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Parameter Code Definition

CAS Registry NumberĀ® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society. CAS recommends the verification of the CASRNs through CAS Client ServicesSM.

Parameter Code Group Name Parameter Name/Description Epa equivalence Result Statistical Basis Result Time Basis Result Weight Basis Result Particle Size Basis Result Sample Fraction Result Temperature Basis CASRN SRSName Parameter Unit
00001 Information Location in cross section, distance from right bank looking upstream, feet Agree ft
00002 Information Location in cross section, distance from right bank looking upstream, percent Agree %
00003 Information Sampling depth, feet Agree ft
00004 Physical Stream width, feet Agree Instream features, est. stream width ft
00005 Information Location in cross section, fraction of total depth, percent Agree Total %
00008 Information Sample accounting number Agree nu
00009 Information Location in cross section, distance from left bank looking downstream, feet Agree ft
00010 Physical Temperature, water, degrees Celsius Agree Temperature, water deg C
00011 Physical Temperature, water, degrees Fahrenheit Agree Temperature, water, deg F deg F
00012 Physical Evaporation temperature, 48-inch pan, degrees Celsius Agree deg C
00013 Physical Evaporation temperature, 24-inch pan, degrees Celsius Agree deg C
00014 Physical Wet bulb temperature, degrees Celsius Agree Temperature, wet bulb deg C
00020 Physical Temperature, air, degrees Celsius Agree Temperature, air, deg C deg C
00021 Physical Temperature, air, degrees Fahrenheit Agree Temperature, air, deg F deg F
00022 Information Duration of exposure, sample or test, days Agree days
00023 Information Sample weight, pounds Agree lb
00024 Information Sample length, inches Agree in
00025 Physical Barometric pressure, millimeters of mercury Agree Barometric pressure mm/Hg
00028 Information Agency analyzing sample, code Agree code
00029 Information Project number Not agree nu
00030 Physical Incident solar radiation intensity, calories per square centimeter per day Agree Solar irradiation, local cal/cm2/d
00031 Physical Incident light remaining at depth, percent Agree Light attenuation at measurement depth %
00032 Physical Cloud cover, percent Agree Cloud cover (percent) %
00034 Physical Depth to 1 percent of surface light, feet Agree Light attenuation, depth at 99% ft
00035 Physical Wind speed, miles per hour Agree Wind velocity mph
00036 Physical Wind direction, degrees clockwise from true north Agree Wind direction Deg
00041 Information Weather, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) code Not agree WMO code
00042 Information Altitude, feet above mean sea level Agree Altitude ft abv MSL
00045 Physical Precipitation, total, inches Agree Precipitation in
00046 Physical Precipitation, total, inches per week Agree Precipitation in/week
00047 Physical Total partial pressure of dissolved gases, water, unfiltered, millimeters of mercury Agree Dissolved Partial pressure of dissolved gases mm/Hg
00048 Physical Total partial pressure of dissolved gases, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation Agree Dissolved Partial pressure of dissolved gases %
00049 Physical Surface area, square miles Agree mi2
00050 Physical Evaporation rate, inches per day Agree Evaporation inches/day
00051 Physical Surface area, square feet Agree ft2
00052 Physical Relative humidity, percent Agree Relative humidity %
00053 Physical Surface area, acres Agree ac
00054 Information Reservoir storage, acre-feet Agree Reservoir storage ac-ft
00055 Physical Stream velocity, feet per second Agree Stream velocity ft/sec
00056 Physical Flow rate of well, gallons per day Not checked gal/day
00058 Physical Flow rate of well, gallons per minute Not agree gal/min
00059 Physical Flow rate, instantaneous, gallons per minute Agree Flow rate, instantaneous gal/min
00060 Physical Discharge, cubic feet per second Not checked Mean 1 Day Stream flow, mean. daily ft3/s
00061 Physical Discharge, instantaneous, cubic feet per second Agree Stream flow, instantaneous ft3/s
00062 Physical Elevation of reservoir water surface above datum, feet Agree ft
00063 Information Number of sampling points, count Agree count
00064 Physical Mean depth of stream, feet Agree Mean Depth ft
00065 Physical Gage height, feet Agree Height, gage ft
00067 Physical Tide stage, code Agree Tide stage code
00070 Physical Turbidity, water, unfiltered, Jackson Turbidity Units Agree Total Turbidity JTU
00072 Physical Stream stage, meters Agree Stream stage m
00074 Physical Light transmission, 1 meter path length, water, unfiltered, percent Agree Total %
00075 Physical Turbidity, water, unfiltered, Hellige turbidimeter, milligrams per liter as silicon dioxide Agree Total Turbidity, hellige mg/l SiO2
00076 Physical Turbidity, water, unfiltered, nephelometric turbidity units Not agree Total Turbidity NTU
00077 Physical Transparency, water, in situ, Secchi disc, inches Agree Water transparency, Secchi disc in
00078 Physical Transparency, water, in situ, Secchi disc, meters Agree Water transparency, Secchi disc m
00080 Physical Color, water, filtered, platinum cobalt units Agree Dissolved Color PCU
00081 Physical Apparent color, water, unfiltered, platinum-cobalt units Agree Total Apparent color PCU
00085 Physical Odor at room temperature, threshold odor number Agree Odor threshold number TON
00086 Physical Odor at 60 degrees Celsius, threshold odor number Agree 60 deg C Odor threshold number TON
00090 Physical Oxidation reduction potential, reference electrode not specified, millivolts Agree Oxidation reduction potential (ORP) mV
00094 Physical Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, field, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius Agree Total 25 deg C Specific conductance uS/cm @25C
00095 Physical Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius Agree Total 25 deg C Specific conductance uS/cm @25C
00096 Physical Salinity, water, unfiltered, milligrams per milliliter at 25 degrees Celsius Agree Total 25 deg C Salinity mg/mL @25C
00098 Information Sampling depth, meters Agree m
00100 Information Time of travel, hours Agree hours
00115 Information Sample treatment, code Agree code
00117 Information Precipitation, duration of storm event, minutes Agree Precipitation event duration minutes
00118 Physical Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 6, inches Agree Precipitation in
00119 Physical Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 5, inches Agree Precipitation in
00120 Physical Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 4, inches Agree Precipitation in
00121 Physical Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 3, inches Agree Precipitation in
00122 Physical Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 2, inches Agree Precipitation in
00123 Physical Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 1, inches Agree Precipitation in
00124 Physical Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 6, inches per hour Agree Precipitation in/hr
00125 Physical Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 5, inches per hour Agree Precipitation in/hr
00126 Physical Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 4, inches per hour Agree Precipitation in/hr
00127 Physical Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 3, inches per hour Agree Precipitation in/hr
00128 Physical Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 2, inches per hour Agree Precipitation in/hr
00129 Physical Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 1, inches per hour Agree Precipitation in/hr
00132 Information Dry days before precipitation event, days Agree Dry period preceding precipitation days
00134 Information Storm event serial number Agree nu
00135 Information Elapsed time of storm, hours Not checked hours
00149 Radiochemical Alpha-emitting isotopes of radium, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved Alpha emitting radium isotopes pCi/L
00164 Physical Flow, gallons per batch Agree Flow, gallons per batch gal/batch
00191 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Hydrogen ion, water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter Agree Total 12408-02-5 Hydrogen ion mg/l
00193 Physical Precipitation total for defined period, inches Agree Precipitation in
00196 Physical Wind run, miles Agree mi
00197 Physical Evaporation, accumulated, inches Agree Evaporation in
00198 Physical Depth to 10 percent of surface light, feet Agree ft
00199 Physical Depth to 50 percent of surface light, feet Agree Light attenuation, depth at 50% ft
00200 Physical Incident light intensity, 400-700 nanometers, microeinsteins per square meter per second Agree uE/m2/sec
00201 Physical Incident light, daily total, 400-700 nanometers, microeinsteins per square meter Agree Daily Total uEinst/m2
00206 Information Collector area, wet atmospheric deposition, square meters Agree m2
00207 Information Collector area, dry atmospheric deposition, square meters Agree m2
00294 Physical Chemical oxygen demand, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Chemical oxygen demand mg/kg
00297 Physical Chemical oxygen demand, total, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Total Chemical oxygen demand mg/kg
00300 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 7782-44-7 Dissolved oxygen (DO) mg/l
00301 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation Agree Dissolved 7782-44-7 Dissolved oxygen saturation % saturatn
00302 Physical Immediate oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 20 deg C mg/l
00310 Physical Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 5 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Not checked 5 Day Total 20 deg C Biochemical oxygen demand, standard conditions mg/l
00315 Physical Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 7 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Not checked 7 Day Total 20 deg C Biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions mg/l
00319 Physical Ultimate biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Not checked Ultimate Total 20 deg C BOD, ultimate mg/l
00320 Physical Ultimate carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Not checked Ultimate Total 20 deg C Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions mg/l
00321 Physical Ultimate nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Ultimate Total Nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand mg/l
00324 Physical Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Not checked 20 Day Total 20 deg C Biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions mg/l
00325 Physical Deoxygenation constant (k1 to base e), biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, per day Not checked Total 20 deg C per day
00330 Physical Reoxygenation constant (k2 to base e), biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, per day Not checked Total 20 deg C per day
00335 Physical Chemical oxygen demand, low level, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total Chemical oxygen demand, (low level) mg/l
00339 Physical Chemical oxygen demand, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment Chemical oxygen demand mg/kg
00340 Physical Chemical oxygen demand, high level, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total Chemical oxygen demand, (high level) mg/l
00349 Physical Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 30 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Not checked 30 Day Total 20 deg C Biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions mg/l
00359 Physical Biochemical oxygen demand, water, filtered, 5 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter Agree 5 Day Dissolved 20 deg C BOD, filtered, 5 day, 20 deg C mg/l
00367 Physical Chemical oxygen demand, low level, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved Chemical oxygen demand, (low level) mg/l
00400 Physical pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units Agree Total pH std units
00401 Physical Cations minus anions, water, milliequivalents Agree Cations-Anions meq
00402 Physical Specific conductance, non-temperature corrected, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter Agree Total Specific conductance uS/cm
00403 Physical pH, water, unfiltered, laboratory, standard units Agree Total pH, lab std units
00405 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon dioxide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total 124-38-9 Carbon dioxide mg/l
00408 Physical pH, water, filtered, laboratory, standard units Not checked Dissolved std units
00409 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, microequivalents per liter Agree Total Alkalinity ueq/L
00410 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00411 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, methyl orange endpoint (pH 3.1-4.4) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00413 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Agree Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00415 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, phenolphthalein endpoint (pH 8.5-9.0) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00416 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00417 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00418 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Dissolved Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00419 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00420 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Hydroxide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 14280-30-9 Hydroxide mg/l
00421 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Dissolved Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00425 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l CaCO3
00430 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l CaCO3
00431 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
00434 Physical pH adjusted to 25 degrees Celsius, water, laboratory, standard units Not checked 25 deg C std units
00435 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acidity, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Acidity mg/l CaCO3
00436 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Mineral acidity, water, unfiltered, methyl orange endpoint (pH 3.1-4.4) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Acidity, mineral methyl orange (as CaCO3) mg/l CaCO3
00437 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon dioxide acidity, water, unfiltered, phenolphthalein endpoint (pH 8.5-9.0) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Acidity, total, phenolphthalein (as CaCO3) mg/l CaCO3
00440 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
00445 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, field, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
00446 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
00447 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
00448 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
00449 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
00450 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
00451 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
00452 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
00453 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
00480 Physical Salinity, water, unfiltered, parts per thousand Not checked Total Salinity ppth
00495 Physical Moisture content, solids, fraction of dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Moisture content %
00496 Sediment Loss on ignition, bed sediment, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Bed Sediment mg/kg
00500 Physical Total solids dried at 105 degrees Celsius, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 105 deg C Total solids mg/l
00505 Physical Loss on ignition of total solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total Total volatile solids mg/l
00510 Physical Total solids remaining after ignition, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total Total fixed solids mg/l
00515 Physical Dissolved solids dried at 105 degrees Celsius, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved 105 deg C Total dissolved solids mg/l
00520 Physical Loss on ignition of dissolved solids, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved Volatile dissolved solids mg/l
00525 Physical Dissolved solids remaining after ignition, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved Fixed dissolved solids mg/l
00530 Physical Suspended solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Non-filterable Total suspended solids mg/l
00535 Physical Loss on ignition of suspended solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Non-filterable Volatile Suspended Solids mg/l
00540 Physical Suspended solids remaining after ignition, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Fixed suspended solids mg/l
00545 Physical Settleable solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Settleable Settleable solids mg/l
00548 Physical Non-settleable solids remaining after ignition, milligrams per liter Not checked mg/l
00549 Physical Loss on ignition of non-settleable solids, milligrams per liter Not checked Non-settleable mg/l
00550 Organics, Other Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable Oil and grease -- CWA 304B mg/l
00551 Organics, Other Petroleum hydrocarbons, water, unfiltered, CCl4 extraction, infrared chromatography, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable Hydrocarbons, petroleum mg/l
00552 Organics, Other Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, hexane extraction, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable Oil and grease -- CWA 304B mg/l
00553 Organics, Other Oil and grease, bed sediment, hexane extraction, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment Oil and grease -- CWA 304B mg/kg
00556 Organics, Other Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, freon extraction, gravimetric, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable Oil and grease -- CWA 304B mg/l
00557 Organics, Other Oil and grease, bed sediment, freon extraction, gravimetric, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment Oil and grease -- CWA 304B mg/kg
00560 Organics, Other Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, freon extraction, electrometric infrared, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable Oil and grease -- CWA 304B mg/l
00572 Biological Biomass, periphyton, ash weight, grams per square meter Not checked Ash Weight Biomass, periphyton g/m2
00573 Biological Biomass, periphyton, dry weight, grams per square meter Not checked Dry Biomass, periphyton g/m2
00597 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Dinitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved 7727-37-9 Nitrogen mg/l
00598 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Dinitrogen, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation Not checked Dissolved 7727-37-9 Nitrogen %
00600 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) mg/l
00601 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter Not checked Suspended Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) mg/l
00602 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) mg/l
00603 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) mg/kg
00604 Nutrient Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Suspended Ammonia and ammonium mg/l as N
00605 Nutrient Organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total Organic nitrogen mg/l
00606 Nutrient Organic nitrogen, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Suspended Organic nitrogen mg/l
00607 Nutrient Organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Dissolved Organic nitrogen mg/l
00608 Nutrient Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Dissolved Ammonia and ammonium mg/l as N
00610 Nutrient Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total Ammonia and ammonium mg/l as N
00611 Nutrient Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Agree Dry Bed Sediment Ammonia and ammonium mg/kg as N
00613 Nutrient Nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Dissolved 14797-65-0 Nitrite mg/l as N
00615 Nutrient Nitrite, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total 14797-65-0 Nitrite mg/l as N
00616 Nutrient Nitrite, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Agree Dry Bed Sediment 14797-65-0 Nitrite mg/kg as N
00618 Nutrient Nitrate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Dissolved 14797-55-8 Nitrate mg/l as N
00619 Nutrient Ammonia (un-ionized), water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Not checked Total 7664-41-7 Ammonia mg/l as N
00620 Nutrient Nitrate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total 14797-55-8 Nitrate mg/l as N
00621 Nutrient Nitrate, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Agree Dry Bed Sediment 14797-55-8 Nitrate mg/kg as N
00623 Nutrient Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/l as N
00624 Nutrient Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Suspended Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/l as N
00625 Nutrient Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/l as N
00626 Nutrient Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Not agree Dry Bed Sediment Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/kg as N
00630 Nutrient Nitrate plus nitrite, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) mg/l as N
00631 Nutrient Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Dissolved Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) mg/l as N
00633 Nutrient Nitrate plus nitrite, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Agree Dry Bed Sediment Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) mg/kg as N
00635 Nutrient Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/l as N
00636 Nutrient Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Dissolved Kjeldahl nitrogen mg/l as N
00639 Nutrient Albuminoid nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Agree Total mg/l as N
00650 Nutrient Phosphate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as PO4 Agree Total Phosphate-phosphorus mg/l
00653 Nutrient Phosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4 Agree Dissolved Phosphate-phosphorus mg/l
00660 Nutrient Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4 Not checked Dissolved 14265-44-2 Phosphate mg/l asPO4
00662 Nutrient Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as phosphorus Agree Recoverable 7723-14-0 ug/l as P
00665 Nutrient Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Total 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/l as P
00666 Nutrient Phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Dissolved 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/l as P
00667 Nutrient Phosphorus, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Suspended 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/l as P
00668 Nutrient Phosphorus, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/kg as P
00669 Nutrient Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Total mg/l as P
00670 Nutrient Organic phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Total Organic phosphorus mg/l as P
00671 Nutrient Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Dissolved 14265-44-2 Phosphate mg/l as P
00672 Nutrient Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Dissolved mg/l as P
00673 Nutrient Organic phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Dissolved Organic phosphorus mg/l as P
00674 Nutrient Orthophosphate, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Suspended 14265-44-2 Phosphate mg/l as P
00675 Nutrient Hydrolyzable phosphorus, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Suspended mg/l as P
00676 Nutrient Organic phosphorus, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Suspended Organic phosphorus mg/l as P
00677 Nutrient Hydrolyzable phosphorus plus orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Dissolved mg/l as P
00678 Nutrient Hydrolyzable phosphorus plus orthophosphate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus Agree Total mg/l as P
00680 Organics, Other Organic carbon, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total Organic carbon mg/l
00681 Organics, Other Organic carbon, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved Organic carbon mg/l
00682 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/l
00683 Organics, Other Organic carbon, suspended sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended Organic carbon mg/kg
00685 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total Inorganic carbon mg/l
00686 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, bed sediment, total, dry weight, grams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment Inorganic carbon g/kg
00687 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment, total, dry weight, grams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment Organic carbon g/kg
00688 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter Agree Suspended Inorganic carbon mg/l
00689 Organics, Other Organic carbon, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter Agree Suspended Organic carbon mg/l
00690 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/l
00691 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved Inorganic carbon mg/l
00692 Organics, Other Immiscible organic carbon, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total Organic carbon mg/l
00693 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment, total, dry weight, grams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-44-0 Total Carbon g/kg
00694 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter Agree Suspended 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/l
00697 Organics, Other Acetic acid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Agree Recoverable 64-19-7 Acetic acid mg/l
00709 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluorine, adsorbable organic, water, unfiltered, nanograms per liter Not checked Total ng/l
00710 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluorine, solids, dry weight, nanograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Total ng/kg
00711 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluorine, biota, tissue, wet weight, nanograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Total ng/kg
00712 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluorine, extractable organic, solids, dry weight, nanograms per kilogram Not checked Dry ng/kg
00713 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluorine, extractable organic, biota, tissue, wet weight, nanograms per kilogram Not checked Wet ng/kg
00714 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluorine, extractable organic, water, unfiltered, nanograms per liter Not checked Total ng/l
00715 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, free, soil, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Total mg/kg
00716 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, free, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Bed Sediment mg/kg
00717 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, weak acid, dissociable, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 57-12-5 Cyanide ug/l
00718 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, weak acid, dissociable, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 57-12-5 ug/l
00720 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total 57-12-5 Cyanide mg/l
00721 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 57-12-5 Cyanide mg/kg
00722 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, free, amenable to chlorination, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total Cyanides amenable to chlorination (HCN & CN) mg/l
00723 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Cyanide, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not agree Dissolved 57-12-5 Cyanide mg/l
00730 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Thiocyanate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total 302-04-5 Thiocyanate mg/l
00740 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Sulfite, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 14265-45-3 Sulfite (SO3) mg/l
00745 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total 18496-25-8 Sulfide mg/l
00746 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfide, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 18496-25-8 Sulfide mg/l
00900 Physical Hardness, water, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Agree Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR mg/l CaCO3
00901 Physical Carbonate hardness, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Hardness, carbonate mg/l CaCO3
00902 Physical Noncarbonate hardness, water, unfiltered, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Hardness, non-carbonate mg/l CaCO3
00903 Physical Noncarbonate hardness, water, unfiltered, lab, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total Hardness, non-carbonate mg/l CaCO3
00904 Physical Noncarbonate hardness, water, filtered, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Dissolved Hardness, non-carbonate mg/l CaCO3
00905 Physical Noncarbonate hardness, water, filtered, lab, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Dissolved Hardness, non-carbonate mg/l CaCO3
00906 Physical Hardness, water, filtered, calculated, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate USGS use and no use by EPA Dissolved Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR mg/l CaCO3
00907 Physical Hardness, water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate USGS use and no use by EPA Total Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR mg/l CaCO3
00908 Physical Hardness, water, filtered, measured, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate USGS use and no use by EPA Dissolved Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR mg/l CaCO3
00909 Physical Hardness, water, unfiltered, measured, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate USGS use and no use by EPA Total Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR mg/l CaCO3
00910 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total 7440-70-2 Calcium mg/l CaCO3
00915 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-70-2 Calcium mg/l
00916 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-70-2 Calcium mg/l
00917 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-70-2 Calcium mg/kg
00918 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-70-2 Calcium mg/l
00920 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Not checked Total 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/l CaCO3
00921 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Agree Recoverable 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/l
00923 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-23-5 Sodium mg/l
00924 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/kg
00925 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/l
00926 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter Agree Suspended 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/l
00927 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/l
00929 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-23-5 Sodium mg/l
00930 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-23-5 Sodium mg/l
00931 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, number Agree Sodium adsorption ratio None
00932 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium fraction of cations, water, percent in equivalents of major cations Agree Sodium, percent total cations %
00933 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium plus potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as sodium Not checked Dissolved Sodium plus potassium mg/l as Na
00934 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-23-5 Sodium mg/kg
00935 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-09-7 Potassium mg/l
00937 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-09-7 Potassium mg/l
00938 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-09-7 Potassium mg/kg
00939 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-09-7 Potassium mg/l
00940 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Chloride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved 16887-00-6 Chloride mg/l
00945 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not agree Dissolved 14808-79-8 Sulfate mg/l
00946 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not agree Total 14808-79-8 Sulfate mg/l
00950 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluoride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 16984-48-8 Fluoride mg/l
