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01092 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01092 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01092 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01092 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01093 AA093 AA, flame, Zinc, BTM USGS I-6900-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01093 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01093 PLA14 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01093 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01093 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01093 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01093 PLM13 Elements in sediment or soil using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01093 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01093 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01093 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 3051A 01093 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 6010B 01093 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01095 GF032 GFAA, Antimony, dissolved, EPA 200.9, Drinking Water USEPA 200.9 01095 GF038 ANTIMONY DISSOLVED (GFAA) USEPA 204.2 01095 GF039 ANTIMONY DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 204.2 01095 HY009 Antimony in Filtered Water by Automated-Hydride Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry USGS I-2055-94 USGS OF 93-664 01095 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01095 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01095 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01095 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01095 PLM02 ICP/MS, BLANKS ONLY, Antimony, Water, Filtered USGS OF 94-539 01095 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01095 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01095 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01095 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01095 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01095 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01095 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01095 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01095 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01095 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01095 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01095 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01095 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01095 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01095 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01095 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01095 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01095 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01097 00106 ANTIMONY TOTAL (EPA) USEPA 204.2 01097 GF001 ANTIMONY-T GFAA-EPA (NWQL) 01097 GF031 EPA 200.9 determination of total recoverable trace elements in drinking water by GFAA USEPA 200.9 01097 GF037 Antimony in unfiltered water by GFAA (DODEC) USEPA 204.2 01097 GF040 ANTIMONY TOTAL (GFAA) USEPA 204.2 01097 GF041 ANTIMONY TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 204.2 01097 HY009 Antimony in Filtered Water by Automated-Hydride Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry USGS I-2055-94 USGS OF 93-664 01097 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01097 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01097 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01097 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01097 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01097 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01097 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01097 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01097 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01097 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01097 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01097 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01097 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01097 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01097 PLM96 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 200.8 01097 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01097 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01097 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01097 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01098 HY014 Minor metals in sediment by nitric, hydrofluoric, and perchloric acid digestion, and hydride generation with AAS USGS I-5475-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 541 01098 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01098 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01098 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01098 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01098 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01100 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01100 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01100 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01100 PLM20 TIN DISSOLVED ICPMS STDMETH 3125B Standard Methods 01100 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01100 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01100 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01100 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01100 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01100 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01100 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01102 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01102 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01102 PLM21 TIN TOTAL ICP-MS STDMETH 3125B Standard Methods 01102 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01102 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01102 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01102 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01102 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01103 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01103 PM102 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment extracted with 1 M sodium acetate and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma and mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) USGSGDML Method-30 stage 1 of 5 extraction, (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01104 PL139 Trace elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) (EPA 200.7; DODESP) USEPA 200.7 01104 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01104 PLA42 Metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy (Standard Methods 3120 B; DODESP) STDMETH 3120 B 01104 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01104 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01105 AA040 Aluminum recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3051-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 63 01105 CX012 Aluminum recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, chelation-extraction with 8-hydroxyquinoline and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-3052-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 61 01105 DCP05 Aluminum recoverable from unfiltered water, by DCP-AES USGS I-3054-86 USGS OF 93-125, p 13 01105 GF036 ALUMINUM TOTAL (GFAA) EPA (Ocala) USEPA 202.2 01105 GF107 Aluminum, unfiltered water, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (USGS-NYL) USGS OF 95-416 01105 GF112 Aluminum, unfiltered water, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (NY WSC; ALSC) 01105 GF113 Aluminum, unfiltered water, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (NY WSC; KECK) 01105 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01105 PL124 Elements, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01105 PL126 Elements, unfiltered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01105 PL131 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-SLW) USEPA 200.7 01105 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01105 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01105 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01105 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01105 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01105 PLA39 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.7 EPA 821-R-01-010 01105 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01105 PLA50 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01105 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01105 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01105 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01105 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01105 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01105 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01105 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01105 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01105 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01105 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01105 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01105 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01105 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01105 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01106 AA001 Aluminum in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1051-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 63 01106 CX001 Aluminum in filtered water by chelation-extraction with 8-hydroxyquinoline and MIBK, and AAS USGS I-1052-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 61 01106 DCP01 Direct-current plasma 01106 DCP02 Aluminum in filtered water by DCP-AES USGS I-1054-86 USGS OF 93-125, p 13 01106 G0057 Aluminum, water, filtered, colorimetric, ferron-orthophenanthroline USGS OF 78-679, p 497 01106 G0057 Aluminum, water, filtered, colorimetric, ferron-orthophenanthroline USGS I-1050-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 295 01106 GF034 ALUMINUM DISSOLVED (GFAA) EPA USEPA 202.2 01106 GF110 Aluminum, filtered water, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (NY WSC; ALSC) 01106 GF111 Aluminum, filtered water, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (NY WSC; KECK) 01106 PL084 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01106 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01106 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01106 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01106 PLA05 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES (EPA 200.7; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.7 EPA-600/R-94/111 01106 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01106 PLA13 Metals, filtered water, add, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01106 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01106 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01106 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01106 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01106 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01106 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01106 PLA48 Metals, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USEPA 200.7; NewEng WSC; USFSNRNH) USEPA 200.7 EPA Method 200.7 01106 PLA49 Metals and trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 EPA 200.7 rev. 4.4 01106 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01106 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01106 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01106 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01106 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01106 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01106 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01106 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01106 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01106 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01106 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01106 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01106 PLM81 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01106 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01106 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 01106 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01106 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01106 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01106 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01106 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01106 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01106 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01106 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01107 CAL10 Suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 01108 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01108 DCP08 Aluminum recoverable from bottom material, by DCP-AES USGS I-5054-86 USGS OF 93-125, p 13 01108 G0058 Aluminum, recoverable from bottom material, atomic absorption spectrometric, direct USGS I-5051-78 USGS OF 78-679, p 65 01108 G0058 Aluminum, recoverable from bottom material, atomic absorption spectrometric, direct USGS I-5051-78 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1979, p 43 01108 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01108 PLA14 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01108 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01108 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01108 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01108 PLM50 Add-on to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01108 PLM71 Elements in bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846 01108 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 3051A 01108 PLO14 Elements in bed sediments <2 mm, prep by microwave extraction (EPA 3051A) and analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; EPA 6010B) USEPA 6010B 01110 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01110 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01110 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01110 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01110 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01110 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01110 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01110 PM112 Elements in filtered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01112 PLM54 Custom add-ons to elements in unfiltered water, TMR Book 5, Section B, Chapter 1 (method code for constituents not included in the published method) 01112 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01112 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01112 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01112 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01113 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01113 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01113 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01113 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01113 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01115 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01115 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01115 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01115 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01115 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01117 PLM54 Custom add-ons to elements in unfiltered water, TMR Book 5, Section B, Chapter 1 (method code for constituents not included in the published method) 01117 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01117 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01117 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01120 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01120 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01120 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01120 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01120 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01120 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01122 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01122 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01122 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01122 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01125 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01125 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01125 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01125 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01125 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01127 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01127 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01127 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01128 PM118 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01130 AA021 Lithium in filtered water by direct AAS USGS I-1425-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 257 01130 IC085 Ions, water, filtered, automated ion-exchange chromatography (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) 01130 PL120 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01130 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01130 PLA11 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmission spectrometry (NWQL) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01130 PLA12 Metals in filtered water, by ICP-AES (Ocala) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01130 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01130 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 101 01130 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-95 USGS OF 96-149 01130 PLA24 Metals in filtered water by ICP-AES (NRP and CO WSC) USGS I-1472-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 517 01130 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01130 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01130 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01130 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01130 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01130 PLM44 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01130 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01130 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01130 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01130 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01130 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01130 PLM79 Trace elements, water, filtered, syringe filtration and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) (MN WSC) ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 17, p 3953-3957 01130 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01130 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01130 PLO11 Major elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01130 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01130 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01131 G0059 Lithium, suspended recoverable constituents, calculation, total recoverable minus dissolved USGS I-7000-79 USGS OF 82-272, p 69 01132 AA057 Lithium recoverable from unfiltered water by dilute HCl (USGS) digestion and direct AAS USGS I-3425-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 257 01132 PL086 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by ICP USEPA 200.7 01132 PL131 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (EPA 200.7; PA WSC; PA-SLW) USEPA 200.7 01132 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01132 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01132 PLA15 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01132 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01132 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01132 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01132 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01132 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01132 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01132 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01132 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01132 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01132 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01132 PLO04 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (Ocala) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01132 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01132 PLO07 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01132 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01133 AA082 Lithium recoverable from bottom material by hydrogen peroxide and dilute HCl (USGS) digestion, and direct AAS USGS I-5425-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 257 01133 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01133 PLO21 Trace elements, bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 6010D; DODESP) USEPA 6010D EPA 6010D 01134 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 01135 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01135 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01135 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01135 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01135 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01135 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01135 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01135 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01137 PLA42 Metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy (Standard Methods 3120 B; DODESP) STDMETH 3120 B 01137 PLM54 Custom add-ons to elements in unfiltered water, TMR Book 5, Section B, Chapter 1 (method code for constituents not included in the published method) 01137 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01137 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01137 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01137 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01137 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01140 CL217 Silicon in filtered water by reduced silicomolybdate acid colorimetry using a discrete analyzer (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) STDMETH 4500-SiO2 E-2011 Standard Methods 01140 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01140 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01142 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01142 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01142 PLA42 Metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy (Standard Methods 3120 B; DODESP) STDMETH 3120 B 01142 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01145 GF060 SELENIUM DISSOLVED (GFAA) USEPA 270.2 01145 GF061 SELENIUM DISSOLVED LL (GFAA) USEPA 270.2 01145 GF091 Selenium in Filtered Water by GFAAS USGS I-2668-98 USGS OF 98-639 01145 HY011 Selenium in filtered water by automated hydride generation and AAS USGS I-2667-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 403 01145 HY022 Low-level selenium in high salinity filtered water by borohydride reduction and atomic absorption spectroscopy USEPA 7742 EPA SW-846 01145 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01145 PLA06 Ocala Lab analysis of dissolved trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01145 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01145 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01145 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01145 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01145 PLM27 Trace elements in water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry without digestion USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01145 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01145 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01145 PLM40 Metals in Water by ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01145 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01145 PLM52 Custom NWQL Labcode 8513/3044 -- Selenium in high salinity filtered samples by ICP-MS using collision chamber 01145 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01145 PLM62 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (California WSC) USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01145 PLM63 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (I-2020-05; Colorado WSC) USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01145 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 01145 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01145 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01145 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01145 PLM91 Elements, water, filtered, by hydride generation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) Perkin Elmer App. Note, Seawater by ICP-MS, 2013 01145 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01145 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01145 PM105 Selenium in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma triple quadrupole mass spectometry (ICP-QQQ-MS) 01145 PM107 Trace elements in filtered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01145 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01145 PM116 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 01145 PM117 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B, MI-RTILI) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 01145 S0116 Selenium, water, filtered, by flow injection or continuous flow-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS OF 02-223 01145 S0116 Selenium, water, filtered, by flow injection or continuous flow-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS OF 02-223-L 01146 B0089 Selenium, suspended total constituents, calculation, total minus dissolved USGS I-7001-78 USGS OF 82-272, p 68 01147 00104 SELENIUM TOTAL (EPA) USEPA 200.9 01147 GF031 EPA 200.9 determination of total recoverable trace elements in drinking water by GFAA USEPA 200.9 01147 GF062 SELENIUM TOTAL (GFAA) USEPA 270.2 01147 GF063 SELENIUM TOTAL LL (GFAA) USEPA 270.2 01147 GF073 Graphite furnace atomic absorption USGS I-0000-91 01147 GF102 Selenium Recoverable from Unfiltered Water by GFAAS USGS I-4668-98 USGS OF 98-639 01147 HY012 Selenium in unfiltered water by automated hydride generation and AAS USGS I-4667-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 403 01147 HY023 Low-level selenium in high salinity unfiltered water by borohydride reduction and atomic absorption spectroscopy USEPA 7742 EPA SW-846 01147 PL120 Metals Recoverable from Unfiltered Water ICP-OES or ICP-MS (NWQL) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01147 PL132 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-SLW) USEPA 200.8 01147 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01147 PLA07 Ocala Lab analysis of total trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma--Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP/T) USEPA 200.7 01147 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01147 PLA42 Metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy (Standard Methods 3120 B; DODESP) STDMETH 3120 B 01147 PLA46 Metals and trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; NJ WSC, analysis by Test America) USEPA 200.7 01147 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01147 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01147 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01147 PLM31 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 01147 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 01147 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01147 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01147 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01147 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01147 PLM82 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01147 PLM83 Trace elements, low level (LL), in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 200.8 01147 PLM92 Elements, water, unfiltered, by hydride generation with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) Perkin Elmer App. Note, Seawater by ICP-MS, 2013 01147 PLM96 Metals, water, unfiltered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; NewEng WSC; USEPA-R1) USEPA 200.8 01147 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01147 PM108 Trace elements in unfiltered waters and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS; EPA 200.8, rev. 5.4; Dakota WSC; ND-HDL) USEPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 EPA 200.8 rev. 5.4 01147 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01147 S0117 Selenium, water, unfiltered, by flow injection or continuous flow-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS OF 02-223 01147 S0117 Selenium, water, unfiltered, by flow injection or continuous flow-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS OF 02-223-L 01148 GF105 Selenium Recoverable from Bed Sediment by GFAAS USGS I-6668-98 USGS OF 98-639 01148 HY016 Selenium in bottom material by automated hydride generation and AAS USGS I-6667-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 403 01148 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01148 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01148 HY021 Selenium in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and hydride generation (USGS/GD Method 10) 01150 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01150 PLA18 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01150 PLA25 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01150 PLA30 Forty elements in geological and botanical samples by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-G 01150 PLA34 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 01150 PLM22 TITANIUM DISSOLVED ICPMS STDMETH 3125B Standard Methods 01150 PLM53 Titanium, water, filtered, by ICPMS 01150 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01150 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01150 PLO05 Trace and major elements, dissolved iron and silica in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01150 PLO10 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01152 PLA04 Metals and trace elements in water and wastes by ICP-AES USEPA 200.7 01152 PLA17 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010B; DODEC program) USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 01152 PLA26 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-F 01152 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01152 PLM23 TITANIUM TOTAL ICP-MS STDMETH 3125B Standard Methods 01152 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 01152 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01152 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01152 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01152 PLO06 Trace elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01153 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01153 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01153 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01153 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01153 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01154 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01154 PLM11 Elements in unfiltered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01154 PLM25 TUNGSTEN TOTAL ICP-MS STDMETH 3125B Standard Methods 01154 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01154 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01154 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01154 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 01154 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 01154 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 01154 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01154 S0118 01155 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01155 PLM24 TUNGSTEN DISSOLVED ICPMS STDMETH 3125B Standard Methods 01155 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01155 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01155 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01155 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01155 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01155 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 01155 S0119 01160 PLA31 Add-ons to forty elements in geological and botanical samples by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-G 01160 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01160 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01160 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01160 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01162 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01162 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01162 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01168 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01168 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01170 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 01170 AA080 AA, flame, Iron, BTM USGS I-5381-86 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01170 MCW01 Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils USEPA 3051 EPA SW-846 01170 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01170 PLA14 Metals, bed sediment, Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 01170 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01170 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01170 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01171 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01172 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01180 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01180 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01180 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01180 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01180 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01180 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01180 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 01180 PM112 Elements in filtered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01182 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01182 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01182 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01182 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01182 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01182 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01187 PLA30 Forty elements in geological and botanical samples by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-G 01187 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01187 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01187 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01187 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01187 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01189 PLM54 Custom add-ons to elements in unfiltered water, TMR Book 5, Section B, Chapter 1 (method code for constituents not included in the published method) 01189 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01194 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01194 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01194 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01194 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01194 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01194 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01194 PM112 Elements in filtered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01196 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01196 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01196 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01196 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01196 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01201 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 01201 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01201 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 01201 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01201 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 01201 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01203 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01203 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01203 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01203 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01210 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01218 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01218 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01218 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01218 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01218 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01219 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01219 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01219 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01219 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01219 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01236 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01236 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01236 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01236 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01236 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01237 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01237 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01237 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01237 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01237 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01238 PLM54 Custom add-ons to elements in unfiltered water, TMR Book 5, Section B, Chapter 1 (method code for constituents not included in the published method) 01238 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01238 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01238 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01238 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01239 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01239 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01240 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01242 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01242 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01243 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01243 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01244 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01244 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01244 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01244 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01245 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01245 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01245 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01245 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01245 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01246 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01246 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01246 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01246 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01246 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01247 PLM45 Metals, unfiltered water, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (constituent not described in the published method) USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 01247 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 01247 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 01247 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 01247 PM113 Elements in unfiltered water by high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1158-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 01251 PM104 Selenium compounds in filtered water by ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-CRC-MS) 01252 PM104 Selenium compounds in filtered water by ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-CRC-MS) 01253 PM104 Selenium compounds in filtered water by ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma collision reaction cell mass spectrometry (IC-ICP-CRC-MS) 01375 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01375 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01376 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01376 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01376 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01376 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01377 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01377 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01377 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01377 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01378 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01378 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01378 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01378 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01378 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01379 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01379 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01379 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01379 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01380 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01380 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01380 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01380 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01381 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01381 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01381 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01381 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 01382 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01382 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01382 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01383 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01383 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01383 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01384 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01384 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01384 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01385 CV025 Elements in bed sediment by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01385 CV025 Elements in bed sediment by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01386 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01386 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01386 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01386 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01387 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01387 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01387 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01388 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01388 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01388 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01389 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01389 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01389 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01390 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01390 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01390 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01391 PL128 Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab Method 19, 42 elements in geological materials by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS