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Water-Level Site Status Codes

The code indicating the status of the site at the time the water level was measured.

A Water level was affected by atmospheric pressure.
B Water level was affected by tide stage.
C Water level was frozen (no water level was recorded).
D Site was dry (no water level was recorded).
E Site was flowing recently.
F Site was flowing. Water level or head could not be measured without additional equipment.
G Nearby site that taps the same aquifer was flowing.
H Nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been flowing recently.
I Recharge water was being injected into the aquifer at this site (Injector site).
J Recharge water was being injected into nearby site that taps the same aquifer (Injector site monitor).
K Water was cascading down the inside of the well (cascading water)
L Water level was affected by brackish or saline water (brackish saline)
M Well was not in hydraulic contact with formation.
N Measurement was discontinued (no water level was recorded).
O Complete obstruction was encountered in the well (no water level was recorded).
P Water level was affected by pumping at the time of the measurement.
R Water level was affected by recent pumping.
S Water level was affected at the time of the measurement by pumping at a nearby site that taps the same aquifer.
T Water level was affected recently by pumping at a nearby site that taps the same aquifer.
V Foreign substance was present on the surface of the water.
W Well was destroyed.
X Water level was affected by stage in nearby surface-water site.
Z Other conditions existed that may have affected the measured water level.