00951 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluoride, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Agree Total 16984-48-8 Fluoride mg/l
00953 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluorine, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7782-41-4 Fluorine ug/l
00954 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Silica, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as SiO2 Not checked Recoverable 7631-86-9 Silica ug/l
00955 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Silica, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as SiO2 Agree Dissolved 7631-86-9 Silica mg/l
00956 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Silica, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as SiO2 Agree Total 7631-86-9 Silica mg/l
00978 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-38-2 Arsenic ug/l
00985 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-62-2 Vanadium ug/l
00997 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Inorganic arsenic, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter as arsenic Agree Total ug/l
00998 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-41-7 Beryllium ug/l
00999 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-42-8 Boron ug/l
01000 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-38-2 Arsenic ug/l
01001 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter Not agree Suspended 7440-38-2 Arsenic ug/l
01002 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-38-2 Arsenic ug/l
01003 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg
01005 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-39-3 Barium ug/l
01006 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Suspended 7440-39-3 Barium ug/l
01007 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Recoverable 7440-39-3 Barium ug/l
01008 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
01009 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-39-3 Barium ug/l
01010 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-41-7 Beryllium ug/l
01011 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Suspended 7440-41-7 Beryllium ug/l
01012 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Recoverable 7440-41-7 Beryllium ug/l
01013 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
01015 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-69-9 Bismuth ug/l
01016 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, suspended sediment, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 7440-69-9 Bismuth ug/l
01017 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-69-9 Bismuth ug/l
01020 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-42-8 Boron ug/l
01021 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Suspended 7440-42-8 Boron ug/l
01022 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Recoverable 7440-42-8 Boron ug/l
01023 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-42-8 Boron mg/kg
01025 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-43-9 Cadmium ug/l
01026 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Suspended 7440-43-9 Cadmium ug/l
01027 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-43-9 Cadmium ug/l
01028 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
01029 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
01030 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-47-3 Chromium ug/l
01031 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not agree Suspended 7440-47-3 Chromium ug/l
01032 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium(VI), water, filtered, micrograms per liter as Cr Not checked Dissolved 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI) ug/l as Cr
01033 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium(III), water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 16065-83-1 Chromium(III) ug/l
01034 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-47-3 Chromium ug/l
01035 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-48-4 Cobalt ug/l
01036 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-48-4 Cobalt ug/l
01037 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-48-4 Cobalt ug/l
01038 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-48-4 Cobalt mg/kg
01040 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-50-8 Copper ug/l
01041 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-50-8 Copper ug/l
01042 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-50-8 Copper ug/l
01043 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
01044 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7439-89-6 Iron ug/l
01045 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7439-89-6 Iron ug/l
01046 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7439-89-6 Iron ug/l
01047 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron(II), water, filtered, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 15438-31-0 Iron, ion (Fe2+) ug/l
01048 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron(II) plus iron(III), water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved ug/l
01049 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7439-92-1 Lead ug/l
01050 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7439-92-1 Lead ug/l
01051 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7439-92-1 Lead ug/l
01052 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
01053 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
01054 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7439-96-5 Manganese ug/l
01055 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7439-96-5 Manganese ug/l
01056 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7439-96-5 Manganese ug/l
01057 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-28-0 Thallium ug/l
01058 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-28-0 Thallium ug/l
01059 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-28-0 Thallium ug/l
01060 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7439-98-7 Molybdenum ug/l
01061 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7439-98-7 Molybdenum ug/l
01062 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7439-98-7 Molybdenum ug/l
01063 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
01064 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Tellurium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 13494-80-9 Tellurium ug/l
01065 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-02-0 Nickel ug/l
01066 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-02-0 Nickel ug/l
01067 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-02-0 Nickel ug/l
01068 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
01072 Nutrient Phosphorus, water, filtered, micrograms per liter as phosphorus Agree Dissolved 7723-14-0 ug/l
01074 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-02-0 Nickel ug/l
01075 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-22-4 Silver ug/l
01076 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-22-4 Silver ug/l
01077 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-22-4 Silver ug/l
01078 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
01079 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-22-4 Silver ug/l
01080 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-24-6 Strontium ug/l
01081 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-24-6 Strontium ug/l
01082 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-24-6 Strontium ug/l
01083 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-24-6 Strontium mg/kg
01084 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-24-6 Strontium ug/l
01085 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-62-2 Vanadium ug/l
01086 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-62-2 Vanadium ug/l
01087 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-62-2 Vanadium ug/l
01088 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-62-2 Vanadium mg/kg
01090 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-66-6 Zinc ug/l
01091 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-66-6 Zinc ug/l
01092 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-66-6 Zinc ug/l
01093 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
01094 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-66-6 Zinc ug/l
01095 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-36-0 Antimony ug/l
01096 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-36-0 Antimony ug/l
01097 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-36-0 Antimony ug/l
01098 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-36-0 Antimony mg/kg
01100 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-31-5 Tin ug/l
01101 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-31-5 Tin ug/l
01102 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-31-5 Tin ug/l
01103 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-31-5 Tin ug/kg
01104 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7429-90-5 Aluminum ug/l
01105 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7429-90-5 Aluminum ug/l
01106 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7429-90-5 Aluminum ug/l
01107 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7429-90-5 Aluminum ug/l
01108 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7429-90-5 Aluminum mg/kg
01110 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cerium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-45-1 Cerium ug/l
01112 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cerium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-45-1 Cerium ug/l
01113 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-43-9 Cadmium ug/l
01114 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7439-92-1 Lead ug/l
01115 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cesium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-46-2 Cesium ug/l
01117 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cesium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-46-2 Cesium ug/l
01118 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-47-3 Chromium ug/l
01119 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-50-8 Copper ug/l
01120 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gallium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-55-3 Gallium ug/l
01122 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gallium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-55-3 Gallium ug/l
01123 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7439-96-5 Manganese ug/l
01125 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Germanium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-56-4 Germanium ug/l
01126 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Germanium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-56-4 Germanium ug/l
01127 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Germanium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-56-4 Germanium ug/l
01128 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7440-28-0 Thallium ug/l
01129 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7439-98-7 Molybdenum ug/l
01130 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7439-93-2 Lithium ug/l
01131 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7439-93-2 Lithium ug/l
01132 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7439-93-2 Lithium ug/l
01133 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7439-93-2 Lithium mg/kg
01134 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7439-93-2 Lithium ug/l
01135 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Rubidium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-17-7 Rubidium ug/l
01137 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Rubidium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-17-7 Rubidium ug/l
01140 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Silicon, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-21-3 Silicon ug/l
01142 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Silicon, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-21-3 Silicon ug/l
01145 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7782-49-2 Selenium ug/l
01146 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7782-49-2 Selenium ug/l
01147 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7782-49-2 Selenium ug/l
01148 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg
01150 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-32-6 Titanium ug/l
01151 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-32-6 Titanium ug/l
01152 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-32-6 Titanium ug/l
01153 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-32-6 Titanium mg/kg
01154 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tungsten, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-33-7 Tungsten ug/l
01155 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tungsten, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-33-7 Tungsten ug/l
01156 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tungsten, suspended sediment, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 7440-33-7 Tungsten ug/l
01160 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zirconium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-67-7 Zirconium ug/l
01162 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zirconium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7440-67-7 Zirconium ug/l
01168 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Indium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-74-6 Indium ug/l
01170 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7439-89-6 Iron mg/kg
01171 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Platinum, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-06-4 Platinum ug/l
01172 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Platinum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-06-4 Platinum ug/l
01180 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lanthanum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7439-91-0 Lanthanum ug/l
01182 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lanthanum, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7439-91-0 Lanthanum ug/l
01187 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Scandium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-20-2 Scandium ug/l
01189 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Scandium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-20-2 Scandium ug/l
01194 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Ytterbium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-64-4 Ytterbium ug/l
01196 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Ytterbium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-64-4 Ytterbium ug/l
01201 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Yttrium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-65-5 Yttrium ug/l
01203 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Yttrium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-65-5 Yttrium ug/l
01210 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Palladium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-05-3 Palladium ug/l
01218 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Terbium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-27-9 Terbium ug/l
01219 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gadolinium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-54-2 Gadolinium ug/l
01221 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, micrograms per kilogram Agree 7439-97-6 Mercury ug/kg
01225 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, insoluble, dry atmospheric deposition, micrograms per kilogram Agree 7440-02-0 Nickel ug/kg
01230 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, micrograms per kilogram Agree 7440-22-4 Silver ug/kg
01236 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Europium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-53-1 Europium ug/l
01237 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Neodymium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-00-8 Neodymium ug/l
01238 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Praseodymium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-10-0 Praseodymium ug/l
01239 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Niobium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-03-1 Niobium ug/l
01240 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iridium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7439-88-5 Iridium ug/l
01241 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Osmium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-04-2 Osmium ug/l
01242 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Rhenium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-15-5 Rhenium ug/l
01243 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Hafnium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-58-6 Hafnium ug/l
01244 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lutetium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7439-94-3 Lutetium ug/l
01245 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thulium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-30-4 Thulium ug/l
01246 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Erbium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-52-0 Erbium ug/l
01247 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Holmium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-60-0 Holmium ug/l
01251 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Dimethyl selenoxide, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as selenium Not checked Dissolved 4371-90-8 ug/l
01252 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenosulfate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as selenium Not checked Dissolved 16450-48-9 ug/l
01253 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium species minus known selenium species (Se(IV) + Se(VI) + SeCN + MeSe(IV) + SeMet + SeSO3 + DMSeO + MeSe(VI)), water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved ug/l
01300 Physical Oil and grease, severity, code Not checked Oil and grease -- CWA 304B code
01305 Physical Suds or foam, severity, code Not checked Detergent, severity code
01310 Physical Gas bubbles, severity, code Not checked Gas bubble severity code
01315 Physical Floating sludge, severity, code Not checked Floating sludge, severity code
01320 Physical Floating garbage, severity, code Not checked Trash, Debris, Floatables code
01325 Physical Floating algae mats, severity, code Not checked Algae, floating mats (severity) code
01330 Physical Odor, atmospheric, severity, code Not checked Odor, atmospheric code
01335 Physical Sewage solids, fresh floating, severity, code Not checked code
01340 Physical Dead fish, severity, code Not checked Dead fish, severity code
01345 Physical Floating debris, severity, code Not checked Floating debris, severity code
01350 Physical Turbidity, severity, code Not checked Turbidity severity code
01351 Physical Streamflow, severity, code Not checked Flow, severity code
01355 Physical Ice cover, floating or solid, severity, code Not checked Ice cover, floating or solid code
01371 Biological Average length of biological tissue samples in composite, centimeters Agree cm
01373 Biological Average weight of biological tissue samples in composite, grams Agree g
01375 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7429-90-5 Aluminum mg/kg
01376 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
01377 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
01378 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
01379 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
01380 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-48-4 Cobalt mg/kg
01381 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
01382 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
01383 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7439-93-2 Lithium mg/kg
01384 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
01385 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
01386 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
01387 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
01388 Nutrient Phosphorus, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/kg
01389 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
01390 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-24-6 Strontium mg/kg
01391 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-31-5 Tin mg/kg
01392 Radiochemical Uranium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-61-1 Uranium mg/kg
01393 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
01394 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon (inorganic plus organic), bed sediment, total, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7440-44-0 Total Carbon %
01395 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment, total, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment Organic carbon %
01396 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7429-90-5 Aluminum %
01397 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) %
01398 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfur, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Bed Sediment 7704-34-9 Sulfur %
01399 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-36-0 Antimony mg/kg
01400 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg
01401 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
01402 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
01403 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
01404 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
01405 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-48-4 Cobalt mg/kg
01406 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
01407 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
01408 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7439-93-2 Lithium mg/kg
01409 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
01410 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
01411 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
01412 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
01413 Nutrient Phosphorus, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/kg
01414 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg
01415 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
01416 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-24-6 Strontium mg/kg
01417 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
01418 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-31-5 Tin mg/kg
01419 Radiochemical Uranium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-61-1 Uranium mg/kg
01420 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-62-2 Vanadium mg/kg
01421 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
01422 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7429-90-5 Aluminum %
01423 Organics, Other Organic carbon, soil, total, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total Organic carbon %
01424 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7439-89-6 Iron %
01425 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], soil, total digestion, milligrams per liter USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) mg/l
01426 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfur, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7704-34-9 Sulfur %
01427 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Total 7440-32-6 Titanium %
01428 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry Suspended 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
01429 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7429-90-5 Aluminum mg/kg
01430 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-70-2 Calcium mg/kg
01431 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cesium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-46-2 Cesium mg/kg
01432 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7439-89-6 Iron mg/kg
01433 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/kg
01434 Nutrient Phosphorus, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/kg
01435 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-09-7 Potassium mg/kg
01436 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Rubidium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-17-7 Rubidium mg/kg
01437 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-23-5 Sodium mg/kg
01438 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-32-6 Titanium mg/kg
01439 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-36-0 Antimony mg/kg
01440 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg
01441 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
01442 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
01443 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
01444 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
01445 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-48-4 Cobalt mg/kg
01446 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
01447 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
01448 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7439-93-2 Lithium mg/kg
01449 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
01450 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
01451 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
01452 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
01453 Nutrient Phosphorus, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry 7723-14-0 Phosphorus %
01454 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg
01455 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
01456 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-24-6 Strontium mg/kg
01457 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
01458 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-31-5 Tin mg/kg
01459 Radiochemical Uranium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-61-1 Uranium mg/kg
01460 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-62-2 Vanadium mg/kg
01461 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
01462 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7429-90-5 Aluminum mg/kg
01463 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], biota, tissue, total, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry 7440-44-0 Total Carbon %
01464 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7439-89-6 Iron mg/kg
01465 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], biota, tissue, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen Not checked Dry Total Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) mg/l
01466 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfur, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry 7704-34-9 Sulfur %
01467 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-32-6 Titanium mg/kg
01468 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Total 7439-89-6 Iron %
01469 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Total 7440-32-6 Titanium %
01470 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], suspended sediment, total, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Total Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) %
01471 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], soil, total, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Total Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) %
01472 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], biota, tissue, total, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Total Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) %
01473 Nutrient Phosphorus, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus Not checked Dry Suspended 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/kg
01474 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-23-5 Sodium %
01475 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-09-7 Potassium %
01476 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-70-2 Calcium %
01477 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7439-95-4 Magnesium %
01478 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-69-9 mg/kg
01479 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cerium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-45-1 mg/kg
01480 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cesium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-46-2 mg/kg
01481 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gallium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-55-3 mg/kg
01482 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Indium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-74-6 mg/kg
01484 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Niobium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-03-1 mg/kg
01486 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Scandium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-20-2 mg/kg
01487 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Tellurium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 13494-80-9 mg/kg
01488 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tungsten, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-33-7 mg/kg
01489 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Yttrium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-65-5 mg/kg
01501 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Not checked Total 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01502 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Total 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01503 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01504 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01505 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Suspended 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01506 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Suspended 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01507 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/g
01508 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Counting Error Dry Bed Sediment 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/g
01515 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, natural uranium curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Dissolved 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01516 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Suspended 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01517 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Suspended 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/g
01518 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 12587-46-1 Alpha particle mg/kg
01519 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
01524 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, natural uranium curve, micrograms per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 12587-46-1 Alpha particle ug/l
01525 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, micrograms per liter Agree Counting Error Suspended 12587-46-1 Alpha particle ug/l
01526 Radiochemical Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, water, unfiltered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error 12587-46-1 pCi/L
03501 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03502 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03503 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03504 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03505 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Suspended 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03506 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Suspended 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03507 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/g
03508 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Counting Error Dry Bed Sediment 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/g
03515 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Dissolved 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03516 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Suspended 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03517 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Suspended 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/g
03518 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, Cs-137 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Suspended 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/g
03519 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity, water, unfiltered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Total 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03521 Stable Isotopes delta carbon-13/carbon-12 of organic carbon, soil or rock, per mil Agree 14762-74-4 Carbon-13/Carbon-12 ratio per mil