analysis (contract lab modification of Chapter J in OFR-02-223) USGS OF 02-223-J 01391 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01391 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01392 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01392 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01392 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01392 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01393 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01393 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01393 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01394 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01394 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01395 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01395 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01396 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01396 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01397 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01397 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01398 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01398 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01398 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01399 HY019 Elements in soil by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01399 HY019 Elements in soil by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01400 HY019 Elements in soil by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01400 HY019 Elements in soil by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01401 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01401 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01402 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01402 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01403 AA097 Elements in soil by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01403 AA097 Elements in soil by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01404 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01404 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01405 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01405 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01406 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01406 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01407 AA097 Elements in soil by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01407 AA097 Elements in soil by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01408 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01408 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01409 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01409 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01410 CV027 Elements in soil by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01410 CV027 Elements in soil by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01411 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01411 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01412 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01412 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01413 ASC01 Phosphorus in soil by automated ascorbic acid reduction colorimetry (DODESP) 01413 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01413 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01414 HY019 Elements in soil by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01414 HY019 Elements in soil by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01415 AA097 Elements in soil by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01415 AA097 Elements in soil by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01416 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01416 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01417 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01417 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01418 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01418 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01419 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01419 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01420 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01420 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01421 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01421 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01422 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01422 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01423 CMB03 Elements in soil by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01423 CMB03 Elements in soil by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01423 CMB12 Carbon and nitrogen by classical Pregl-Dumas method of combustion Perkin Elmer 2400 Series II CHNS/O Analyzer manual 01424 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01424 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01425 CMB03 Elements in soil by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01425 CMB03 Elements in soil by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01426 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01426 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01427 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01427 PLA22 Elements in soil by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01428 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01428 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01428 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 01429 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01430 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01431 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01431 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01432 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01433 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01434 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01434 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01435 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01436 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 01436 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01437 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01438 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 01439 HY020 Elements in tissue by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01439 HY020 Elements in tissue by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01439 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01440 HY020 Elements in tissue by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01440 HY020 Elements in tissue by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01441 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01441 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01441 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01442 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01442 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01442 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01443 AA098 Elements in tissue by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01443 AA098 Elements in tissue by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01443 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01443 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01444 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01444 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01444 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01445 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01445 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01445 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01446 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01446 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01446 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01447 AA098 Elements in tissue by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01447 AA098 Elements in tissue by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01447 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01448 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01448 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01448 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01449 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01449 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01449 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01450 CV029 Elements in tissue by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01450 CV029 Elements in tissue by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01451 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01451 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01451 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01452 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01452 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01452 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01453 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01453 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01453 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01454 HY020 Elements in tissue by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01454 HY020 Elements in tissue by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01455 AA098 Elements in tissue by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01455 AA098 Elements in tissue by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01455 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01456 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01456 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01456 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01457 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01457 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01457 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01457 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01458 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01458 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01458 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01459 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01459 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01459 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01459 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01460 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01460 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01460 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01461 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01461 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01461 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01462 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01462 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01462 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01463 CMB04 Elements in tissue by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01463 CMB04 Elements in tissue by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01463 MS086 Analysis of C and N isotopes in solid inorganic/organic samples by isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) using an elemental analyzer (EA; CA WSC; USGSSIRF) USGS USGS TMR 5-D4 01464 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01464 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01464 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01465 CMB04 Elements in tissue by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01465 CMB04 Elements in tissue by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01466 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01466 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01467 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01467 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01467 PLA23 Elements in tissue by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01468 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01468 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01469 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01469 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01470 CMB02 Elements in suspended sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01470 CMB02 Elements in suspended sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01471 CMB03 Elements in soil by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01471 CMB03 Elements in soil by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01471 CMB12 Carbon and nitrogen by classical Pregl-Dumas method of combustion Perkin Elmer 2400 Series II CHNS/O Analyzer manual 01472 CMB04 Elements in tissue by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01472 CMB04 Elements in tissue by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01472 MS086 Analysis of C and N isotopes in solid inorganic/organic samples by isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) using an elemental analyzer (EA; CA WSC; USGSSIRF) USGS USGS TMR 5-D4 01474 PL128 Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab Method 19, 42 elements in geological materials by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS analysis (contract lab modification of Chapter J in OFR-02-223) USGS OF 02-223-J 01474 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01474 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01475 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01475 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01476 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01476 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01477 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 01477 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 01478 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01478 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01479 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01479 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01480 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01480 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01481 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01481 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01482 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01484 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01484 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01486 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01486 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01487 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01488 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01489 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 01489 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 01501 AC001 Radium-228, dissolved, determination by separation and counting of actinium-228 USGS R-1142-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 51 01515 G0060 01516 G0061 01519 AB001 Gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity in unfiltered water (EPA Method 900.0; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 900.0 EPA-600/4-80-032 01519 AS025 Gross-Alpha radioactivity, Thorium-230 curve, water, unfiltered, pCi/L 01519 AS113 Gross alpha activity scan--Used prior to Eberline contract - March 1, 2003 03515 BC005 Gross beta radioactivity, Cesium-137 curve, with data package, water, filtered, pCi/L, high solids 03515 BC009 Gross beta radioactivity, Cesium-137 curve, with data package, water, filtered, pCi/L 03515 BC010 Gross beta radioactivity, Cs-137 curve, 30 day recount, water, filtered 03515 BC011 Gross beta radioactivity, Cs-137 curve, water, filtered, count within 72 hours 03515 BC012 Gross beta radioactivity, Cs-137 curve, with data package, water, filtered (analysis by Eberline Services) 03515 BC015 Gross beta, high solids (HS), Cesium-137 curve, lab filtered (LF) 03515 BC023 Gross-Beta, Water, Filtered, High Solids, Cesium-137 curve, by Co-precipitation 03515 RES01 Gross alpha and beta radioactivity, dissolved and suspended, residue method (unknown owner) USGS R-1120-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 29 03515 RES02 Gross alpha and beta radioactivity, dissolved and suspended, residue method (NWQL) USGS R-1120-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 29 03516 BC053 GROSS-B, SUSP. CS137 USGS R-7120-79 03519 BC008 Gross beta radioactivity, Cesium-137 curve, with data package, water, unfiltered, pCi/L, high solids 03519 BC052 GROSS-B, TOT.(CS137) USGS R-3120-79 03519 BC054 Gross beta as Sr-90 in unfiltered water by gas flow proportional low background counter 03909 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03909 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03910 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03910 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03911 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03911 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03912 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03912 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03913 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03914 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03914 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03915 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03915 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03916 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03916 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03917 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03917 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03918 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03919 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03920 PL122 42 Elements in biological tissue by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 03920 PL135 42 Element in tissue by multi-acid digestion and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-42; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 03921 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03921 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03921 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03922 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03922 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03923 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03923 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03924 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03924 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03924 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03925 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03925 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03925 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03926 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03926 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03926 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03927 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03927 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03927 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03928 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03928 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03928 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03929 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03929 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03929 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03930 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03930 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03930 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03931 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03931 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03931 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03932 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03932 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03932 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03933 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03933 HY017 Elements in bed sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03933 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03934 CV025 Elements in bed sediment by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03934 CV025 Elements in bed sediment by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03935 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03935 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03935 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03936 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03936 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03936 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03937 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03937 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03937 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03938 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03938 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03938 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03939 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03939 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03939 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03940 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03940 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03940 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03941 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03941 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03942 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03942 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03942 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03943 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03943 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03943 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03944 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03944 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03944 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03945 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03945 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03945 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03946 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03946 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03946 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03947 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03947 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03947 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03948 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03948 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03948 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03949 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03949 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03949 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03950 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03950 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03950 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03951 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03951 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03951 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03952 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03952 AA095 Elements in bed sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03952 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03953 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03953 CMB01 Elements in bed sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 03954 PL136 Elements in sediment by aqua regia/HF microwave digestion with determiantion by inductively coupled plasma atomic-emission spectometry (ICP-AES) or inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS) (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 2005-1178 03954 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 03954 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 04001 GLC03 Pesticides in solids using energized dispersive extraction and analysis by gas and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy GC/LC/MS/MS USGS Data Release P9EGBKGN 04002 GM012 Current-use pesticides, suspended sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04003 GLC03 Pesticides in solids using energized dispersive extraction and analysis by gas and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy GC/LC/MS/MS USGS Data Release P9EGBKGN 04005 GLC03 Pesticides in solids using energized dispersive extraction and analysis by gas and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectroscopy GC/LC/MS/MS USGS Data Release P9EGBKGN 04005 GM013 Current-use pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04005 GM032 Current-use pesticide compounds, bed sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 04006 GM013 Current-use pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04006 GM032 Current-use pesticide compounds, bed sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 04008 GM012 Current-use pesticides, suspended sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04008 GM031 Current-use pesticide compounds, suspended sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) USGS TMR 5-C3 04010 GM012 Current-use pesticides, suspended sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04010 GM031 Current-use pesticide compounds, suspended sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) USGS TMR 5-C3 04011 GM031 Current-use pesticide compounds, suspended sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) USGS TMR 5-C3 04017 GM012 Current-use pesticides, suspended sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04017 GM031 Current-use pesticide compounds, suspended sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) USGS TMR 5-C3 04019 GM012 Current-use pesticides, suspended sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04019 GM031 Current-use pesticide compounds, suspended sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) USGS TMR 5-C3 04020 GM031 Current-use pesticide compounds, suspended sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) USGS TMR 5-C3 04021 GM012 Current-use pesticides, suspended sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 04021 GM031 Current-use pesticide compounds, suspended sediment, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE), recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) USGS TMR 5-C3 04022 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04022 GCM16 SPE/GCMS - Pesticides and Degradation Compounds (Lab extracted) 04022 GCM31 Pesticides, high use, addons, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04022 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04022 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04022 GCM38 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in the field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04022 GCM39 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, laboratory solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04022 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04022 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04022 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04022 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04022 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04022 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04022 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04022 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04022 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04022 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04023 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04023 GCM41 Selected Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 00-385 04023 GCM42 Selected Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 11-29-2000) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 00-385 04024 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04024 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04024 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04024 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04024 GCM45 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04024 GCM46 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04024 GCM48 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04024 GCM49 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04024 LCM45 Acetamide Herbicides and Degradates in Filtered Water by SPE and LC-MS (Kansas Lab Schedule LCPD) USGS O-2139-03 USGS OF 03-173 04025 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04025 GCM16 SPE/GCMS - Pesticides and Degradation Compounds (Lab extracted) 04025 GCM38 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in the field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04025 GCM39 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, laboratory solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04025 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04025 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04025 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04025 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04025 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04025 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04025 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04025 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04025 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04025 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04025 S0120 04026 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04027 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04028 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04028 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04028 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04028 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04028 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04029 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04029 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 04029 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 04029 LC027 Pesticides, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, high performance liquid chromatography USGS O-1131-95 USGS OF 96-216 04029 LC028 Pesticides, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, high performance liquid chromatography USGS O-1131-95 USGS OF 96-216 04029 LCM05 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by Solid-Phase Extraction and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA (method code for constituents not included in the published method) USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04029 LCM14 HPLC/MS, SPE: Pesticides, Lab-extracted, Water, Filtered LC9060 C2060 development 04029 LCM29 Pesticides, polar compounds, filtered water, solid phase extraction, hi performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 2060) USGS O-2060-01 USGS WRI 01-4134 04029 LCM44 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04029 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04030 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04031 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04031 GCM16 SPE/GCMS - Pesticides and Degradation Compounds (Lab extracted) 04031 GCM38 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in the field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04031 GCM39 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, laboratory solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04031 LCM14 HPLC/MS, SPE: Pesticides, Lab-extracted, Water, Filtered LC9060 C2060 development 04031 LCM29 Pesticides, polar compounds, filtered water, solid phase extraction, hi performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 2060) USGS O-2060-01 USGS WRI 01-4134 04032 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04032 LCM14 HPLC/MS, SPE: Pesticides, Lab-extracted, Water, Filtered LC9060 C2060 development 04032 LCM29 Pesticides, polar compounds, filtered water, solid phase extraction, hi performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 2060) USGS O-2060-01 USGS WRI 01-4134 04032 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04033 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04033 LCM14 HPLC/MS, SPE: Pesticides, Lab-extracted, Water, Filtered LC9060 C2060 development 04033 LCM29 Pesticides, polar compounds, filtered water, solid phase extraction, hi performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 2060) USGS O-2060-01 USGS WRI 01-4134 04034 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04035 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04035 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04035 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04035 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04035 GCM45 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04035 GCM46 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04035 GCM48 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04035 GCM49 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04035 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04035 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04035 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04035 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04035 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04035 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04035 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04035 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04035 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04035 LCM12 Unpublished method for triazines with acids in filtered water by LC-MS 04035 LCM13 Unpublished method for triazines with hydroxyatrazine in filtered water by LC-MS 04035 LCM44 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04035 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04036 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04036 GCM16 SPE/GCMS - Pesticides and Degradation Compounds (Lab extracted) 04036 GCM38 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in the field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04036 GCM39 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, laboratory solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04036 GCM45 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04036 GCM46 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04036 GCM48 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04036 GCM49 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04036 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04036 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04036 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04036 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04036 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04036 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04036 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04036 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04036 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04036 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04037 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04037 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04037 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04037 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04037 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 04037 GCM48 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04037 GCM49 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04037 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 04037 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04037 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04037 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04037 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04037 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04037 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04037 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04037 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04037 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04037 LCM05 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by Solid-Phase Extraction and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA (method code for constituents not included in the published method) USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04037 LCM44 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04037 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04038 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04038 GCM45 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04038 GCM46 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04038 GCM48 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04038 GCM49 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04038 LCM12 Unpublished method for triazines with acids in filtered water by LC-MS 04038 LCM13 Unpublished method for triazines with hydroxyatrazine in filtered water by LC-MS 04038 LCM14 HPLC/MS, SPE: Pesticides, Lab-extracted, Water, Filtered LC9060 C2060 development 04038 LCM29 Pesticides, polar compounds, filtered water, solid phase extraction, hi performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 2060) USGS O-2060-01 USGS WRI 01-4134 04038 LCM44 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04038 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04039 LCM14 HPLC/MS, SPE: Pesticides, Lab-extracted, Water, Filtered LC9060 C2060 development 04039 LCM29 Pesticides, polar compounds, filtered water, solid phase extraction, hi performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 2060) USGS O-2060-01 USGS WRI 01-4134 04039 LCM43 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS [LCM43 is the same as LCM44 and should be consolidated into LCM44] USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04039 LCM44 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04039 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04040 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04040 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04040 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04040 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04040 GCM45 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04040 GCM46 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04040 GCM48 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04040 GCM49 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04040 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04040 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04040 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04040 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04040 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04040 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04040 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04040 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04040 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04040 LCM12 Unpublished method for triazines with acids in filtered water by LC-MS 04040 LCM13 Unpublished method for triazines with hydroxyatrazine in filtered water by LC-MS 04040 LCM14 HPLC/MS, SPE: Pesticides, Lab-extracted, Water, Filtered LC9060 C2060 development 04040 LCM29 Pesticides, polar compounds, filtered water, solid phase extraction, hi performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 2060) USGS O-2060-01 USGS WRI 01-4134 04040 LCM44 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04040 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04041 GCM15 Pesticides, organonitrogen herbicides, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1121-91 USGS OF 91-519 04041 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04041 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04041 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04041 GCM45 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04041 GCM46 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCR, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04041 GCM48 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04041 GCM49 Triazine and Chloroacetanilide Herbicides and Degradates in Water, Kansas Lab Schedule GCS, by SPE and GC-MS (method code for analyses prior to method approval on 8-23-1999) USGS O-2132-99 USGS OF 98-634 04041 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04041 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04041 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04041 LCM12 Unpublished method for triazines with acids in filtered water by LC-MS 04041 LCM13 Unpublished method for triazines with hydroxyatrazine in filtered water by LC-MS 04041 LCM44 Triazine and Phenylurea Herbicides and Degradates by SPE and LC-MS, Kansas Lab Schedule LCEA USGS O-2138-02 USGS OF 02-436 04041 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04042 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04042 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04042 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04043 HY002 Geologic Division, Hydride, Antimony, BTM, <2mm field sieved USGS OF 96-525 04043 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04043 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04044 HY003 Geologic Division, Hydride, Arsenic, BTM, <2mm field sieved USGS OF 96-525 04044 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04044 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04045 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04045 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04045 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04046 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04046 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04046 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04047 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04047 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04047 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04049 GF025 Geologic Division, GFAA, Cadimum, BTM, <2mm field sieved USGS OF 96-525 04049 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04049 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04050 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04050 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04050 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04051 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04051 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04051 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04052 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04052 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04052 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04053 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04053 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04053 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04054 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04054 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04054 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04055 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04056 PL140 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by inductively coupled plasma-optical emissions spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy (ICP-OES/MS) USGSGDML Method-17 (USGSGDML; CAN-AGAT AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 04056 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04056 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04058 