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Parameter Groups

# National Water Information System
# 2024/07/27
# Date Retrieved: USGS Water Data for the Nation Help System
parm_cd	group	parm_nm	epa_equivalence	result_statistical_basis	result_time_basis	result_weight_basis	result_particle_size_basis	result_sample_fraction	result_temperature_basis	CASRN	SRSName	parm_unit
5s	25s	131s	26s	0s	0s	3s	14s	12s	0s	9s	29s	10s
00910	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate	Not checked					Total		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l CaCO3
00915	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
00916	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
00917	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
00918	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
00920	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate	Not checked					Total		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l CaCO3
00921	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
00923	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
00924	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
00925	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
00926	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
00927	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
00929	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
00930	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
00931	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, number	Agree							 	Sodium adsorption ratio	None
00932	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium fraction of cations, water, percent in equivalents of major cations	Agree							 	Sodium, percent total cations	%
00933	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium plus potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as sodium	Not checked					Dissolved		 	Sodium plus potassium	mg/l as Na
00934	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
00935	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
00937	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
00938	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
00939	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
01430	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
01433	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
01435	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
01437	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
01474	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
01475	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
01476	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
01477	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
03932	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 0.0625	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
03935	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 0.0625	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
03943	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 0.0625	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
03954	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 0.0625	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
04050	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
29828	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Dry		Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
29838	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Dry		Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
29851	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Dry		Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
30239	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
30240	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
30276	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
30277	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
30293	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
30294	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
30303	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent	Agree			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
30304	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry		Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
34830	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
34831	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 177 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
34832	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
34833	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
34834	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	> 62.5 microns	Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	%
34900	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
34901	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 177 microns	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
34902	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
34903	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
34904	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	> 62.5 microns	Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
34940	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
34941	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 177 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
34942	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
34943	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
34944	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	> 62.5 microns	Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
34960	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
34961	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 177 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
34962	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
34963	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
34964	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	> 62.5 microns	Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
49027	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Wet		Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
49030	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Wet		Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
51177	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, soil, field, x-ray fluorescence screening method, parts per million	Not checked							7440-70-2	Calcium	ppm
51178	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, soil, field, x-ray fluorescence screening method, parts per million	Not checked							7440-09-7	Potassium	ppm
51363	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 150 um, dry sieved, lab, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	<150 um	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	 	%
51379	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 150 um, dry sieved, lab, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	<150 um	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	 	%
51387	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 150 um, dry sieved, lab, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	<150 um	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	 	%
51391	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 150 um, dry sieved, lab, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	<150 um	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	 	%
52143	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Recoverable		7440-09-7	 	mg/kg
52281	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Total		7440-09-7	 	ug/l
52282	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Total		7439-95-4	 	ug/l
52284	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Total		7440-23-5	 	ug/l
52288	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked							7440-70-2	 	mg/l
52289	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked							7439-95-4	 	mg/l
52290	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked							7440-23-5	 	mg/l
52291	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked							7440-09-7	 	mg/l
52330	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	 	%
52331	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 250 microns, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	 	%
52362	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 250 microns, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	 	%
52363	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	 	%
52370	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	 	%
52371	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 250 microns, dry sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent	Not checked			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	 	%
52501	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7440-70-2	 	ug/l
52502	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7439-95-4	 	ug/l
52503	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7440-09-7	 	ug/l
52504	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter	Not checked					Recoverable		7440-23-5	 	ug/l
52505	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Not checked							7440-70-2	 	ug/l
52506	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Not checked							7439-95-4	 	ug/l
52507	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Not checked							7440-09-7	 	ug/l
52508	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Not checked							7440-23-5	 	ug/l
52515	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	 	ug/kg
52519	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	 	ug/kg
52522	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	 	ug/kg
52524	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	 	ug/kg
52528	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Total		7440-70-2	 	mg/l
52702	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	 	mg/kg
52704	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	 	mg/kg
52707	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	 	mg/kg
52713	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	 	mg/kg
52718	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Total		7440-70-2	 	mg/kg
52719	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Total		7439-95-4	 	mg/kg
52720	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Total		7440-09-7	 	mg/kg
52721	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Total		7440-23-5	 	mg/kg
53698	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment, 0.25 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride acid extracted, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	 	mg/kg
53701	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment, 0.25 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride acid extracted, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	Not checked			Dry		Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	 	mg/kg
61715	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent	Agree			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	%
61718	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent	Agree			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	%
61720	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent	Agree			Dry	< 2 mm	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	%
62456	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
62457	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
62458	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
62459	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
62921	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
62922	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
64842	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, biota, tissue, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
64844	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, biota, tissue, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
64845	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, biota, tissue, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
64846	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, biota, tissue, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
65171	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
65174	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
65176	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
65178	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, field, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry	< 62.5 microns	Bed Sediment		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
65198	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, solids, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
67881	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, solids, recoverable, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-70-2	 	%
67887	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, solids, recoverable, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7439-95-4	 	%
67892	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, solids, recoverable, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-09-7	 	%
67894	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, solids, recoverable, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-23-5	 	%
67906	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, solids, total digestion, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Total		7440-70-2	 	%
67914	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, solids, total digestion, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Total		7439-95-4	 	%