03522 Stable Isotopes delta sulfur-34/sulfur-32 of sulfide, water, filtered, per mil Agree Dissolved Sulfur-34/Sulfur-32 ratio per mil
03523 Stable Isotopes delta sulfur-34/sulfur-32 of sulfide, bed sediment, per mil Agree Bed Sediment Sulfur-34/Sulfur-32 ratio per mil
03526 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Dissolved 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03527 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Suspended 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03528 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Dissolved 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03529 Radiochemical Gross beta radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Suspended 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/L
03801 Organics, Pesticide Ioxynil, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 1689-83-4 Ioxynil ug/l
03909 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-69-9 mg/kg
03910 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cerium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-45-1 mg/kg
03911 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cesium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-46-2 mg/kg
03912 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gallium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-55-3 mg/kg
03913 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Indium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-74-6 mg/kg
03914 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lanthanum, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7439-91-0 mg/kg
03915 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Niobium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-03-1 mg/kg
03916 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Rubidium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-17-7 mg/kg
03917 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Scandium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-20-2 mg/kg
03918 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Tellurium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 13494-80-9 mg/kg
03919 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tungsten, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-33-7 mg/kg
03920 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Yttrium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry 7440-65-5 mg/kg
03921 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
03922 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
03923 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment Organic carbon %
03924 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-62-2 Vanadium mg/kg
03925 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
03926 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7429-90-5 Aluminum %
03927 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
03928 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg
03929 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-36-0 Antimony mg/kg
03930 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7439-89-6 Iron %
03931 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-31-5 Tin mg/kg
03932 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7439-95-4 Magnesium %
03933 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg
03934 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
03935 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-09-7 Potassium %
03936 Radiochemical Uranium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-61-1 Uranium mg/kg
03937 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
03938 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
03939 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7439-93-2 Lithium mg/kg
03940 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
03941 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-44-0 Total Carbon %
03942 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
03943 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-23-5 Sodium %
03944 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-24-6 Strontium mg/kg
03945 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfur, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7704-34-9 Sulfur %
03946 Nutrient Phosphorus, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7723-14-0 Phosphorus mg/kg
03947 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
03948 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-32-6 Titanium %
03949 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
03950 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-48-4 Cobalt mg/kg
03951 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
03952 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
03953 Nutrient Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) %
03954 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 0.0625 Bed Sediment 7440-70-2 Calcium %
04000 Organics, Pesticide Metribuzin, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 21087-64-9 Metribuzin ug/kg
04001 Organics, Pesticide 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 1007-28-9 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine ug/kg
04002 Organics, Pesticide Chlorodiamino-s-triazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 3397-62-4 2-Chloro-4,6-diamino-s-triazine ug/kg
04003 Organics, Pesticide 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 6190-65-4 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine ug/kg
04004 Organics, Pesticide Cyanazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 21725-46-2 Cyanazine ug/kg
04005 Organics, Pesticide Metolachlor, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 51218-45-2 Metolachlor ug/kg
04006 Organics, Pesticide Alachlor, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 15972-60-8 Alachlor ug/kg
04008 Organics, Pesticide Simazine, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 122-34-9 Simazine ug/kg
04010 Organics, Pesticide Prometryn, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 7287-19-6 Prometryn ug/kg
04011 Organics, Pesticide Prometon, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 1610-18-0 Prometon ug/kg
04012 Organics, Pesticide Metribuzin, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 21087-64-9 Metribuzin ug/kg
04017 Organics, Pesticide Atrazine, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 1912-24-9 Atrazine ug/kg
04019 Organics, Pesticide Trifluralin, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 1582-09-8 Trifluralin ug/kg
04020 Organics, Pesticide Metolachlor, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 51218-45-2 Metolachlor ug/kg
04021 Organics, Pesticide Alachlor, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Suspended 15972-60-8 Alachlor ug/kg
04022 Organics, Pesticide Terbuthylazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 5915-41-3 Terbuthylazine ug/l
04023 Organics, Pesticide Trifluralin, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1582-09-8 Trifluralin ug/l
04024 Organics, Pesticide Propachlor, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1918-16-7 Propachlor ug/l
04025 Organics, Pesticide Hexazinone, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 51235-04-2 Hexazinone ug/l
04026 Organics, Pesticide Butachlor, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 23184-66-9 Butachlor ug/l
04027 Organics, Pesticide Carboxin, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 5234-68-4 Carboxin ug/l
04028 Organics, Pesticide Butylate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 2008-41-5 Butylate ug/l
04029 Organics, Pesticide Bromacil, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 314-40-9 Bromacil ug/l
04030 Organics, Pesticide Simetryn, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1014-70-6 Simetryn ug/l
04031 Organics, Pesticide Cycloate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1134-23-2 Cycloate ug/l
04032 Organics, Pesticide Terbacil, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 5902-51-2 Terbacil ug/l
04033 Organics, Pesticide Diphenamid, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 957-51-7 Diphenamid ug/l
04034 Organics, Pesticide Vernolate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1929-77-7 Vernolate ug/l
04035 Organics, Pesticide Simazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 122-34-9 Simazine ug/l
04036 Organics, Pesticide Prometryn, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7287-19-6 Prometryn ug/l
04037 Organics, Pesticide Prometon, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1610-18-0 Prometon ug/l
04038 Organics, Pesticide 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 1007-28-9 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine ug/l
04039 Organics, Pesticide Chlorodiamino-s-triazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 3397-62-4 2-Chloro-4,6-diamino-s-triazine ug/l
04040 Organics, Pesticide 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 6190-65-4 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine ug/l
04041 Organics, Pesticide Cyanazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 21725-46-2 Cyanazine ug/l
04042 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7429-90-5 Aluminum %
04043 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-36-0 Antimony mg/kg
04044 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg
04045 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
04046 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
04047 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-69-9 Bismuth mg/kg
04048 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-42-8 Boron mg/kg
04049 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
04050 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-70-2 Calcium %
04051 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cerium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-45-1 Cerium mg/kg
04052 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
04053 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-48-4 Cobalt mg/kg
04054 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
04055 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Europium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-53-1 Europium mg/kg
04056 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gallium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-55-3 Gallium mg/kg
04057 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Germanium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-56-4 Germanium mg/kg
04058 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gold, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-57-5 Gold mg/kg
04059 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Holmium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-60-0 Holmium mg/kg
04060 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
04061 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 177 microns Bed Sediment 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
04062 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry > 62.5 microns Suspended 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
04063 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Suspended 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
04064 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
04065 Sediment Suspended sediment, fall diameter (deionized water), percent smaller than 4 millimeters Not checked < 4 mm Suspended Sediment %
04066 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment Inorganic carbon mg/kg
04067 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 177 microns Bed Sediment Inorganic carbon mg/kg
04068 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment Inorganic carbon mg/kg
04069 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Suspended Inorganic carbon mg/kg
04070 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry > 62.5 microns Suspended Inorganic carbon mg/kg
04071 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment Organic carbon mg/kg
04072 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 177 microns Bed Sediment Organic carbon mg/kg
04073 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment Organic carbon mg/kg
04074 Organics, Other Organic carbon, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Suspended Organic carbon mg/kg
04075 Organics, Other Organic carbon, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry > 62.5 microns Suspended Organic carbon mg/kg
04076 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/kg
04077 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 177 microns Bed Sediment 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/kg
04078 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Bed Sediment 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/kg
04079 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 62.5 microns Suspended 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/kg
04080 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry > 62.5 microns Suspended 7440-44-0 Total Carbon mg/kg
04081 Organics, Other Thiodiglycol, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 111-48-8 Ethanol, 2,2'-thiobis- ug/l
04082 Organics, Other 1,2,4,5-Tetrazine, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 290-96-0 ug/l
04090 Organics, Other DCAA, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 19719-28-9 ug/l
04091 Organics, Pesticide Clopyralid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 1702-17-6 Clopyralid ug/l
04092 Organics, Pesticide Triclopyr, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 55335-06-3 Triclopyr ug/l
04093 Organics, Pesticide 3,5-Dichlorobenzoic acid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 51-36-5 Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro- ug/l
04094 Organics, Pesticide 5-Hydroxydicamba, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7600-50-2 Benzoic acid, 2,5-dichloro-3-hydroxy-6-methoxy- ug/l
04095 Organics, Pesticide Fonofos, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 944-22-9 Fonofos ug/l
04096 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, water, filtered (0.1 micron filter), micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7429-90-5 Aluminum ug/l
04098 Organics, Pesticide MGK 264, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 113-48-4 N-2-Ethylhexylbicycloheptenedicarboximide ug/l
04099 Organics, Pesticide Methyl paraoxon, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 950-35-6 Methyl paraoxon ug/l
04100 Organics, Pesticide Fluridone, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 59756-60-4 Fluridone ug/l
04101 Organics, Pesticide Fenarimol, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 60168-88-9 Fenarimol ug/l
04102 Radiochemical Beta radioactivity, bed sediment, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 12587-47-2 Beta particle pCi/g
04103 Radiochemical Cesium-137 2-sigma combined uncertainty, soil, dry weight, picocuries per gram Agree 2-Sigma CSU Dry Total 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 pCi/g
04104 Radiochemical Lead-210 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 14255-04-0 Lead-210 pCi/g
04105 Radiochemical Polonium-210 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 13981-52-7 Polonium-210 pCi/g
04106 Radiochemical Radium-228 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 15262-20-1 Radium-228 pCi/g
04107 Radiochemical Radium-226 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/g
04108 Radiochemical Thorium-230 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 14269-63-7 Thorium-230 pCi/g
04110 Radiochemical Thorium-232 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 7440-29-1 Thorium-232 pCi/g
04111 Radiochemical Uranium-234 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 13966-29-5 Uranium-234 pCi/g
04112 Radiochemical Uranium-235 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dry Bed Sediment 15117-96-1 Uranium-235 pCi/g
04113 Radiochemical Uranium-238 2-sigma combined uncertainty, suspended sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not agree 2-Sigma CSU Dry Suspended 7440-61-1 Uranium pCi/g
04116 Organics, PCBs PCBs, water, unfiltered, recoverable, grams per day Agree Recoverable 1336-36-3 Polychlorinated biphenyls g/day
04117 Information Tether line used for collecting sample (yes=1), code Not checked code
04118 Information Composited samples in cross-sectional bedload measurement, number Agree nu
04119 Information Verticals in composite sample, number Agree nu
04120 Information Rest time on bed for bed load sample, seconds Agree seconds
04121 Information Horizontal width of vertical, feet Agree ft
04122 Sediment Bedload sediment discharge, daily mean, per unit width of river, composite samples, short tons per day per foot of width Agree Mean Daily Bedload Sediment ton/d/ft
04123 Radiochemical Tritium counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per milliliter Agree Counting Error Total 10028-17-8 Tritium pCi/ml
04124 Radiochemical Tritium, water, unfiltered, picocuries per milliliter Agree Total 10028-17-8 Tritium pCi/ml
04125 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity, bed sediment, Th-230 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/g
04126 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Dissolved 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
04127 Radiochemical Alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Suspended 12587-46-1 Alpha particle pCi/L
04128 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment Organic carbon mg/kg
04129 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
04130 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
04131 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
04132 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
04133 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
04134 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7440-32-6 Titanium %
04135 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7439-89-6 Iron %
04136 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry < 2 mm Bed Sediment 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
04184 Organics, Pesticide Triallate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 2303-17-5 Triallate ug/l
04254 Organics, Pesticide Metalaxyl, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 57837-19-1 Metalaxyl ug/l
04443 Organics, Pesticide Diquat, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 2764-72-9 Diquat ug/l
04444 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 128, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38380-07-3 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04452 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 18, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 37680-65-2 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl ug/l
04462 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 52, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 35693-99-3 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04463 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 49, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 41464-40-8 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04465 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 44, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 41464-39-5 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04475 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 101, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 37680-73-2 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04478 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 87, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04487 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 118, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 31508-00-6 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04495 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 183, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52663-69-1 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04512 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 180, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 35065-29-3 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04519 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 206, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 40186-72-9 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04585 Organics, Other Diesel range organic compounds, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable Diesel range organics ug/l
04607 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 8, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 34883-43-7 2,4'-Dichlorobiphenyl ug/l
04608 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 18, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 37680-65-2 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl ug/l
04609 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 28, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 7012-37-5 2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl ug/l
04610 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 44, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 41464-39-5 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04611 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 49, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 41464-40-8 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04612 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 52, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 35693-99-3 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04613 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 66, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 32598-10-0 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04614 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 77, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 32598-13-3 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04615 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 87, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04616 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 101, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 37680-73-2 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04617 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 105, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 32598-14-4 2,3,3',4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04618 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 118, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 31508-00-6 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04619 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 126, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 57465-28-8 3,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04620 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 128, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 38380-07-3 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04621 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 138, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 35065-28-2 2,2',3,4,4',5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04622 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 153, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 35065-27-1 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04623 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 169, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 32774-16-6 3,3',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04624 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 170, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 35065-30-6 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04625 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 180, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 35065-29-3 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04626 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 183, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 52663-69-1 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04627 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 184, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 74472-48-3 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04628 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 187, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 52663-68-0 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04629 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 195, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04630 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 206, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 40186-72-9 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04631 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 209, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04632 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 8, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 34883-43-7 2,4'-Dichlorobiphenyl ug/l
04633 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 28, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 7012-37-5 2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl ug/l
04634 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 66, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 32598-10-0 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04635 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 77, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 32598-13-3 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04636 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 105, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 32598-14-4 2,3,3',4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04637 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 126, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 57465-28-8 3,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04638 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 138, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 35065-28-2 2,2',3,4,4',5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04639 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 153, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 35065-27-1 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04640 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 169, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 32774-16-6 3,3',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04641 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 170, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 35065-30-6 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04642 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 184, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 74472-48-3 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04643 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 187, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 52663-68-0 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04644 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 195, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04645 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 209, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl ug/l
04646 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 66, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 32598-10-0 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04647 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 77, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 32598-13-3 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04648 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 87, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04649 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 105, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 32598-14-4 2,3,3',4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04650 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 126, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 57465-28-8 3,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04651 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 128, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 38380-07-3 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04652 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 153, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 35065-27-1 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04653 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 169, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 32774-16-6 3,3',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04654 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 184, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 74472-48-3 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04655 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 195, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04656 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 209, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04657 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 8, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 34883-43-7 2,4'-Dichlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04658 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 28, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 7012-37-5 2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04659 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 66, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 32598-10-0 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04660 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 77, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 32598-13-3 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04661 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 128, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 38380-07-3 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04662 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 153, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 35065-27-1 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04663 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 184, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 74472-48-3 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04664 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 195, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 52663-78-2 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
04665 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 209, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
05504 Radiochemical Gross gamma radioactivity scan counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved Gamma radiation pCi/L
05515 Radiochemical Gross gamma radioactivity scan counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Agree Counting Error Dry Bed Sediment Gamma radiation pCi/g
05516 Radiochemical Gross gamma radioactivity scan counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Suspended Gamma radiation pCi/L
07000 Radiochemical Tritium, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 10028-17-8 Tritium pCi/L
07001 Radiochemical Tritium counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 10028-17-8 Tritium pCi/L
07005 Radiochemical Tritium, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 10028-17-8 Tritium pCi/L
07006 Radiochemical Tritium counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 10028-17-8 Tritium pCi/L
07012 Radiochemical Tritium in water molecules, tritium units Agree 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07013 Radiochemical Tritium in water molecules counting error, tritium units Agree Counting Error 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07014 Radiochemical Tritium counting error, suspended sediment, tritium units Agree Counting Error Suspended 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07015 Radiochemical Tritium counting error, water, filtered, tritium units Agree Counting Error Dissolved 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07016 Radiochemical Tritium, suspended sediment, tritium units Agree Suspended 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07017 Radiochemical Tritium, water, unfiltered, tritium units Agree Total 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07018 Radiochemical Tritium, water, filtered, tritium units Agree Dissolved 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07019 Radiochemical Tritium counting error, water, unfiltered, tritium units Agree Counting Error Total 10028-17-8 Tritium T.U.
