Parameter Code Definition
CAS Registry NumberĀ® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society. CAS recommends the verification of the CASRNs through CAS Client ServicesSM.
Parameter Code | Group Name | Parameter Name/Description | Epa equivalence | Result Statistical Basis | Result Time Basis | Result Weight Basis | Result Particle Size Basis | Result Sample Fraction | Result Temperature Basis | CASRN | SRSName | Parameter Unit |
00001 | Information | Location in cross section, distance from right bank looking upstream, feet | Agree | ft | ||||||||
00002 | Information | Location in cross section, distance from right bank looking upstream, percent | Agree | % | ||||||||
00003 | Information | Sampling depth, feet | Agree | ft | ||||||||
00004 | Physical | Stream width, feet | Agree | Instream features, est. stream width | ft | |||||||
00005 | Information | Location in cross section, fraction of total depth, percent | Agree | Total | % | |||||||
00008 | Information | Sample accounting number | Agree | nu | ||||||||
00009 | Information | Location in cross section, distance from left bank looking downstream, feet | Agree | ft | ||||||||
00010 | Physical | Temperature, water, degrees Celsius | Agree | Temperature, water | deg C | |||||||
00011 | Physical | Temperature, water, degrees Fahrenheit | Agree | Temperature, water, deg F | deg F | |||||||
00012 | Physical | Evaporation temperature, 48-inch pan, degrees Celsius | Agree | deg C | ||||||||
00013 | Physical | Evaporation temperature, 24-inch pan, degrees Celsius | Agree | deg C | ||||||||
00014 | Physical | Wet bulb temperature, degrees Celsius | Agree | Temperature, wet bulb | deg C | |||||||
00020 | Physical | Temperature, air, degrees Celsius | Agree | Temperature, air, deg C | deg C | |||||||
00021 | Physical | Temperature, air, degrees Fahrenheit | Agree | Temperature, air, deg F | deg F | |||||||
00022 | Information | Duration of exposure, sample or test, days | Agree | days | ||||||||
00023 | Information | Sample weight, pounds | Agree | lb | ||||||||
00024 | Information | Sample length, inches | Agree | in | ||||||||
00025 | Physical | Barometric pressure, millimeters of mercury | Agree | Barometric pressure | mm/Hg | |||||||
00028 | Information | Agency analyzing sample, code | Agree | code | ||||||||
00029 | Information | Project number | Not agree | nu | ||||||||
00030 | Physical | Incident solar radiation intensity, calories per square centimeter per day | Agree | Solar irradiation, local | cal/cm2/d | |||||||
00031 | Physical | Incident light remaining at depth, percent | Agree | Light attenuation at measurement depth | % | |||||||
00032 | Physical | Cloud cover, percent | Agree | Cloud cover (percent) | % | |||||||
00034 | Physical | Depth to 1 percent of surface light, feet | Agree | Light attenuation, depth at 99% | ft | |||||||
00035 | Physical | Wind speed, miles per hour | Agree | Wind velocity | mph | |||||||
00036 | Physical | Wind direction, degrees clockwise from true north | Agree | Wind direction | Deg | |||||||
00041 | Information | Weather, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) code | Not agree | WMO code | ||||||||
00042 | Information | Altitude, feet above mean sea level | Agree | Altitude | ft abv MSL | |||||||
00045 | Physical | Precipitation, total, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00046 | Physical | Precipitation, total, inches per week | Agree | Precipitation | in/week | |||||||
00047 | Physical | Total partial pressure of dissolved gases, water, unfiltered, millimeters of mercury | Agree | Dissolved | Partial pressure of dissolved gases | mm/Hg | ||||||
00048 | Physical | Total partial pressure of dissolved gases, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation | Agree | Dissolved | Partial pressure of dissolved gases | % | ||||||
00049 | Physical | Surface area, square miles | Agree | mi2 | ||||||||
00050 | Physical | Evaporation rate, inches per day | Agree | Evaporation | inches/day | |||||||
00051 | Physical | Surface area, square feet | Agree | ft2 | ||||||||
00052 | Physical | Relative humidity, percent | Agree | Relative humidity | % | |||||||
00053 | Physical | Surface area, acres | Agree | ac | ||||||||
00054 | Information | Reservoir storage, acre-feet | Agree | Reservoir storage | ac-ft | |||||||
00055 | Physical | Stream velocity, feet per second | Agree | Stream velocity | ft/sec | |||||||
00056 | Physical | Flow rate of well, gallons per day | Not checked | gal/day | ||||||||