67919	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, solids, total digestion, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Total		7440-09-7	 	%
67922	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, solids, total digestion, dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Total		7440-23-5	 	%
68810	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, rock, total (whole-rock analysis), dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Total		7440-09-7	 	%
68811	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, rock, total (whole-rock analysis), dry weight, percent	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Total		7440-70-2	 	%
68924	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, soil, exchangeable in 1.0 M ammonium chloride, recoverable, dry weight, centimole per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry				7440-70-2	Calcium	cmol/kg
68925	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, soil, exchangeable in 1.0 M ammonium chloride, recoverable, dry weight, centimole per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry				7439-95-4	Magnesium	cmol/kg
68926	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, soil, exchangeable in 1.0 M ammonium chloride, recoverable, dry weight, centimole per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry				7440-23-5	Sodium	cmol/kg
68927	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, soil, exchangeable in 1.0 M ammonium chloride, recoverable, dry weight, centimole per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry				7440-09-7	Potassium	cmol/kg
81201	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, dissolved, short tons per day	Not checked					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	tons/day
81202	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, dissolved, short tons per day	Not checked					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	tons/day
81203	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, dissolved, short tons per day	Not checked					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	tons/day
81204	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, dissolved, short tons per day	Not checked					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	tons/day
81357	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, suspended sediment, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
82032	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Agree					Total		7440-70-2	 	ug/l
82033	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Agree					Total		7439-95-4	 	ug/l
82034	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Agree					Total		7440-09-7	 	ug/l
82035	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter	Agree					Total		7440-23-5	 	ug/l
82425	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, dry atmospheric deposition, recoverable, milligrams per kilogram	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
82426	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, insoluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
82427	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
82428	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, dry atmospheric deposition, recoverable, milligrams per kilogram	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
82429	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, insoluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
82430	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
82470	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, dry atmospheric deposition, recoverable, milligrams per kilogram	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
82471	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, insoluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
82472	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
82473	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
82474	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, insoluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram	Agree							7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
82475	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, dry atmospheric deposition, recoverable, milligrams per kilogram	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
82932	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
82933	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
82935	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
82936	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
82938	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
82939	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
82940	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	ueq/L
82941	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
82942	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
83002	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83003	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83004	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83005	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83006	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83007	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83008	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83009	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83010	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83011	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83012	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83013	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Total		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83120	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83121	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83122	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83123	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83124	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83125	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83126	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83127	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83128	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83129	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83130	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83131	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Total		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83138	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83139	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83140	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, filtered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
83141	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83142	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83143	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, suspended, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
83144	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83145	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83146	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
83147	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83148	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83149	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, wet atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Total		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
83214	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
83215	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
83216	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	ueq/L
83217	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
83218	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
83219	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-70-2	Calcium	ueq/L
83220	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
83221	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
83222	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	ueq/L
83223	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/l
83224	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/m2
83225	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Total		7440-70-2	Calcium	ueq/L
83284	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83285	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83286	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83287	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83288	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83289	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Suspended		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83290	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83291	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83292	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83293	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/l
83294	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/m2
83295	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Total		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ueq/L
83402	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83403	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83404	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83405	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83406	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83407	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83408	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83409	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83410	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83411	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/l
83412	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/m2
83413	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Total		7440-09-7	Potassium	ueq/L
83420	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83421	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83422	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, filtered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
83423	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83424	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83425	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, suspended, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Suspended		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
83426	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83427	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83428	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, recoverable, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
83429	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per liter	Agree					Total		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/l
83430	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, milligrams per square meter	Agree					Total		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/m2
83431	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, bulk atmospheric deposition, unfiltered, microequivalents per liter	Agree					Total		7440-23-5	Sodium	ueq/L
85769	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Wet		Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
85770	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, milligrams per kilogram	Agree			Wet		Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
90856	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, estimated by regression equation, number	USGS use and no use by EPA					Total		 	Sodium adsorption ratio	None
90857	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, unfiltered, field, number	USGS use and no use by EPA					Total		 	Sodium adsorption ratio	None
90858	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, filtered, field, number	USGS use and no use by EPA					Dissolved		 	Sodium adsorption ratio	None
90872	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), soil, ratio	Not checked					Total		 	Sodium adsorption ratio	ratio
91051	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter	USGS use and no use by EPA					Dissolved		7440-70-2	Calcium	ug/l
91052	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter	USGS use and no use by EPA					Dissolved		7439-95-4	Magnesium	ug/l
91053	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter	USGS use and no use by EPA					Dissolved		7440-23-5	Sodium	ug/l
91054	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter	USGS use and no use by EPA					Dissolved		7440-09-7	Potassium	ug/l
91715	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Potassium, solids, 6 N hydrochloric acid extracted, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-09-7	Potassium	mg/kg
91716	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, solids, 6 N hydrochloric acid extracted, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-23-5	Sodium	mg/kg
91717	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Magnesium, solids, 6 N hydrochloric acid extracted, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7439-95-4	Magnesium	mg/kg
91718	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, solids, 6 N hydrochloric acid extracted, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram	USGS use and no use by EPA			Dry		Recoverable		7440-70-2	Calcium	mg/kg
99398	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Sodium, water, filtered, estimated by regression equation, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Dissolved		7440-23-5	 	mg/l
99399	Inorganics, Major, Metals	Calcium, water, filtered, estimated by regression equation, milligrams per liter	Not checked					Dissolved		7440-70-2	 	mg/l