07050 Radiochemical Calcium-45, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 13966-05-7 Calcium-45 pCi/L
07051 Radiochemical Calcium-45 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 13966-05-7 Calcium-45 pCi/L
07052 Radiochemical Calcium-45, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Suspended 13966-05-7 Calcium-45 pCi/L
07053 Radiochemical Calcium-45 counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Suspended 13966-05-7 Calcium-45 pCi/L
07060 Radiochemical Iron-59, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14596-12-4 Iron-59 pCi/L
07061 Radiochemical Iron-59 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14596-12-4 Iron-59 pCi/L
07064 Radiochemical Iron-59, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14596-12-4 Iron-59 pCi/L
07065 Radiochemical Iron-59 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14596-12-4 Iron-59 pCi/L
07084 Organics, Other Rhodamine WT, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 37299-86-8 Xanthylium, 9-(2,4-dicarboxyphenyl)-3,6-bis(diethylamino)-, chloride, disodium salt ug/l
07100 Radiochemical Selenium-75, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14265-71-5 Selenium-75 pCi/L
07101 Radiochemical Selenium-75 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14265-71-5 Selenium-75 pCi/L
07120 Radiochemical Silver-110, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14391-76-5 Silver-110 pCi/L
07121 Radiochemical Silver-110 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14391-76-5 Silver-110 pCi/L
07144 Radiochemical Sulfur-35, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 15117-53-0 Sulfur-35 pCi/L
07145 Radiochemical Sulfur-35 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 15117-53-0 Sulfur-35 pCi/L
09501 Radiochemical Radium-226, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/L
09503 Radiochemical Radium-226, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/L
09504 Radiochemical Radium-226 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/L
09505 Radiochemical Radium-226, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Suspended 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/L
09506 Radiochemical Radium-226 counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Suspended 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/L
09507 Radiochemical Radium-226, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/g
09508 Radiochemical Radium-226 counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Counting Error Dry Bed Sediment 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/g
09510 Radiochemical Alpha-emitting isotopes of radium, water, filtered, planchet count, picocuries per liter Not checked Dissolved Alpha emitting radium isotopes pCi/L
09511 Radiochemical Radium-226, water, filtered, radon method, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 13982-63-3 Radium-226 pCi/L
11501 Radiochemical Radium-228, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 15262-20-1 Radium-228 pCi/L
11502 Radiochemical Radium-228 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 15262-20-1 Radium-228 pCi/L
11506 Radiochemical Radium-224, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 13233-32-4 Radium-224 pCi/g
13501 Radiochemical Strontium-90, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/L
13502 Radiochemical Strontium-90 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/L
13503 Radiochemical Strontium-90, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/L
13504 Radiochemical Strontium-90 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/L
13505 Radiochemical Strontium-90, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Suspended 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/L
13506 Radiochemical Strontium-90 counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Suspended 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/L
13507 Radiochemical Strontium-90 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/L
15501 Radiochemical Strontium-89, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14158-27-1 Strontium-89 pCi/L
15502 Radiochemical Strontium-89 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14158-27-1 Strontium-89 pCi/L
15503 Radiochemical Strontium-89, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14158-27-1 Strontium-89 pCi/L
15504 Radiochemical Strontium-89 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14158-27-1 Strontium-89 pCi/L
15507 Radiochemical Strontium-90, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 10098-97-2 Strontium-90 pCi/g
17501 Radiochemical Lead-210, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14255-04-0 Lead-210 pCi/L
17502 Radiochemical Lead-210 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14255-04-0 Lead-210 pCi/L
17503 Radiochemical Lead-210, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14255-04-0 Lead-210 pCi/L
17504 Radiochemical Lead-210 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14255-04-0 Lead-210 pCi/L
17507 Radiochemical Lead-210, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 14255-04-0 Lead-210 pCi/g
17508 Radiochemical Lead-210, counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Counting Error Dry Bed Sediment 14255-04-0 Lead-210 pCi/g
17517 Radiochemical Lead-212, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 15092-94-1 Lead-212 pCi/L
17518 Radiochemical Lead-212 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 15092-94-1 Lead-212 pCi/L
17519 Radiochemical Lead-214, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 15067-28-4 Lead-214 pCi/L
17520 Radiochemical Lead-214 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 15067-28-4 Lead-214 pCi/L
18501 Radiochemical Iodine-129, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 15046-84-1 Iodine-129 pCi/L
18502 Radiochemical Iodine-129 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 15046-84-1 Iodine-129 pCi/L
19002 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 7, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 33284-50-3 2,4-Dichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19003 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 6, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 25569-80-6 2,3'-Dichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19004 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 5 plus 8, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-5/8 ng/l
19005 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 19, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38444-73-4 2,2',6-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19006 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 18, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 37680-65-2 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19007 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 17, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 37680-66-3 2,2',4-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19008 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 24 plus 27, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-24/27 ng/l
19009 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 16 plus 32, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-16/32 ng/l
19010 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 26, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38444-81-4 2,3',5-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19011 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 28 plus 31, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-28/31 ng/l
19012 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 33, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38444-86-9 2,3',4'-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19013 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 22, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38444-85-8 2,3,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19014 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 45, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 70362-45-7 2,2',3,6-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19015 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 46, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 41464-47-5 2,2',3,6'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19016 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 52, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 35693-99-3 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19017 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 49, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 41464-40-8 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19018 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 47 plus 48, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-47/48 ng/l
19019 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 44, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 41464-39-5 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19020 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 37 plus 42, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-37/42 ng/l
19021 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 41 plus 64 plus 71, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-41/64/71 ng/l
19022 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 40, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38444-93-8 2,2',3,3'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19023 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 74, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 32690-93-0 2,4,4',5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19024 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 70 plus 76, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-70/76 ng/l
19025 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 66 plus 95, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-66/95 ng/l
19026 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 91, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 68194-05-8 2,2',3,4',6-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19027 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 56 plus 60, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-56/60 ng/l
19028 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 84 plus 92, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-84/92 ng/l
19029 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 101, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 37680-73-2 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19030 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 99, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38380-01-7 2,2',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19031 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 97, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 41464-51-1 2,2',3,4',5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19032 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 87, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19033 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 85, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 65510-45-4 2,2',3,4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19034 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 136, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38411-22-2 2,2',3,3',6,6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19035 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 77 plus 110, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-77/110 ng/l
19036 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 82, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52663-62-4 2,2',3,3',4-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19037 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 151, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52663-63-5 2,2',3,5,5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19038 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 135 plus 144, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-135/144 ng/l
19039 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 149, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38380-04-0 2,2',3,4',5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19040 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 118, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 31508-00-6 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19041 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 146, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 51908-16-8 2,2',3,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19042 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 132 plus 153, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-132/153 ng/l
19043 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 141, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52712-04-6 2,2',3,4,5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19044 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 137 plus 176, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-137/176 ng/l
19045 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 138 plus 163, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-138/163 ng/l
19046 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 178, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52663-67-9 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19047 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 182 plus 187, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-182/187 ng/l
19048 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 183, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52663-69-1 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19049 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 185, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52712-05-7 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19050 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 174, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 38411-25-5 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19051 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 177, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52663-70-4 2,2',3,3',4,5',6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19052 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 171 plus 202, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-171/202 ng/l
19053 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 172 plus 197, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-172/197 ng/l
19054 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 180, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 35065-29-3 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19055 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 199, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 52663-75-9 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-Octachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19056 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 170 plus 190, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-170/190 ng/l
19057 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 201, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 40186-71-8 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-Octachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19058 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 196 plus 203, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-196/203 ng/l
19059 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 195 plus 208, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved PCB-195/208 ng/l
19060 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 194, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 35694-08-7 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-Octachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19061 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 206, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 40186-72-9 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19065 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 7, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 33284-50-3 2,4-Dichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19066 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 6, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 25569-80-6 2,3'-Dichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19067 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 5 plus 8, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-5/8 ng/l
19068 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 19, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38444-73-4 2,2',6-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19069 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 18, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 37680-65-2 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19070 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 17, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 37680-66-3 2,2',4-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19071 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 24 plus 27, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-24/27 ng/l
19072 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 16 plus 32, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-16/32 ng/l
19073 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 26, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38444-81-4 2,3',5-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19074 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 28 plus 31, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-28/31 ng/l
19075 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 33, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38444-86-9 2,3',4'-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19076 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 22, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38444-85-8 2,3,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl ng/l
19077 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 45, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 70362-45-7 2,2',3,6-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19078 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 46, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 41464-47-5 2,2',3,6'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19079 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 52, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 35693-99-3 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19080 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 49, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 41464-40-8 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19081 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 47 plus 48, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-47/48 ng/l
19082 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 44, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 41464-39-5 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19083 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 37 plus 42, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-37/42 ng/l
19084 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 41 plus 64 plus 71, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-41/64/71 ng/l
19085 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 40, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38444-93-8 2,2',3,3'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19086 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 74, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 32690-93-0 2,4,4',5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19087 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 70 plus 76, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-70/76 ng/l
19088 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 66 plus 95, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-66/95 ng/l
19089 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 91, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 68194-05-8 2,2',3,4',6-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19090 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 56 plus 60, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-56/60 ng/l
19091 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 84 plus 92, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-84/92 ng/l
19092 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 101, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 37680-73-2 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19093 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 99, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38380-01-7 2,2',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19094 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 97, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 41464-51-1 2,2',3,4',5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19095 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 87, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19096 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 85, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 65510-45-4 2,2',3,4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19097 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 136, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38411-22-2 2,2',3,3',6,6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19098 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 77 plus 110, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-77/110 ng/l
19099 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 82, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52663-62-4 2,2',3,3',4-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19100 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 151, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52663-63-5 2,2',3,5,5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19101 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 135 plus 144, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-135/144 ng/l
19102 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 149, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38380-04-0 2,2',3,4',5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19103 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 118, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 31508-00-6 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19104 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 146, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 51908-16-8 2,2',3,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19105 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 132 plus 153, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-132/153 ng/l
19106 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 141, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52712-04-6 2,2',3,4,5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19107 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 137 plus 176, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-137/176 ng/l
19108 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 138 plus 163, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-138/163 ng/l
19109 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 178, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52663-67-9 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19110 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 182 plus 187, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-182/187 ng/l
19111 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 183, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52663-69-1 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19112 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 185, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52712-05-7 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19113 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 174, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 38411-25-5 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19114 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 177, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52663-70-4 2,2',3,3',4,5',6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19115 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 171 plus 202, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-171/202 ng/l
19116 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 172 plus 197, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-172/197 ng/l
19117 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 180, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 35065-29-3 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19118 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 199, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 52663-75-9 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-Octachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19119 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 170 plus 190, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-170/190 ng/l
19120 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 201, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 40186-71-8 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-Octachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19121 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 196 plus 203, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-196/203 ng/l
19122 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 195 plus 208, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended PCB-195/208 ng/l
19123 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 194, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 35694-08-7 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-Octachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19124 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 206, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Suspended 40186-72-9 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl ng/l
19129 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 6, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 25569-80-6 ug/kg
19130 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 5 plus 8, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-5/8 ug/kg
19131 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 19, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 38444-73-4 ug/kg
19132 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 17, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 37680-66-3 ug/kg
19133 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 24 plus 27, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-24/27 ug/kg
19134 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 16 plus 32, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-16/32 ug/kg
19135 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 26, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 38444-81-4 ug/kg
19138 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 22, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 38444-85-8 ug/kg
19139 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 45, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 70362-45-7 ug/kg
19140 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 46, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 41464-47-5 ug/kg
19147 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 40, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 38444-93-8 ug/kg
19149 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 70 plus 76, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-70/76 ug/kg
19151 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 91, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 68194-05-8 ug/kg
19152 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 56 plus 60, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-56/60 ug/kg
19155 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 99, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 38380-01-7 ug/kg
19157 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 87, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 38380-02-8 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl ug/kg
19159 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 136, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 38411-22-2 ug/kg
19161 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 82, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 52663-62-4 ug/kg
19163 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 135 plus 144, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-135/144 ug/kg
19166 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 146, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 51908-16-8 ug/kg
19167 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 132 plus 153, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-132/153 ug/kg
19168 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 141, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 52712-04-6 ug/kg
19171 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 178, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 52663-67-9 ug/kg
19172 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 182 plus 187, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-182/187 ug/kg
19174 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 185, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 52712-05-7 ug/kg
19180 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 199, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 52663-75-9 ug/kg
19181 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 170 plus 190, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-170/190 ug/kg
19182 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 201, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 40186-71-8 ug/kg
19183 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 196 plus 203, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet PCB-196/203 ug/kg
19253 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 18, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Wet 37680-65-2 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl ug/kg
19254 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 1, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 2051-60-7 ug/kg
19255 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 2, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 2051-61-8 ug/kg
19256 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 3, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 2051-62-9 ug/kg
19257 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 4 plus 10, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19258 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 7 plus 9, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19259 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 11, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 2050-67-1 ug/kg
19260 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 12 plus 13, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19261 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 14, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 34883-41-5 ug/kg
19262 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 15, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 2050-68-2 ug/kg
19263 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 20 plus 21 plus 33, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19264 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 23 plus 34, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19265 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 25, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 55712-37-3 ug/kg
19266 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 29, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 15862-07-4 ug/kg
19267 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 30, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 35693-92-6 ug/kg
19268 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 31, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 16606-02-3 ug/kg
19269 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 35, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 37680-69-6 ug/kg
19270 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 36, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 38444-87-0 ug/kg
19271 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 37, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 38444-90-5 ug/kg
19272 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 38, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 53555-66-1 ug/kg
19273 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 39, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 38444-88-1 ug/kg
19274 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 41 plus 64 plus 68 plus 71, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19275 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 42 plus 59, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19276 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 43 plus 49, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19277 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 47 plus 48 plus 75, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19278 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 50, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 62796-65-0 ug/kg
19279 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 51, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 68194-04-7 ug/kg
19280 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 52 plus 73, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19281 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 53, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 41464-41-9 ug/kg
19282 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 54, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 15968-05-5 ug/kg
19283 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 55, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74338-24-2 ug/kg
19284 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 57, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 70424-67-8 ug/kg
19285 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 58, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 41464-49-7 ug/kg
19286 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 61 plus 74, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19287 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 62 plus 65, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19288 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 63, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-34-7 ug/kg
19289 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 66 plus 80, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19290 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 67, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 73575-53-8 ug/kg