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04059 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04060 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 04064 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 04064 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 04065 SED27 Sediment size meas. by laser USGS OSW Tech Memo 2004.01 04065 SED28 Sediment size meas. by photo optics USGS OSW Tech Memo 2004.01 04065 SED29 Visual Accumulation tube USGS OSW Tech Memo 2004.01 04091 GC179 Chlorinated Herbicides in solid and liquid matrices by Gas Chromatography (GC) using Methylation or Pentafluorobenzylation Derivatization (EPA 8151A; DODESP) USEPA 8151A EPA SW-846 Method 8151B 04091 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 04091 LM121 Pesticides in water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry LC/MS/MS (MI-RTILI; CA-NCLL) 04092 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 04095 GCF13 Pesticides, organophosphate, filtered water, gas chromatography w/flame photometric detector USGS O-1402-01 USGS WRI 02-4071 04095 GCM04 Unpublished method for organophosphate insecticides in filtered water by GC-MS 04095 GCM32 Pesticides in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction and GC-MS USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04095 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04095 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04095 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04095 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04095 GM056 Pesticides, high and moderate use, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2003--merges Schedules 2001 & 2002 analytes) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04095 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04095 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04095 GM057 Pesticides plus 7 rice pesticides, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule2032--merges Schedule 2003 with 7 rice pesticides) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04095 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 04095 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 04095 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 04095 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 04096 PL125 Elements, filtered water, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 04096 PL127 Elements, filtered water, ICP/OES (USGS-NYL) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 04099 GM036 Organophosphates in unfiltered water by liquid-liquid extraction with selective-ion-monitoring (SIM) Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (modification of methods GC089 and GC095 from GC to GCMS; prep procedure remains the same) 04099 GM042 Organophosphates in unfiltered water by CLLE extraction with GCMS analysis, final extract solvent Toluene (possible replacement method for Method GCF15 NWQL Schedule 1403) 04100 LM121 Pesticides in water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry LC/MS/MS (MI-RTILI; CA-NCLL) 04102 G0062 04105 AS046 Polonium-210, bed sediment, by alpha apectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 04106 GAM20 Radium-228, bed sediment, by gamma spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 04107 GAM16 Radium-226, Bottom Material, by Gamma Spectrometry 04108 AS070 Thorium-230, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 04110 AS078 Thorium-232, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 04111 AS087 Uranium-234, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 04112 AS095 Uranium-235, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 04113 AS104 Uranium-238, suspended sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 04125 B0001 Gross alpha, bottom material, Th-230 curve 04125 G0063 04126 AS012 Gross alpha radioactivity, Thorium-230 curve, with data package, water, filtered, pCi/L, high solids 04126 AS016 Gross alpha radioactivity, Thorium-230 curve, 30 day recount, water, filtered 04126 AS017 Gross alpha radioactivity, Thorium-230 curve, count within 72 hours, water, filtered 04126 AS018 Gross alpha radioactivity, Thorium-230 curve, with data package, water, filtered 04126 AS019 Gross alpha radioactivity, Thorium-230 curve, with data package, water, filtered, pCi/L 04126 AS021 Gross alpha, high solids (HS), Thorium-230 curve, FIL, lab filtered (LF) 04126 AS023 Gross alpha, Thorium-230 curve, FIL, lab filtered (LF) 04126 AS028 Gross-Alpha, Water, Filtered, High Solids, Thorium-230 curve, by Co-precipitation 04126 AS029 Gross-Alpha, Water, Filtered, Thorium-230 curve, by Residue Procedure 04127 AS024 Gross alpha, Thorium-230 curve, SUS, lab filtered (LF) 04129 GF026 Geologic Division, GFAA, Silver, BTM, <2mm field sieved USGS OF 96-525 04129 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04130 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04130 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04131 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04131 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04132 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04132 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04133 CV001 Geologic Division, Cold Vapor, Mercury, BTM, <2mm field sieved USGS OF 96-525 04134 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04134 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04135 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04135 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04136 PLA16 Elemental analysis of <2mm field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 04136 PLM56 Elements in <2 mm bed sediment by Geologic Division digestion and ICP-MS 04254 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 04254 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 04254 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 04254 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 04443 00135 DIQUAT BY EPA 549.1 USEPA 549.1 04444 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04452 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04462 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04463 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04465 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04475 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04478 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04487 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04495 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04512 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04519 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04585 GCI01 Nonhalogenated organics in unfiltered water by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection USEPA 8015B EPA SW-846, Method 8015B 04607 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04608 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04609 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04610 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04611 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04612 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04613 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04614 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04615 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04616 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04617 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04618 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04619 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04620 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04621 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04622 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04623 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04624 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04625 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04626 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04627 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04628 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04629 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04630 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04631 GC148 Polychlorinated biphenyls in unfiltered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04632 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04633 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04634 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04635 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04636 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04637 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04638 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04639 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04640 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04641 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04642 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04643 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04644 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04645 GC149 Polychlorinated biphenyls in filtered water by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04646 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04646 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04647 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04647 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04648 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04648 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04649 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04649 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04650 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04650 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04651 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04651 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04652 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04652 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04653 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04653 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04654 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04655 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04655 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04656 GC150 Polychlorinated biphenyls in solids by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04656 GM014 ASE solids by electron-capture negative ionization gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry 04657 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04657 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 04658 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04658 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 04658 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 04659 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04659 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 04660 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04660 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 04660 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 04661 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04661 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 04661 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 04662 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04662 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 04662 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 04663 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04663 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 04664 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04664 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 04664 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Mar Pollut Bull, 2013, v 77, p 237-250 04664 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Restek Environmental Note, 2008, v 2, p 8-9 04665 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 04665 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 04665 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 07000 ACCUM Tritium by helium-accumulation method J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 1992, v 161, p 443-453 07000 DGC01 Tritium, Water, Unfiltered, by Direct-Gas Counting 07000 EEGC1 Tritium, Water, Unfiltered, by Electrolytic Enrichment and Gas Counting 07000 ING02 Tritium, water, unfiltered, by helium ingrowth (NWQL) 07000 ING03 Tritium, water, unfiltered, by helium ingrowth (OH WSC) ES&T, 2000, v 34, no 10, p 2042-2050 07000 ING03 Tritium, water, unfiltered, by helium ingrowth (OH WSC) SBHAW, 1989, v 5, p 241-279 07000 ING05 Tritium, water, unfiltered, by helium ingrowth (Lamont-Doherty) Ludin and others, 1997, Lamont-Doherty 07000 ING05 Tritium, water, unfiltered, by helium ingrowth (Lamont-Doherty) SBHAW, 1989, v 5, p 241-279 07000 LSC02 Tritium, Water, Unfiltered, @ 10 pCi/L, by Liquid Scintillation, includes data package 07000 LSC04 Tritium, Water, Unfiltered, Low-level, by Electrolytic Enrichment and Liquid Scintillation (NWQL Lab Code 624) Ostlund and Werner, 1962, tritium and deuterium 07000 LSC04 Tritium, Water, Unfiltered, Low-level, by Electrolytic Enrichment and Liquid Scintillation (NWQL Lab Code 624) USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 79 07000 LSC05 Tritium, Water, Unfiltered, by Electrolytic Enrichment and Liquid Scintillation 07000 LSC06 Tritium, direct beta counting by LSC, water, unfiltered, pCi/L, w/data package 07000 LSC07 Tritium, electrolytic enrichment and beta counting by LSC, water, unfiltered, pCi/L, w/data package 07000 LSC11 Tritium, liquid scintillation method, Denver lab USGS R-1171-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 63 07000 LSC13 Tritium, electrolytic enrichment-liquid scintillation method, Denver lab USGS R-1172-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 73 07000 LSC14 Tritium, electrolytic enrichment-liquid scintillation method, Reston lab USGS R-1174-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 79 07000 LSC15 Tritium in Water, Waste Water, Milk, and Urine by Liquid Scintillation Counting (ID-WSC) 07000 S0121 07001 00072 Trittum, E-GASS,ERR, ERR 07001 LSC08 Trittum, LIQ SCIN, ERR 07005 LSC18 Tritium, water, filtered, by Electrolytic Enrichment and Liquid Scintillation with start volume 100 mL, Menlo lab 07005 LSC19 Tritium, water, filtered, Low-level, by Electrolytic Enrichment and Liquid Scintillation with start volume 200 mL, Menlo lab USGS R-1174-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 79 07005 LSC20 Tritium, electrolytic enrichment-liquid scintillation methodwith start volume 500 mL, Menlo lab USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 79 07005 LSC21 Tritium, liquid scintillation method, Menlo lab USGS R-1171-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 63 07012 ING06 Tritium, water, unfiltered, by helium ingrowth (USGSSIVA [RSIL]) 07013 ING06 Tritium, water, unfiltered, by helium ingrowth (USGSSIVA [RSIL]) 07017 MS051 Tritium, unfiltered water, helium in-growth with magnetic sector-field MAP215-50 mass spectrometer (analysis by University of Utah Dissolved Gas Service Center; for Utah Water Science Center) Bayer and others, 1989, helium isotopes & tritium 07017 MS068 Tritium, unfiltered water, helium in-growth with magnetic sector field MAP 215-50 mass spectrometer (analysis by University of Bremen; for California Water Science Center) 07017 S0122 07019 MS051 Tritium, unfiltered water, helium in-growth with magnetic sector-field MAP215-50 mass spectrometer (analysis by University of Utah Dissolved Gas Service Center; for Utah Water Science Center) Bayer and others, 1989, helium isotopes & tritium 07019 MS068 Tritium, unfiltered water, helium in-growth with magnetic sector field MAP 215-50 mass spectrometer (analysis by University of Bremen; for California Water Science Center) 09501 RNEM2 Radium-226, water, unfiltered @ 0.1 pCi/L, by radon emanation (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 09501 RNEM5 Radium-226, water, unfiltered, by radon emanation (analysis by Eberline Services) 09501 SCN02 Radium-226, water, unfiltered, radon emanation and alpha scintillation (EPA 903.1, PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 903.1 09503 AS058 Radium-226, Water, Filtered, @ 1.0 pCi/L, by Alpha Spectrometry 09503 AS060 Radium-226, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry 09503 RNE10 Radium-226, water, filtered, by Radon emanation USEPA 903.1 EPA/600/4/80/032 09507 AS059 Radium-226, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry 09507 GAM16 Radium-226, Bottom Material, by Gamma Spectrometry 09507 GAM17 Radium-226, bed sediment, pCi/g, by gamma spectrometry 09510 PCP01 Radium, dissolved, as radium-226, precipitation method (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) USGS R-1140-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 39 09510 PCP02 Radium, dissolved, as radium-226, precipitation method (analysis by Eberline Services) USGS R-1140-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 39 09510 S0123 Alpha-emitting radium isotopes in drinking water USEPA 903.0 09511 RNEM4 Radium-226, water, filtered, pCi/L, by radon emanation 09511 RNEM6 Radium-226, dissolved, radon emanation method USGS R-1141-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 43 09511 RNEM7 Radium-226, dissolved, radon emanation method USGS R-1141-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 43 11501 AC002 Radium-228, water, unfiltered, actinium method (PA WSC; PA-DEP) Analytical Chemistry, 1974, v 46, p 1742-1749 11501 AC002 Radium-228, water, unfiltered, actinium method (PA WSC; PA-DEP) Brooks and Blanchard, 1980, unpublished 11501 BC037 Radium-228, water, unfiltered @ 1.0 pCi/L, by radiochemical separation and beta counting (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 11501 BC040 Radium-228, water, unfiltered, by radiochemical separation and beta counting (analysis by Eberline Services) 11502 AC001 Radium-228, dissolved, determination by separation and counting of actinium-228 USGS R-1142-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 51 11506 AS054 Radium-224, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry 13501 BC046 Strontium-90, water, unfiltered @ 0.5 pCi/L, by chemical separation and beta counting (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 13501 BC047 Strontium-90, water, unfiltered, by chemical separation and beta counting (analysis by Eberline Services) 13501 LSC16 Srontium-90 in Water, Soil, Fecal, Urine, Organic Fiber Filters and Glass Fiber Filter Samples by Cerenkov Counting (ID-WSC) 13503 BC049 Strontium-90, water, filtered, pCi/L. by chemical separation and beta counting 13503 CSP02 Strontium-90, water, filtered, chemical separation and precipitation method (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) USGS R-1160-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 59 13503 CSP03 Strontium-90, water, filtered, chemical separation and precipitation method (analysis by Eberline Services) USGS R-1160-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 59 13505 BC048 Strontium-90, suspended sediment, pCi/g, by beta counting 13507 G0064 15502 S0124 15504 S0125 15507 00067 Strontium-90, bed sediment, pCi/g, by chemical separation and beta counting 17501 BC025 Lead-210, water, unfiltered, by eichrom/beta counting (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 17501 BC030 Lead-210, water, unfiltered, by eichrom/beta counting (analysis by Eberline Services) 17503 BC001 Beta counting, Lead-210 in water, FIL 17503 BC026 Lead-210, water, filtered, by eichrom/beta counting (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 17503 BC028 Lead-210, water, filtered, by eichrom/beta counting (analysis by Eberline Services) 17503 CSP01 Lead-210, dissolved, chemical separation and precipitation method USGS R-1130-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 33 17507 BC027 Lead-210, bed sediment, pCi/g, by eichrom/beta counting 17507 GAM13 Lead-210, Bottom Material, by Gamma Spectrometry 17507 GAM14 Lead-210, for dating, bed sediment, by gamma spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 17507 GAM15 Lead-210, for dating, bed sediment, by gamma spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 18501 GCN08 Iodine-129 in ufiltered water by chemical precipitation followed by gas flow proportional counting (GFPC) USEPA 902.0 18502 GCN08 Iodine-129 in ufiltered water by chemical precipitation followed by gas flow proportional counting (GFPC) USEPA 902.0 19016 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19017 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19029 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19037 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19039 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19040 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19041 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19048 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19050 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19051 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19054 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19060 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19061 GM039 Organohalogen compounds in filtered water by solid-phase extraction and negative chemical ionization gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 19129 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19130 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19131 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19132 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19133 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19134 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19135 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19138 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19139 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19140 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19147 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19149 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19151 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19152 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19155 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19155 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Mar Pollut Bull, 2013, v 77, p 237-250 19155 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Restek Environmental Note, 2008, v 2, p 8-9 19157 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 19157 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Mar Pollut Bull, 2013, v 77, p 237-250 19157 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Restek Environmental Note, 2008, v 2, p 8-9 19159 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19161 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19163 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19166 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19167 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 19168 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19168 GM070 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and alkanes in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SGS AXYS MLA-021; NY WSC, AXYS Analytical Services Ltd.) CANSGSAA MLA-021 19168 GM075 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) USEPA 8270D EPA Method 8270D 19171 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19172 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19174 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19180 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19180 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Mar Pollut Bull, 2013, v 77, p 237-250 19180 GM046 Halogenated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NJ WSC) Restek Environmental Note, 2008, v 2, p 8-9 19181 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19182 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19183 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19253 GC151 Polychlorinated biphenyls in biological tissue by gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detectors (ECD) or electrolytic conductivity detectors (ELCD) USEPA 8082A EPA SW-846 19253 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19253 GCE29 Chlorinated organic compounds in tissue by gas chromatography with electron capture detection (NJ WSC) NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-157, 2000, 99 p 19254 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19255 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19256 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19257 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19258 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19259 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19260 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19261 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19262 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19263 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19264 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19265 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19266 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19267 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19268 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19269 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19270 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19271 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19272 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19273 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19274 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19275 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19276 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19277 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19278 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19279 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19280 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19281 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19282 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19283 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19284 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19285 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19286 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19287 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19288 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19289 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19290 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19291 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19292 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19293 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19294 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19295 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19296 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19297 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19298 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19299 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19300 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19301 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19302 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19303 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19304 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19305 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19306 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19307 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19308 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19309 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19310 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19311 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19312 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19313 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19314 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19315 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19316 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19317 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19318 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19319 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19320 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19321 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19322 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19323 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19324 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19325 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19326 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19327 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19328 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19329 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19330 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19331 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19332 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19333 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19334 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19335 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19336 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19337 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19338 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19339 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19340 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19341 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19342 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19343 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19344 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19345 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19346 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19347 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19348 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19349 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19350 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19351 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19352 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19353 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19354 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19355 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19356 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19357 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19358 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19359 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19360 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19361 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19362 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19363 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19364 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19365 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19366 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19367 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19368 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19369 GC176 PCBs (total, congeners, & Aroclors), chlorinated pesticides, toxaphenes (technical & congeners/parlars), and chlorbenzenes in tissue by gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and electron capture detection (SGS AXYS MLA-007; NY WSC) CANSGSAA MLA-007 19501 AS052 Polonium-210, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry 19503 AS048 Polonium-210, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 19503 AS051 Polonium-210, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 19507 AS046 Polonium-210, bed sediment, by alpha apectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 19507 AS049 Polonium-210, bed sediment, by alpha apectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22001 AS032 Plutonium-238, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22001 AS036 Plutonium-238, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22012 AS033 Plutonium-238, water, unfiltered, @ 0.1 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22012 AS037 Plutonium-238, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22012 AS114 Alpha-emitting radionuclides, water, unfiltered, alpha spectrometry (ID-WSC) 22016 AS034 Plutonium-238, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22020 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22020 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22021 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22021 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22022 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22022 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22023 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22023 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22024 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22024 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22025 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22025 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22026 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22026 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22027 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22027 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22033 LSC17 Nickel-59 and nickel-63, in various matrices, by hydroxide precipitation, extraction chromatography using Eichrom Nickel Resin, and counting by liquid scintillation spectrometry MO-TALSL ST-RC-0055 22034 LSC17 Nickel-59 and nickel-63, in various matrices, by hydroxide precipitation, extraction chromatography using Eichrom Nickel Resin, and counting by liquid scintillation spectrometry MO-TALSL ST-RC-0055 22035 LSC17 Nickel-59 and nickel-63, in various matrices, by hydroxide precipitation, extraction chromatography using Eichrom Nickel Resin, and counting by liquid scintillation spectrometry MO-TALSL ST-RC-0055 22036 LSC17 Nickel-59 and nickel-63, in various matrices, by hydroxide precipitation, extraction chromatography using Eichrom Nickel Resin, and counting by liquid scintillation spectrometry MO-TALSL ST-RC-0055 22037 LSC17 Nickel-59 and nickel-63, in various matrices, by hydroxide precipitation, extraction chromatography using Eichrom Nickel Resin, and counting by liquid scintillation spectrometry MO-TALSL ST-RC-0055 22038 LSC17 Nickel-59 and nickel-63, in various matrices, by hydroxide precipitation, extraction chromatography using Eichrom Nickel Resin, and counting by liquid scintillation spectrometry MO-TALSL ST-RC-0055 22450 AS001 Americium-241, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22450 AS005 Americium-241, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22501 AS081 Thorium-232, water, unfiltered @ 0.4 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22501 AS085 Thorium-232, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22505 AS065 Thorium-228, water, unfiltered @ 0.4 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22505 AS069 Thorium-228, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22601 AS106 Uranium-238, water, unfiltered @ 0.1 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22601 AS110 Uranium-238, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22603 AS105 Uranium-238, Water, Filtered, by Alpha Spectrometry 22603 AS111 Uranium, dissolved, isotopic ratios, alpha spectrometry, chemical separation USGS R-1182-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 93 22606 AS090 Uranium-234, water, unfiltered @ 0.1 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22606 AS094 Uranium-234, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22610 AS089 Uranium-234, Water, Filtered, by Alpha Spectrometry 22610 AS111 Uranium, dissolved, isotopic ratios, alpha spectrometry, chemical separation USGS R-1182-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 93 22612 AS095 Uranium-235, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22612 AS099 Uranium-235, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22620 AS101 Uranium-235, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22620 AS111 Uranium, dissolved, isotopic ratios, alpha spectrometry, chemical separation USGS R-1182-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 93 22622 AS098 Uranium-235, water, unfiltered @ 0.1 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 22622 AS102 Uranium-235, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 22703 00077 Uranium, water, filtered, pCi/L 22703 FL001 Dissolved fluorometric 22703 FL004 U-FIL, fluorometric method--direct (FL-DIR.), ground water (GR-W) 22703 FL006 U-FIL, fluorometric method--direct (FLUOR-direct) 22703 PHOS1 Laser-induced phosphorimetry, direct (analysis by Eberline Services) 22703 PHOS2 Laser-induced phosphorimetry, direct (analysis by NWQL) 22703 PHOS3 Laser-induced phosphorimetry, extracted (analysis by Eberline Services) 22703 PHOS4 Laser-induced phosphorimetry, extracted (analysis by NWQL) 22703 PLM07 Metals in Blank Water by ICP-MS USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 22703 PLM10 Elements in filtered water using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 22703 PLM30 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 22703 PLM39 Elements in filtered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 22703 PLM42 Trace elements in filtered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 22703 PLM43 Metals, filtered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-2477-92 USGS OF 92-634 22703 PLM58 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 22703 PLM60 Trace elements in filtered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 22703 PLM67 Metals, water, filtered, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (EPA 200.8; Colorado WSC) USEPA 200.8 22703 PLM69 Elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 22703 PLM72 Trace metals in aqueous media by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) 22703 PLM74 Elements in filtered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 22703 PLM85 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CA WSC; NCDUNSEL) Appl Geochem, 2011, v 26, no 8, p 1364-1376 22703 PLM89 Elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 22703 PLM95 Trace elements in filtered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), (CAN-AGAT#37; CO WSC; AGAT Laboratories, Mississauga, Ontario) 22703 PLO16 Trace and major elements, water, filtered, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 22703 PM101 Trace elements, water, filtered, acidified, by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (USGSBPGL) Sci Total Environ, 2017, v 579, p 1781-1793 22703 PM109 Elements in filtered water by extended dynamic range high resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (XR HR-ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-1156-0; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 22704 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 22704 PLM57 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 22704 PLM70 Elements in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (Idaho WSC) 22704 PLM75 Elements in unfiltered water by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (CO WSC) USGS OF 2015-1010 22706 PLM31 Ocala Lab analysis of trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS USEPA 200.8 22709 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22709 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22709 GAM27 Radioisotopes, solids, by gamma spectroscopy (USGSBGCA) ASTM C1402-98 22709 GAM27 Radioisotopes, solids, by gamma spectroscopy (USGSBGCA) ASTM E181-98 22711 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22711 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22712 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22712 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 22713 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM C1402-98 ASTM C1402-98 22713 GAM24 Sediment Radioisotopes by Gamma Spectroscopy ASTM E181-98 ASTM E181-98 24501 AS057 Radium-224, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry 26501 AS073 Thorium-230, water, unfiltered @ 0.4 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 26501 AS077 Thorium-230, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 26503 AS072 Thorium-230, Water, Filtered, @ 1.0 pCi/L, by Alpha Spectrometry 26503 AS076 Thorium-230, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry 26507 AS070 Thorium-230, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 26507 AS074 Thorium-230, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 26629 AS062 Thorium-228, bed sediment, @ 0.1 pCi/g, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 26629 AS066 Thorium-228, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 26631 AS078 Thorium-232, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 26631 AS082 Thorium-232, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 28007 00146 Invalid or undocumented method number USGS R-3111-76 28009 S0126 28011 FL003 U, Fluorometric, TOT 28011 PLM28 Trace elements in unfiltered water and wastes by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USEPA 200.8 EPA-600/R-94/111 28011 PLM41 Elements in unfiltered water samples and waste extracts or digests by inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 28011 PLM48 Metals, unfiltered water, Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-4471-97 USGS OF 98-165 28011 PLM61 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-MS (USGS Geologic Discipline Mineral Resources Lab, Denver) USGS OF 02-223-H 28011 PLM73 Trace metals in unfiltered water by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (USGSTMCO) USGS OF 98-165 28011 PLM77 Metals in unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4020-05 28011 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4471-97 28011 PLM78 Metals, unfiltered water, acid digest, corrected for 2% dilution, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, NWQL TM 2015.01 modification USGS I-4472-97 28011 PLM90 Elements, water, unfiltered, by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with dynamic reaction cell (NM WSC; NMUNMACL) USEPA 200.8 Rev 5.4 Perkin Elmer App. Note, DW by EPA 200.8, 2012 28011 PLO17 Trace and major elements, water, unfiltered, recoverable, by inductively coupled plasma-optical emmission spectroscopy (ICP-OES; USGSTMCO) USEPA 200.7 Rev 4.4 28011 PM111 Elements in unfiltered water by total nitric acid microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectometry (ICP-MS), [K-GCRD-SOP-1089-4; USGSCOWC; USEPAGCR] 28011 S0127 28014 AS087 Uranium-234, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 28014 AS091 Uranium-234, bed sediment, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 28016 00078 Uranium-238, Bottom Material, by Alpha Spectrometry 28016 AS103 Uranium-238, Bottom Material, by Alpha Spectrometry 28401 GAM25 Cesium-137 in unfiltered water by gamma-ray spectrometry with Ge(Li) (ID-WSC) 28403 GAM22 Cesium-137 and cesium-134, dissolved, inorganic ion-exchange method, gamma counting USGS R-1110-76 USGS TWRI 5-A5/1977, p 23 28406 GAM01 CS-137,G scan, FIL, ER 29601 G0065 29602 G0066 29797 ASM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29797 ASM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29797 ASM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29797 ASM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29797 SSM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29797 SSM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29797 TT058 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29797 TT059 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29798 ASM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29798 ASM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29798 ASM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29798 ASM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29798 SSM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29798 SSM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29798 TT058 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29798 TT059 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29799 ASM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29799 ASM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29799 ASM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29799 ASM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29799 SSM11 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29799 SSM12 Gran titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29799 TT058 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29799 TT059 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29800 ASM03 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29800 ASM03 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29800 ASM04 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29800 ASM04 Gran titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29800 SSM03 Gran titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29800 SSM04 Gran titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29800 TT056 Alkalinity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29800 TT057 Alkalinity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29801 TT040 Alkalinity by automated electrometric titration to pH 4.5 (NWQL) USGS I-2030-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 57 29801 TT041 Alkalinity by automated electrometric titration to pH 4.5 (Ocala) USGS I-2030-85 USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989, p 57 29801 TT051 Alkalinity of filtered water by laboratory titration to pH 4.5 USEPA 310.