00058 | Physical | Flow rate of well, gallons per minute | Not agree | gal/min | ||||||||
00059 | Physical | Flow rate, instantaneous, gallons per minute | Agree | Flow rate, instantaneous | gal/min | |||||||
00060 | Physical | Discharge, cubic feet per second | Not checked | Mean | 1 Day | Stream flow, mean. daily | ft3/s | |||||
00061 | Physical | Discharge, instantaneous, cubic feet per second | Agree | Stream flow, instantaneous | ft3/s | |||||||
00062 | Physical | Elevation of reservoir water surface above datum, feet | Agree | ft | ||||||||
00063 | Information | Number of sampling points, count | Agree | count | ||||||||
00064 | Physical | Mean depth of stream, feet | Agree | Mean | Depth | ft | ||||||
00065 | Physical | Gage height, feet | Agree | Height, gage | ft | |||||||
00067 | Physical | Tide stage, code | Agree | Tide stage | code | |||||||
00070 | Physical | Turbidity, water, unfiltered, Jackson Turbidity Units | Agree | Total | Turbidity | JTU | ||||||
00072 | Physical | Stream stage, meters | Agree | Stream stage | m | |||||||
00074 | Physical | Light transmission, 1 meter path length, water, unfiltered, percent | Agree | Total | % | |||||||
00075 | Physical | Turbidity, water, unfiltered, Hellige turbidimeter, milligrams per liter as silicon dioxide | Agree | Total | Turbidity, hellige | mg/l SiO2 | ||||||
00076 | Physical | Turbidity, water, unfiltered, nephelometric turbidity units | Not agree | Total | Turbidity | NTU | ||||||
00077 | Physical | Transparency, water, in situ, Secchi disc, inches | Agree | Water transparency, Secchi disc | in | |||||||
00078 | Physical | Transparency, water, in situ, Secchi disc, meters | Agree | Water transparency, Secchi disc | m | |||||||
00080 | Physical | Color, water, filtered, platinum cobalt units | Agree | Dissolved | Color | PCU | ||||||
00081 | Physical | Apparent color, water, unfiltered, platinum-cobalt units | Agree | Total | Apparent color | PCU | ||||||
00085 | Physical | Odor at room temperature, threshold odor number | Agree | Odor threshold number | TON | |||||||
00086 | Physical | Odor at 60 degrees Celsius, threshold odor number | Agree | 60 deg C | Odor threshold number | TON | ||||||
00090 | Physical | Oxidation reduction potential, reference electrode not specified, millivolts | Agree | Oxidation reduction potential (ORP) | mV | |||||||
00094 | Physical | Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, field, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius | Agree | Total | 25 deg C | Specific conductance | uS/cm @25C | |||||
00095 | Physical | Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius | Agree | Total | 25 deg C | Specific conductance | uS/cm @25C | |||||
00096 | Physical | Salinity, water, unfiltered, milligrams per milliliter at 25 degrees Celsius | Agree | Total | 25 deg C | Salinity | mg/mL @25C | |||||
00098 | Information | Sampling depth, meters | Agree | m | ||||||||
00100 | Information | Time of travel, hours | Agree | hours | ||||||||
00115 | Information | Sample treatment, code | Agree | code | ||||||||
00117 | Information | Precipitation, duration of storm event, minutes | Agree | Precipitation event duration | minutes | |||||||
00118 | Physical | Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 6, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00119 | Physical | Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 5, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00120 | Physical | Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 4, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00121 | Physical | Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 3, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00122 | Physical | Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 2, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00123 | Physical | Precipitation, cumulative at given time, location 1, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00124 | Physical | Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 6, inches per hour | Agree | Precipitation | in/hr | |||||||
00125 | Physical | Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 5, inches per hour | Agree | Precipitation | in/hr | |||||||
00126 | Physical | Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 4, inches per hour | Agree | Precipitation | in/hr | |||||||
00127 | Physical | Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 3, inches per hour | Agree | Precipitation | in/hr | |||||||
00128 | Physical | Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 2, inches per hour | Agree | Precipitation | in/hr | |||||||