19291 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 69, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 60233-24-1 ug/kg
19292 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 72, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 41464-42-0 ug/kg
19293 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 78, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 70362-49-1 ug/kg
19294 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 79, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 41464-48-6 ug/kg
19295 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 81, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 70362-50-4 ug/kg
19296 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 83 plus 108, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19297 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 84, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-60-2 ug/kg
19298 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 85 plus 120, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19299 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 86 plus 97, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19300 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 87 plus 115 plus 116, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19301 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 88 plus 121, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19302 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 89 plus 90 plus 101, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19303 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 92, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-61-3 ug/kg
19304 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 93 plus 95, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19305 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 94, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 73575-55-0 ug/kg
19306 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 96, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 73575-54-9 ug/kg
19307 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 98 plus 102, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19308 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 100, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 39485-83-1 ug/kg
19309 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 103, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 60145-21-3 ug/kg
19310 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 104, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 56558-16-8 ug/kg
19311 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 105 plus 127, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19312 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 106 plus 118, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19313 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 107 plus 109, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19314 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 111 plus 117, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19315 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 112, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-36-9 ug/kg
19316 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 113, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 68194-10-5 ug/kg
19317 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 114, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-37-0 ug/kg
19318 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 119, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 56558-17-9 ug/kg
19319 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 122, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 76842-07-4 ug/kg
19320 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 123, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 65510-44-3 ug/kg
19321 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 124, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 70424-70-3 ug/kg
19322 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 125, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-39-2 ug/kg
19323 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 129, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 55215-18-4 ug/kg
19324 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 130, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-66-8 ug/kg
19325 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 131 plus 142, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19326 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 132 plus 168, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19327 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 133, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 35694-04-3 ug/kg
19328 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 134 plus 143, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19329 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 137, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 35694-06-5 ug/kg
19330 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 138 plus 163 plus 164, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19331 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 139 plus 149, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19332 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 140, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 59291-64-4 ug/kg
19333 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 145, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-40-5 ug/kg
19334 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 147, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 68194-13-8 ug/kg
19335 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 148, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-41-6 ug/kg
19336 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 150, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 68194-08-1 ug/kg
19337 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 152, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 68194-09-2 ug/kg
19338 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 154, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 60145-22-4 ug/kg
19339 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 155, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 33979-03-2 ug/kg
19340 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 156, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 38380-08-4 ug/kg
19341 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 157, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 69782-90-7 ug/kg
19342 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 158 plus 160, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19343 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 159, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 39635-35-3 ug/kg
19344 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 161, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-43-8 ug/kg
19345 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 162, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 39635-34-2 ug/kg
19346 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 165, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-46-1 ug/kg
19347 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 166, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 41411-63-6 ug/kg
19348 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 167, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-72-6 ug/kg
19349 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 169, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 32774-16-6 ug/kg
19350 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 171, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-71-5 ug/kg
19351 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 172 plus 192, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19352 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 173, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 68194-16-1 ug/kg
19353 Organics, PCBs PCB congeners 174 plus 181, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable ug/kg
19354 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 175, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 40186-70-7 ug/kg
19355 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 176, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-65-7 ug/kg
19356 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 179, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-64-6 ug/kg
19357 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 186, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-49-4 ug/kg
19358 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 188, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74487-85-7 ug/kg
19359 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 189, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 39635-31-9 ug/kg
19360 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 191, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-50-7 ug/kg
19361 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 193, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 69782-91-8 ug/kg
19362 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 197, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 33091-17-7 ug/kg
19363 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 198, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 68194-17-2 ug/kg
19364 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 200, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-73-7 ug/kg
19365 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 202, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 2136-99-4 ug/kg
19366 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 204, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-52-9 ug/kg
19367 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 205, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 74472-53-0 ug/kg
19368 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 207, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-79-3 ug/kg
19369 Organics, PCBs PCB congener 208, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Wet Recoverable 52663-77-1 ug/kg
19501 Radiochemical Polonium-210, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13981-52-7 Polonium-210 pCi/L
19503 Radiochemical Polonium-210, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 13981-52-7 Polonium-210 pCi/L
19504 Radiochemical Polonium-210 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 13981-52-7 Polonium-210 pCi/L
19507 Radiochemical Polonium-210, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 13981-52-7 Polonium-210 pCi/g
22001 Radiochemical Plutonium-238, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 13981-16-3 Plutonium-238 pCi/L
22002 Radiochemical Plutonium-238 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 13981-16-3 Plutonium-238 pCi/L
22012 Radiochemical Plutonium-238, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13981-16-3 Plutonium-238 pCi/L
22013 Radiochemical Plutonium-238 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13981-16-3 Plutonium-238 pCi/L
22016 Radiochemical Plutonium-238, bed sediment, picocuries per gram Not checked Bed Sediment 13981-16-3 Plutonium-238 pCi/g
22020 Radiochemical Beryllium-7, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Bed Sediment 13966-02-4 Beryllium-7 dpm/g
22021 Radiochemical Cesium-137, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, picocuries per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Bed Sediment 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 pCi/g
22022 Radiochemical Lead-210, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Bed Sediment 14255-04-0 Lead-210 dpm/g
22023 Radiochemical Radium-226, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Bed Sediment 13982-63-3 Radium-226 dpm/g
22024 Radiochemical Beryllium-7, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Suspended 13966-02-4 Beryllium-7 dpm/g
22025 Radiochemical Cesium-137, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, picocuries per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Suspended 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 pCi/g
22026 Radiochemical Lead-210, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Suspended 14255-04-0 Lead-210 dpm/g
22027 Radiochemical Radium-226, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram USGS use and no use by EPA Dry <62.5 microns Suspended 13982-63-3 Radium-226 dpm/g
22028 Radiochemical Radon-222, air, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter Not checked 14859-67-7 Radon-222 dpm/l
22029 Radiochemical Radon-222 counting error, air, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter Not checked Counting Error 14859-67-7 Radon-222 dpm/l
22030 Radiochemical Radon-222, water, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter Not checked Total 14859-67-7 Radon-222 dpm/l
22031 Radiochemical Radon-222 counting error, water, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter Not checked Counting Error Total 14859-67-7 Radon-222 dpm/l
22032 Radiochemical Polonium-210 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Not checked 2-Sigma CSU 13981-52-7 pCi/L
22033 Radiochemical Nickel-59, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Not checked Recoverable 14336-70-0 pCi/L
22034 Radiochemical Nickel-59 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Recoverable 14336-70-0 pCi/L
22035 Radiochemical Nickel-59, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Not checked Dissolved 14336-70-0 pCi/L
22036 Radiochemical Nickel-59 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Dissolved 14336-70-0 pCi/L
22037 Radiochemical Nickel-63, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Not checked Dissolved 13981-37-8 Nickel-63 pCi/L
22038 Radiochemical Nickel-63 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Dissolved 13981-37-8 Nickel-63 pCi/L
22039 Radiochemical Uranium-234/uranium-238 activity ratio, water, filtered, ratio Not checked Dissolved None
22040 Radiochemical Uranium-234/uranium-238 activity ratio 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, ratio Not checked 2-Sigma CSU Dissolved None
22041 Radiochemical Cesium-137, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram Not checked Dry <62.5 microns Bed Sediment 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 dpm/g
22150 Radiochemical Neptunium-237, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Not checked Recoverable 13994-20-2 pCi/L
22151 Radiochemical Neptunium-237 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Not checked Counting Error Recoverable 13994-20-2 pCi/L
22383 Radiochemical Bismuth-214, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14733-03-0 Bismuth-214 pCi/L
22384 Radiochemical Bismuth-214 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14733-03-0 Bismuth-214 pCi/L
22450 Radiochemical Americium-241, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 14596-10-2 Americium-241 pCi/g
22501 Radiochemical Thorium-232, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 7440-29-1 Thorium-232 pCi/L
22502 Radiochemical Thorium-232 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 7440-29-1 Thorium-232 pCi/L
22503 Radiochemical Thorium/uranium isotope ratio Agree Total ratio
22505 Radiochemical Thorium-228, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14274-82-9 Thorium-228 pCi/L
22601 Radiochemical Uranium-238, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 7440-61-1 Uranium pCi/L
22602 Radiochemical Uranium-238 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 7440-61-1 Uranium pCi/L
22603 Radiochemical Uranium-238, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-61-1 Uranium pCi/L
22604 Radiochemical Uranium-238 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 7440-61-1 Uranium pCi/L
22606 Radiochemical Uranium-234, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13966-29-5 Uranium-234 pCi/L
22607 Radiochemical Uranium-234 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13966-29-5 Uranium-234 pCi/L
22610 Radiochemical Uranium-234, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 13966-29-5 Uranium-234 pCi/L
22611 Radiochemical Uranium-234 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 13966-29-5 Uranium-234 pCi/L
22612 Radiochemical Uranium-235, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 15117-96-1 Uranium-235 pCi/g
22620 Radiochemical Uranium-235, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 15117-96-1 Uranium-235 pCi/L
22622 Radiochemical Uranium-235, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 15117-96-1 Uranium-235 pCi/L
22623 Radiochemical Uranium counting error, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 7440-61-1 Uranium ug/l
22624 Radiochemical Uranium counting error, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Counting Error Total 7440-61-1 Uranium ug/l
22703 Radiochemical Uranium (natural), water, filtered, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7440-61-1 Uranium ug/l
22704 Radiochemical Uranium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 7440-61-1 Uranium ug/l
22705 Radiochemical Uranium (natural), suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 7440-61-1 Uranium ug/l
22706 Radiochemical Uranium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter as uranium(V,VI) oxide (U3O8) Agree Total 7440-61-1 Uranium ug/L U3O8
22707 Radiochemical Uranium (natural), bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-61-1 Uranium mg/kg
22709 Radiochemical Cesium-137, solids, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry 10045-97-3 pCi/g
22710 Radiochemical Cesium-137 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked 1-Sigma CSU Dry 10045-97-3 pCi/g
22711 Radiochemical Lead-210, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram Not checked Dry 14255-04-0 Lead-210 dpm/g
22712 Radiochemical Beryllium-7, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram Not checked Dry 13966-02-4 Beryllium-7 dpm/g
22713 Radiochemical Radium-226, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram Not checked Dry 13982-63-3 Radium-226 dpm/g
24501 Radiochemical Radium-224, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13233-32-4 Radium-224 pCi/L
26501 Radiochemical Thorium-230, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14269-63-7 Thorium-230 pCi/L
26503 Radiochemical Thorium-230, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14269-63-7 Thorium-230 pCi/L
26504 Radiochemical Thorium-230 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14269-63-7 Thorium-230 pCi/L
26507 Radiochemical Thorium-230, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 14269-63-7 Thorium-230 pCi/g
26629 Radiochemical Thorium-228, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 14274-82-9 Thorium-228 pCi/g
26631 Radiochemical Thorium-232, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 7440-29-1 Thorium-232 pCi/g
27701 Radiochemical Zirconium-95, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13967-71-0 Zirconium-95 pCi/L
27702 Radiochemical Zirconium-95 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13967-71-0 Zirconium-95 pCi/L
27801 Radiochemical Niobium-95, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13967-76-5 Niobium-95 pCi/L
27802 Radiochemical Niobium-95 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13967-76-5 Niobium-95 pCi/L
27901 Radiochemical Ruthenium-103, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13968-53-1 Ruthenium-103 pCi/L
27902 Radiochemical Ruthenium-103 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13968-53-1 Ruthenium-103 pCi/L
28001 Radiochemical Ruthenium-106, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13967-48-1 Ruthenium-106 pCi/L
28002 Radiochemical Ruthenium-106 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13967-48-1 Ruthenium-106 pCi/L
28004 Radiochemical Apparent age, water, filtered, carbon-14, years before present Agree Dissolved years BP
28007 Radiochemical Radiocesium, water, unfiltered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Total Cesium Radionuclides pCi/L
28008 Radiochemical Radioruthenium, water, filtered, Ru-106 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Dissolved Ruthenium Radionuclides pCi/L
28009 Radiochemical Radioruthenium, suspended sediment, Ru-106 curve, picocuries per liter Not checked Suspended Ruthenium Radionuclides pCi/L
28011 Radiochemical Uranium (natural), water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Agree Total 7440-61-1 Uranium ug/l
28012 Radiochemical Uranium (natural), water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 7440-61-1 Uranium pCi/L
28013 Radiochemical Uranium-234/uranium-238, water, filtered, ratio Agree Dissolved ratio
28014 Radiochemical Uranium-234, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 13966-29-5 Uranium-234 pCi/g
28016 Radiochemical Uranium-238, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment Uranium pCi/g
28301 Radiochemical Iodine-131, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 10043-66-0 Iodine-131 pCi/L
28302 Radiochemical Iodine-131 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 10043-66-0 Iodine-131 pCi/L
28401 Radiochemical Cesium-137, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 pCi/L
28402 Radiochemical Cesium-137 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 pCi/L
28403 Radiochemical Cesium-137, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 pCi/L
28406 Radiochemical Cesium-137 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 10045-97-3 Cesium-137 pCi/L
28414 Radiochemical Cesium-134, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13967-70-9 Cesium-134 pCi/L
28415 Radiochemical Cesium-134 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13967-70-9 Cesium-134 pCi/L
28601 Radiochemical Barium-140, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14798-08-4 Barium-140 pCi/L
28602 Radiochemical Barium-140 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14798-08-4 Barium-140 pCi/L
28901 Radiochemical Cerium-144, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14762-78-8 Cerium-144 pCi/L
28902 Radiochemical Cerium-144 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14762-78-8 Cerium-144 pCi/L
29301 Radiochemical Zinc-65, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13982-39-3 Zinc-65 pCi/L
29302 Radiochemical Zinc-65 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13982-39-3 Zinc-65 pCi/L
29401 Radiochemical Chromium-51, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14392-02-0 Chromium-51 pCi/L
29402 Radiochemical Chromium-51 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14392-02-0 Chromium-51 pCi/L
29501 Radiochemical Manganese-54, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13966-31-9 Manganese-54 pCi/L
29502 Radiochemical Manganese-54 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13966-31-9 Manganese-54 pCi/L
29601 Radiochemical Cobalt-60, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 10198-40-0 Cobalt-60 pCi/L
29602 Radiochemical Cobalt-60 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 10198-40-0 Cobalt-60 pCi/L
29637 Radiochemical Lead-210 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram Not checked 1-Sigma CSU Dry 14255-04-0 dpm/g
29638 Radiochemical Beryllium-7 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram Not checked 1-Sigma CSU Dry 13966-02-4 dpm/g
29639 Radiochemical Radium-226 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram Not checked 1-Sigma CSU Dry 13982-63-3 dpm/g
29797 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter USGS use and no use by EPA Total 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
29798 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter USGS use and no use by EPA Total 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
29799 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Hydroxide, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter USGS use and no use by EPA Total 14280-30-9 Hydroxide mg/l
29800 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Hydroxide, water, filtered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter USGS use and no use by EPA Dissolved 14280-30-9 Hydroxide mg/l
29801 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Agree Dissolved Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
29802 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Alkalinity, water, filtered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Agree Dissolved Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
29803 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Alkalinity, water, filtered, Gran titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Agree Dissolved Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
29804 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
29805 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
29806 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Bicarbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 71-52-3 Bicarbonate mg/l
29807 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, field, milligrams per liter Not agree Dissolved 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
29808 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter Not agree Dissolved 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
29809 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter Not agree Dissolved 3812-32-6 Carbonate (CO3) mg/l
29810 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Hydroxide, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 10.4) titration, field, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 14280-30-9 Hydroxide mg/l
29811 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Hydroxide, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 10.4) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 14280-30-9 Hydroxide mg/l
29812 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Hydroxide, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter Agree Dissolved 14280-30-9 Hydroxide mg/l
29813 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate Agree Total Alkalinity mg/l CaCO3
29814 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7429-90-5 Aluminum mg/kg
29815 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7429-90-5 Aluminum mg/kg
29816 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-36-0 Antimony mg/kg
29817 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Antimony, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-36-0 Antimony mg/kg
29818 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg
29819 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-38-2 Arsenic mg/kg
29820 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
29821 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Barium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-39-3 Barium mg/kg
29822 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
29823 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Beryllium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-41-7 Beryllium mg/kg
29824 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-42-8 Boron mg/kg
29825 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-42-8 Boron mg/kg
29826 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
29827 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cadmium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-43-9 Cadmium mg/kg
29828 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-70-2 Calcium mg/kg
29829 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
29830 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Chromium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-47-3 Chromium mg/kg
29831 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-48-4 Cobalt mg/kg
29832 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
29833 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Copper, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-50-8 Copper mg/kg
29834 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7439-89-6 Iron mg/kg
29835 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7439-89-6 Iron mg/kg
29836 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
29837 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
29838 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7439-95-4 Magnesium mg/kg
29839 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
29840 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
29841 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
29842 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
29843 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
29844 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
29845 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
29846 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
29847 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg
29848 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg
29849 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Silicon, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-21-3 Silicon mg/kg
29850 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
29851 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-23-5 Sodium mg/kg
29852 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Thallium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-28-0 Thallium mg/kg
29853 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-62-2 Vanadium mg/kg
29854 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-62-2 Vanadium mg/kg
29855 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
29856 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
29857 Radiochemical Actinium-228, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14331-83-0 Actinium-228 pCi/L
29858 Radiochemical Actinium-228 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14331-83-0 Actinium-228 pCi/L
29861 Radiochemical Silver-108, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14391-65-2 Silver-108 pCi/L
29862 Radiochemical Silver-108 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14391-65-2 Silver-108 pCi/L
29865 Radiochemical Americium-241, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14596-10-2 Americium-241 pCi/L
29866 Radiochemical Americium-241 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14596-10-2 Americium-241 pCi/L
29867 Radiochemical Americium-241, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14596-10-2 Americium-241 pCi/L
29868 Radiochemical Americium-241 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14596-10-2 Americium-241 pCi/L
29871 Radiochemical Beryllium-7, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13966-02-4 Beryllium-7 pCi/L
29872 Radiochemical Beryllium-7 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13966-02-4 Beryllium-7 pCi/L
29875 Radiochemical Bismuth-214, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14733-03-0 Bismuth-214 pCi/L
29876 Radiochemical Bismuth-214 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14733-03-0 Bismuth-214 pCi/L
29887 Radiochemical Cobalt-57, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13981-50-5 Cobalt-57 pCi/L
29888 Radiochemical Cobalt-57 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13981-50-5 Cobalt-57 pCi/L
29891 Radiochemical Cobalt-58, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 13981-38-9 Cobalt-58 pCi/L
29892 Radiochemical Cobalt-58 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 13981-38-9 Cobalt-58 pCi/L
29901 Radiochemical Europium-155, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14391-16-3 Europium-155 pCi/L
29902 Radiochemical Europium-155 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14391-16-3 Europium-155 pCi/L
29913 Radiochemical Iodine-129, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 15046-84-1 Iodine-129 pCi/L
29914 Radiochemical Iodine-129 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 15046-84-1 Iodine-129 pCi/L
29945 Radiochemical Lead-212, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 15092-94-1 Lead-212 pCi/L
29946 Radiochemical Lead-212 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 15092-94-1 Lead-212 pCi/L
29947 Radiochemical Lead-214, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 15067-28-4 Lead-214 pCi/L
29948 Radiochemical Lead-214 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 15067-28-4 Lead-214 pCi/L
29949 Radiochemical Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio, water, unfiltered, ratio Agree Total None
29950 Radiochemical Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio counting error, water, unfiltered, ratio Agree Counting Error Total None
29951 Radiochemical Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio, water, filtered, ratio Agree Dissolved None
29952 Radiochemical Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio counting error, water, filtered, ratio Agree Counting Error Dissolved None
29955 Radiochemical Antimony-124, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14683-10-4 Antimony-124 pCi/L
29956 Radiochemical Antimony-124 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14683-10-4 Antimony-124 pCi/L
29959 Radiochemical Antimony-125, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14234-35-6 Antimony-125 pCi/L
29960 Radiochemical Antimony-125 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14234-35-6 Antimony-125 pCi/L
29967 Radiochemical Technetium-99, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14133-76-7 Technetium-99 pCi/L
29968 Radiochemical Technetium-99 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14133-76-7 Technetium-99 pCi/L
29969 Radiochemical Technetium-99, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14133-76-7 Technetium-99 pCi/L
29970 Radiochemical Technetium-99 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14133-76-7 Technetium-99 pCi/L
29979 Radiochemical Thallium-208, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Total 14913-50-9 Thallium-208 pCi/L
29980 Radiochemical Thallium-208 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Total 14913-50-9 Thallium-208 pCi/L
29981 Radiochemical Thallium-208, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Dissolved 14913-50-9 Thallium-208 pCi/L
29982 Radiochemical Thallium-208 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter Agree Counting Error Dissolved 14913-50-9 Thallium-208 pCi/L
30001 Organics, Pesticide Disulfoton, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 298-04-4 Disulfoton mg/kg
30002 Organics, Pesticide EPN, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 2104-64-5 O-Ethyl O-(p-nitrophenyl) phenylphosphonothioate mg/kg
30004 Organics, Pesticide Fensulfothion, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 115-90-2 Fensulfothion ug/l
30006 Organics, Pesticide Fenthion, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 55-38-9 Fenthion ug/l
30008 Organics, Pesticide Malathion, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 121-75-5 Malathion mg/kg
30009 Organics, Pesticide Merphos, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 150-50-5 Merphos ug/l