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 29801 TT071 Alkalinity in filtered water by titration (DODEC program) STDMETH 2320 B Standard Methods 29801 TT085 Alkalinity of filtered water by fixed endpoint titration to pH 4.5, laboratory (Standard Methods 2320B, but on a filtered sample; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 2320B Standard Methods 29801 TT100 Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory (SM 2320 B; VA WSC) STDMETH 2320 B 29802 TT056 Alkalinity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29802 TT057 Alkalinity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29803 TT060 ANC or alkalinity, laboratory, Gran titration, automatic titrator Analyst, 1952, v 77, p 661-671 29804 ASM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29804 ASM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29804 ASM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29804 ASM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29804 SSM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29804 SSM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29804 TT054 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29804 TT055 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29805 TT034 Acid neutralizing capacity of unfiltered water by titration to pH 4.5 USEPA 310.1 29805 TT045 Bicarbonate in filtered water by laboratory titration to pH 4.5 USEPA 310.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 29805 TT071 Alkalinity in filtered water by titration (DODEC program) STDMETH 2320 B Standard Methods 29805 TT085 Alkalinity of filtered water by fixed endpoint titration to pH 4.5, laboratory (Standard Methods 2320B, but on a filtered sample; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 2320B Standard Methods 29806 TT101 Alkalinity, water, filtered, lab, inflection-point titration (IPT) by automated titrator, result computed by the USGS Oregon Water Science Center alkalinity calculator (USGSBPGL) USGS SOP NRP-2017-SOP-01.01 29806 TT101 Alkalinity, water, filtered, lab, inflection-point titration (IPT) by automated titrator, result computed by the USGS Oregon Water Science Center alkalinity calculator (USGSBPGL) USGS TWRI 9-A6.6/2012 29807 ASM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29807 ASM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29807 ASM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29807 ASM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29807 SSM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29807 SSM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29807 TT054 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29807 TT055 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29808 TT047 Carbonate in filtered water by laboratory titration to pH 8.3 USEPA 310.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 29808 TT071 Alkalinity in filtered water by titration (DODEC program) STDMETH 2320 B Standard Methods 29808 TT085 Alkalinity of filtered water by fixed endpoint titration to pH 4.5, laboratory (Standard Methods 2320B, but on a filtered sample; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 2320B Standard Methods 29810 ASM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29810 ASM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29810 ASM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) Rounds, 2007, Alkalinity calculation methods 29810 ASM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Advanced Speciation Method (speciation is calculated from sample pH and alkalinity or acid neutralizing capacity, using acid dissociation constants) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29810 SSM05 Fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29810 SSM06 Fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator, Simple Mass-Balance Speciation Method (hydroxide is not considered--this method is only suitable for samples with pH <9.2) USGS National Field Manual, Chapter A6.6 29810 TT054 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29810 TT055 Alkalinity, fixed endpoint titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29811 TT049 Hydroxide in filtered water by laboratory titration to pH 10.4 USEPA 310.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 29811 TT071 Alkalinity in filtered water by titration (DODEC program) STDMETH 2320 B Standard Methods 29811 TT085 Alkalinity of filtered water by fixed endpoint titration to pH 4.5, laboratory (Standard Methods 2320B, but on a filtered sample; Colorado WSC) STDMETH 2320B Standard Methods 29813 TT056 Alkalinity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29813 TT057 Alkalinity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29813 TT058 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, Hach digital titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29813 TT059 Acid neutralizing capacity, Gran titration, buret titrator USGS NFM 6.6 USGS National Field Manual 29815 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29815 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29815 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29815 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29815 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29816 HY018 Elements in suspended sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29816 HY018 Elements in suspended sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29816 PL005 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Antimony, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29816 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29817 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29817 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29817 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29817 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29817 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29818 HY018 Elements in suspended sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29818 HY018 Elements in suspended sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29818 PL006 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Arsenic, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29818 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29819 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29819 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29819 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29819 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29819 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29820 PL007 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Barium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29820 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29820 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29820 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29821 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29821 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29821 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29821 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29821 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29822 PL008 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Beryllium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29822 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29822 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29822 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29823 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29823 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29823 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29823 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29823 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29825 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29825 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29825 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29825 PLO20 Trace elements, soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 6010D; DODESP) USEPA 6010D EPA 6010D 29826 AA096 Elements in suspended sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29826 AA096 Elements in suspended sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29826 PL010 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Cadmium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29826 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29827 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29827 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29827 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29827 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29827 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29828 GC182 Major elements, determined by flame photometric detector (FPD), using deionized water - saturated paste extraction method in solids (USGSINWSC) USDA Handbook 60, 1954, chapter 2 29828 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29828 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29828 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29828 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29828 PLA51 Major cations, determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry, using ammonium acetate extraction in solids (USGSINWSC) North Central Research-13, No. 221, p 7.1-7.3 29829 PL013 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Chromium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29829 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29829 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29829 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29830 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29830 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29830 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29830 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29830 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29830 PLO20 Trace elements, soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA 6010D; DODESP) USEPA 6010D EPA 6010D 29831 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29831 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29831 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29831 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29831 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29832 PL015 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Copper, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29832 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29832 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29832 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29833 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29833 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29833 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29833 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29833 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29835 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29835 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29835 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29835 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29835 PM114 Elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020A; DODESP) USEPA 6020A EPA SW-846, Method 6020A 29836 AA096 Elements in suspended sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29836 AA096 Elements in suspended sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29836 PL022 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Lead, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29836 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29837 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29837 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29837 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29837 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29837 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29838 GC182 Major elements, determined by flame photometric detector (FPD), using deionized water - saturated paste extraction method in solids (USGSINWSC) USDA Handbook 60, 1954, chapter 2 29838 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29838 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29838 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29838 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29838 PLA51 Major cations, determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry, using ammonium acetate extraction in solids (USGSINWSC) North Central Research-13, No. 221, p 7.1-7.3 29839 PL025 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Manganese, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29839 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29839 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29839 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29840 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29840 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29840 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29840 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29840 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29841 CV026 Elements in suspended sediment by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29841 CV026 Elements in suspended sediment by Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29842 CV022 Mercury in bed sediment by CVAA (DODEC, EPA 7471A) USEPA 7471A EPA SW-846 29842 CV037 Mercury in soil by cold vapor-atomic absorption spectrophotometry (EPA method 7471A; DODESP) USEPA 7471A 29842 CV053 Mercury in soil by cold vapor-atomic absorption spectrophotometry (CVAAS; EPA method 7471B; DODESP) USEPA 7471B EPA 7471B 29843 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29843 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29843 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29844 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29844 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29844 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29845 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29845 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29845 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29846 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29846 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29846 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29846 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29846 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29847 HY018 Elements in suspended sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29847 HY018 Elements in suspended sediment by Hydride Generation Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29847 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29848 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29848 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29848 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29848 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29848 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29849 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29849 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29850 AA096 Elements in suspended sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29850 AA096 Elements in suspended sediment by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29850 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29851 GC182 Major elements, determined by flame photometric detector (FPD), using deionized water - saturated paste extraction method in solids (USGSINWSC) USDA Handbook 60, 1954, chapter 2 29851 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29851 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29851 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29851 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29851 PLA51 Major cations, determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry, using ammonium acetate extraction in solids (USGSINWSC) North Central Research-13, No. 221, p 7.1-7.3 29852 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29852 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29852 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29852 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29852 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29853 PL040 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Vanadium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29853 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29853 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29853 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29854 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29854 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29854 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29854 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29854 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29855 PL043 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Zinc, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 29855 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 29855 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 29855 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 29856 PLA19 Trace elements in solids by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USEPA 6010B EPA SW-846, Method 6010B 29856 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 29856 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA 3050B 29856 PLA45 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES; EPA CLP ISM02.3, 3050B; NJ WSC; analysis by Test America) USEPA ISM02.3 29856 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 29865 AS004 Americium-241, water, unfiltered @ 0.1 pCi/L, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Severn-Trent Laboratory) 29865 AS008 Americium-241, water, unfiltered, by alpha spectrometry (analysis by Eberline Services) 29865 AS114 Alpha-emitting radionuclides, water, unfiltered, alpha spectrometry (ID-WSC) 29867 AS003 Americium-241, water, filtered, by alpha spectrometry (NWQL; unused) 29867 AS007 Americium-241, Water, Filtered, by Alpha Spectrometry 29913 GCN07 Iodine-129 in filtered water by chemical precipitation followed by gas flow proportional counting (GFPC) USEPA 902.0 29914 GCN07 Iodine-129 in filtered water by chemical precipitation followed by gas flow proportional counting (GFPC) USEPA 902.0 30004 GCF10 Organophosphate pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with flame photometric detection USEPA 8141A EPA SW-846, Method 8141A 30006 GCF10 Organophosphate pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with flame photometric detection USEPA 8141A EPA SW-846, Method 8141A 30006 GCF15 Pesticides, organophosphate, unfiltered water, continuous liquid-liquid extraction, gas Chromatography w/flame photometric detector USGS O-3402-03 USGS WRI 03-4139 30006 GFC21 Organophosphate pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with flame photometric detection by EPA 8141B USEPA 8141B EPA 8141B 30006 GM036 Organophosphates in unfiltered water by liquid-liquid extraction with selective-ion-monitoring (SIM) Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (modification of methods GC089 and GC095 from GC to GCMS; prep procedure remains the same) 30006 GM042 Organophosphates in unfiltered water by CLLE extraction with GCMS analysis, final extract solvent Toluene (possible replacement method for Method GCF15 NWQL Schedule 1403) 30009 GCF10 Organophosphate pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with flame photometric detection USEPA 8141A EPA SW-846, Method 8141A 30033 GRV39 Petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in soil by gravimetry (EPA 1664A; DODESP program) USEPA 1664A EPA-821-R-98-002 30034 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30035 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30038 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30039 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30042 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30043 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30044 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30045 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30046 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30048 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30049 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30050 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30051 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30054 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30057 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30058 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30059 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30059 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30060 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30061 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30062 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30063 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30067 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30068 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30069 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30071 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30073 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30073 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30074 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30075 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30076 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30076 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30077 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30078 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30079 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30080 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30081 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30081 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30082 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30083 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30084 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30085 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30086 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30087 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30088 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30089 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30090 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30091 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30092 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30093 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30094 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30095 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30096 GC167 Aromatic and halogenated volatiles in solids by gas chromatography using photoionization and/or electrolytic conductivity detectors (DODEC) USEPA 8021B 30096 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30097 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30098 GC167 Aromatic and halogenated volatiles in solids by gas chromatography using photoionization and/or electrolytic conductivity detectors (DODEC) USEPA 8021B 30098 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30099 GC167 Aromatic and halogenated volatiles in solids by gas chromatography using photoionization and/or electrolytic conductivity detectors (DODEC) USEPA 8021B 30099 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30130 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30130 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30132 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30133 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30134 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30135 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30137 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30138 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30139 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30140 GC167 Aromatic and halogenated volatiles in solids by gas chromatography using photoionization and/or electrolytic conductivity detectors (DODEC) USEPA 8021B 30140 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30141 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30142 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30143 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30144 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30145 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30146 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30147 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30148 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30149 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30150 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30151 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30152 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30153 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30154 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30155 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30156 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30157 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30158 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30159 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30160 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30161 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30162 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30163 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30164 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30165 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30166 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30166 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30166 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30167 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30168 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30169 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30170 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30171 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30171 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30172 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30173 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30174 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30175 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30176 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30177 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30178 GM043 Volatile organic compounds in soil by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30178 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30180 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30180 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30181 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30182 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30183 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30184 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30184 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30185 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30186 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30187 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30188 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30189 GM062 Semivolatile organic compounds, soils, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30191 GCE06 Chlorinated acids in water by GC/ECD USEPA 515.1 30191 GCE20 Chlorinated herbicides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection using methylation or pentafluorobenzylation derivatization USEPA 8151A EPA SW-846, Method 8151A 30191 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30191 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 30192 GCE20 Chlorinated herbicides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection using methylation or pentafluorobenzylation derivatization USEPA 8151A EPA SW-846, Method 8151A 30192 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 30193 GCE20 Chlorinated herbicides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection using methylation or pentafluorobenzylation derivatization USEPA 8151A EPA SW-846, Method 8151A 30194 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30194 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 30194 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30194 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 30194 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 30194 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 30194 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 30194 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 30195 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30195 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30195 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 30196 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30196 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30196 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 30197 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 30197 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 30200 00130 HERBICIDES EPA 515.1 USEPA 515.1 30200 GCE06 Chlorinated acids in water by GC/ECD USEPA 515.1 30200 GCE20 Chlorinated herbicides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection using methylation or pentafluorobenzylation derivatization USEPA 8151A EPA SW-846, Method 8151A 30204 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30204 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 30204 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 30207 ACOUS 30207 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 30207 CLIP Gage height, maximum or minimum gage height only 30207 CSG Gage height, crest stage gage 30207 ENCD Gage height, float driven analog to digital shaft encoder 30207 ETG Gage height, electric tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 30207 FLOAT Gage height, float tape gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 30207 HWM High Water Mark USGS TWRI 3-A1 30207 INSD Gage height, staff gage inside the gage house 30207 MANO Gage height, manometer USGS TWRI 8-A2 30207 NCAC Gage height, non-contact acoustic 30207 NCLZ Gage height, non-contact laser 30207 NCRD Gage height, non-contact radar 30207 NTRAN Gage height, non-submersible pressure transducer 30207 OTSD Gage height, primary reference staff gage outside the gage house 30207 RP Gage height, tape up or tape down from reference point USGS TWRI 3-A7 30207 STAFF Gage height, staff gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 30207 STRAN Gage height, submersible pressure transducer USGS TWRI 8-A3 30207 WWG Gage height, wire weight gage USGS TWRI 3-A7 30208 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 30208 Q-EST Discharge, estimated 30208 QADCP Discharge, measured, acoustic doppler current profiler from moving boat USGS OF 01-1 30208 QFLUM Discharge, measured, flume USGS TWRI 3-A14 30208 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A1 30208 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A2 30208 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A3 30208 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A4 30208 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A5 30208 QSCMM Discharge, measured, midsection method USGS TWRI 3-A8 30208 QSLPQ Discharge, slope-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 30208 QSTGQ Discharge, stage-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 30208 QTRAC Discharge, measured, tracer dye dilution USGS TWRI 3-A16 30208 QUNSP Discharge measured with an unspecified method 30208 QVELO Discharge, index-velocity rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 30208 QVOLM Discharge, measured, volumetric USGS TWRI 3-A8 30208 QWEIR Discharge, measured, weir USGS TWRI 3-A8 30208 ZEROF Observed Zero Flow 30209 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 30209 Q-EST Discharge, estimated 30209 QADCP Discharge, measured, acoustic doppler current profiler from moving boat USGS OF 01-1 30209 QFLUM Discharge, measured, flume USGS TWRI 3-A14 30209 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A1 30209 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A2 30209 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A3 30209 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A4 30209 QIDIR Discharge, measured, indirect method USGS TWRI 3-A5 30209 QSCMM Discharge, measured, midsection method USGS TWRI 3-A8 30209 QSLPQ Discharge, slope-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 30209 QSTGQ Discharge, stage-discharge rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 30209 QTRAC Discharge, measured, tracer dye dilution USGS TWRI 3-A16 30209 QUNSP Discharge measured with an unspecified method 30209 QVELO Discharge, index-velocity rating curve method USGS TWRI 3-A10 30209 QVOLM Discharge, measured, volumetric USGS TWRI 3-A8 30209 QWEIR Discharge, measured, weir USGS TWRI 3-A8 30209 ZEROF Observed Zero Flow 30210 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 30210 WLACO GW level, acoustic pulse USGS OF 81-1087 30210 WLAGR GW level, analog/graphic recorder USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 14 30210 WLAIR Ground water level, airline USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 13 30210 WLAIR Ground water level, airline USGS TWRI 8-A1 30210 WLCAI GW level, calib airline USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 13 30210 WLCEC GW level, calib elect cable 30210 WLCET GW level, calib elect tape USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 4 30210 WLCPG GW level, calib pressure gage USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 7 30210 WLCST GW level, calib steel tape USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 1 30210 WLECB GW level, electric cable 30210 WLENC GW level, encoder 30210 WLETP Ground water level, electric tape USGS GWPD 4--Water-level meas. using an elec. tape 30210 WLGPS GW level, differential GPS USGS TMR 11-D1 30210 WLINT Ground water level, infrared / optical interface meter Solinst Interface probe, IR/optical data sheet 30210 WLLOG GW level, logs 30210 WLMAN GW level, manometer USGS OSW Tech Memo 91.09 30210 WLNRG GW level, nonrecording gage USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 9 30210 WLOBS GW level, estim, report, observ 30210 WLPRG GW level, pressure gage USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 7 30210 WLPTR Ground water level, pressure transducer USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 7 30210 WLPTR Ground water level, pressure transducer USGS TWRI 8-A3 30210 WLSTP Ground water level, steel tape USGS TMR 1-A1, Procedure GWPD 1 30210 WLSTP Ground water level, steel tape USGS TWRI 8-A1 30210 WLUPT GW level, unvented pressure transducer USGS TWRI 8-A3 30211 ALGOR Computation by NWIS algorithm NWIS User's Manual, QW System, Section 3.6.7 30217 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 30217 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 30217 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30217 GCM53 Purgeable organic compounds recoverable from unfiltered water, by purge and trap GC-MS USGS O-3115-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 67 30217 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 30217 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 30217 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 30217 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 30217 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 30217 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 30217 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 30217 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 30217 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 30218 GCF10 Organophosphate pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with flame photometric detection USEPA 8141A EPA SW-846, Method 8141A 30218 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 30218 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 30218 GM036 Organophosphates in unfiltered water by liquid-liquid extraction with selective-ion-monitoring (SIM) Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (modification of methods GC089 and GC095 from GC to GCMS; prep procedure remains the same) 30218 GM042 Organophosphates in unfiltered water by CLLE extraction with GCMS analysis, final extract solvent Toluene (possible replacement method for Method GCF15 NWQL Schedule 1403) 30219 GCE20 Chlorinated herbicides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection using methylation or pentafluorobenzylation derivatization USEPA 8151A EPA SW-846, Method 8151A 30219 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 30220 S0128 Aluminum in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30221 PL004 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Aluminum, SUS, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30221 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 30221 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 30221 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30234 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 30234 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30234 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 30234 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30234 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 30234 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 30235 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 30235 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30235 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30236 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30236 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30239 S0129 Calcium in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30240 PL011 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Calcium, SUS, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30240 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30241 00035 Geologic Division, inorganic carbon USGS OF 96-525 30243 00036 Geologic Division, organic carbon USGS OF 96-525 30244 CMB02 Elements in suspended sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 30244 CMB02 Elements in suspended sediment by combustion, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 30245 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30245 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30254 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30254 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30255 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30255 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30264 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30264 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30268 S0130 Iron in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30269 PL020 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Iron, SUS, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30269 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 30269 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 30269 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30272 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30272 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30274 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30274 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30274 PLM50 Add-on to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 30276 S0133 Magnesium in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30277 PL024 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Magnesium, SUS, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30277 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30278 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30278 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30280 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30280 CV024 Mercury in aqueous and geologic materials by continuous flow-cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectrometry USGS TMR 5-D2 30280 S0135 Mercury, bed sediment, continuous flow-cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CVAFS) USGS TMR 5-D2 30282 LC046 Carbamate pesticides recoverable from unfiltered water, by HPLC USGS O-3107-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 49 30282 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 30283 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30284 PL003 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Niobium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30285 S0137 Neodymium in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30286 PL026 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Neodymium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30287 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30287 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30288 PL027 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Nickel, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30289 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30290 PL003 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Niobium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30291 S0140 Phosphorus in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30292 PL029 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Phosphorus, SUS, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30292 