Streamflow Method
# National Water Information System
# 2025/02/18
# Date Retrieved: USGS Water Data for the Nation Help System
meth_CD meth_tp meth_NM meth_DS
5s 4s 32s 71s
acous SWQM acoustic doppler current profile
DENS1 SWQM Constant flow dual orifice Constant flow dual orifice non-submersible pressure transducer
estim SWQM estimated
mean- SWQM mean-section
none SWQM none
other SWQM other
Q-EST SWQM Discharge, estimated Discharge, estimated
QADCP SWQM Disch., meas., ADCP moving boat Discharge, measured, acoustic doppler current profiler from moving boat
QFLUM SWQM Disch., meas., flume Discharge, measured, flume
QFLWM SWQM Discharge, flow meter Discharge, flow meter
QHFLM SWQM Disch,meas,high-precision flume Discharge, measured, high-precision flume
QHPWR SWQM Disch,meas,high-precision weir Discharge, measured, high-precision weir
QIDIR SWQM Disch., meas., indirect Discharge, measured, indirect method
QSCMM SWQM Disch., meas., midsection Discharge, measured, midsection method
QTOTH SWQM Total discharge by vol high prec Total discharge by volume, high precision
QTOTL SWQM Total discharge by volume Total discharge by volume
QTRAC SWQM Disch., meas., tracer dye Discharge, measured, tracer dye dilution
QUNSP SWQM Discharge, Unspecified Discharge measured with an unspecified method
QVIMG SWQM Discharge, image velocimetry Discharge, image velocimetry
QVOLM SWQM Disch., meas., volumetric Discharge, measured, volumetric
QVRAD SWQM Discharge,surface velocity radar Discharge, surface velocity radar
QWEIR SWQM Disch., meas., weir Discharge, measured, weir
unspe SWQM unspecified
ZEROF SWQM Observed Zero Flow Observed Zero Flow