30018 Organics, Pesticide Tetrachlorvinphos, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 22248-79-9 Phosphoric acid, (1Z)-2-chloro-1-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl)ethenyl dimethyl ester mg/kg
30020 Organics, Pesticide Tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 107-49-3 Tetraethyl pyrophosphate mg/kg
30026 Organics, Pesticide Silvex, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 93-72-1 Silvex mg/kg
30030 Organics, Pesticide Dinoseb, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 88-85-7 Dinoseb mg/kg
30031 Organics, Pesticide MCPA, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 94-74-6 MCPA mg/kg
30033 Organics, Other Petroleum hydrocarbons, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable Hydrocarbons, petroleum mg/kg
30034 Organics, Pesticide 1,2-Dibromoethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide mg/kg
30035 Organics, Pesticide 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane mg/kg
30038 Organics, Other 2-Chlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 95-57-8 o-Chlorophenol mg/kg
30039 Organics, Pesticide 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 59-50-7 p-Chloro-m-cresol mg/kg
30041 Organics, Pesticide 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 131-89-5 Dinex mg/kg
30042 Organics, Pesticide 2,4-Dichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol mg/kg
30043 Organics, Other 2,6-Dichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 87-65-0 2,6-Dichlorophenol mg/kg
30044 Organics, Pesticide 2,4-Dimethylphenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol mg/kg
30045 Organics, Pesticide 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol mg/kg
30046 Organics, Other 2,4-Dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol mg/kg
30047 Organics, Pesticide 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol mg/kg
30048 Organics, Other 2-Nitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 88-75-5 o-Nitrophenol mg/kg
30049 Organics, Pesticide 4-Nitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 100-02-7 p-Nitrophenol mg/kg
30050 Organics, Pesticide Pentachlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol mg/kg
30051 Organics, Other Phenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 108-95-2 Phenol mg/kg
30054 Organics, Pesticide 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol mg/kg
30057 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane mg/kg
30058 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 39638-32-9 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether mg/kg
30059 Organics, Other Bromobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 108-86-1 Bromobenzene mg/kg
30060 Organics, Other Bromodichloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-27-4 Dichlorobromomethane mg/kg
30061 Organics, Other Tribromomethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-25-2 Tribromomethane mg/kg
30062 Organics, Pesticide Bromomethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 74-83-9 Methyl bromide mg/kg
30063 Organics, Other Tetrachloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride mg/kg
30067 Organics, Other Chloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-00-3 Chloroethane mg/kg
30068 Organics, Other Trichloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 67-66-3 Chloroform mg/kg
30069 Organics, Other 1-Chlorohexane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 544-10-5 1-Chlorohexane mg/kg
30070 Organics, Other 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 110-75-8 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether mg/kg
30071 Organics, Other Chloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 74-87-3 Chloromethane mg/kg
30073 Organics, Other 2-Chlorotoluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene mg/kg
30074 Organics, Other Dibromochloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 124-48-1 Chlorodibromomethane mg/kg
30075 Organics, Other Dibromomethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 74-95-3 Dibromomethane mg/kg
30076 Organics, Other 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 95-50-1 o-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg
30077 Organics, Other 1,3-Dichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 541-73-1 m-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg
30078 Organics, Pesticide 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 106-46-7 p-Dichlorobenzene mg/kg
30079 Organics, Other Dichlorodifluoromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-71-8 CFC-12 mg/kg
30080 Organics, Other 1,1-Dichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane mg/kg
30081 Organics, Other 1,2-Dichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane mg/kg
30082 Organics, Other 1,1-Dichloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene mg/kg
30083 Organics, Other trans-1,2-Dichloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene mg/kg
30084 Organics, Other Dichloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-09-2 Methylene chloride mg/kg
30085 Organics, Pesticide 1,2-Dichloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane mg/kg
30086 Organics, Pesticide trans-1,3-Dichloropropene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene mg/kg
30087 Organics, Pesticide cis-1,3-Dichloropropene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene mg/kg
30088 Organics, Other 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane mg/kg
30089 Organics, Other 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane mg/kg
30090 Organics, Other Tetrachloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene mg/kg
30091 Organics, Other 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane mg/kg
30092 Organics, Other 1,1,2-Trichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane mg/kg
30093 Organics, Other Trichlorofluoromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-69-4 CFC-11 mg/kg
30094 Organics, Pesticide 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane mg/kg
30095 Organics, Other Vinyl chloride, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride mg/kg
30096 Organics, Other Benzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 71-43-2 Benzene mg/kg
30097 Organics, Other Chlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene mg/kg
30098 Organics, Other Ethylbenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene mg/kg
30099 Organics, Other Toluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 108-88-3 Toluene mg/kg
30101 Organics, Other o-Xylene plus p-xylene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 136777-61-2 mg/kg
30102 Organics, Pesticide Aldrin, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 309-00-2 Aldrin mg/kg
30104 Organics, PCBs Aroclor 1221, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 mg/kg
30110 Organics, Pesticide alpha-HCH, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 319-84-6 .alpha.-Hexachlorocyclohexane mg/kg
30111 Organics, Pesticide beta-HCH, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 319-85-7 .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane mg/kg
30112 Organics, Pesticide delta-HCH, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 319-86-8 .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane mg/kg
30113 Organics, Pesticide Lindane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 58-89-9 Lindane mg/kg
30114 Organics, Pesticide Chlordane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 57-74-9 Chlordane, technical, and/or chlordane metabolites mg/kg
30116 Organics, Pesticide p,p'-Methoxychlor, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 72-43-5 Methoxychlor mg/kg
30117 Organics, Pesticide p,p'-DDD, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 72-54-8 p,p'-DDD mg/kg
30118 Organics, Pesticide p,p'-DDE, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 72-55-9 p,p'-DDE mg/kg
30119 Organics, Pesticide p,p'-DDT, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 50-29-3 p,p'-DDT mg/kg
30120 Organics, Pesticide Dieldrin, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 60-57-1 Dieldrin mg/kg
30121 Organics, Pesticide alpha-Endosulfan, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 959-98-8 .alpha.-Endosulfan mg/kg
30122 Organics, Pesticide beta-Endosulfan, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 33213-65-9 .beta.-Endosulfan mg/kg
30123 Organics, Pesticide Endosulfan sulfate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 1031-07-8 Endosulfan sulfate mg/kg
30124 Organics, Pesticide Endrin, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 72-20-8 Endrin mg/kg
30125 Organics, Pesticide Endrin aldehyde, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7421-93-4 Endrin aldehyde mg/kg
30126 Organics, Pesticide Heptachlor, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 76-44-8 Heptachlor mg/kg
30127 Organics, Pesticide Heptachlor epoxide, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide mg/kg
30128 Organics, Pesticide Toxaphene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 8001-35-2 Toxaphene mg/kg
30130 Organics, Pesticide 1,3-Dichloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane mg/kg
30132 Organics, Other Trichloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene mg/kg
30133 Organics, Other Acetone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 67-64-1 Acetone mg/kg
30134 Organics, Pesticide Carbon disulfide, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 75-15-0 Carbon disulfide mg/kg
30135 Organics, Other Methyl ethyl ketone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 78-93-3 Methyl ethyl ketone mg/kg
30136 Organics, Other Vinyl acetate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 108-05-4 Vinyl acetate mg/kg
30137 Organics, Other Isobutyl methyl ketone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 108-10-1 Methyl isobutyl ketone mg/kg
30138 Organics, Other n-Butyl methyl ketone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 591-78-6 2-Hexanone mg/kg
30139 Organics, Other Styrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 100-42-5 Styrene mg/kg
30140 Organics, Other Xylene (all isomers), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 1330-20-7 Xylene mg/kg
30141 Organics, Other Acenaphthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 83-32-9 Acenaphthene mg/kg
30142 Organics, Other Anthracene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 120-12-7 Anthracene mg/kg
30143 Organics, Other Benzo[a]anthracene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 56-55-3 Benz[a]anthracene mg/kg
30144 Organics, Other Benzo[b]fluoranthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene mg/kg
30145 Organics, Other Benzo[k]fluoranthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene mg/kg
30146 Organics, Other Benzo[ghi]perylene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 191-24-2 Benzo[ghi]perylene mg/kg
30147 Organics, Other Benzo[a]pyrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene mg/kg
30148 Organics, Other Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate mg/kg
30149 Organics, Other 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 101-55-3 p-Bromophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg
30150 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether mg/kg
30151 Organics, Other 2-Chloronaphthalene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene mg/kg
30152 Organics, Other 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 7005-72-3 p-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether mg/kg
30153 Organics, Other Chrysene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 218-01-9 Chrysene mg/kg
30154 Organics, Other Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 53-70-3 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene mg/kg
30155 Organics, Other 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine mg/kg
30156 Organics, Other Diethyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate mg/kg
30157 Organics, Other Dimethyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate mg/kg
30158 Organics, Other Di-n-butyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate mg/kg
30159 Organics, Other 2,4-Dinitrotoluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg
30160 Organics, Other 2,6-Dinitrotoluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene mg/kg
30161 Organics, Other Di-n-octyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl phthalate mg/kg
30162 Organics, Other Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 117-81-7 Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate mg/kg
30163 Organics, Other Fluoranthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 206-44-0 Fluoranthene mg/kg
30164 Organics, Other 9H-Fluorene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 86-73-7 Fluorene mg/kg
30165 Organics, Pesticide Hexachlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene mg/kg
30166 Organics, Other Hexachlorobutadiene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene mg/kg
30167 Organics, Other Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene mg/kg
30168 Organics, Other Hexachloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane mg/kg
30169 Organics, Other Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene mg/kg
30170 Organics, Other Isophorone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 78-59-1 Isophorone mg/kg
30171 Organics, Other Naphthalene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 91-20-3 Naphthalene mg/kg
30172 Organics, Other Nitrobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene mg/kg
30173 Organics, Other N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 62-75-9 N-Nitrosodimethylamine mg/kg
30174 Organics, Other N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine mg/kg
30175 Organics, Other N-Nitrosodiphenylamine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine mg/kg
30176 Organics, Other Phenanthrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 85-01-8 Phenanthrene mg/kg
30177 Organics, Other Pyrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 129-00-0 Pyrene mg/kg
30178 Organics, Other 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene mg/kg
30179 Organics, Other Benzidine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 92-87-5 Benzidine mg/kg
30180 Organics, Other Benzyl alcohol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 100-51-6 Benzyl alcohol mg/kg
30181 Organics, Pesticide o-Cresol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 95-48-7 o-Cresol mg/kg
30182 Organics, Pesticide p-Cresol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 106-44-5 p-Cresol mg/kg
30183 Organics, Other Benzoic acid, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 65-85-0 Benzoic acid mg/kg
30184 Organics, Other 2-Methylnaphthalene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene mg/kg
30185 Organics, Pesticide 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol mg/kg
30186 Organics, Other 2-Nitroaniline, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 88-74-4 o-Nitroaniline mg/kg
30187 Organics, Other 3-Nitroaniline, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 99-09-2 m-Nitroaniline mg/kg
30188 Organics, Other Dibenzofuran, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran mg/kg
30189 Organics, Other 4-Nitroaniline, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Agree Dry Recoverable 100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline mg/kg
30190 Organics, Pesticide Dichlorprop, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 120-36-5 Dichlorprop ug/l
30191 Organics, Pesticide Dinoseb, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 88-85-7 Dinoseb ug/l
30192 Organics, Pesticide MCPA, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 94-74-6 MCPA ug/l
30193 Organics, Pesticide Mecoprop, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 93-65-2 Mecoprop ug/l
30194 Organics, Other 2-Methylnaphthalene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/l
30195 Organics, Other 2-Nitroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 88-74-4 o-Nitroaniline ug/l
30196 Organics, Other 4-Nitroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline ug/l
30197 Organics, Other 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 110-75-8 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether ug/l
30198 Organics, Pesticide 1,3-Dichloropropane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/l
30199 Organics, Pesticide 1,3-Dichloropropane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/l
30200 Organics, Pesticide Dalapon, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 75-99-0 Dalapon ug/l
30201 Organics, Other Chloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 74-87-3 Chloromethane ug/l
30202 Organics, Pesticide Bromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 74-83-9 Methyl bromide ug/l
30203 Organics, Pesticide 1,2-Dibromoethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide ug/l
30204 Organics, Pesticide 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ug/l
30205 Physical Temperature, wood (fire potential), degrees Fahrenheit Agree deg F
30206 Physical Temperature, wood (fire potential), degrees Celsius Agree deg C
30207 Physical Gage height, above datum, meters Agree Gage height m
30208 Physical Discharge, cubic meters per second Agree Mean 1 Day m3/sec
30209 Physical Discharge, instantaneous, cubic meters per second Agree Stream flow, instantaneous m3/sec
30210 Physical Depth to water level, below land surface datum (LSD), meters Agree Depth, from ground surface to well water level m
30211 Physical Elevation above NGVD 1929, meters Agree m
30214 Physical Pressure, relative, manometer tank, count Agree count
30215 Information Signal, sediment, Markland meter, count Agree count
30216 Information Voltage, hazard trip switch, volts Agree volts
30217 Organics, Other Dibromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 74-95-3 Dibromomethane ug/l
30218 Organics, Pesticide Dichlorvos, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 62-73-7 Dichlorvos ug/l
30219 Organics, Pesticide 2,4-DB, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 94-82-6 2,4-DB ug/l
30220 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7429-90-5 Aluminum %
30221 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Aluminum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7429-90-5 Aluminum %
30224 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Arsenic, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-38-2 Arsenic %
30231 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-69-9 Bismuth %
30232 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Boron, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-42-8 Boron %
30234 Organics, Pesticide Bromacil, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 314-40-9 Bromacil ug/l
30235 Organics, Pesticide Butachlor, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 23184-66-9 Butachlor ug/l
30236 Organics, Pesticide Butylate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 2008-41-5 Butylate ug/l
30239 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-70-2 Calcium %
30240 Inorganics, Major, Metals Calcium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-70-2 Calcium %
30241 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment Inorganic carbon %
30242 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment, total, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Suspended Inorganic carbon %
30243 Organics, Other Organic carbon, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment Organic carbon %
30244 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment, total, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Suspended 7440-44-0 Total Carbon %
30245 Organics, Pesticide Carboxin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 5234-68-4 Carboxin ug/l
30251 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cobalt, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-48-4 Cobalt %
30254 Organics, Pesticide Cycloate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 1134-23-2 Cycloate ug/l
30255 Organics, Pesticide Diphenamid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 957-51-7 Diphenamid ug/l
30260 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Germanium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-56-4 Germanium %
30263 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Gold, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-57-5 Gold %
30264 Organics, Pesticide Hexazinone, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 51235-04-2 Hexazinone ug/l
30267 Physical Illumination, lumens per square foot Agree lm/ft2
30268 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-89-6 Iron %
30269 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Iron, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7439-89-6 Iron %
30270 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lanthanum, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-91-0 Lanthanum %
30272 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lead, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-92-1 Lead mg/kg
30274 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-93-2 Lithium mg/kg
30275 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Lithium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7439-93-2 Lithium mg/kg
30276 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-95-4 Magnesium %
30277 Inorganics, Major, Metals Magnesium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7439-95-4 Magnesium %
30278 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
30279 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Manganese, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7439-96-5 Manganese mg/kg
30280 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-97-6 Mercury mg/kg
30282 Organics, Pesticide Methiocarb, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 2032-65-7 Methiocarb ug/l
30283 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
30284 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Molybdenum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7439-98-7 Molybdenum mg/kg
30285 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Neodymium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-00-8 Neodymium mg/kg
30286 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Neodymium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-00-8 Neodymium mg/kg
30287 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
30288 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Nickel, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-02-0 Nickel mg/kg
30289 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Niobium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-03-1 Niobium mg/kg
30290 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Niobium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-03-1 Niobium mg/kg
30291 Nutrient Phosphorus, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7723-14-0 Phosphorus %
30292 Nutrient Phosphorus, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7723-14-0 Phosphorus %
30293 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-09-7 Potassium %
30294 Inorganics, Major, Metals Potassium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-09-7 Potassium %
30295 Organics, Pesticide Propachlor, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 1918-16-7 Propachlor ug/l
30296 Organics, Pesticide Propoxur, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 114-26-1 Propoxur ug/l
30297 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Scandium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-20-2 Scandium mg/kg
30298 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Scandium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-20-2 Scandium mg/kg
30299 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Selenium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7782-49-2 Selenium mg/kg
30301 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
30302 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Silver, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-22-4 Silver mg/kg
30303 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-23-5 Sodium %
30304 Inorganics, Major, Metals Sodium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-23-5 Sodium %
30305 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-24-6 Strontium mg/kg
30306 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Strontium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-24-6 Strontium mg/kg
30307 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfur, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7704-34-9 Sulfur %
30308 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfur, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7704-34-9 Sulfur %
30309 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tantalum, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-25-7 Tantalum mg/kg
30310 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tantalum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-25-7 Tantalum mg/kg
30311 Organics, Pesticide Terbacil, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 5902-51-2 Terbacil ug/l
30312 Radiochemical Thorium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-29-1 Thorium-232 mg/kg
30313 Radiochemical Thorium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-29-1 Thorium-232 mg/kg
30314 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-31-5 Tin mg/kg
30315 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tin, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-31-5 Tin mg/kg
30316 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-32-6 Titanium %
30317 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Titanium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent Not checked Dry Suspended 7440-32-6 Titanium %
30318 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Tungsten, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-33-7 Tungsten mg/kg
30320 Radiochemical Uranium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-61-1 Uranium mg/kg
30321 Radiochemical Uranium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-61-1 Uranium mg/kg
30322 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Vanadium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-62-2 Vanadium mg/kg
30324 Organics, Pesticide Vernolate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 1929-77-7 Vernolate ug/l
30325 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Ytterbium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-64-4 Ytterbium mg/kg
30326 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Ytterbium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-64-4 Ytterbium mg/kg
30327 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Yttrium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-65-5 Yttrium mg/kg
30328 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Yttrium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Suspended 7440-65-5 Yttrium mg/kg
30329 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zinc, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-66-6 Zinc mg/kg
30331 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zirconium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not agree Dry Bed Sediment 7440-67-7 Zirconium mg/kg
30333 Information Bag mesh size, bedload sampler, millimeters Agree mm
30334 Physical Surface area, suspended sediment, square meters per gram Agree Suspended Surface area m2/g
30335 Organics, PCBs PCBs, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1336-36-3 Polychlorinated biphenyls ng/l
30341 Organics, Other 4-Isopropyltoluene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 99-87-6 p-Cymene ug/l
30342 Organics, Other 4-Nitroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline ug/l
30343 Organics, Pesticide 4-Chloroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 106-47-8 p-Chloroaniline ug/l
30361 Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals Perchlorate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 14797-73-0 ug/kg
30362 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Chloride, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 16887-00-6 mg/kg
30363 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluoride, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 16984-48-8 mg/kg
30364 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 14808-79-8 mg/kg
30365 Organics, Other Nitroguanidine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 556-88-7 mg/kg
30366 Organics, Other Nitroguanidine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 556-88-7 mg/kg
30367 Organics, Other Nitroguanidine, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 556-88-7 ug/l
30368 Organics, Other Nitroguanidine, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 556-88-7 ug/l
30369 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Cyanide, soil, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Total 57-12-5 mg/kg
30370 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zirconium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved 7440-67-7 mg/l
30371 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zirconium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 7440-67-7 mg/l
30372 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Chloride, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 16887-00-6 mg/kg
30373 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Fluoride, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 16984-48-8 mg/kg
30374 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 14808-79-8 mg/kg
30375 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Silica, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 7631-86-9 mg/kg
30376 Inorganics, Major, Non-metals Sulfur, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 7704-34-9 mg/kg
30377 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Bismuth, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 7440-69-9 mg/kg
30378 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Zirconium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 7440-67-7 mg/kg
30379 Organics, Other Cyclohexane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 110-82-7 ug/kg
30380 Organics, Other Methyl acetate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 79-20-9 ug/kg
30381 Organics, Other Methylcyclohexane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 108-87-2 ug/kg
30382 Organics, Other Trichlorofluoromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 75-69-4 ug/kg
30383 Organics, Other Nitrocellulose, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 9004-70-0 mg/kg
30384 Organics, Other Nitrocellulose, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram Not checked Dry Recoverable 9004-70-0 mg/kg
30385 Organics, Other Nitrocellulose, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 9004-70-0 ug/l
30386 Organics, Other Nitrocellulose, water, filtered, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 9004-70-0 ug/l
30387 Nutrient Nitrate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Not checked Dry Recoverable 14797-55-8 mg/kg as N
30388 Nutrient Nitrate plus nitrite, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Not checked Dry Recoverable Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) mg/kg as N
30389 Nutrient Nitrite, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen Not checked Dry Recoverable 14797-65-0 mg/kg as N
30390 Organics, Other Anabaenopeptins, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 161897-74-1 ug/l
30391 Organics, Other Domoic acid (ASP Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning), water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 14277-97-5 ng/l
30392 Organics, Other beta-N-Methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 15920-93-1 ng/l
30393 Organics, Other Brevetoxins, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 85079-48-7 ng/l
30394 Organics, Other Euglenophycin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 1219817-69-2 ng/l
30395 Organics, Other Nodularin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 118399-22-7 ng/l
30396 Organics, Other Prymnesium toxins, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter Not checked Recoverable ng/l
30397 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, solids between 0.038 mm and 0.063 mm, total, wet sieved, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 0.038-0.063mm Total ug/kg
30398 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, solids between 0.020 and 0.038 mm, total, wet sieved, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry 0.020-0.038mm Total ug/kg
30399 Inorganics, Minor, Metals Mercury, solids smaller than 0.020 mm, total, wet sieved, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry <0.020 mm Total ug/kg
30400 Physical Loss on ignition, solids between 0.038 mm and 0.063 mm, wet sieved, percent Not checked 0.038-0.063mm %
30401 Physical Loss on ignition, solids between 0.020 and 0.038 mm, wet sieved, percent Not checked 0.020-0.038mm %
30402 Physical Loss on ignition, solids smaller than 0.020 mm, wet sieved, percent Not checked <0.020 mm %
31501 Microbiological Total coliforms, M-Endo MF method, immediate, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Total coliforms cfu/100ml
31503 Microbiological Total coliforms, M-Endo MF method, delayed, water, colonies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Total coliforms cfu/100ml
31504 Microbiological Total coliforms, LES Endo method, immediate, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Total coliforms cfu/100ml
31505 Microbiological Total coliforms, brilliant green lactose broth method, confirmed, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Total coliforms MPN/100 ml
31507 Microbiological Total coliforms, completed test, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Total coliforms MPN/100 ml
31613 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, M-FC MF (0.7 micron) method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters Not checked Fecal coliforms cfu/100ml
31615 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, EC broth method, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked Fecal coliforms MPN/100 ml
31616 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, M-FC MF (0.45 micron) method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Fecal coliforms cfu/100ml
31617 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, Eijkman test, 44.5 degrees Celsius, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked 44.5 deg C Fecal coliforms MPN/100 ml
31619 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, boric acid lactose broth, 43 degrees Celsius, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked 43 deg C Fecal coliforms MPN/100 ml
31621 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, A-1 broth method, 44.5 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters Agree 24 Hour 44.5 deg C Fecal coliforms MPN/100 ml
31625 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, M-FC MF (0.7 micron) method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Agree Fecal coliforms cfu/100ml
31633 Microbiological Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli cfu/100ml