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 30292 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 30292 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30293 S0141 Potassium in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30294 PL030 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Potassium, SUS, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30294 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30295 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30295 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30296 LC046 Carbamate pesticides recoverable from unfiltered water, by HPLC USGS O-3107-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 49 30296 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 30297 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30297 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30298 PL031 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Scandium, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30299 S0143 Selenium, bed sediment, by flow injection or continuous flow-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS OF 02-223-L 30301 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30302 PL032 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Silver, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30303 S0145 Sodium in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30304 PL033 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Sodium, SED, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30304 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30305 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30305 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30306 PL034 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Strontium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30307 S0147 Total sulfur by combustion USGS OF 02-223-Q 30308 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 30308 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 30308 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30309 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30309 S0148 Tantalum in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30310 PL035 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Tantatum, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30311 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30311 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30311 LM120 Modified version of EPA Method 8321B, solvent extractable nonvolatile compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with thermospray/mass spectrometry or ultraviolet detection (MI-RTILI; CA-WECK) USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 30312 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30312 PLM13 Elements in sediment or soil using collision/reaction cell inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 30313 PL037 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Thorium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30314 S0150 Tin in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30315 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 30315 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 30316 S0151 Titanium in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30317 PL036 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Thallium, SUS, Percent USGS OF 96-525 30317 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 30317 PLA21 Elements in suspended sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 30317 PLO23 Elements in suspended sediment by multi-acid digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES; ICP-49; Arizona WSC; CANSGSAA) 30318 00026 Custom bed sed method 30318 PLM34 Custom addons to Elements in Natural-Water, Biota, Sediment, and Soil Samples Using Collision/Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B1 30320 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30320 PLM50 Add-on to elements recoverable from bed sediment by microwave assisted digestion (EPA 3051A) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry USGS I-5020-05 USGS TMR 5-B1 30320 PLM55 Metals, solids, by ICP/MS (DODEC) USEPA 6020 EPA SW-846 30321 PL039 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Uranium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30322 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30322 PLA36 Trace elements in bed sediments by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA method 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 30322 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30322 PM115 Trace elements, bed sediment, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS; EPA 6020B; DODESP) USEPA 6020B EPA SW-846, Method 6020B 30324 GCNP1 Pesticides, triazines, water unfiltered, gas chromatography w/nitrogen phosphorus detector USGS O-3106-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 46 30324 GM034 Triazines, water, unfiltered, liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring (GCMS SIM) 30325 S0154 Ytterbium in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry USGS OF 99-166 30326 PL041 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Ytterbium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30327 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30328 PL042 Geologic Division, ICP or ICP/MS, Yttrium, SUS, ug/q USGS OF 96-525 30329 00004 Determination of Elements in Reservoir and Lake Sediments for the NAWQA Reconstructed Trends National Systhesis by the USGS NRP Laboratory (Ted Callendar) in Reston, Virginia 30329 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 30343 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 30343 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 30343 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 30361 LCM71 Perchlorate in water, soils, and solid wastes using high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/mass sprectrometry (HPLC/ESI/MS OR HPLC/ESI/MS/MS; DODESP) USEPA 6850 30362 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 30363 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 30364 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 30365 LC052 Nitroaromatics and nitramines by high performance liquid chromatography (EPA 8330; DODESP) USEPA 8330 EPA 8330 30366 LC052 Nitroaromatics and nitramines by high performance liquid chromatography (EPA 8330; DODESP) USEPA 8330 EPA 8330 30367 LC052 Nitroaromatics and nitramines by high performance liquid chromatography (EPA 8330; DODESP) USEPA 8330 EPA 8330 30368 LC052 Nitroaromatics and nitramines by high performance liquid chromatography (EPA 8330; DODESP) USEPA 8330 EPA 8330 30369 CL181 Total and amenable cyanide in unfiltered water by automated colorimetry with off-line distillation (EPA 9012B; DODESP program) USEPA 9012B 30370 PLA28 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010C; DODEC program) USEPA 6010C 30371 PLA28 Trace elements in unfiltered water by ICP-AES (EPA method 6010C; DODEC program) USEPA 6010C 30372 GC182 Major elements, determined by flame photometric detector (FPD), using deionized water - saturated paste extraction method in solids (USGSINWSC) USDA Handbook 60, 1954, chapter 2 30372 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 30372 IC080 Inorganic anions in soil by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0/9056A; DODESP) USEPA 300.0/9056A EPA 300.0/9056A 30373 IC009 Determination of inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA Method 300.0) USEPA 300.0 EPA/600/R-93/100 30373 IC080 Inorganic anions in soil by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0/9056A; DODESP) USEPA 300.0/9056A EPA 300.0/9056A 30374 IC080 Inorganic anions in soil by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0/9056A; DODESP) USEPA 300.0/9056A EPA 300.0/9056A 30375 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 30376 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 30377 PLA32 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010C; DODESP) USEPA 6010C 30378 PLA47 Trace elements in soil by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (EPA 6010B; DODESP) USEPA 6010B EPA 6010B 30379 GM072 Volatile organic compounds, soil, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, SW846 EPA Method 8260B; DODESP USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30380 GM072 Volatile organic compounds, soil, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, SW846 EPA Method 8260B; DODESP USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30381 GM072 Volatile organic compounds, soil, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, SW846 EPA Method 8260B; DODESP USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30382 GM072 Volatile organic compounds, soil, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, SW846 EPA Method 8260B; DODESP USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 30383 IC081 Inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA 9056 as modified by CT Labs [WI-CTLB]; DODESP) USEPA 9056 EPA 9056 30384 IC081 Inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA 9056 as modified by CT Labs [WI-CTLB]; DODESP) USEPA 9056 EPA 9056 30385 IC081 Inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA 9056 as modified by CT Labs [WI-CTLB]; DODESP) USEPA 9056 EPA 9056 30386 IC081 Inorganic anions by ion chromatography (EPA 9056 as modified by CT Labs [WI-CTLB]; DODESP) USEPA 9056 EPA 9056 30387 CAL45 Nitrate, soil calculated as (NO3+NO2) - NO2 30387 CDR27 Determination of inorganic anions by cadmium reduction, colorimetry (EPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020; DODESP) USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 30388 CDR27 Determination of inorganic anions by cadmium reduction, colorimetry (EPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020; DODESP) USEPA 353.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 30388 IC080 Inorganic anions in soil by ion chromatography (EPA 300.0/9056A; DODESP) USEPA 300.0/9056A EPA 300.0/9056A 30389 CDR28 Nitrite by cadmium reduction, spectrophotometry (Standard Methods 4500 NO2 B; DODESP) STDMETH 4500 NO2 B-11 M Standard Methods 30390 LM104 Determination of cyanotoxins in unfiltered drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) (EPA 544/545 Modified; DODESP) USEPA 544 EPA 544/545 30391 LM104 Determination of cyanotoxins in unfiltered drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) (EPA 544/545 Modified; DODESP) USEPA 544 EPA 544/545 30392 LM106 beta-N-Methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) in unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) (NYWSC; SUNY-ESF) 30392 LM118 Cyanotoxin analysis in unfiltered water by ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS; EPA 544/545 as modified by Lumigen Instrument Center) USEPA 544/545 EPA 544/545 30393 LM104 Determination of cyanotoxins in unfiltered drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) (EPA 544/545 Modified; DODESP) USEPA 544 EPA 544/545 30394 LM104 Determination of cyanotoxins in unfiltered drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) (EPA 544/545 Modified; DODESP) USEPA 544 EPA 544/545 30394 LM118 Cyanotoxin analysis in unfiltered water by ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS; EPA 544/545 as modified by Lumigen Instrument Center) USEPA 544/545 EPA 544/545 30395 LM104 Determination of cyanotoxins in unfiltered drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) (EPA 544/545 Modified; DODESP) USEPA 544 EPA 544/545 30396 LM104 Determination of cyanotoxins in unfiltered drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) (EPA 544/545 Modified; DODESP) USEPA 544 EPA 544/545 30397 CV034 Mercury in solids by hot acid digestion and cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CVAFS) quantification USGS TMR 5-A8 30398 CV034 Mercury in solids by hot acid digestion and cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CVAFS) quantification USGS TMR 5-A8 30399 CV034 Mercury in solids by hot acid digestion and cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (CVAFS) quantification USGS TMR 5-A8 30400 SLD19 Loss on ignition (LOI), solids, by combustion at 500 degrees Celcius (USGSBGCA) USGS DS 375 30401 SLD19 Loss on ignition (LOI), solids, by combustion at 500 degrees Celcius (USGSBGCA) USGS DS 375 30402 SLD19 Loss on ignition (LOI), solids, by combustion at 500 degrees Celcius (USGSBGCA) USGS DS 375 31501 BAC51 Total coliform, M-Endo MF method, immediate, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS National Field Manual 31501 BAC51 Total coliform, M-Endo MF method, immediate, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS B-0025-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 13-16 31501 MF001 Total coliform bacteria, membrane-filter method, immediate incubation test USGS B-0025-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 13 31503 BAC50 Total coliform, M-Endo MF method, delayed, water, colonies per 100 milliliters STDMETH 9222 C Standard Methods 31504 BAC49 Total coliform, LES Endo method, immediate, water, colonies per 100 milliliters STDMETH 9222 B Standard Methods 31505 BAC43 Total coliform, brilliant green lactose broth method, confirmed, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS B-0045-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 33-35 31507 BAC46 Total coliform, completed test, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS B-0040-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 27-31 31613 BAC33 Fecal coliform, M-FC MF (0.7 micron) method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters 31615 BAC27 Fecal coliform, EC broth method, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS National Field Manual 31615 MPN01 Fecal coliform bacteria, most probable number (MPN) method, presumptive test USGS B-0051-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 41 31616 BAC32 Fecal coliform, M-FC MF (0.45 micron) method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters Standard Methods 31616 BAC32 Fecal coliform, M-FC MF (0.45 micron) method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS National Field Manual 31616 BAC93 Fecal coliform, water, M-FC MT (0.45 um) method (agar, membrane filter method; NewEng WSC; IN-ULSB) 31616 MF002 Fecal coliform bacteria, membrane filter method USGS B-0050-77 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1977, p 53 31616 MF006 Thermotolerant (fecal) coliform membrane filter method (SM 9222 D; PA WSC; PA-DEP) STDMETH 9222 D Standard Methods 31617 BAC29 Fecal coliform, Eijkman test, 44.5 degrees Celsius, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters 31619 BAC26 Fecal coliform, boric acid lactose broth, 43 degrees Celsius, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters 31621 BAC25 Fecal coliform, A-1 broth method, 44.5 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters STDMETH 9221 E-2 Standard Methods 31625 BAC33 Fecal coliform, M-FC MF (0.7 micron) method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters 31625 MF003 Fecal coliform bacteria, membrane-filter method, immediate incubation test USGS B-0050-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 37 31633 BAC21 Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters EPA 600/4-85/076 31633 BAC21 Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS National Field Manual 31633 BAC82 Escherichia coli in water by membrane filtration using modified membrane-thermotolerant Escherichia coli agar (modified mTEC) USEPA 1603 31648 BAC21 Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters EPA 600/4-85/076 31648 BAC21 Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS National Field Manual 31648 BAC80 Escherichia coli in water by membrane filtration using modified membrane-thermotolerant Escherichia coli agar (modified mTEC) (EPA 1603; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 1603 EPA 821-R-06-011 31648 BAC99 Escherichia coli in water by membrane filtration using modified membrane-thermotolerant Escherichia coli agar (mTEC) (EPA 1103.1; NY WSC; NY-IECL) USEPA 1103.1 EPA-821-R-10-002 31649 BAC07 Enterococci, m-E MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USEPA 1106.1 USGS National Field Manual 31649 BAC79 Enterococci in water by membrane filtration using membrane-Enterococcus indoxyl-b-D-glucoside agar (mEI) (EPA 1600; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 1600 EPA 821-R-06-009 31673 BAC38 Fecal streptococci, KF streptococcus MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS National Field Manual 31673 BAC38 Fecal streptococci, KF streptococcus MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS B-0055-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 47-50 31673 MF005 Fecal streptococcal bacteria, membrane-filter method, immediate incubation test USGS B-0055-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 47 31677 BAC37 Fecal streptococci, azide-dextrose-ethyl-violet azide broth method, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS B-0065-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 55-59 31679 BAC39 Fecal streptococci, m-enterococcus MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS National Field Manual 31679 MF004 Fecal streptococcal bacteria, membrane filter method USGS B-0055-77 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1977, p 59 31681 BAC42 Salmonella, water, 0.45 micron filter, most probable number per 100 milliliters 31682 BAC10 Escherichia coli O157, presumptive test, water, 0.45 micron filter, presence or absence per 500 milliliters 31683 BAC09 Escherichia coli O157, confirmed test, water, 0.45 micron filter, presence or absence per 500 milliliters 31684 BAC23 Escherichia coli, MUG method, water, presence or absence in sample 31685 BAC28 Fecal coliform, EC medium, 44.5 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, Standard Methods 9221E.1, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters 31686 BAC77 Coliforms in water, enzyme substrate coliform test (Standard Methods 9223 B; PA WSC) STDMETH 9223 B 31686 BAC78 Coliforms in water, enzyme substrate coliform test, defined-substrate technology (Standard Methods 9223 B; PA WSC; lab PA-SLW) STDMETH 9223 B Colilert 31686 BAC81 Coliforms, water, enzyme substrate coliform test (SM 9223; DODESP; RTI) STDMETH 9223 Standard Methods 31689 BAC77 Coliforms in water, enzyme substrate coliform test (Standard Methods 9223 B; PA WSC) STDMETH 9223 B 31689 BAC78 Coliforms in water, enzyme substrate coliform test, defined-substrate technology (Standard Methods 9223 B; PA WSC; lab PA-SLW) STDMETH 9223 B Colilert 31689 BAC81 Coliforms, water, enzyme substrate coliform test (SM 9223; DODESP; RTI) STDMETH 9223 Standard Methods 31689 BAC94 Escherichia coli, multiple tube fermentation technique (Standard Methods 9221 B.2-2006 & 9221 F-2006; NYWSC) STDMETH 9221 B.2 Standard Methods 31689 BAC94 Escherichia coli, multiple tube fermentation technique (Standard Methods 9221 B.2-2006 & 9221 F-2006; NYWSC) STDMETH 9221 F Standard Methods 31691 BAC61 Escherichia coli and Fecal Coliform, Membrane Filter Partition Procedures, Standard Methods 9222G STDMETH 9222G Standard Methods 31691 BAC62 Escherichia coli, Defined Substrate Technology method, Standard Methods 9223B STDMETH 9223B Standard Methods 31713 VIR22 Measurement of Enterovirus and Norovirus Occurrence in Water by Culture and RT-qPCR USEPA 1615 EPA 600/R-10/181 31714 VIR22 Measurement of Enterovirus and Norovirus Occurrence in Water by Culture and RT-qPCR USEPA 1615 EPA 600/R-10/181 31715 VIR22 Measurement of Enterovirus and Norovirus Occurrence in Water by Culture and RT-qPCR USEPA 1615 EPA 600/R-10/181 31716 BAC63 Enterococcus species, membrane filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, calibrator cell equivalents per 100 milliliters USEPA 1611 EPA-821-R-12-008 31717 BAC64 Denitrifying and nitrate-reducing bacteria (most-probable-number, MPN, method) USGS B-0430-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 67-72 31718 BAC64 Denitrifying and nitrate-reducing bacteria (most-probable-number, MPN, method) USGS B-0430-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 67-72 31719 BAC65 Enterococci in water, fluorogenic substrate presence or absence method, presence or absence in 100 milliliters STDMETH 9230 D Standard Methods 31730 TOX01 7-day static renewal effluent toxicity tests with larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) (TX WSC) EPA-821-R-02-013 31731 TOX01 7-day static renewal effluent toxicity tests with larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) (TX WSC) EPA-821-R-02-013 31732 BAC76 Aerobic endospores, water, heat treatment, 0.45 micro filtration, and growth on nutrient agar plus trypan blue at 35 degrees Celsius (SM 9218 B; USGSOHML) STDMETH 9218 B 31733 PCR38 Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method using a SYBR green assay with ITS1-3chytr and 5.8Schytr primers Dis Aquat Org, 2004, v 60, p 141-148 31734 PCR34 Shigella species ipaH gene marker, water, 0.4 micro filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction J Clin Microbiol, 2004, v 42, no 5, p 2031-2035 31735 PCR35 Enterococcus faecium, enterococcol surface protein (esp gene), water, 0.4 micro filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction ES&T, 2005, v 39, p 283-287 31736 PCR36 Shigella species ipaH gene marker, DNA-based, solids, dry weight, quantitative polymerase chain reaction J Clin Microbiol, 2004, v 42, no 5, p 2031-2035 31737 PCR37 Enterococcus faecium, enterococcol surface protein (esp gene), solids, DNA-based, dry weight, quantitative polymerase chain reaction ES&T, 2005, v 39, p 283-287 31738 PCR39 Hepatitis A virus (VP1 and VP3 interface), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 1995, v 61, p 531-537 31739 PCR40 Rotavirus A (NSP3) virus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Virol Methods, 2008, v 153, no 2, p 238-40 31740 PCR41 Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP 900, IS900 insertion element gene) & (MAP 251 locus gene) bacteria, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2010, v 76, p 7367-70 31741 PCR42 Rotavirus C (VP6) virus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J of Virol, 1999, v 73, no 11, p 9284-9293 31742 PCR43 Human Bacteroides bacteria, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Water Res, 2007, v 41, p 3701-3715 31743 PCR44 Human Lachnospiraceae bacteria, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 6972-6981 31744 PCR45 Bacteroidales species bacteria, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004, v 70, p 5695-5697 31745 PCR46 Enterococcus bacteria, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Sys Appl Microbiol, 2000, v 23, p 556-562 31746 PCR47 Ruminant Bacteroides, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2006, v 72, p 5610-5614 31747 BAC84 Enterococci, water, mEI MF method with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 5284-5289 31747 BAC84 Enterococci, water, mEI MF method with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (USGSOHML) USEPA 1600 EPA 821-R-06-009 31750 BAC86 Escherichia coli, water, Colilert (24-28 hr) with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (IDEXX Laboratories; USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 5284-5289 31750 BAC86 Escherichia coli, water, Colilert (24-28 hr) with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (IDEXX Laboratories; USGSOHML) Standard Methods 31751 BAC03 Bacteria, total plate count, TPC agar, 35 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, water, colonies per milliliter USGS B-0001-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 7-11 31754 VIR23 Coliphage, E. coli, water, CN13 host, MF method with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 5284-5289 31754 VIR23 Coliphage, E. coli, water, CN13 host, MF method with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (USGSOHML) USEPA 1602 EPA 821-R-01-029 31755 VIR24 Coliphage, E. coli, water, Famp host, MF method with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 5284-5289 31755 VIR24 Coliphage, E. coli, water, Famp host, MF method with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (USGSOHML) USEPA 1602 EPA 821-R-01-029 31756 BAC85 Total coliforms, water, Colilert (24-28 hr) with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (IDEXX Laboratories; USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 5284-5289 31756 BAC85 Total coliforms, water, Colilert (24-28 hr) with filter eluate concentration step modified from Smith and Hill, 2009 (IDEXX Laboratories; USGSOHML) Standard Methods 31759 FL077 Picocyanbacteria biovolume by epiflourescence microscopy (DODESP) MacIsaac & Stockner 1993 31760 FL077 Picocyanbacteria biovolume by epiflourescence microscopy (DODESP) MacIsaac & Stockner 1993 31761 PCR01 Human adenovirus group A, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Appl Microbiol, Oct 2009, v 107, no 4, p 1219-29 31762 PCR02 Human adenovirus group B, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Appl Microbiol, Oct 2009, v 107, no 4, p 1219-29 31763 PCR03 Human adenovirus groups C, D, F, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Appl Microbiol, Oct 2009, v 107, no 4, p 1219-29 31764 PCR04 Human enterovirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Biotechniques, July 2000, v 29, no 1, p 88-93 31764 PCR04 Human enterovirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method De Leon and others, 1990 31765 PCR05 Norovirus genogroup I, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2005, v 71, p 1870-1875 31766 PCR06 Norovirus genogroup II, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2003, v 41, no 4, p 1548-1557 31767 PCR07 Human polyomavirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 3379-3388 31768 PCR08 Human-associated HF183 Bacteroides, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2014, v 80, p 3086-3094 31769 PCR09 Bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J of Vet Diag Invest, 2007, v 19, no 3, p 298-300 31770 PCR10 Bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J of Vet Diag Invest, 2007, v 19, no 3, p 298-300 31771 PCR11 Bovine rotavirus group A, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J of Virol, 1999, v 73, no 11, p 9284-9293 31772 PCR12 Bovine coronavirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method 31773 PCR13 Bovine adenovirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Appl Microbiol, 2010, v 109, p 605-612 31774 PCR14 Bovine enterovirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 355-362 31775 PCR15 Bovine polyomavirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2011, v 90, p 1521-1526 31776 PCR16 Bovine Bacteroides, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Appl Microbiol, March 2010, v 108, no 3,p 974-84 31777 PCR17 Bovine-associated M3 bacteria, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2008, v 74, p 745-752 31778 PCR18 Enterococcus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method 31779 PCR19 Pepper mild mottle virus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 7261-7267 31780 PCR20 Enterohemorhagic Escherichia coli, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Can J Microbiol, 2004, v 50, p 1007-1014 31781 PCR21 Salmonella, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2000, v 38, no 9, p 3429-3435 31782 PCR22 Campylobacter jejuni, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method FEMS Microbiol Lett, 2003, v 229, p 237-241 31783 PCR23 Cryptosporidium parvum, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2005, v 71, p 1495-1500 31784 PCR24 Giardia lamblia, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Water Res, May 2011, v 45, no 10, p 3175-84 31785 VIR22 Measurement of Enterovirus and Norovirus Occurrence in Water by Culture and RT-qPCR USEPA 1615 EPA 600/R-10/181 31786 VIR22 Measurement of Enterovirus and Norovirus Occurrence in Water by Culture and RT-qPCR USEPA 1615 EPA 600/R-10/181 31787 PCR25 Dolichospermum-specific 16S rDNA genes, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2007, v 6, p 519-530 31787 PCR81 Dolichospermum-specific 16S rDNA genes, 0.2 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2007, v 6, p 519-530 31788 PC105 Cyanobacteria-specific 16S rRNA genes, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 11, p 4198-4205 31789 PC106 Microsystis-specific 16S rRNA genes, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 11, p 4198-4205 31790 PC107 Microcystis-specific mcyE toxin gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2010, v 76, p 3797-3805 31791 PC108 Dolichospermum-specific mcyE toxin gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2010, v 76, p 3797-3805 31792 PC109 Planktothrix-specific mcyE toxin gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2006, v 72, p 6101-6110 31793 PCR26 Planktothrix-specific 16S rRNA genes, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 8744-8753 31793 PCR80 Planktothrix-specific 16S rRNA genes, 0.2 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 8744-8753 31794 PC111 Planktothrix-specific 16S rRNA genes, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 8744-8753 31794 PCR26 Planktothrix-specific 16S rRNA genes, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 8744-8753 31795 PCR27 anaC toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 7271-7278 31795 PCR66 anaC toxin gene, DNA based, 0.2 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 7271-7278 31796 PC112 anaC toxin gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 7271-7278 31796 PCR27 anaC toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 7271-7278 31797 PCR28 sxtA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31797 PCR67 sxtA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.2 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31798 PC113 sxtA toxin gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31798 PCR28 sxtA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31799 PC110 Dolichospermum-specific 16S rRNA genes, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2007, v 6, p 519-530 31800 PCR29 Human adenovirus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2005, v 71, p 3131-3136 31806 PCR31 Bacteroides bovine marker CowM2, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2008, v 74, p 745-752 31807 PCR31 Bacteroides bovine marker CowM2, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2008, v 74, p 745-752 31808 PCR30 Bacteroides ruminant marker Rum2Bac,0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction 31809 PCR30 Bacteroides ruminant marker Rum2Bac,0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction 31810 PCR32 Catellicoccus avian marker GFD, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2012, v 78, p 503-510 31811 PCR32 Catellicoccus avian marker GFD, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2012, v 78, p 503-510 31812 PCR48 Escherichia coli stx1, stx2, and 16S rRNA genes, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Environ Qual, 2009, v 38, p 1878-1886 31813 PCR48 Escherichia coli stx1, stx2, and 16S rRNA genes, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Environ Qual, 2009, v 38, p 1878-1886 31815 PCR49 Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1992, v 58, p 3809-3815 31815 PCR49 Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1999, v 65, p 868-872 31816 PCR50 Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1999, v 65, p 2954-2960 31816 PCR50 Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Appl Microbiol, 2003, v 95, p 1217-1225 31817 PCR51 Staphylcoccus aureus 48 kD protein (femA) gene, BP membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2000, v 38, p 1032-1035 31819 PCR52 Staphylcoccus aureus penicillin binding protein 2A (mecA) gene, BP membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2000, v 38, p 2429-2433 31820 PCR53 Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, RV broth enrichment selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1996, v 34, p 2619-2622 31821 PCR53 Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, RV broth enrichment selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1996, v 34, p 2619-2622 31822 PCR48 Escherichia coli stx1, stx2, and 16S rRNA genes, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Environ Qual, 2009, v 38, p 1878-1886 31823 PCR54 Enterococcus species enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene, mEI membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Infect Immun, 1999, v 67, p 193-200 31824 PCR55 Enterococcus faecium, D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, mEI membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2004, v 42, p 5857-5860 31825 PCR55 Enterococcus faecium, D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, mEI membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2004, v 42, p 5857-5860 31826 BAC87 Staphlococcus, BP membrane filtration (0.45 micron filter) method STDMETH 9213 D 31827 PCR56 Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, mFC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1993, v 59, p 536-540 31827 PCR56 Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, mFC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Standard Methods (21st ed), 2005 31828 PCR57 Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, mEI membrane filtration section, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1995, v 33, p 24-27 31829 PCR57 Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, mEI membrane filtration section, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1995, v 33, p 24-27 31830 PCR48 Escherichia coli stx1, stx2, and 16S rRNA genes, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Environ Qual, 2009, v 38, p 1878-1886 31831 PCR48 Escherichia coli stx1, stx2, and 16S rRNA genes, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Environ Qual, 2009, v 38, p 1878-1886 31832 PCR49 Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1992, v 58, p 3809-3815 31832 PCR49 Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1999, v 65, p 868-872 31833 PCR50 Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1999, v 65, p 2954-2960 31833 PCR50 Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Appl Microbiol, 2003, v 95, p 1217-1225 31834 PCR51 Staphylcoccus aureus 48 kD protein (femA) gene, BP membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2000, v 38, p 1032-1035 31835 PCR52 Staphylcoccus aureus penicillin binding protein 2A (mecA) gene, BP membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2000, v 38, p 2429-2433 31836 PCR53 Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, RV broth enrichment selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1996, v 34, p 2619-2622 31837 PCR53 Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, RV broth enrichment selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1996, v 34, p 2619-2622 31838 PCR48 Escherichia coli stx1, stx2, and 16S rRNA genes, mTEC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Environ Qual, 2009, v 38, p 1878-1886 31839 PCR54 Enterococcus species enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene, mEI membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Infect Immun, 1999, v 67, p 193-200 31840 PCR55 Enterococcus faecium, D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, mEI membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2004, v 42, p 5857-5860 31841 PCR55 Enterococcus faecium, D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, mEI membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 2004, v 42, p 5857-5860 31842 PCR56 Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, mFC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Appl Environ Microbiol, 1993, v 59, p 536-540 31842 PCR56 Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, mFC membrane filtration selection, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Standard Methods (21st ed), 2005 31843 PCR57 Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, mEI membrane filtration section, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1995, v 33, p 24-27 31844 PCR57 Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, mEI membrane filtration section, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) J Clin Microbiol, 1995, v 33, p 24-27 31845 BAC88 Salmonella, RV enrichment (0.45 micron filter) J Appl Bacteriol, 1978, v 44, p 233-239 31846 BAC88 Salmonella, RV enrichment (0.45 micron filter) J Appl Bacteriol, 1978, v 44, p 233-239 31847 BAC89 Heterotrophic plate count, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron filter) method, various incubation temperatures Appl Environ Microbiol, 1985, v 49, p 1-7 31848 BAC89 Heterotrophic plate count, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron filter) method, various incubation temperatures Appl Environ Microbiol, 1985, v 49, p 1-7 31850 BAC89 Heterotrophic plate count, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron filter) method, various incubation temperatures Appl Environ Microbiol, 1985, v 49, p 1-7 31854 BAC01 Bacteria, nitrifying, water, most probable number USGS B-0420-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 61-65 31855 BAC02 Bacteria, sulfate reducing, water, most probable number USGS B-0400-85 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1989, p 73-77 31863 PCR58 cyrA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31863 PCR62 cyrA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.2 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31864 PCR59 cyrA toxin gene, RNA based, 0.4 micron filter, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31864 PCR63 cyrA toxin gene, RNA based, 0.2 micron filter, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31865 PC114 cyrA toxin gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31865 PCR58 cyrA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31866 PCR60 anaC toxin gene, RNA based, 0.4 micron filter method, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 7271-7278 31866 PCR64 anaC toxin gene, RNA based, 0.2 micron filter method, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2011, v 77, p 7271-7278 31867 PCR61 sxtA toxin gene, RNA based, 0.4 micron filter method, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31867 PCR65 sxtA toxin gene, RNA based, 0.2 micron filter method, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31868 PCR68 Cyanobacteria-specific geoA gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Great Lakes Res, 2014, v 40, p 404-414 31869 PCR69 Cyanobacteria-specific mic gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Appl Phycol, 2016, v 28, p 325-333 31870 PCR70 Actinomycetes-specific geoA gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Great Lakes Res, 2014, v 40, p 404-414 31871 PCR71 Actinomycetes-specific mic gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Appl Phycol, 2016, v 28, p 325-333 31872 PCR82 mcyE/ndaF toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Toxicon, 2011, v 57, no 4, p 546-554 31873 PCR83 mcyE/ndaF toxin gene, RNA based, 0.4 micron filter, reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Toxicon, 2011, v 57, no 4, p 546-554 31874 PC115 mcyE/ndaF toxin gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2012, v 15, p 19-25 31874 PCR82 mcyE/ndaF toxin gene, DNA based, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Toxicon, 2011, v 57, no 4, p 546-554 31875 PCR84 Human-associated M2 Bacteroidales-like quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2009, v 75, p 5507-5513 31876 PCR85 Bovine-associated M2 Bacteroidales-like, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2008, v 74, p 745-752 31877 PCR86 Cryptosporidium spp. (pan-Crypto), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2013, v 51, p 2556-2563 31878 PCR87 Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Shiga toxin-1 gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Int J Food Microbiol, 2011, v 151, p 44-51 31879 PCR88 Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Shiga toxin-2 gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Int J Food Microbiol, 2011, v 151, p 44-51 31880 PCR89 Salmonella (TTR gene), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2004, v 70, p 7046-7052 31881 PCR90 Cryptosporidium hominis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2013, v 51, p 2556-2563 31882 PCR91 Cryptosporidium bovis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2013, v 51, p 2556-2563 31883 FL075 Turner Designs PhytoFind submersible fluorometer, in-vivo fluorescence with correction for CDOM 31884 FL075 Turner Designs PhytoFind submersible fluorometer, in-vivo fluorescence with correction for CDOM 31885 FL075 Turner Designs PhytoFind submersible fluorometer, in-vivo fluorescence with correction for CDOM 31886 FL075 Turner Designs PhytoFind submersible fluorometer, in-vivo fluorescence with correction for CDOM 31887 FL075 Turner Designs PhytoFind submersible fluorometer, in-vivo fluorescence with correction for CDOM 31888 FL075 Turner Designs PhytoFind submersible fluorometer, in-vivo fluorescence with correction for CDOM 31894 PCR92 Human Adenovirus groups A-F hexon gene, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2005, v 71, p 3131-3136 31895 PCR93 Human Lachnospiraceae bacteria Lachno3 gene, water, filtered (0.22 micron filter), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2018, 84:e00309-18 31896 PCR94 Escherichia coli uidA gene, water, filtered (0.22 micron filter), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Water Res, 2006. v 40, no 16, p 3023-3028 31896 PCR94 Escherichia coli uidA gene, water, filtered (0.22 micron filter), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Water Res, 2011, v 45, no 14, p 4081-4091 31897 FL068 Picocyanobacteria enumeration by epifluoresence Gulf Caribb Res, 2005, v 17, no 1, p 95-106 31897 FL068 Picocyanobacteria enumeration by epifluoresence J Plankton Res, 2004, v 26, no 3, p 371-382 31898 PCR95 Human-associated HF183 Bacteroides, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2014, v 80, p 3086-3094 31899 PCR95 Human-associated HF183 Bacteroides, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Microbiol, 2014, v 80, p 3086-3094 31900 PCR96 Bacteroides horse marker, Hor-Bac, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Water Resources, 2012, v 46, p. 2891-2904 31901 PCR96 Bacteroides horse marker, Hor-Bac, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Water Resources, 2012, v 46, p. 2891-2904 31902 PCR97 Brevibacterium poultry marker, CL, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Water Resources, 2014, v. 48 no. 1, p. 613-621 31903 PCR97 Brevibacterium poultry marker, CL, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Water Resources, 2014, v. 48 no. 1, p. 613-621 31904 PCR98 Bacteroides swine marker, Pig-1-Bac, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Micro, 2009, v75, no. 10, p 3045-3054 31905 PCR98 Bacteroides swine marker, Pig-1-Bac, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Micro, 2009, v75, no. 10, p 3045-3054 31906 PCR99 Bacteroides swine marker, Pig-2-Bac, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Micro, 2009, v75, no. 10, p 3045-3054 31907 PCR99 Bacteroides swine marker, Pig-2-Bac, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Micro, 2009, v75, no. 10, p 3045-3054 31908 PC100 Lactobacillus swine marker, L. sobrius/amylovorus, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Micro, 2010, v 76, no. 5, p 1456-1461 31909 PC100 Lactobacillus swine marker, L. sobrius/amylovorus, 0.4 micron filter method, quantitative polymerase chain (qPCR) reaction (USGSOHML) Appl Environ Micro, 2010, v 76, no. 5, p 1456-1461 31914 PC101 Cyanobacteria 16S gene, DNA based, 0.8 micron filter method, Phytoxigene CyanoDTec kit, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) 705.0 Ohio EPA Div. of Enviro Services 2016, version 1.0 31915 PC102 mcyE/ndaF toxin genes, DNA based, 0.8 micron filter method, Phytoxigene CyanoDTec kit, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) 705.0 Ohio EPA Div. of Enviro Services 2016, version 1.0 31916 PC103 sxtA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.8 micron filter method, Phytoxigene CyanoDTec kit, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) 705.0 Ohio EPA Div. of Enviro Services 2016, version 1.0 31917 PC104 cyrA toxin gene, DNA based, 0.8 micron filter method, Phytoxigene CyanoDTec kit, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) 705.0 Ohio EPA Div. of Enviro Services 2016, version 1.0 31918 IMM35 Total anatoxin-a,freeze/thaw 3 times then filter using 0.45 micron filter, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA, Abraxis Part #520060; USGS-NYL) 31919 BIO08 Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) bioassay, water, unfiltered 31920 BIO09 Total Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Assay as (+)- anatoxin-a equivalents, water, unfiltered 31921 BIO10 Total Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Binding Assay as (+)- anatoxin-a equivalents, water, filtered 31922 PC116 Nostoc-specific 16S rRNA genes, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Water Research, 2020, v 170, p 12-20 31923 PC117 Nostoc-specific 16S rRNA genes, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Water Research, 2020, v 170, p 12-20 31924 PC118 Bighead carp COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Great Lakes Res, 2017, v 43, p 771-776 31925 PC119 Silver carp COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Great Lakes Res, 2017, v 43, p 771-776 31926 PC120 Grass carp COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Great Lakes Res, 2017, v 43, p 771-776 31927 PC121 Black carp COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Great Lakes Res, 2017, v 43, p 771-776 31928 PC122 Kidneyshell COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Aquatic Conservation, 2018, v 28, p 545-558 31929 PC123 Prymnesium parvum ITS gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) Harmful Algae, 2015, v 42, p 52-59 31930 PC124 Maccaffertium pulchellum COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) 31931 PC125 Chimera obscura COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) 31932 PC126 Northern riffleshell COI gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) 31933 PC127 crAssphage human marker, CPQ_056, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) ES&T, 2018, v 52, no 13, p 7505-7512 31934 PC127 crAssphage human marker, CPQ_056, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) ES&T, 2018, v 52, no 13, p 7505-7512 31935 PC128 crAssphage human marker, CPQ_064, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) ES&T, 2018, v 52, no 13, p 7505-7512 31936 PC128 crAssphage human marker, CPQ_064, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) ES&T, 2018, v 52, no 13, p 7505-7512 31937 IMM39 Total anatoxin-a, freeze/thaw, 0.45 micron filter, enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) (USGSOHML) 31944 PC129 Cyanobacteria-specific mic gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Appl Phycol, 2016, v 28, p 325-333 31945 PC130 Cyanobacteria-specific geoA gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (USGSOHML) J Great Lakes Res, 2014, v 40, p 404-414 31946 PC131 Gloeotrichia sp. gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction 31946 PC132 Gloeotrichia sp. gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction 31947 PC131 Gloeotrichia sp. gene, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction 31947 PC132 Gloeotrichia sp. gene, quantitative polymerase chain reaction 31948 PC133 Bacteroides canine marker, DG3, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction ES&T, 2014, v 48, no 19, p 11453-11461 31949 PC134 Bacteroides canine marker, DG3, quantitative polymerase chain reaction ES&T, 2014, v 48, no 19, p 11453-11461 31950 PC135 Lachnospiraceae canine marker, DG37, 0.4 micron filter, quantitative polymerase chain reaction ES&T, 2014, v 48, no 19, p 11453-11461 31951 PC136 Lachnospiraceae canine marker, DG37, quantitative polymerase chain reaction ES&T, 2014, v 48, no 19, p 11453-11461 31952 PC137 Cryptosporidium spp. 18S rRNA gene, CRU18S, quantitative polymerase chain reaction J Clin Microbiol, 2011, v 49, p 918-924 31953 PC138 Cryptosporidium spp. 18S rRNA gene, JVA, quantitative polymerase chain reaction Appl Environ Microbiol, 2007, v 73, p 4218-4225 31954 PC139 Cryptosporidium parvum, JVAG2, quantitative polymerase chain reaction J Med Microbiol, v 57, p 1099-1105 31955 PC140 Cryptosporidium hominis, JVAG1, quantitative polymerase chain reaction J Med Microbiol, v 57, p 1099-1105 31956 PC141 Avian-associated Bacteroidales (GFD assay) quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Appl Environ Microbiol, 2012, v 78, p 503-510 31957 PC142 Pig-1-Bac Pig-specific Bacteroidales, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Appl Environ Micro, 2009, v75, no. 10, p 3045-3054 31958 PC143 Pig-2-Bac Pig-specific Bacteroidales, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Appl Environ Micro, 2009, v75, no. 10, p 3045-3054 31959 PC144 Hepatitis E virus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Virological Methods, 2006, vol 131, p. 65-71 31959 PC144 Hepatitis E virus, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Virological Methods, 2012, vol 186, p. 157-60 31960 PC145 Shigella/EIEC (ipaH gene), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Food Protection, 2010, v 73, Iss 9, p 1618-1625 31961 PC146 Staphylococcus aureus (nuc gene), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2014, vol 52, iss 6, p 1911-20 31962 PC147 Cryptosporidium baileyi, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Appl Environ Microbiol, 2015, v 81, p 5845-5854 31963 PC148 Cryptosporidium galli, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Vet Parasitology, 2015, v 205, Iss 1-2, p. 7-13 31964 PC149 Cryptosporidium meleagridis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J of Med Micro, 2006, v 55, Iss 9, p 1217-1222 31965 PC150 Cryptosporidium suis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2013, v 51, p 2556-2563 31966 PC151 Cryptosporidium ubiquitum, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method J Clin Microbiol, 2013, v 51, p 2556-2563 31967 PC152 2019_nCOV_N1, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method 31968 PC153 2019_nCOV_N2, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method 31969 PC154 Moraxella bovis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method Journal Microbiol Methods, 2019, vol 160, p. 87-92 31970 PC155 Actinomycetes-specific geoA gene, in solids, DNA based, quantitative polymerase chain reaction J Great Lakes Res, 2014, v 40, p 404-414 31971 PC156 Actinomycetes-specific mic gene, in solids, DNA based, quantitative polymerase chain reaction J Appl Phycol, 2016, v 28, p 325-333 32101 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 32101 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 32101 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 32101 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 32101 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 32101 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32101 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32101 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 32101 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32101 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32101 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 32101 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 32101 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 32101 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 32102 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 32102 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 32102 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 32102 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 32102 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 32102 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32102 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32102 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 32102 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32102 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32102 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 32102 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 32102 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 32102 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 32103 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 32103 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 32103 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 32103 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 32103 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 32103 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32103 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32103 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 32103 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32103 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32103 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 32103 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 32103 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 32103 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 32104 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 32104 00068 THM - Bromoform 32104 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 32104 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 32104 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 32104 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 32104 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32104 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32104 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 32104 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32104 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32104 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 32104 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 32104 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 32104 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 32104 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 32104 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 32105 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 32105 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 32105 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 32105 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 32105 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 32105 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32105 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32105 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 32105 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32105 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32105 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 32105 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 32105 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 32105 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 32105 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 32106 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 32106 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 32106 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 32106 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 32106 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 32106 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32106 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32106 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 32106 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32106 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 32106 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 32106 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 32106 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 32106 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 32207 FL090 Determination of chlorophyll a in water by fluoresence analysis (modified EPA Method 445.0 by the use of narrow bandpass excitation and emission filters) USEPA 445.0 USEPA 445.0 rev 1.2 32208 FL090 Determination of chlorophyll a in water by fluoresence analysis (modified EPA Method 445.0 by the use of narrow bandpass excitation and emission filters) USEPA 445.0 USEPA 445.0 rev 1.2 32211 00090 CHLOROPHYLL-A (PHYTO) STDMETH 10200H Standard Methods 32217 00050 Plant pigments in algae by EPA Method 445.0 (fluorescence) modified by use of sonication for sample extraction USEPA 445.0 32217 CHL06 Plant pigments in algae by EPA Method 445.0 (fluorescence) modified by maceration for sample extraction, 5 micron filter sample prep USEPA 445.0 32217 FL016 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by maceration with acetone extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of acetone for the extraction) USEPA 445.0 32217 FL021 Chlorophyll a, fluorometric method, uncorrected (Standard Methods 10200 H; USGS-NYL) STDMETH 10200 H 32217 FL076 Chlorophyll a, fluorometric method, uncorrected, Turner Designs Trilogy Non-Acidification Module Turner Designs Trilogy Laboratory Fluorometer 32217 FL085 Chlorophyll a, unfiltered water, in vitro determination of chlorophyll a in freshwater algae by fluorescence (NYSWC; ALSC) USEPA 445 ALSC SOPs, 2015 32230 G0067 Chlorophyll in phytoplankton by spectroscopy USGS B-6501-77 USGS TWRI 5-A4/1977, p 209 32240 LC018 HPLC: Tannin and Lignin: WWR STDMETH 5550B Standard Methods 32241 00050 Plant pigments in algae by EPA Method 445.0 (fluorescence) modified by use of sonication for sample extraction USEPA 445.0 32241 CHL06 Plant pigments in algae by EPA Method 445.0 (fluorescence) modified by maceration for sample extraction, 5 micron filter sample prep USEPA 445.0 32241 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32241 FL016 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by maceration with acetone extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of acetone for the extraction) USEPA 445.0 32242 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32243 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32268 CHL05 Photosynthetic pigments in plankton, fluorometric (SM 10200 H3) STDMETH 10200 H3 32269 CHL05 Photosynthetic pigments in plankton, fluorometric (SM 10200 H3) STDMETH 10200 H3 32271 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32272 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32273 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32274 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32275 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32276 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32277 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32278 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32279 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32280 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32281 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32282 FL012 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by ethanol extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of ethanol for the extraction) 32295 FL013 Turner Designs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 365 nm, emission 470 nm 32295 FL014 Wetlabs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm JGR-Biogeosciences, v. 114, article G00F09 32295 FL014 Wetlabs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm Limnol Oceanogr: Methods, 2009, v 7, p 119-131 32295 FL015 Seapoint submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 440 nm 32295 FL017 YSI EXO submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation at 365 +/-5 nm, emission at 480 +/-40 nm 32295 FL029 YSI, EXO, excitation 365 nm, emission 480 nm, 80 nm bandpass 32295 FL030 Wetlabs, Wetstar, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32295 FL031 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32295 FL032 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 325 nm, emission 470 nm, NA nm bandpass 32295 FL033 SeaPoint, SUVF, excitation 370 nm, emission 440 nm, 40 nm bandpass 32295 FL034 CTG, UviLux, excitation 255 nm, emission 450 nm, 55 nm bandpass 32295 TS207 HACH, Sensor model Nitratax clear sc, 5 mm path length, UV absorption, wavelength less than 250 nm 32296 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32296 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32297 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32297 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32298 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32298 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32299 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32299 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32300 ABS02 Absorption spectral slope for specified wavelength range with baseline correction Limnol Oceanogr, 2008, v 53, no 3, p 955-969 32301 ABS02 Absorption spectral slope for specified wavelength range with baseline correction Limnol Oceanogr, 2008, v 53, no 3, p 955-969 32302 ABS02 Absorption spectral slope for specified wavelength range with baseline correction Limnol Oceanogr, 2008, v 53, no 3, p 955-969 32303 ABS02 Absorption spectral slope for specified wavelength range with baseline correction Limnol Oceanogr, 2008, v 53, no 3, p 955-969 32304 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32304 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32304 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32304 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32304 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32304 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32304 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32304 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32305 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32305 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32305 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32305 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32305 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32305 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32305 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32305 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32306 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32306 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32306 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32306 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32306 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32306 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32306 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32306 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32307 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32307 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32307 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32307 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32307 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32307 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32307 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32307 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32308 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32308 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32308 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32308 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32308 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32308 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32308 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32308 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32309 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32309 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32309 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32309 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32309 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32309 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32309 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32309 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32310 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32310 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32310 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32310 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32310 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32310 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32310 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32310 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32311 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32311 ABS03 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 10 x 5 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32311 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32311 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32311 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32311 ABS05 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 2 x 1 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32311 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32311 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32312 ABS06 Fluorescence Index - ratio of emission intensities which characterizes the slope of the emission curve at an excitation of 370 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32312 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32312 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32313 ABS07 Humification Index - calculated by dividing the fluorescence intensity in the 435-480 nm region by the total intensities in the 300-345 and 435-480 nm regions ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32313 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32313 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32314 FL013 Turner Designs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 365 nm, emission 470 nm 32314 FL014 Wetlabs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm JGR-Biogeosciences, v. 114, article G00F09 32314 FL014 Wetlabs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm Limnol Oceanogr: Methods, 2009, v 7, p 119-131 32314 FL015 Seapoint submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 440 nm 32315 CHL07 YSI EXO chlorophyll a sensor, in situ fluorescence, excitation at 470 +/- 15 nm, emission at 685 +/- 20 nm (CA WSC) YSI EXO User Manual, 2019, rev H, sect 4.21 32315 FL022 YSI, EXO, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 40 nm bandpass, Synechococcus bacillaris 32315 FL023 YSI, 6025, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, NA nm bandpass, Isochrysis spp. 32315 FL024 Wetlabs, Wetstar, excitation 460 nm, emission 695 nm, NA nm bandpass, Thalassiosira weissflogii 32315 FL025 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 460 nm, emission 695 nm, NA nm bandpass, Thalassiosira weissflogii 32315 FL026 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 465 nm, emission 696 nm, NA nm bandpass, Dunaliella salina 32315 FL027 SeaPoint, SUVF, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 30 nm bandpass, Isochrysis galbana 32315 FL028 CTG, UviLux, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 30 nm bandpass, spinach 32315 FL071 In-Situ Aqua Troll chlorophyll sensor, excitation 430 nm, emission 713+/-38 nm 32316 FL022 YSI, EXO, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 40 nm bandpass, Synechococcus bacillaris 32316 FL023 YSI, 6025, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, NA nm bandpass, Isochrysis spp. 32316 FL024 Wetlabs, Wetstar, excitation 460 nm, emission 695 nm, NA nm bandpass, Thalassiosira weissflogii 32316 FL025 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 460 nm, emission 695 nm, NA nm bandpass, Thalassiosira weissflogii 32316 FL026 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 465 nm, emission 696 nm, NA nm bandpass, Dunaliella salina 32316 FL027 SeaPoint, SUVF, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 30 nm bandpass, Isochrysis galbana 32316 FL028 CTG, UviLux, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 30 nm bandpass, spinach 32316 FL071 In-Situ Aqua Troll chlorophyll sensor, excitation 430 nm, emission 713+/-38 nm 32316 FL075 Turner Designs PhytoFind submersible fluorometer, in-vivo fluorescence with correction for CDOM 32317 FL022 YSI, EXO, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 40 nm bandpass, Synechococcus bacillaris 32317 FL023 YSI, 6025, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, NA nm bandpass, Isochrysis spp. 32317 FL024 Wetlabs, Wetstar, excitation 460 nm, emission 695 nm, NA nm bandpass, Thalassiosira weissflogii 32317 FL025 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 460 nm, emission 695 nm, NA nm bandpass, Thalassiosira weissflogii 32317 FL026 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 465 nm, emission 696 nm, NA nm bandpass, Dunaliella salina 32317 FL027 SeaPoint, SUVF, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 30 nm bandpass, Isochrysis galbana 32317 FL028 CTG, UviLux, excitation 470 nm, emission 685 nm, 30 nm bandpass, spinach 32317 FL071 In-Situ Aqua Troll chlorophyll sensor, excitation 430 nm, emission 713+/-38 nm 32319 FL035 YSI, EXO, excitation 590 nm, emission 685 nm, 40 nm bandpass 32319 FL036 YSI model 6131, excitation 585+/-20 nm, emission 660+/-40 nm 32319 FL037 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 630 nm, emission 680 nm, NA nm bandpass 32319 FL038 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 595 nm, emission 630 nm, NA nm bandpass 32319 FL039 CTG, UviLux, excitation 610 nm, emission 650 nm, 30 nm bandpass 32319 FL072 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycocyanin sensor, excitation 590 nm, emission 665+/-25 nm 32321 FL035 YSI, EXO, excitation 590 nm, emission 685 nm, 40 nm bandpass 32321 FL036 YSI model 6131, excitation 585+/-20 nm, emission 660+/-40 nm 32321 FL037 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 630 nm, emission 680 nm, NA nm bandpass 32321 FL038 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 595 nm, emission 630 nm, NA nm bandpass 32321 FL039 CTG, UviLux, excitation 610 nm, emission 650 nm, 30 nm bandpass 32321 FL072 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycocyanin sensor, excitation 590 nm, emission 665+/-25 nm 32322 FL017 YSI EXO submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation at 365 +/-5 nm, emission at 480 +/-40 nm 32322 FL029 YSI, EXO, excitation 365 nm, emission 480 nm, 80 nm bandpass 32322 FL030 Wetlabs, Wetstar, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32322 FL031 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32322 FL032 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 325 nm, emission 470 nm, NA nm bandpass 32322 FL033 SeaPoint, SUVF, excitation 370 nm, emission 440 nm, 40 nm bandpass 32322 FL034 CTG, UviLux, excitation 255 nm, emission 450 nm, 55 nm bandpass 32323 FL055 YSI model 6132, excitation 525+/-20 nm, emission 585+/-20 nm 32323 FL056 YSI EXO TAL-PE, excitation 525+/-15 nm, emission 685+/-20 nm 32323 FL057 Turner Designs Cyclops E sensor, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32323 FL058 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32323 FL073 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycoerythrin sensor, excitation 498 nm, emission 600+/-25 nm 32324 FL067 Turner Designs Cyclops O sensor, excitation 365 nm, emission 505+/-95 nm 32329 FL035 YSI, EXO, excitation 590 nm, emission 685 nm, 40 nm bandpass 32329 FL036 YSI model 6131, excitation 585+/-20 nm, emission 660+/-40 nm 32329 FL037 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 630 nm, emission 680 nm, NA nm bandpass 32329 FL038 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 595 nm, emission 630 nm, NA nm bandpass 32329 FL039 CTG, UviLux, excitation 610 nm, emission 650 nm, 30 nm bandpass 32329 FL072 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycocyanin sensor, excitation 590 nm, emission 665+/-25 nm 32330 FL017 YSI EXO submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation at 365 +/-5 nm, emission at 480 +/-40 nm 32330 FL029 YSI, EXO, excitation 365 nm, emission 480 nm, 80 nm bandpass 32330 FL030 Wetlabs, Wetstar, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32330 FL031 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32330 FL032 Turner Designs, Cyclops, excitation 325 nm, emission 470 nm, NA nm bandpass 32330 FL033 SeaPoint, SUVF, excitation 370 nm, emission 440 nm, 40 nm bandpass 32330 FL034 CTG, UviLux, excitation 255 nm, emission 450 nm, 55 nm bandpass 32331 ABS02 Absorption spectral slope for specified wavelength range with baseline correction Limnol Oceanogr, 2008, v 53, no 3, p 955-969 32332 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32332 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32333 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 24, p 5701-5710 32333 ABS04 Fluorescence Excitation/Emission Spectrometry - 5 x 2 matrix scan Marine Chemistry, 1996, v 51, no 4, p 325-346 32334 FL040 YSI model 6025, excitation 470 nm, emission >660 nm 32334 FL041 YSI EXO TAL, excitation 470+/-15 nm, emission 685+/-20 nm 32334 FL042 Turner Designs Cyclops C sensor, excitation 460 nm, emission 696+/-22 nm 32334 FL043 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 460 nm, emission 696+/-22 nm 32334 FL044 Seabird ECO-FL, excitation 470 nm, emission 695 nm 32334 FL045 Wetlabs WQM, excitation 470 nm, emission 695 nm 32334 FL046 Seapoint sensor, excitation 470+/-15 nm, emission 685+/-15 nm 32334 FL047 CTG UniLux, excitation 470 nm, emission 685+/-15 nm 32334 FL071 In-Situ Aqua Troll chlorophyll sensor, excitation 430 nm, emission 713+/-38 nm 32335 FL048 YSI model 6131, excitation 585+/-20 nm, emission 660+/-40 nm 32335 FL049 YSI EXO TAL-PC, excitation 590+/-15 nm, emission 685+/-20 nm 32335 FL050 Turner Designs Cyclops P sensor, excitation 590 nm, emission >/=645 nm 32335 FL051 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 590 nm, emission >/=645 nm 32335 FL052 CTG UniLux, excitation 610 nm, emission 650+/-30 nm 32335 FL053 Seabird ECO-FL, excitation 630 nm, emission 680 nm 32335 FL054 Wetlabs ECO, excitation 630 nm, emission 680 nm 32335 FL072 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycocyanin sensor, excitation 590 nm, emission 665+/-25 nm 32336 FL055 YSI model 6132, excitation 525+/-20 nm, emission 585+/-20 nm 32336 FL056 YSI EXO TAL-PE, excitation 525+/-15 nm, emission 685+/-20 nm 32336 FL057 Turner Designs Cyclops E sensor, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32336 FL058 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32336 FL073 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycoerythrin sensor, excitation 498 nm, emission 600+/-25 nm 32337 FL055 YSI model 6132, excitation 525+/-20 nm, emission 585+/-20 nm 32337 FL056 YSI EXO TAL-PE, excitation 525+/-15 nm, emission 685+/-20 nm 32337 FL057 Turner Designs Cyclops E sensor, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32337 FL058 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32337 FL073 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycoerythrin sensor, excitation 498 nm, emission 600+/-25 nm 32338 FL055 YSI model 6132, excitation 525+/-20 nm, emission 585+/-20 nm 32338 FL058 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32339 FL055 YSI model 6132, excitation 525+/-20 nm, emission 585+/-20 nm 32339 FL056 YSI EXO TAL-PE, excitation 525+/-15 nm, emission 685+/-20 nm 32339 FL057 Turner Designs Cyclops E sensor, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32339 FL058 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 525 nm, emission >/=590 nm 32339 FL073 In-Situ Aqua Troll phycoerythrin sensor, excitation 498 nm, emission 600+/-25 nm 32340 FL059 Turner Designs Cyclops B sensor, excitation 365 nm, emission 445+/-8 nm 32341 FL059 Turner Designs Cyclops B sensor, excitation 365 nm, emission 445+/-8 nm 32341 FL080 Turner Designs Cyclops 7F submersible fluorometer, excitation 325+/-120 nm, emission 445+/-15 nm 32342 FL060 Turner Designs Cyclops L sensor, excitation 275 nm, emission 350+/-28 nm 32343 FL061 YSI model 6130, excitation 575+/-15 nm, emission >590 nm 32343 FL062 Turner Designs Cyclops R sensor, excitation 530 nm, emission 652+/-63 nm 32343 FL063 Hydrolab by Turner Designs, excitation 530 nm, emission 652+/-63 nm 32343 FL064 Seapoint rhodamine sensor, excitation 540+/-10 nm, emission 610+/-20 nm 32343 FL074 In-Situ Aqua Troll rhodamine WT sensor, excitation 530 nm, emission 620+/-40 nm 32344 FL065 Turner Designs Cyclops F sensor, excitation 460 nm, emission 545+/-14 nm 32344 FL066 Seapoint fluorescein sensor, excitation 475+/-15 nm, emission 530+/-15 nm 32345 FL065 Turner Designs Cyclops F sensor, excitation 460 nm, emission 545+/-14 nm 32345 FL066 Seapoint fluorescein sensor, excitation 475+/-15 nm, emission 530+/-15 nm 32346 FL068 Picocyanobacteria enumeration by epifluoresence Gulf Caribb Res, 2005, v 17, no 1, p 95-106 32346 FL068 Picocyanobacteria enumeration by epifluoresence J Plankton Res, 2004, v 26, no 3, p 371-382 32347 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32347 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32348 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32348 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32349 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32349 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32350 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32350 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32351 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32351 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32352 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32352 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32353 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32353 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32354 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm ES&T, 2003, v 37, no 20, p 4702-4708 32354 ABS01 Absorbance/Absorption Spectrometry - 200 to 800 nm Limnol Oceanogr, 1994, v 39, no 8, p 1903-1916 32355 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2002, v 36, no 4, p 742-746 32355 FL020 Fluorescence excitation/emission spectrometry, 4-pixel scan, range 250-620 nm ES&T, 2005, v 39, no 21, p 8142-8149 32356 FL078 Turner Designs Cyclops 7F submersible fluorometer, emission 350+/-55 nm 32357 FL079 Turner Designs Cyclops 7F submersible fluorometer, excitation 325+/-120 nm, emission 470+/-60 nm 32360 FL017 YSI EXO submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation at 365 +/-5 nm, emission at 480 +/-40 nm 32361 FL013 Turner Designs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 365 nm, emission 470 nm 32362 FL014 Wetlabs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm JGR-Biogeosciences, v. 114, article G00F09 32362 FL014 Wetlabs submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm Limnol Oceanogr: Methods, 2009, v 7, p 119-131 32362 FL030 Wetlabs, Wetstar, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32362 FL031 Wetlabs, ECO, excitation 370 nm, emission 460 nm, 120 nm bandpass 32363 FL015 Seapoint submersible fluorometer, in situ fluorescence, CDOM, excitation 370 nm, emission 440 nm 32364 FL034 CTG, UviLux, excitation 255 nm, emission 450 nm, 55 nm bandpass 32365 FL089 Aqua Troll FDOM sensor, excitation 360-390nm and emission 455-530nm 32730 00088 Phenols, Total Recoverable, Water STDMETH USGS NWQL Tech Memo 1999.03 32730 CL095 Phenols recoverable from unfiltered water, by 4-aminoantipyrine colorimetry USGS O-3110-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 55 32730 CL121 Phenolic materials in water by 4-aminoantipyrine colorimetry (EPA Method 420.2) USEPA 420.2 EPA/600/4-79/020 32730 CL175 Phenolic materials in unfiltered water by 4-aminoantipyrine colorimetry (DODESP) 32730 CL190 Recoverable phenolics in unfiltered water by semi-automated alkaline ferricyanide and 4-aminoantipyrine colorimetry (EPA 420.4 rev1; PA WSC; PA-DEP) USEPA 420.4 r1 32730 SPEC1 Phenolic materials in unfiltered water by reaction with 4-amino antipyrine and quantification by spectroscopy USEPA 420.1 EPA/600/4-79/020 32732 00125 New phenolics method (filtered), in proveout to be announced mid-06 USEPA 420.2 32735 SPC12 Chlorophyll a and pheopytin a in phytoplankton in unfiltered water by laboratory acetone extraction and spectrophotometry (SM 10200 H; DODESP) STDMETH 10200 H 32736 SPC12 Chlorophyll a and pheopytin a in phytoplankton in unfiltered water by laboratory acetone extraction and spectrophotometry (SM 10200 H; DODESP) STDMETH 10200 H 32737 CHL06 Plant pigments in algae by EPA Method 445.0 (fluorescence) modified by maceration for sample extraction, 5 micron filter sample prep USEPA 445.0 32737 FL016 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by maceration with acetone extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of acetone for the extraction) USEPA 445.0 32737 FL092 In vitro fluorometric determination of plant pigments in phytoplankton, using maceration with acetone extraction, 5 micron filter prep (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) USEPA 445.0 32737 FL092 In vitro fluorometric determination of plant pigments in phytoplankton, using maceration with acetone extraction, 5 micron filter prep (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) STDMETH 10200 H3 32738 CHL06 Plant pigments in algae by EPA Method 445.0 (fluorescence) modified by maceration for sample extraction, 5 micron filter sample prep USEPA 445.0 32738 FL016 In vitro determination of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in algae by maceration with acetone extraction and fluoresence analysis (EPA Method 445.0 modified by the use of acetone for the extraction) USEPA 445.0 32738 FL092 In vitro fluorometric determination of plant pigments in phytoplankton, using maceration with acetone extraction, 5 micron filter prep (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) USEPA 445.0 32738 FL092 In vitro fluorometric determination of plant pigments in phytoplankton, using maceration with acetone extraction, 5 micron filter prep (USGSCAWC; MDUMDCBL) STDMETH 10200 H3 34010 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34010 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34010 GC143 VOCs in water by purge and trap capillary column gas chromatography with photoionization and electrolytic conductivity detectors in series USEPA 502.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34010 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34010 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34010 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34010 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34010 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34010 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34010 GCM64 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34010 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34010 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34010 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34010 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34010 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34010 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34010 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34010 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34010 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34010 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34030 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34030 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34030 GC143 VOCs in water by purge and trap capillary column gas chromatography with photoionization and electrolytic conductivity detectors in series USEPA 502.