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Type of Data Collected

This is a legacy field from the old WATSTORE days therefore the national consistency of the information/values stored in this field will vary. This field is actually a 30-POSITION ARRAY of characters. Coded in one or more locations in the array, will be the following alpha-code:

Code  Description
A     Active data collection site
I     Inactive or discontinued data collection site
O     Inventory data site only

These codes act as "flags" for the types of data collected in the following array positions:

(1)   Stage or water levels--continuous
(2)   Stage or water levels--intermittent
(3)   Water quality--continuous
(4)   Water quality--intermittent
(5)   Precipitation--continuous
(6)   Precipitation--intermittent
(7)   Evaporation--continuous
(8)   Evaporation--intermittent
(9)   Wind velocity
(10)  Tide--continuous
(11)  Tide--intermittent
(12)  Sediment concentration
(13)  Sediment particle size
(14)  Peak flows
(15)  Low flows
(16)  Water Use