31648 Microbiological Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters Agree 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli cfu/100ml
31649 Microbiological Enterococci, m-E MF method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Agree Enterococci cfu/100ml
31664 Organics, Pesticide Diclofop-methyl, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 51338-27-3 Diclofop methyl ug/l
31673 Microbiological Fecal streptococci, KF streptococcus MF method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Fecal Streptococcus cfu/100ml
31677 Microbiological Fecal streptococci, azide-dextrose-ethyl-violet azide broth method, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked Fecal Streptococcus MPN/100 ml
31678 Microbiological Fecal streptococci, azide-dextrose-ethyl-violet azide broth method, tube configuration, water, code Agree Fecal Streptococcus code
31679 Microbiological Fecal streptococci, m-Enterococcus MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters Not checked Fecal Streptococcus cfu/100ml
31681 Microbiological Salmonella, water, 0.45 micron filter method, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA Salmonella MPN/100 ml
31682 Microbiological Escherichia coli O157, presumptive test, water, 0.45 micron filter method, presence or absence per 500 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA PrsAbs0.5L
31683 Microbiological Escherichia coli O157, confirmed test, water, 0.45 micron filter, presence or absence per 500 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA PrsAbs0.5L
31684 Microbiological Escherichia coli, MUG method, water, presence or absence in sample USGS use and no use by EPA 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli PrsAbs
31685 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, EC medium, 44.5 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, Standard Methods 9221E.1, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA 24 Hour 44.5 deg C Fecal coliforms MPN/100 ml
31686 Microbiological Total coliforms, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA Total Total coliforms MPN/100 ml
31687 Microbiological Fecal coliforms, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA Fecal coliforms MPN/100 ml
31689 Microbiological Escherichia coli, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli MPN/100 ml
31691 Microbiological Escherichia coli, water, colonies per 100 milliliters USGS use and no use by EPA 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli cfu/100ml
31692 Microbiological Heterotrophic plate count, water, colony forming units per milliliter USGS use and no use by EPA cfu/mL
31693 Microbiological Escherichia coli, water, m-ColiBlue method, colonies per 100 milliliters Not checked 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli cfu/100ml
31694 Microbiological Total coliforms, water, m-ColiBlue method, colonies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Total coliforms cfu/100ml
31695 Microbiological Iron-related bacteria (IRB), water, biotester, colony forming units per milliliter Not checked Total cfu/mL
31696 Microbiological Iron-related bacteria (IRB)reaction pattern signature, biotester, water, code Not checked Total code
31697 Microbiological Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), water, biotester, colony forming units per milliliter Not checked Total cfu/mL
31698 Microbiological Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) reaction pattern signature, water, biotester, code Not checked Total code
31699 Microbiological Slime-forming bacteria (SFB) reaction pattern signature, water, biotester, code Not checked Total code
31700 Microbiological Slime-forming bacteria (SFB), water, biotester, colony forming units per milliliter Not checked Total cfu/mL
31701 Microbiological Giardia, water, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection Not checked Giardia None
31702 Microbiological Giardia, sediment, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection Not checked Giardia None
31703 Microbiological Cryptosporidium, water, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection Not checked Cryptosporidium None
31704 Microbiological Cryptosporidium, sediment, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection Not checked Cryptosporidium None
31705 Microbiological Legionella, water, PCR method, centrifuged, detection/no detection Not checked Legionella None
31706 Microbiological Legionella, sediment, PCR method, centrifuged, detection/no detection Not checked Legionella None
31707 Microbiological Avian influenza, H5 and H7, water, centrifuged, RT-PCR method, detection/no detection Not checked None
31708 Microbiological Avian influenza, H5 and H7, sediment, centrifuged, RT-PCR method, detection/no detection Not checked None
31709 Microbiological Avian influenza, H5 and H7, fecal swab, centrifuged, RT-PCR method, detection/no detection Not checked None
31711 Microbiological Campylobacter, water, PCR method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked cfu/100ml
31712 Microbiological Campylobacter, sediment, PCR method, wet weight, colony forming units per gram Not checked CFU/g
31713 Microbiological Human enterovirus, water, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31714 Microbiological Human norovirus genogroup IA, water, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31715 Microbiological Total culturable virus, water, most probable number per liter Not checked Total MPN/L
31716 Microbiological Enterococcus species, water, calibrator cell equivalents per 100 milliliters (CCE/100 mL) Not checked Total Enterococci CCE/100 mL
31717 Microbiological Nitrate-reducing bacteria, borehole cuttings, wet sieved, wet weight, most probable number per gram Not checked Wet Total MPN/g
31718 Microbiological Denitrifying bacteria, borehole cuttings, wet sieved, wet weight, most probable number per gram Not checked Wet Total MPN/g
31719 Microbiological Enterococci, fluorogenic substrate presence or absence method, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total Enterococci PrsAbs0.1L
31720 Biological Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) Not checked Total Hypophthalmichthys nobilis count/hr
31721 Biological Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) Not checked Total Hypophthalmichthys molitrix count/hr
31722 Biological Hybrid asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobliis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix hybrids), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) Not checked Total count/hr
31723 Biological Sum of bighead, silver and hybrid carp, count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) Not checked Total count/hr
31724 Biological Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) Not checked Total Scaphirhynchus platorynchus count/hr
31725 Biological Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) Not checked Total Hypophthalmichthys nobilis count/hr
31726 Biological Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) Not checked Total Hypophthalmichthys molitrix count/hr
31727 Biological Hybrid asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobliis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix hybrids), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per Not checked Total count/hr
31728 Biological Sum of bighead, silver and hybrid carp, count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) Not checked Total count/hr
31729 Biological Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) Not checked Total Scaphirhynchus platorynchus count/hr
31730 Toxicity Mean survival of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) on day 7 of 7-day exposure to 100 percent effluent water sample, percent Not checked 7 Day %
31731 Toxicity Biomass of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) on day 7 of 7-day exposure to 100 percent effluent water sample, milligrams Not checked 7 Day mg
31732 Microbiological Aerobic endospores, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cfu/100ml
31733 Biological Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per milliliter Not checked Recoverable cp/mL
31734 Microbiological Shigella ipaH gene marker, water, 0.4 micro filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31735 Microbiological Enterococcus faecium enterococcol surface protein (esp gene), water, 0.4 micro filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31736 Microbiological Shigella ipaH gene marker, solids, DNA based, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31737 Microbiological Enterococcus faecium enterococcol surface protein (esp gene), solids, DNA based, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31738 Microbiological Human hepatitis A virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31739 Microbiological Rotavirus A (NSP3) virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31740 Microbiological Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31741 Microbiological Rotavirus C (VP6) virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31742 Microbiological Human Bacteroides bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) Not checked Recoverable cn/100 mL
31743 Microbiological Human Lachnospiraceae bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) Not checked Recoverable cn/100 mL
31744 Microbiological Bacteroidales species bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) Not checked Recoverable cn/100 mL
31745 Microbiological Enterococci, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) Not checked Recoverable Enterococci cn/100 mL
31746 Microbiological Ruminant Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) Not checked Recoverable cn/100 mL
31747 Microbiological Enterococci, water, concentrated, mEI MF method, colony forming units per liter Not checked Total Enterococci cfu/l
31750 Microbiological Escherichia coli, water, concentrated, defined substrate test method (DSTM), most probable number per liter Not checked Total 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli MPN/L
31751 Microbiological Bacteria, total plate count, TPC agar, 35 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, water, colonies per milliliter Agree 24 Hour Total 35 deg C Bacteria mix, unspecified col/mL
31754 Microbiological Coliphage, E. coli, water, concentrated, CN13 host, plaque forming units per liter Not checked Total Coliphage pfu/l
31755 Microbiological Coliphage, E. coli, water, concentrated, Famp host, plaque forming units per liter Not checked Total Coliphage pfu/l
31756 Microbiological Total coliforms, water, concentrated, defined substrate test method (DSTM), most probable number per liter Not checked Total Total coliforms MPN/L
31759 Microbiological Picocyanobacteria, PC-rich, biovolume, cubic microns per liter Not checked Total um3/l
31760 Microbiological Picocyanobacteria, PE-rich, biovolume, cubic microns per liter Not checked Total um3/l
31761 Microbiological Human adenovirus group A, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31762 Microbiological Human adenovirus group B, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31763 Microbiological Human adenovirus groups C, D, F, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31764 Microbiological Human enterovirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31765 Microbiological Norovirus genogroup I, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31766 Microbiological Norovirus genogroup II, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31767 Microbiological Human polyomavirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31768 Microbiological Human-associated HF183 Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31769 Microbiological Bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31770 Microbiological Bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31771 Microbiological Rotavirus group A (VP1 gene), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31772 Microbiological Bovine coronavirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31773 Microbiological Bovine adenovirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31774 Microbiological Bovine enterovirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31775 Microbiological Bovine polyomavirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31776 Microbiological Ruminant Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31777 Microbiological Bovine-associated M3 bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31778 Microbiological Enterococcus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable Enterococci cp/L
31779 Microbiological Pepper mild mottle virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31780 Microbiological Enterohemorrhagic E. coli, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31781 Microbiological Salmonella (invA gene), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable Salmonella cp/L
31782 Microbiological Campylobacter jejuni, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable Campylobacter jejuni cp/L
31783 Microbiological Cryptosporidium parvum, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable Cryptosporidium parvum cp/L
31784 Microbiological Giardia lamblia, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable Giardia lamblia cp/L
31785 Microbiological Human norovirus genogroup IB (GIB), water, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31786 Microbiological Human norovirus genogroup II (GII), water, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31787 Microbiological Dolichospermum 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Anabaena cp/100 mL
31788 Microbiological Cyanobacteria 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable Cyanobacteria cp/g
31789 Microbiological Microcystis 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31790 Microbiological Microcystis-specific microcystin gene mcyE, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31791 Microbiological Dolichospermum-specific microcystin gene mcyE, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable 77238-39-2 cp/g
31792 Microbiological Planktothrix-specific microcystin gene mcyE, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31793 Microbiological Planktothrix 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31794 Microbiological Planktothrix 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31795 Microbiological Anatoxin-a gene anaC, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable 64285-06-9 cp/100 mL
31796 Microbiological Anatoxin-a gene anaC, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable 64285-06-9 cp/g
31797 Microbiological Saxitoxin gene sxtA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31798 Microbiological Saxitoxin gene sxtA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31799 Microbiological Dolichospermum 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable Anabaena cp/g
31800 Microbiological Human adenovirus, water, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31801 Microbiological Bacteroides general marker AllBac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31802 Microbiological Bacteroides general marker GenBac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31803 Microbiological Bacteroides human marker qHF183, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31804 Microbiological Bacteroides bovine marker BoBac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31805 Microbiological Bacteroides dog marker BacCan, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31806 Microbiological Bacteroides bovine marker CowM2, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31807 Microbiological Bacteroides bovine marker CowM2, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31808 Microbiological Bacteroides ruminant marker Rum2Bac, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31809 Microbiological Bacteroides ruminant marker Rum2Bac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31810 Microbiological Catellicoccus avian marker GFD, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31811 Microbiological Catellicoccus avian marker GFD, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31812 Microbiological Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 1 (stx1) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31813 Microbiological Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 2 (stx2) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31815 Microbiological Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31816 Microbiological Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31817 Microbiological Staphylococcus aureus 48 kD protein (femA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total 68583-38-0 PrsAbs0.5L
31819 Microbiological Staphylococcus aureus penicillin binding protein 2A (mecA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total 68583-38-0 PrsAbs0.5L
31820 Microbiological Salmonella species invasion determinant A (invA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31821 Microbiological Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31822 Microbiological Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31823 Microbiological Enterococcus species enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31824 Microbiological Enterococcus faecalis D-alanine ligase-replated protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31825 Microbiological Enterococcus faecium D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31826 Microbiological Staphylococcus, water, Baird Parker membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cfu/100ml
31827 Microbiological Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31828 Microbiological Enterococcus species acquired high-level of vancomycin resistance (vanA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31829 Microbiological Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31830 Microbiological Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 1 (stx1) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31831 Microbiological Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 2 (stx2) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31832 Microbiological Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31833 Microbiological Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31834 Microbiological Staphylococcus aureus 48 kD protein (femA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31835 Microbiological Staphylococcus aureus penicillin binding protein 2A (mecA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31836 Microbiological Salmonella species invasion determinant A (invA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31837 Microbiological Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31838 Microbiological Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31839 Microbiological Enterococcus species enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31840 Microbiological Enterococcus faecalis D-alanine ligase-replated protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31841 Microbiological Enterococcus faecium D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31842 Microbiological Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31843 Microbiological Enterococcus species acquired high-level of vancomycin resistance (vanA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31844 Microbiological Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31845 Microbiological Salmonella, RV enrichment (0.45 micron filter), water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.5L
31846 Microbiological Salmonella, RV enrichment (0.45 micron filter), water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters Not checked Total PrsAbs0.1L
31847 Microbiological Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) at 35 degrees Celsius incubation, water, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cfu/100ml
31848 Microbiological Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) at 44.5 degrees celsius incubation, water, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cfu/100ml
31849 Microbiological Bacteria, denitrifying, water, most probable number Not checked Total MPN
31850 Microbiological Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) at 23 degrees celsius incubation, water, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cfu/100ml
31854 Microbiological Bacteria, nitrifying, water, most probable number Agree Bacteria, nitrifiers MPN
31855 Microbiological Bacteria, sulfate reducing, water, most probable number Agree MPN
31863 Microbiological Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31864 Microbiological Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31865 Microbiological Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31866 Microbiological Anatoxin-a gene anaC, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total 64285-06-9 cp/100 mL
31867 Microbiological Saxitoxin gene sxtA, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31868 Microbiological Cyanobacteria-specific geosmin gene geoA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31869 Microbiological Cyanobacteria-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31870 Microbiological Actinomycetes-specific geosmin gene geoA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31871 Microbiological Actinomycetes-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31872 Microbiological Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31873 Microbiological Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31874 Microbiological Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31875 Microbiological Human-associated M2 Bacteroidales-like, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31876 Microbiological Bovine-associated M2 Bacteroidales-like, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31877 Microbiological Cryptosporidium spp. (pan-Crypto), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31878 Microbiological Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Shiga toxin-1 gene, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31879 Microbiological Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Shiga toxin-2 gene, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31880 Microbiological Salmonella TTR gene, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31881 Microbiological Cryptosporidium hominis, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31882 Microbiological Cryptosporidium bovis, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31883 Physical Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), green/brown algae, water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 1406-65-1 ug/l
31884 Physical Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), phycocyanin-containing algae, water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material with correction for CDOM, ug/L Not checked Total 1406-65-1 ug/l
31885 Physical Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), phycoerythrin-containing algae, water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material with correction for CDOM, ug/L Not checked Total 1406-65-1 ug/l
31886 Physical Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl) from green/brown algae, water, in situ with correction for CDOM, percent Not checked Total 1406-65-1 %
31887 Physical Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl) from phycocyanin-containing algae, water, in situ with correction for CDOM, percent Not checked Total 1406-65-1 %
31888 Physical Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl) from phycoerythrin-containing algae, water, in situ with correction for CDOM, percent Not checked Total 1406-65-1 %
31889 Microbiological Escherichia coli, Draft Method C, 23S gene marker, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) Not checked Total 68583-22-2 gcn/100 mL
31890 Microbiological Human-associated HF183/BacR287 Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) Not checked Total gcn/100 mL
31891 Microbiological Human-associated Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) Not checked Total gcn/100 mL
31892 Microbiological Human-associated Bacteroidales-like HumM2, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) Not checked Total gcn/100 mL
31893 Microbiological Enterococcus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) Not checked Total gcn/100 mL
31894 Microbiological Human adenovirus groups A-F hexon gene, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copies per liter Not checked Total cp/L
31895 Microbiological Human Lachnospiraceae bacteria Lachno3 gene, water, filtered (0.22 micron filter), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters Not checked Dissolved cn/100 mL
31896 Microbiological Escherichia coli uidA gene, bacteria, water, filtered (0.22 micron filter), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters Not checked Dissolved cn/100 mL
31897 Microbiological Picocyanobacteria, PC-rich, water, enumeration, cells per liter Not checked Total cells/L
31898 Microbiological Bacteroides human marker HF183/BacR287, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31899 Microbiological Bacteroides human marker HF183/BacR287, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31900 Microbiological Bacteroides horse marker Horse bacteria, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31901 Microbiological Bacteroides horse marker Horse bacteria, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31902 Microbiological Brevibacterium poultry litter marker, chicken litter (CL), water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31903 Microbiological Brevibacterium poultry litter marker, chicken litter (CL), solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31904 Microbiological Bacteroides swine marker Pig-1-Bac, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31905 Microbiological Bacteroides swine marker Pig-1-Bac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31906 Microbiological Bacteroides swine marker Pig-2-Bac, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31907 Microbiological Bacteroides swine marker Pig-2-Bac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31908 Microbiological Lactobacillus swine marker, Lactobacillus sobrius/Lactobacillus amylovorus, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31909 Microbiological Lactobacillus swine marker, Lactobacillus sobrius/Lactobacillus amylovorus, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31910 Microbiological Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group I (animal), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter Not checked Coliphage PrsAbs/L
31911 Microbiological Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group II (human or swine), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter Not checked Coliphage PrsAbs/L
31912 Microbiological Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group III (human), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter Not checked Coliphage PrsAbs/L
31913 Microbiological Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group IV (animal, bird), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter Not checked Coliphage PrsAbs/L
31914 Microbiological Cyanobacteria 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter Not checked Total Cyanobacteria gc/ul
31915 Microbiological Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter Not checked Total gc/ul
31916 Microbiological Saxitoxin gene sxtA, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter Not checked Total gc/ul
31917 Microbiological Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter Not checked Total gc/ul
31918 Organics, Other Total anatoxin-a, water, filtered (0.45 micron filter) after freeze/thaw extraction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 64285-06-9 Anatoxin-A ug/l
31919 Organics, Other Protein phosphatase assay 2A (PP2A) inhibition as microcystin-LR equivalents, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 101043-37-2 ug/l
31920 Organics, Other (+)-Anatoxin-a equivalents, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 64285-06-9 ug/l
31921 Organics, Other (+)-Anatoxin-a equivalents, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 64285-06-9 ug/l
31922 Microbiological Nostoc 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31923 Microbiological Nostoc 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31924 Biological Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable Hypophthalmichthys nobilis cp/L
31925 Biological Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable Hypophthalmichthys molitrix cp/L
31926 Biological Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31927 Biological Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter) Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31928 Biological Kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus fasciolaris) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31929 Biological Prymnesium parvum ITS gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31930 Biological Maccaffertium pulchellum COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31931 Biological Chimera obscura COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31932 Biological Northern riffleshell (Epioblasma torulosa rangiana) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31933 Microbiological crAssphage human marker, CPQ_056, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31934 Microbiological crAssphage human marker, CPQ_056, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31935 Microbiological crAssphage human marker, CPQ_064, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliter Not checked Recoverable cp/100 mL
31936 Microbiological crAssphage human marker, CPQ_064, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31937 Organics, Other Total anatoxin-a, water, unfiltered, enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 64285-06-9 Anatoxin-A ug/l
31938 Microbiological Escherichia coli, defined substrate test method (DSTM), water, geometric mean, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked Total 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli MPN/100 ml
31939 Microbiological Escherichia coli, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, dry weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram Not checked Dry Total 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli MPN/g
31940 Microbiological Escherichia coli, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, wet weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram Not checked Wet Total 68583-22-2 Escherichia coli MPN/g
31941 Microbiological Total coliforms, defined substrate test method (DSTM), water, geometric mean, most probable number per 100 milliliters Not checked Total Total coliforms MPN/100 ml
31942 Microbiological Total coliforms, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, dry weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram Not checked Dry Total Total coliforms MPN/g
31943 Microbiological Total coliforms, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, wet weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram Not checked Wet Total Total coliforms MPN/g
31944 Microbiological Cyanobacteria-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31945 Microbiological Cyanobacteria-specific geosmin gene geoA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31946 Microbiological Gloeotrichia-specific gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31947 Microbiological Gloeotrichia-specific gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31948 Microbiological Bacteroides canine marker, DG3, water, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31949 Microbiological Bacteroides canine marker, DG3, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31950 Microbiological Lachnospiraceae canine marker, DG37, water, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters Not checked Total cp/100 mL
31951 Microbiological Lachnospiraceae canine marker, DG37, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31952 Microbiological Cryptosporidium spp. (pan-Crypto) 18S rRNA gene, CRU18S, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Total cp/L
31953 Microbiological Cryptosporidium spp. (pan-Crypto) 18S rRNA gene, JVA, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Total cp/L
31954 Microbiological Cryptosporidium parvum gene, JVAG2, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Total Cryptosporidium parvum cp/L
31955 Microbiological Cryptosporidium hominis gene, JVAG1, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Total cp/L
31956 Microbiological Avian-associated bacteroidales, GFD assay, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31957 Microbiological Bacteroidales Pig-1-Bac Pig-specific, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31958 Microbiological Bacteroidales Pig-2-Bac Pig-specific, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31959 Microbiological Hepatitis-E virus, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31960 Microbiological Shigella and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) ipaH gene, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31961 Microbiological Staphylococcus aureus nuc gene, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31962 Microbiological Cryptosporidium baileyi, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31963 Microbiological Cryptosporidium galli, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31964 Microbiological Cryptosporidium meleagridis, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31965 Microbiological Cryptosporidium suis, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31966 Microbiological Cryptosporidium ubiquitum, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31967 Microbiological 2019_nCOV_N1, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31968 Microbiological 2019_nCOV_N2, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31969 Microbiological Moraxella bovis, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter Not checked Recoverable cp/L
31970 Microbiological Actinomycetes-specific geosmin gene geoA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
31971 Microbiological Actinomycetes-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, co Not checked Dry Recoverable cp/g
32000 Information Sample volume, liters Agree l
32001 Information Sample volume, gallons Agree gal
32002 Information Sample volume, milliliters Agree ml
32003 Organics, Other Organic compounds, water, unfiltered, chloroform & alcohol extraction, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable Organic compounds ug/l
32004 Organics, Other Organic compounds, water, unfiltered, alcohol extraction, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable Organic compounds ug/l
32005 Organics, Other Organic compounds, water, unfiltered, chloroform extraction, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable Organic compounds ug/l
32101 Organics, Other Bromodichloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 75-27-4 Dichlorobromomethane ug/l