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34030 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34030 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34030 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34030 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34030 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34030 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34030 GCM64 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34030 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34030 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34030 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34030 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34030 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34030 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34030 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34030 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34030 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34030 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34200 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34200 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34200 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34200 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34200 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34200 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34200 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34200 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34200 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34201 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34203 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34203 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34203 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34205 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34205 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34205 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34205 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34205 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34205 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34205 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34205 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34205 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34206 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34208 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34208 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34208 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34210 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34210 GCM11 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR 34210 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34210 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34210 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34210 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34210 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34210 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34210 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34213 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34215 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34215 GCM11 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR 34215 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34215 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34215 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34215 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34215 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34215 GCM93 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (DODEC, EPA Method 524.2) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34218 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34220 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34220 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34220 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34220 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34220 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34220 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34220 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34220 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34220 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34220 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34221 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34221 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34223 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34223 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34223 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34230 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34230 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34230 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34230 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34230 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34230 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34230 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34230 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34230 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34230 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34230 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34231 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34233 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34233 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34233 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34237 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34237 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34239 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34242 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34242 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34242 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34242 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34242 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34242 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34242 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34242 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34242 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34242 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34243 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34245 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34245 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34245 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34247 00133 BNAS BY EPA 525.2 USEPA 525.2 34247 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34247 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34247 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34247 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34247 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34247 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34247 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34247 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34247 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34247 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34247 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34247 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34248 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34248 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34250 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34250 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34250 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34253 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 34253 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 34253 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34254 GCE16 Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Suspended Sediment by Gel Permeation Chromatography and GC-ECD USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34254 GCE17 Pesticides, organochlorine and PCBs, bed sediment, soxhlet extraction, gas chromatography with electron capture detector USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34255 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34256 GCE16 Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Suspended Sediment by Gel Permeation Chromatography and GC-ECD USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34256 GCE17 Pesticides, organochlorine and PCBs, bed sediment, soxhlet extraction, gas chromatography with electron capture detector USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34257 GC131 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from bottom material, by GC USGS O-5104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 31 34257 GC184 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA method 8081B, DODESP) USEPA 8081B EPA M8081B 34257 GCE15 Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Bottom Sediment by Gel Permeation Chromatography and GC-ECD USGS O-5504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34257 GCE19 Organochlorine pesticides in solids by capillary column gas chromatography with electron-capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34257 GCE21 NWQL Custom method 8046, Low Level Organochlorine/PAHs in bed sediment (Pete VanMetre) 34257 GCE27 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography with electron capture detection J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 34259 GC088 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from unfiltered water, by GC USGS O-3104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34259 GCE02 GC/ECD: Pesticides, Insecticides, Organochlorine with specific PCB Aroclors (NPDES): WWR USEPA 60891 34259 GCE08 Organochlorine pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34260 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34262 GC131 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from bottom material, by GC USGS O-5104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 31 34262 GC184 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA method 8081B, DODESP) USEPA 8081B EPA M8081B 34262 GCE19 Organochlorine pesticides in solids by capillary column gas chromatography with electron-capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34262 GCE27 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography with electron capture detection J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 34273 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34273 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34273 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34273 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34273 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34273 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34273 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34274 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34276 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34276 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34276 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34278 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34278 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34278 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34278 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34278 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34278 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34279 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34281 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34281 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34281 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34283 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34283 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34283 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34283 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34283 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34283 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34284 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34286 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34286 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34288 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34288 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34288 GM045 Disinfection by-products (DBPs), water, filtered, recoverable by HLB solid-phase extraction (HLB-SPE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (USGSOGCA) Sci Total Environ, 2014, v 466-467, p 1085-1093 34290 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34290 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34292 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34292 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34292 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34292 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34292 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34292 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34292 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34293 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34295 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34295 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34299 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34299 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34301 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34301 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34301 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34301 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34301 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34301 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34301 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34301 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34301 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34301 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34301 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34301 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34301 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34301 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34304 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34304 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34307 GM045 Disinfection by-products (DBPs), water, filtered, recoverable by HLB solid-phase extraction (HLB-SPE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (USGSOGCA) Sci Total Environ, 2014, v 466-467, p 1085-1093 34309 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34309 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34311 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34311 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34311 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34311 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34311 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34311 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34311 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34311 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34311 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34311 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34311 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34311 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34314 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34314 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34316 GM045 Disinfection by-products (DBPs), water, filtered, recoverable by HLB solid-phase extraction (HLB-SPE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (USGSOGCA) Sci Total Environ, 2014, v 466-467, p 1085-1093 34318 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34318 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34320 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34320 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34320 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34320 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34320 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34320 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34320 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34320 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34320 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34320 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34321 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34323 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34323 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34323 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34327 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34327 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34328 GM045 Disinfection by-products (DBPs), water, filtered, recoverable by HLB solid-phase extraction (HLB-SPE) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (USGSOGCA) Sci Total Environ, 2014, v 466-467, p 1085-1093 34330 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34330 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34334 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34334 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34336 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34336 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34336 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34336 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34336 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34336 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34336 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34336 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34337 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34339 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34339 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34341 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34341 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34341 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34341 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34341 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34341 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34341 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34342 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34344 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34344 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34346 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34347 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34351 GC089 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from unfiltered water, by GC USGS O-3104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34351 GC174 Organochlorine pesticides, biota, tissue, gas chromatography (EPA 8081B; DODESP) USEPA 8081B 34351 GC177 Organochlorine pesticides, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA 8081B; DoDESP) USEPA 8081B 34351 GCE02 GC/ECD: Pesticides, Insecticides, Organochlorine with specific PCB Aroclors (NPDES): WWR USEPA 60891 34351 GCE08 Organochlorine pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34354 GC184 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA method 8081B, DODESP) USEPA 8081B EPA M8081B 34354 GCE19 Organochlorine pesticides in solids by capillary column gas chromatography with electron-capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34354 GCE27 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography with electron capture detection J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 34356 GCE02 GC/ECD: Pesticides, Insecticides, Organochlorine with specific PCB Aroclors (NPDES): WWR USEPA 60891 34356 GCE08 Organochlorine pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34357 GCM16 SPE/GCMS - Pesticides and Degradation Compounds (Lab extracted) 34357 GCM38 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in the field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 34357 GCM39 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, laboratory solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 34357 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34359 GC184 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA method 8081B, DODESP) USEPA 8081B EPA M8081B 34359 GCE19 Organochlorine pesticides in solids by capillary column gas chromatography with electron-capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34359 GCE27 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography with electron capture detection J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 34361 GC174 Organochlorine pesticides, biota, tissue, gas chromatography (EPA 8081B; DODESP) USEPA 8081B 34361 GC177 Organochlorine pesticides, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA 8081B; DoDESP) USEPA 8081B 34361 GCE02 GC/ECD: Pesticides, Insecticides, Organochlorine with specific PCB Aroclors (NPDES): WWR USEPA 60891 34361 GCE08 Organochlorine pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34362 GCM03 Unpublished method for organochlorine insecticides in filtered water by GC-MS 34362 GCM16 SPE/GCMS - Pesticides and Degradation Compounds (Lab extracted) 34362 GCM38 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in the field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 34362 GCM39 NWQL Schedule 2002--Pesticides, moderate use, filtered water, laboratory solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 34362 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-02 USGS OF 02-462 34362 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 34362 GM058 Pesticides plus with 20 add-ons, filtered water, lab solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (NWQL Schedule 2033--merges Schedule 2003 with 20 add-ons) USGS O-2002-01 USGS WRI 01-4098 34362 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34363 GCE16 Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Suspended Sediment by Gel Permeation Chromatography and GC-ECD USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34363 GCE17 Pesticides, organochlorine and PCBs, bed sediment, soxhlet extraction, gas chromatography with electron capture detector USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34364 GC184 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA method 8081B, DODESP) USEPA 8081B EPA M8081B 34364 GCE19 Organochlorine pesticides in solids by capillary column gas chromatography with electron-capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34364 GCE27 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography with electron capture detection J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 34366 GC089 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from unfiltered water, by GC USGS O-3104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34366 GC174 Organochlorine pesticides, biota, tissue, gas chromatography (EPA 8081B; DODESP) USEPA 8081B 34366 GC177 Organochlorine pesticides, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA 8081B; DoDESP) USEPA 8081B 34366 GCE02 GC/ECD: Pesticides, Insecticides, Organochlorine with specific PCB Aroclors (NPDES): WWR USEPA 60891 34366 GCE08 Organochlorine pesticides in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography with electron capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34369 GC184 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, unfiltered, gas chromatography (EPA method 8081B, DODESP) USEPA 8081B EPA M8081B 34369 GCE19 Organochlorine pesticides in solids by capillary column gas chromatography with electron-capture detection USEPA 8081A EPA SW-846, Method 8081A 34369 GCE27 Organochlorine pesticides, bed sediment, microwave assisted solvent extraction, recoverable by gas chromatography with electron capture detection J Chrom A, 2008, v 1210, p 8-18 34371 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34371 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34371 GC143 VOCs in water by purge and trap capillary column gas chromatography with photoionization and electrolytic conductivity detectors in series USEPA 502.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34371 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34371 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34371 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34371 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34371 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34371 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34371 GCM64 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34371 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34371 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34371 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34371 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34371 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34371 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34371 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34371 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34371 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34371 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34374 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34374 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34376 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34376 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34376 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34376 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34376 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34376 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34376 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34376 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34376 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34376 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34377 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34377 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34379 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34379 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34379 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34381 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34381 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34381 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34381 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34381 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34381 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34381 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34381 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34381 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34382 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34384 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34384 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34384 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34386 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34386 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34386 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34386 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34386 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34386 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34386 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34386 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34386 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34386 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34386 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34387 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34389 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34389 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34391 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34391 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34392 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34396 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34396 GCM11 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR 34396 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34396 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34396 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34396 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34396 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34396 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34396 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34396 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34397 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34399 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34399 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34399 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34401 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34402 GCE16 Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Suspended Sediment by Gel Permeation Chromatography and GC-ECD USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34402 GCE17 Pesticides, organochlorine and PCBs, bed sediment, soxhlet extraction, gas chromatography with electron capture detector USGS O-7504-03 USGS WRI 03-4293 34403 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34403 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34403 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34403 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34403 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34403 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34403 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34403 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34403 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34403 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34404 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34406 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34406 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34406 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34408 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34408 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34408 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34408 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34408 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34408 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34408 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34408 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34408 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34408 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34408 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34408 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34409 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34409 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34411 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34411 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34413 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34413 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34413 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34413 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34413 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34413 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34413 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34413 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34413 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34413 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34413 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34413 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34414 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34416 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34418 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34418 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34418 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34418 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34418 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34418 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34418 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34418 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34418 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34418 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34418 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34418 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34421 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34423 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34423 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34423 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34423 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34423 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34423 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34423 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34423 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34423 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34423 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34423 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34423 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34423 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34423 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34426 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34426 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34428 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34428 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34428 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34428 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34428 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34428 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34428 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34428 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34429 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34431 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34431 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34431 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34433 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34433 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34433 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34433 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34433 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34433 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34433 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34434 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34436 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34436 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34438 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34438 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34438 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34438 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34438 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34438 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34438 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34438 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34438 MS046 N-Nitrosodimethylamine analysis by liquid-liquid extraction and isotope dilution gas chromatography / mass spectrometry USEPA 1625 M 34439 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34441 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34441 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34443 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34443 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34443 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34445 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34445 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34445 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34445 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34445 GM071 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; WI WSC; MA-BLN) USEPA 8270D 34447 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34447 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34447 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34447 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34447 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34447 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34447 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34447 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34447 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34447 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34447 LCM22 Explosives by LC/MS USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 34447 LCU02 Explosives by HPLC UV USEPA 8330B 34447 LCU02 Explosives by HPLC UV USEPA 8330 EPA SW-846, Method 8330 34447 LM116 Explosives, water, unfiltered, LC/MS (EPA method 8321B, SW-846, DODESP) USEPA M8321B EPA M8321B 34448 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34450 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34450 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34450 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34450 LCU05 Explosives, solids, by HPLC USEPA 8330 EPA SW-846, Method 8330 34452 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34452 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34452 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34452 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34452 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34452 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34453 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34455 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34455 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34455 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34457 GC054 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds in filtered water, by GC USGS O-1104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34458 GC141 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from suspended sediment, by GC USGS O-7104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 31 34459 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34459 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34461 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34461 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34461 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34461 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34461 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34461 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34461 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34461 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34461 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34461 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34461 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34461 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34462 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34462 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34464 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34464 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34464 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34466 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34466 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34466 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34469 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34469 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34469 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34469 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34469 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34469 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34469 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34469 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34469 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34469 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34469 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34470 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34470 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34472 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34472 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34472 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34475 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34475 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34475 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34475 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34475 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34475 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34475 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34475 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34475 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34475 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34475 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34475 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34475 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34475 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34475 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34475 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34475 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34476 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34476 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34478 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34478 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34480 PL123 42 Elements in bed sediment by multi-acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (USGS/GD Method 19) 34480 PL134 55 Elements in bed sediment by sodium peroxide sinter and ICP-AES-MS (ICP-55; Arizona WSC; USGSGDML) USGS OF 02-223 34480 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab Hydrological Processes, 2001, v 15, p 1107-1132 34480 PLA20 Elements in bed sediment by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Georgia WSC Sediment-Partitioning Research Lab USGS TWRI 5-A1/1989 34480 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34483 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34483 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34485 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34487 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34487 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34488 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34488 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34488 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34488 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34488 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34488 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34488 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34488 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34488 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34488 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34488 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34488 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34488 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34491 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34491 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34495 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34495 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34496 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34496 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34496 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34496 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34496 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34496 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34496 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34496 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34496 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34496 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34496 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34496 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34496 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34499 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34499 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34501 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34501 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34501 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34501 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34501 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34501 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34501 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34501 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34501 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34501 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34501 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34501 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34501 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34501 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34504 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34504 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34506 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34506 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34506 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34506 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34506 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34506 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34506 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34506 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34506 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34506 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34506 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34506 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34506 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34506 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34509 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34509 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34511 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34511 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34511 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34511 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34511 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34511 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34511 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34511 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34511 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34511 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34511 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34511 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34511 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34514 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34514 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34516 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34516 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34516 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34516 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34516 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34516 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34516 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34516 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34516 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34516 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34516 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34516 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34519 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34519 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34521 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34521 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34521 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34521 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34521 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34521 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34521 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34521 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34521 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34522 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34524 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34524 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34524 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34526 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34526 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34526 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34526 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34526 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34526 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34526 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34526 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34526 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34526 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34527 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34529 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34529 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34529 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34534 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34534 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34536 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34536 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34536 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34536 GCM53 Purgeable organic compounds recoverable from unfiltered water, by purge and trap GC-MS USGS O-3115-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 67 34536 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34536 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34536 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34536 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34536 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34536 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34536 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34536 GCM75 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846 34536 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34536 GCM94 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (DODEC, EPA Method 8260B) USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34536 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34536 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34536 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34536 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34536 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34536 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34536 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34537 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34539 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34539 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34539 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34541 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34541 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34541 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34541 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34541 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34541 GCM59 VOC, gasoline oxygenates, degradates, and BTEX, unfiltered water, acidified in field, heated purge and trap-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GCMS USGS O-4024-03 USGS WRI 03-4079 34541 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34541 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34541 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34541 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34541 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34541 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS O-4437-16 USGS NWQL Tech Memo 2023.02 34541 GM016 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water extracted by heated purge and trap and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selected ion monitoring mode USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34541 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34541 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34541 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34541 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34544 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34544 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34546 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34546 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34546 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34546 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34546 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34546 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34546 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34546 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34546 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34546 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34546 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34546 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34546 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34546 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34549 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34549 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34551 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34551 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34551 GCM11 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR 34551 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34551 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34551 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34551 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34551 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34551 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34551 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34551 GCM75 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846 34551 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34551 GCM94 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (DODEC, EPA Method 8260B) USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34551 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34551 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34551 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34551 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34551 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34551 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34551 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34551 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34552 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34554 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34554 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34554 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34554 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34556 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34556 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34556 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34556 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34556 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34556 GM035 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds (BNAs), unfiltered water, custom modification of GCM57 for semivolatile compounds by selective ion monitoring (SIM) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) 34556 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34556 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34556 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34556 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34557 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34559 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34559 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34559 GM055 Semivolatile organic compounds in bed sediments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34561 GCM53 Purgeable organic compounds recoverable from unfiltered water, by purge and trap GC-MS USGS O-3115-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 67 34561 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34562 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34566 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34566 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34566 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34566 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34566 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34566 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34566 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34566 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34566 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34566 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34566 GCM75 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846 34566 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34566 GCM94 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (DODEC, EPA Method 8260B) USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34566 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34566 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34566 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34566 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34566 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34567 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34569 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34569 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34569 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34569 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34571 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34571 GC038 Drinking Water Purgeables I EPA524.2 USEPA 524.2 34571 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34571 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34571 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34571 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34571 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34571 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34571 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34571 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34571 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34571 GCM75 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846 34571 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34571 GCM94 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (DODEC, EPA Method 8260B) USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34571 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34571 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34571 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34571 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34571 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34571 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34571 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34572 GCM37 Waste indicator, filtered water, solid phase extraction, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1433) USGS O-1433-01 USGS WRI 01-4186 34572 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34574 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34574 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34574 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34576 GCM61 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34576 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34576 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34576 GCM94 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (DODEC, EPA Method 8260B) USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34581 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34581 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34581 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34581 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34581 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34581 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34581 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34581 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34582 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34584 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34584 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34584 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34586 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34586 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34586 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34586 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34586 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34586 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34587 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34589 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34589 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34589 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34591 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34591 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34591 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34591 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34591 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34591 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34591 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34592 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34594 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34594 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34594 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34596 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34596 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34596 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34596 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34596 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34596 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34596 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34597 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34599 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34599 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34599 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34601 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34601 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34601 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34601 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34601 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34601 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34601 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34602 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34604 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34604 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34604 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34606 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34606 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34606 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34606 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34606 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34606 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34607 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34608 GC142 Chlorophenoxy acids recoverable from suspended sediment, by GC USGS O-7105-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 43 34609 GC132 Chlorophenoxy acids recoverable from bottom material, by GC USGS O-5105-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 43 34609 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34609 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34611 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34611 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34611 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34611 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34611 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34611 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34611 LCM22 Explosives by LC/MS USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 34611 LCU02 Explosives by HPLC UV USEPA 8330B 34611 LCU02 Explosives by HPLC UV USEPA 8330 EPA SW-846, Method 8330 34611 LM116 Explosives, water, unfiltered, LC/MS (EPA method 8321B, SW-846, DODESP) USEPA M8321B EPA M8321B 34612 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34612 LC054 Nitroaromatics and nitramines by high performance liquid chromatography (EPA 8330A; DODESP) USEPA 8330A EPA 8330A 34614 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34614 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34614 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34614 LCU05 Explosives, solids, by HPLC USEPA 8330 EPA SW-846, Method 8330 34616 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34616 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34616 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34616 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34616 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34616 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34616 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34617 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34619 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34619 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34619 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34621 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34621 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34621 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34621 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34621 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34621 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34622 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34624 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34624 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34624 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34626 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34626 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34626 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34626 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34626 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34626 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34626 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34626 LCM22 Explosives by LC/MS USEPA 8321A EPA SW-846, Method 8321A 34626 LCU02 Explosives by HPLC UV USEPA 8330B 34626 LCU02 Explosives by HPLC UV USEPA 8330 EPA SW-846, Method 8330 34626 LM116 Explosives, water, unfiltered, LC/MS (EPA method 8321B, SW-846, DODESP) USEPA M8321B EPA M8321B 34627 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34629 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34629 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34629 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34629 LCU05 Explosives, solids, by HPLC USEPA 8330 EPA SW-846, Method 8330 34631 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34631 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34631 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34631 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34631 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34632 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34634 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34634 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34634 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34636 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34636 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34636 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34636 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34636 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34636 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34637 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34639 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34639 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34639 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34641 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34641 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34641 GCM69 GC/MS: Base/Neutral- plus Acid-extractable (BNA) with NBS search: WWR USGS O-5021-80 34641 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34641 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34641 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34641 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34642 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34644 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34644 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34644 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34646 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34646 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34646 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34646 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34646 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34646 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34646 GM063 Waste indicator and industrial compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL) 34647 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34649 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34649 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34649 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34653 GCM35 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction at lab, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 34653 GCM36 Pesticides, high use, filtered water, solid phase extraction in field, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring USGS O-1126-95 USGS OF 95-181 34653 LCM60 Pesticides in filtered water by direct aqueous injection and high performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis USGS O-2437-15 USGS TMR 5-B11 34657 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34657 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34657 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34657 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34657 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34658 GM028 Organics in filtered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34660 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34660 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34660 GM027 Semivolatile organic compounds, solids, recoverable by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34662 GC054 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds in filtered water, by GC USGS O-1104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34663 GC141 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from suspended sediment, by GC USGS O-7104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 31 34665 GC054 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds in filtered water, by GC USGS O-1104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34666 GC141 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from suspended sediment, by GC USGS O-7104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 31 34668 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34668 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34668 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34668 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34668 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34668 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34668 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34668 GCM67 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34668 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34668 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34668 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34668 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34668 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34671 GC088 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from unfiltered water, by GC USGS O-3104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34671 GC089 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from unfiltered water, by GC USGS O-3104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34671 GC147 PCBs (Aroclors), water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography (DODEC, EPA Method 8082) USEPA 8082 EPA SW-846, Method 8082 34671 GC159 Aroclors in unfiltered water by packed column gas chromatography (1 L sample; 0.1 ug/L reporting limit; analysis at NWQL-Denver; custom method for New York Water Science Center, Hudson River PCB project) 34671 GC160 Aroclors in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography (1 L sample; 0.1 ug/L reporting limit; analysis at NWQL-Denver; custom method for New York Water Science Center, Hudson River PCB project) 34671 GC161 Aroclors in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography (1 L sample; 0.01 ug/L reporting limit; analysis at NWQL-Denver; custom method for New York Water Science Center, Hudson River PCB project) 34671 GCE02 GC/ECD: Pesticides, Insecticides, Organochlorine with specific PCB Aroclors (NPDES): WWR USEPA 60891 34671 GCE05 Chlorinated pesticides in water by GC/ECD USEPA 508 34672 GC054 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds in filtered water, by GC USGS O-1104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 27 34673 GC141 Organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds, recoverable from suspended sediment, by GC USGS O-7104-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 31 34675 GCM54 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds by GC-MS USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34678 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34694 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34694 GCM56 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3117-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 71 34694 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34694 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34694 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34694 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34694 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34695 GCM70 Acid and base/neutral organic compounds, bottom material, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with unknowns tentatively identified (Schedule 1386) 34695 GCM98 Semivolatiles (SVOCs), solids, by GC/MS USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34696 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34696 GCM11 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR 34696 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34696 GCM23 Organic compounds in water by liquid-solid extraction and capillary column GC/MS USEPA 525.2 34696 GCM55 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-3116-87 USGS OF 93-125, p 27 34696 GCM57 Base/neutral and acid extractable compounds, unfiltered water, methylene chloride extractable, methylene chloride extractable, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (NWQL Schedule 1494) USGS O-3118-83 USGS TWRI 5-A3/1987, p 76 34696 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34696 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34696 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34696 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34696 GCM75 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846 34696 GCM76 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270C; DODEC program) USEPA 8270C EPA SW-846 34696 GCM94 Volatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (DODEC, EPA Method 8260B) USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34696 GCM99 Wastewater compounds in whole water by continuous liquid-liquid extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry--NWQL Schedule 4433 USGS 0-4433-06 USGS TMR 5-B4 34696 GM025 Semivolatile organic compounds, water, unfiltered, by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODEC program) USEPA 8270D 34696 GM029 Organics in unfiltered water by large volume injection/solid phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry 34696 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34696 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34696 GM051 Low-level semi-volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34696 GM052 Semivolatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring (EPA method 8270D; DODESP) USEPA 8270D 34696 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34696 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34696 LC049 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons recoverable from unfiltered water by high performance liquid chromatography USEPA 8310 EPA SW-846 34697 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34697 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34699 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34699 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34699 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34699 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34699 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34699 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34699 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34699 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34699 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34699 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34699 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34699 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34702 GCM26 VOCs in Solids by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34702 GM049 Volatile organic compounds, bed sediment, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (EPA method 8260C; DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34704 00022 Custom VOC Analysis for NAWQA 34704 GCM20 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DODEC) USEPA 524.2 EPA/600/R-95-131 34704 GCM21 GC/MS: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (for NAWQA): WWR USEPA 524.2 34704 GCM25 VOCs by GC/MS Capillary Column Technique USEPA 8260B EPA SW-846, Method 8260B 34704 GCM62 Volatile Orgainc Compounds in Water by GC-MS USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34704 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34704 GCM66 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, acidified, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS USGS TMR 5-B12 34704 GCM68 Volatile organic compounds, unfiltered water, censored below report levels, purge and trap gas chromatography/mass spectrometry USGS O-4127-96 USGS OF 97-829 34704 GM044 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatograpy/mass spectrometry (EPA 8260C, DODESP) USEPA 8260C 34704 GM047 Purgeable organic compounds in unfiltered water by capillary column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry PA WSC) USEPA 524.2 34704 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2006-5233 34704 GM066 Volatile organic compounds in unfiltered water by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (modified EPA methods 524.2/8260C; USGSMDRL) USGS SIR 2014-5140 34750 GCM95 Polychlorinated dioxins (PCDDs) and furans (PCDFs), water, unifltered, by high resolution gas chromatography/low resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/LRMS) USEPA 8280A EPA SW-846 34756 IMM03 Immunoassay analysis for triazines in filtered water 34777 PEB01 Direct measurement by pebble count Trans Amer Geophys Union, 1954, v 35, p 951-956 34777 PEB01 Direct measurement by pebble count USDA, 2001, RMRS-GTR-74, p 144-148 34790 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34790 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34790 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34790 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34792 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34792 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34795 HY008 Geologic Division, AA, hydride generation, Antimony, <63 micrometer field-sieved, BTM USGS-GD GD USGS OF 96-525 34795 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34795 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34797 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34797 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34800 HY007 Arsenic in <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by continuous-flow hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS-GD A020 USGS OF 90-668, p 38-45 34800 HY007 Arsenic in <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by continuous-flow hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS-GD GA02090 USGS OF 90-668, p 38-45 34800 HY007 Arsenic in <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by continuous-flow hydride generation atomic absorption spectrophotometry USGS-GD A011 USGS OF 96-525, p 24-30 34800 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34800 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34801 00033 Geologic Division, Arsenic, BTM, <180 ug/g USGS OF 96-525 34802 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34802 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34805 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34805 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34805 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34805 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34805 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34807 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34807 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34810 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34810 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34810 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34810 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34810 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34812 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34812 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34815 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34816 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34816 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34816 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34816 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34816 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34817 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34817 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34825 GF028 Geologic Division, GFAA, Cadmium, <63 micrometer field-sieved, BTM USGS-GD GD USGS OF 96-525 34825 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34825 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34827 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34827 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34830 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34830 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34830 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34830 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34832 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34832 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34835 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34835 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34835 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34835 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34835 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34837 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34837 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34840 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34840 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34840 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34840 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34840 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34842 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34842 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34845 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34845 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34845 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34845 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34845 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34847 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34847 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34850 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34850 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34850 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34850 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34850 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34852 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34852 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34855 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34855 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34855 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34855 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34857 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34857 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34860 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34860 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34860 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34860 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34860 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34862 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34862 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34867 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34867 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34870 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34870 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34870 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34870 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34872 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34872 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34875 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34875 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34875 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34875 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34877 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34877 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34880 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34880 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34880 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34880 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34882 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34882 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34885 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34885 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34885 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34885 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34885 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34887 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34887 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34890 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34890 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34890 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34890 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34890 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34892 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34892 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34895 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34895 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34895 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34895 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34895 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34897 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34897 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34900 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34900 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34900 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34900 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34902 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34902 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34905 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34905 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34905 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34905 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34905 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34907 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34907 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34910 CV003 Geologic Division, AA, cold vapor, Mercury, <63 micrometer field sieved, TBM USGS-GD GD USGS OF 96-525 34910 CV024 Mercury in aqueous and geologic materials by continuous flow-cold vapor-atomic fluorescence spectrometry USGS TMR 5-D2 34912 CV002 Geologic Division, AA, cold vapor, Mercury USGS-GD G5AAV87 34912 CV002 Geologic Division, AA, cold vapor, Mercury USGS-GD A091 USGS OF 96-525, p 42-50 34915 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34915 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD GE01090 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34915 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34915 PLM01 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 4 Acid Digestion - VanMetre Protocol (NWQL Schedule 3197) USGS OF 02-223 34915 PLM09 NAWQA Geologic Division Bed Sediment ICPMS 42 Elements <63u USGS OF 99-166 34917 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD G5ICP87 34917 PLA01 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer lab-sieved bottom material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E011 USGS OF 96-525, p 77-94 34920 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry USGS-GD E010 USGS OF 90-668, p 83-91 34920 PLA02 Elemental analysis of <63 micrometer field-sieved geologic material by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission sp