32102 Organics, Other Tetrachloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride ug/l
32103 Organics, Pesticide 1,2-Dichloroethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/l
32104 Organics, Other Tribromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 75-25-2 Tribromomethane ug/l
32105 Organics, Other Dibromochloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 124-48-1 Chlorodibromomethane ug/l
32106 Organics, Other Trichloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 67-66-3 Chloroform ug/l
32207 Biological Chlorophyll a, periphyton, narrow band fluorometric method, milligrams per square meter Not checked Total 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a mg/m2
32208 Biological Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, narrow band fluorometric method, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32209 Biological Chlorophyll a, water, fluorometric method, corrected, micrograms per liter Agree 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32210 Biological Chlorophyll a, water, trichromatic method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter Agree Total 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32211 Biological Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric acid method, micrograms per liter Not checked 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32213 Biological Pheophytin a, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter Agree 603-17-8 Pheophytin a ug/l
32217 Biological Chlorophyll a, fluorometric method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter Agree 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32218 Biological Pheophytin a, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric acid method, micrograms per liter Not checked 603-17-8 Pheophytin a ug/l
32223 Biological Chlorophyll a, periphyton, spectrophotometric method, corrected, milligrams per square meter Not checked 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a mg/m2
32224 Biological Pheophytin a, periphyton, spectrophotometric acid method, milligrams per square meter Not checked 603-17-8 Pheophytin a mg/m2
32226 Biological Chlorophyll b, periphyton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, milligrams per square meter Not checked 519-62-0 Chlorophyll b mg/m2
32228 Biological Chlorophyll a, periphyton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, milligrams per square meter Not checked 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a mg/m2
32230 Biological Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter Not checked 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32231 Biological Chlorophyll b, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, micrograms per liter Not checked 519-62-0 Chlorophyll b ug/l
32232 Biological Chlorophyll c, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, micrograms per liter Not checked 11003-45-5 Chlorophyll c ug/l
32234 Biological Chlorophylls, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter Not checked 1406-65-1 Chlorophyll ug/l
32240 Organics, Other Tannin and lignin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter Not checked Recoverable 9005-53-2 Tannin and Lignin mg/l
32241 Biological Chlorophyll a, periphyton, fluorometric method, uncorrected, milligrams per square meter USGS use and no use by EPA 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a mg/m2
32242 Biological Chlorophyll a, periphyton, fluorometric method, corrected, milligrams per square meter USGS use and no use by EPA 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a mg/m2
32243 Biological Pheophytin a, periphyton, fluorometric method, milligrams per square meter USGS use and no use by EPA 603-17-8 Pheophytin a mg/m2
32268 Biological Pheophytin a, plankton in water, milligrams per cubic meter Not checked 603-17-8 mg/m3
32269 Biological Chlorophyll a, plankton in water, milligrams per cubic meter Not checked 479-61-8 mg/m3
32271 Biological Chlorophylls less than 35 microns, 35-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA < 35 microns 1406-65-1 Chlorophyll ug/l
32272 Biological Chlorophyll a less than 35 microns, 35-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, corrected, micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA < 35 microns 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32273 Biological Pheophytin a less than 35 microns, 35-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA < 35 microns 603-17-8 Pheophytin a ug/l
32274 Biological Chlorophylls less than 11 microns, 11-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA < 11 microns 1406-65-1 Chlorophyll ug/l
32275 Biological Chlorophyll a less than 11 microns, 11-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, corrected, micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA < 11 microns 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32276 Biological Pheophytin a less than 11 microns, 11-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA < 11 microns 603-17-8 Pheophytin a ug/l
32277 Biological Chlorophylls greater than 35 microns, calculated as chlorophylls (P32217) less chlorophylls <35 um (P32271), micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA > 35 microns 1406-65-1 Chlorophyll ug/l
32278 Biological Chlorophyll a greater than 35 microns, calculated as chlorophyll a (P32209) less chlorophyll a <35 um (P32272), micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA > 35 microns 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32279 Biological Pheophytin a greater than 35 microns, calculated as pheophytin a (P32213) less pheophytin a <35 um (P32273), micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA > 35 microns 603-17-8 Pheophytin a ug/l
32280 Biological Chlorophylls greater than 11 microns, calculated as chlorophylls (P32217) less chlorophylls <11 um (P32274), micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA > 11 microns 1406-65-1 Chlorophyll ug/l
32281 Biological Chlorophyll a greater than 11 microns, calculated as chlorophyll a (P32209) less chlorophyll a <11 um (P32275), micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA > 11 microns 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32282 Biological Pheophytin a greater than 11 microns, calculated as pheophytin a (P32213) less pheophytin a <11 um (P32276), micrograms per liter USGS use and no use by EPA > 11 microns 603-17-8 Pheophytin a ug/l
32283 Biological Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), total, water, in situ, fluorometric, 650-700 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked 1406-65-1 Chlorophyll RFU
32284 Biological Chlorophyll a, total, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L Not checked Total 479-61-8 ug/l
32285 Biological Chlorophyll a, green algae, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L Not checked Total 479-61-8 ug/l
32286 Biological Chlorophyll a, cyanobacteria, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L Not checked Total 479-61-8 ug/l
32287 Biological Chlorophyll a, cryptophytes, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L Not checked Total 479-61-8 ug/l
32288 Biological Chlorophyll a, diatoms and dinoflagellates, in situ, excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L Not checked Total 479-61-8 ug/l
32289 Organics, Other Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm, milligrams per liter Not checked Dissolved Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) mg/l
32290 Physical Fluorescence transmission (transparency to fluorescence) at 700 nm, percent Not checked %
32291 Physical UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 370 nm excitation, 460 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked RFU
32292 Physical UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 270 nm excitation, 340 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked RFU
32293 Physical UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 370 nm excitation, 470 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked RFU
32294 Physical UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 370 nm excitation, 520 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked RFU
32295 Physical Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) ug/l QSE
32296 Physical Absorbance at 280 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32297 Physical Absorbance at 370 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32298 Physical Absorbance at 412 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32299 Physical Absorbance at 440 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32300 Physical Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 275 to 295 nm, unitless Not checked Dissolved None
32301 Physical Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 290 to 350 nm, unitless Not checked Dissolved None
32302 Physical Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 350 to 400 nm, unitless Not checked Dissolved None
32303 Physical Absorption spectral slope, wavelengths 412 to 676 nm, unitless Not checked Dissolved None
32304 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 260 nm, emission at 450 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32305 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 275 nm, emission at 304 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32306 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 340 nm, emission at 440 nm, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32307 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 390 nm, emission at 510 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32308 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 370 nm, emission at 460 nm, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32309 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 300 nm, emission at 390 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32310 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 280 nm, emission at 370 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32311 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 275 nm, emission at 340 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32312 Physical Fluorescence Index - ratio of emission intensities which characterizes the slope of the emission curve at an excitation of 370 nm Not checked Dissolved None
32313 Physical Humification Index - calculated by dividing the fluorescence intensity in the 435-480 nm region by the total intensities in the 300-345 and 435-480 nm regions Not checked Dissolved None
32314 Organics, Other Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), water, filtered, field, single band excitation, fluorescence emission, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) ug/l QSE
32315 Physical Chlorophyll relative fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a RFU
32316 Physical Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as chlorophyll Not checked Total 1406-65-1 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32317 Biological Chlorophyll a, water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field sample lab results, micrograms per liter as chlorophyll a Not checked Total 479-61-8 Chlorophyll a ug/l
32318 Biological Chlorophylls, water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 1406-65-1 ug/l
32319 Physical Phycocyanin fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as phycocyanin Not checked Total ug/l
32320 Biological Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total 1406-65-1 RFU
32321 Physical Phycocyanin relative fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total RFU
32322 Physical Dissolved organic matter relative fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) RFU
32323 Physical Phycoerythrin relative fluorescence (fPE), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total 18097-67-1 RFU
32324 Organics, Other Crude oil relative fluorescence (fCO), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total RFU
32325 Information Dark measurement spectral average, water, in situ, ultraviolet nitrate analyzer, raw counts Not checked Total count
32326 Information Light measurement spectral average, water, in situ, ultraviolet nitrate analyzer, raw counts Not checked Total count
32327 Physical Absorbance at 254 nm, water, in situ, absorbance units Not checked Total UV 254 -- SDWA NPDWR AU
32328 Physical Absorbance at 350 nm, water, in situ, absorbance units Not checked Total AU
32329 Biological Phycocyanin (PC), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field sample lab results, micrograms per liter Not checked Total ug/l
32330 Organics, Other Colored dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, milligrams per liter of carbon Not checked Total mg/l
32331 Physical Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 412 to 600 nm, unitless Not checked Dissolved None
32332 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 340 nm, emission at 440 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32333 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 370 nm, emission at 460 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32334 Biological Chlorophyll, water, in situ, uncorrected for degradation products, computed by regression of sensor data with sample lab results, micrograms per liter as chlorophyll Not checked Total 1406-65-1 ug/l
32335 Microbiological Cyanobacterial abundance from a phycocyanin sensor (PC), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field samples, cells per milliliter Not checked Total cells/mL
32336 Microbiological Phycoerythrin fluorescence (fPE), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as phycoerythrin Not checked Total 18097-67-1 ug/l
32337 Microbiological Phycoerythrin (PE), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field sample lab results, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 18097-67-1 ug/l
32338 Microbiological Cyanobacteria fluorescence of phycoerythrin (fPE), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, cells per milliliter Not checked Total 18097-67-1 cells/mL
32339 Microbiological Cyanobacterial abundance from a phycoerythrin sensor (PE), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field samples, cells per milliliter Not checked Total cells/mL
32340 Organics, Other Optical brightener relative fluorescence (fOB), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total RFU
32341 Organics, Other Optical brightener fluorescence (fOB), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as 1,3,6,8-pyrene tetrasulfonic acid (PTSA) Not checked Total ug/L PTSA
32342 Organics, Other Wastewater relative fluorescence (fWW), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total RFU
32343 Organics, Other Rhodamine WT relative fluorescence (fRWT), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total 37299-86-8 RFU
32344 Organics, Other Fluorescein relative fluorescence (fFL), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) Not checked Total 2321-07-5 RFU
32345 Organics, Other Fluorescein fluorescence (fFL), water, in situ, concentration calibrated to reference material, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 2321-07-5 ug/l
32346 Microbiological Picocyanobacteria, PE-rich, water, enumeration, cells per liter Not checked Total cells/L
32347 Physical Ratio of emission intensity at 380 nm divided by the maximum emission intensity between 420 nm and 435 nm at excitation 310 nm, water, filtered, unitless Not checked Dissolved None
32348 Physical Ratio of emission intensity at 380 nm divided by 430 nm at excitation 310 nm, water, filtered, unitless Not checked Dissolved None
32349 Physical Fluorescence at excitation 370 nm and emission at 460 nm divided by absorbance at 370 nm, water, filtered, calculated, Raman units centimeter (RU cm) Not checked Dissolved (RU cm)/AU
32350 Physical Absorbance at 350 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32351 Physical Absorbance at 488 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32352 Physical Absorbance at 510 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32353 Physical Absorbance at 532 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32354 Physical Absorbance at 555 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter Not checked Dissolved AU/cm
32355 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 420 nm, emission at 460 nm, Raman units (RU) Not checked Dissolved RU
32356 Organics, Other Tryptophan, peak T, water, in situ, micrograms per liter Not checked 73-22-3 ug/l
32357 Physical Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from ref. material, micrograms per liter as 1,3,6,8-pyrene tetrasulfonic acid (PTSA) Not checked Dissolved ug/L PTSA
32358 Physical Absorbance at 280 nanometers, water, in situ, absorbance units Not checked Total AU
32359 Physical Absorbance at 370 nanometers, water, in situ, absorbance units Not checked Total AU
32360 Physical Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 360-370, emission 440-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Total ug/l QSE
32361 Physical Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 355-375, emission 440-500, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Total ug/l QSE
32362 Physical Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 365-375, emission 400-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Total ug/l QSE
32363 Physical Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 364-376, emission 420-460, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Total ug/l QSE
32364 Physical Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 240-270, emission 422-478, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Total ug/l QSE
32365 Physical Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 360-390, emission 455-530, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Total ug/l QSE
32366 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 360-370, emission 440-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32367 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 355-375, emission 440-500, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32368 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 365-375, emission 400-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32369 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 364-376, emission 420-460, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32370 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 240-270, emission 422-478, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32371 Physical Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 360-390, emission 455-530, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) Not checked Dissolved ug/l QSE
32730 Organics, Other Phenolic compounds, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable Phenols and phenolic compounds ug/l
32731 Organics, Other Phenolic compounds, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment Phenols and phenolic compounds ug/kg
32732 Organics, Other Phenolic compounds, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved Phenols and phenolic compounds ug/l
32735 Biological Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, water, acetone extraction and spectrophotometry, milligrams per liter Not checked Total 479-61-8 mg/l
32736 Biological Pheophytin a, phytoplankton, water, acetone extraction and spectrophotometry, micrograms per liter Not checked Total 603-17-8 ug/l
32737 Biological Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, water, filtered (5 micron filter), chromatographic-fluorometric method, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved ug/l
32738 Biological Pheophytin a, phytoplankton, water, filtered (5 micron filter), micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved ug/l
34010 Organics, Other Toluene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 108-88-3 Toluene ug/l
34030 Organics, Other Benzene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 71-43-2 Benzene ug/l
34200 Organics, Other Acenaphthylene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ug/l
34201 Organics, Other Acenaphthylene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ug/l
34202 Organics, Other Acenaphthylene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ug/l
34203 Organics, Other Acenaphthylene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ug/kg
34205 Organics, Other Acenaphthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ug/l
34206 Organics, Other Acenaphthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ug/l
34207 Organics, Other Acenaphthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ug/l
34208 Organics, Other Acenaphthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ug/kg
34210 Organics, Other Acrolein, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 107-02-8 Acrolein ug/l
34213 Organics, Other Acrolein, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 107-02-8 Acrolein ug/kg
34215 Organics, Pesticide Acrylonitrile, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile ug/l
34216 Organics, Pesticide Acrylonitrile, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile ug/l
34218 Organics, Pesticide Acrylonitrile, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile ug/kg
34220 Organics, Other Anthracene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 120-12-7 Anthracene ug/l
34221 Organics, Other Anthracene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 120-12-7 Anthracene ug/l
34222 Organics, Other Anthracene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 120-12-7 Anthracene ug/l
34223 Organics, Other Anthracene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 120-12-7 Anthracene ug/kg
34230 Organics, Other Benzo[b]fluoranthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/l
34231 Organics, Other Benzo[b]fluoranthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/l
34232 Organics, Other Benzo[b]fluoranthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/l
34233 Organics, Other Benzo[b]fluoranthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg
34235 Organics, Other Benzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 71-43-2 Benzene ug/l
34236 Organics, Other Benzene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 71-43-2 Benzene ug/l
34237 Organics, Other Benzene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 71-43-2 Benzene ug/kg
34239 Organics, Other Benzidine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 92-87-5 Benzidine ug/l
34240 Organics, Other Benzidine, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 92-87-5 Benzidine ug/l
34242 Organics, Other Benzo[k]fluoranthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene ug/l
34243 Organics, Other Benzo[k]fluoranthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene ug/l
34244 Organics, Other Benzo[k]fluoranthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene ug/l
34245 Organics, Other Benzo[k]fluoranthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene ug/kg
34247 Organics, Other Benzo[a]pyrene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene ug/l
34248 Organics, Other Benzo[a]pyrene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene ug/l
34249 Organics, Other Benzo[a]pyrene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene ug/l
34250 Organics, Other Benzo[a]pyrene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene ug/kg
34253 Organics, Pesticide alpha-HCH, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 319-84-6 .alpha.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/l
34254 Organics, Pesticide alpha-HCH, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 319-84-6 .alpha.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/l
34255 Organics, Pesticide beta-HCH, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 319-85-7 .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/l
34256 Organics, Pesticide beta-HCH, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 319-85-7 .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/l
34257 Organics, Pesticide beta-HCH, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 319-85-7 .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/kg
34259 Organics, Pesticide delta-HCH, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 319-86-8 .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/l
34260 Organics, Pesticide delta-HCH, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 319-86-8 .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/l
34262 Organics, Pesticide delta-HCH, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 319-86-8 .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane ug/kg
34267 Organics, Other Benzo[c]pyrene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable ug/l
34268 Organics, Other Bis(chloromethyl) ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 542-88-1 Bis(chloromethyl) ether ug/l
34273 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether ug/l
34274 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether ug/l
34275 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether ug/l
34276 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether ug/kg
34278 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/l
34279 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/l
34280 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/l
34281 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane ug/kg
34283 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 39638-32-9 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether ug/l
34284 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 39638-32-9 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether ug/l
34285 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 39638-32-9 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether ug/l
34286 Organics, Other Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 39638-32-9 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether ug/kg
34288 Organics, Other Tribromomethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 75-25-2 Tribromomethane ug/l
34290 Organics, Other Tribromomethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 75-25-2 Tribromomethane ug/kg
34292 Organics, Other Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/l
34293 Organics, Other Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/l
34294 Organics, Other Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/l
34295 Organics, Other Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ug/kg
34297 Organics, Other Tetrachloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride ug/l
34299 Organics, Other Tetrachloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride ug/kg
34301 Organics, Other Chlorobenzene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ug/l
34302 Organics, Other Chlorobenzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ug/l
34304 Organics, Other Chlorobenzene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ug/kg
34307 Organics, Other Dibromochloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 124-48-1 Chlorodibromomethane ug/l
34309 Organics, Other Dibromochloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 124-48-1 Chlorodibromomethane ug/kg
34311 Organics, Other Chloroethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 75-00-3 Chloroethane ug/l
34312 Organics, Other Chloroethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 75-00-3 Chloroethane ug/l
34313 Organics, Other Chloroethane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 75-00-3 Chloroethane ug/l
34314 Organics, Other Chloroethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 75-00-3 Chloroethane ug/kg
34316 Organics, Other Trichloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 67-66-3 Chloroform ug/l
34318 Organics, Other Trichloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 67-66-3 Chloroform ug/kg
34320 Organics, Other Chrysene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 218-01-9 Chrysene ug/l
34321 Organics, Other Chrysene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 218-01-9 Chrysene ug/l
34322 Organics, Other Chrysene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 218-01-9 Chrysene ug/l
34323 Organics, Other Chrysene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 218-01-9 Chrysene ug/kg
34327 Organics, Other Di-n-butyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate ug/l
34328 Organics, Other Bromodichloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 75-27-4 Dichlorobromomethane ug/l
34329 Organics, Other Bromodichloromethane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 75-27-4 Dichlorobromomethane ug/l
34330 Organics, Other Bromodichloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 75-27-4 Dichlorobromomethane ug/kg
34332 Organics, Other Dichlorodifluoromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 75-71-8 CFC-12 ug/l
34334 Organics, Other Dichlorodifluoromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 75-71-8 CFC-12 ug/kg
34336 Organics, Other Diethyl phthalate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate ug/l
34337 Organics, Other Diethyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate ug/l
34338 Organics, Other Diethyl phthalate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate ug/l
34339 Organics, Other Diethyl phthalate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate ug/kg
34341 Organics, Other Dimethyl phthalate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate ug/l
34342 Organics, Other Dimethyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate ug/l
34343 Organics, Other Dimethyl phthalate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate ug/l
34344 Organics, Other Dimethyl phthalate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 131-11-3 Dimethyl phthalate ug/kg
34346 Organics, Other 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l
34347 Organics, Other 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l
34348 Organics, Other 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/l
34349 Organics, Other 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ug/kg
34351 Organics, Pesticide Endosulfan sulfate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 1031-07-8 Endosulfan sulfate ug/l
34352 Organics, Pesticide Endosulfan sulfate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 1031-07-8 Endosulfan sulfate ug/l
34353 Organics, Pesticide Endosulfan sulfate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 1031-07-8 Endosulfan sulfate ug/l
34354 Organics, Pesticide Endosulfan sulfate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 1031-07-8 Endosulfan sulfate ug/kg
34356 Organics, Pesticide beta-Endosulfan, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 33213-65-9 .beta.-Endosulfan ug/l
34357 Organics, Pesticide beta-Endosulfan, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 33213-65-9 .beta.-Endosulfan ug/l
34359 Organics, Pesticide beta-Endosulfan, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 33213-65-9 .beta.-Endosulfan ug/kg
34361 Organics, Pesticide alpha-Endosulfan, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 959-98-8 .alpha.-Endosulfan ug/l
34362 Organics, Pesticide alpha-Endosulfan, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 959-98-8 .alpha.-Endosulfan ug/l
34363 Organics, Pesticide alpha-Endosulfan, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 959-98-8 .alpha.-Endosulfan ug/l
34364 Organics, Pesticide alpha-Endosulfan, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 959-98-8 .alpha.-Endosulfan ug/kg
34366 Organics, Pesticide Endrin aldehyde, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 7421-93-4 Endrin aldehyde ug/l
34367 Organics, Pesticide Endrin aldehyde, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 7421-93-4 Endrin aldehyde ug/l
34369 Organics, Pesticide Endrin aldehyde, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 7421-93-4 Endrin aldehyde ug/kg
34371 Organics, Other Ethylbenzene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ug/l
34372 Organics, Other Ethylbenzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ug/l
34374 Organics, Other Ethylbenzene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ug/kg
34376 Organics, Other Fluoranthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ug/l
34377 Organics, Other Fluoranthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ug/l
34378 Organics, Other Fluoranthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ug/l
34379 Organics, Other Fluoranthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ug/kg
34381 Organics, Other 9H-Fluorene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Recoverable 86-73-7 Fluorene ug/l
34382 Organics, Other 9H-Fluorene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Dissolved 86-73-7 Fluorene ug/l
34383 Organics, Other 9H-Fluorene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Not checked Suspended 86-73-7 Fluorene ug/l
34384 Organics, Other 9H-Fluorene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Not checked Dry Bed Sediment 86-73-7 Fluorene ug/kg
34386 Organics, Other Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l
34387 Organics, Other Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l
34388 Organics, Other Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/l
34389 Organics, Other Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/kg
34391 Organics, Other Hexachlorobutadiene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/l
34392 Organics, Other Hexachlorobutadiene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/l
34393 Organics, Other Hexachlorobutadiene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ug/l
34396 Organics, Other Hexachloroethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ug/l
34397 Organics, Other Hexachloroethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ug/l
34398 Organics, Other Hexachloroethane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ug/l
34399 Organics, Other Hexachloroethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ug/kg
34401 Organics, Pesticide Hexachlorobenzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ug/l
34402 Organics, Pesticide Hexachlorobenzene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ug/l
34403 Organics, Other Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene ug/l
34404 Organics, Other Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene ug/l
34405 Organics, Other Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene ug/l
34406 Organics, Other Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene ug/kg
34408 Organics, Other Isophorone, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 78-59-1 Isophorone ug/l
34409 Organics, Other Isophorone, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 78-59-1 Isophorone ug/l
34410 Organics, Other Isophorone, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Suspended 78-59-1 Isophorone ug/l
34411 Organics, Other Isophorone, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram Agree Dry Bed Sediment 78-59-1 Isophorone ug/kg
34413 Organics, Pesticide Bromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Recoverable 74-83-9 Methyl bromide ug/l
34414 Organics, Pesticide Bromomethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter Agree Dissolved 74-83-9 Methyl bromide ug/l