00129 | Physical | Precipitation, intensity at given time, location 1, inches per hour | Agree | Precipitation | in/hr | |||||||
00132 | Information | Dry days before precipitation event, days | Agree | Dry period preceding precipitation | days | |||||||
00134 | Information | Storm event serial number | Agree | nu | ||||||||
00135 | Information | Elapsed time of storm, hours | Not checked | hours | ||||||||
00149 | Radiochemical | Alpha-emitting isotopes of radium, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | Alpha emitting radium isotopes | pCi/L | ||||||
00164 | Physical | Flow, gallons per batch | Agree | Flow, gallons per batch | gal/batch | |||||||
00191 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Hydrogen ion, water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | 12408-02-5 | Hydrogen ion | mg/l | |||||
00193 | Physical | Precipitation total for defined period, inches | Agree | Precipitation | in | |||||||
00196 | Physical | Wind run, miles | Agree | mi | ||||||||
00197 | Physical | Evaporation, accumulated, inches | Agree | Evaporation | in | |||||||
00198 | Physical | Depth to 10 percent of surface light, feet | Agree | ft | ||||||||
00199 | Physical | Depth to 50 percent of surface light, feet | Agree | Light attenuation, depth at 50% | ft | |||||||
00200 | Physical | Incident light intensity, 400-700 nanometers, microeinsteins per square meter per second | Agree | uE/m2/sec | ||||||||
00201 | Physical | Incident light, daily total, 400-700 nanometers, microeinsteins per square meter | Agree | Daily | Total | uEinst/m2 | ||||||
00206 | Information | Collector area, wet atmospheric deposition, square meters | Agree | m2 | ||||||||
00207 | Information | Collector area, dry atmospheric deposition, square meters | Agree | m2 | ||||||||
00294 | Physical | Chemical oxygen demand, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Chemical oxygen demand | mg/kg | |||||||
00297 | Physical | Chemical oxygen demand, total, dry atmospheric deposition, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Total | Chemical oxygen demand | mg/kg | ||||||
00300 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7782-44-7 | Dissolved oxygen (DO) | mg/l | |||||
00301 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation | Agree | Dissolved | 7782-44-7 | Dissolved oxygen saturation | % saturatn | |||||
00302 | Physical | Immediate oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 20 deg C | mg/l | ||||||
00310 | Physical | Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 5 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Not checked | 5 Day | Total | 20 deg C | Biochemical oxygen demand, standard conditions | mg/l | ||||
00315 | Physical | Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 7 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Not checked | 7 Day | Total | 20 deg C | Biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions | mg/l | ||||
00319 | Physical | Ultimate biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Ultimate | Total | 20 deg C | BOD, ultimate | mg/l | ||||
00320 | Physical | Ultimate carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Ultimate | Total | 20 deg C | Carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions | mg/l | ||||
00321 | Physical | Ultimate nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Ultimate | Total | Nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand | mg/l | |||||
00324 | Physical | Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Not checked | 20 Day | Total | 20 deg C | Biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions | mg/l | ||||
00325 | Physical | Deoxygenation constant (k1 to base e), biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, per day | Not checked | Total | 20 deg C | per day | ||||||
00330 | Physical | Reoxygenation constant (k2 to base e), biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 20 degrees Celsius, per day | Not checked | Total | 20 deg C | per day | ||||||
00335 | Physical | Chemical oxygen demand, low level, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | Chemical oxygen demand, (low level) | mg/l | ||||||
00339 | Physical | Chemical oxygen demand, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | Chemical oxygen demand | mg/kg | |||||
00340 | Physical | Chemical oxygen demand, high level, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | Chemical oxygen demand, (high level) | mg/l | ||||||
00349 | Physical | Biochemical oxygen demand, water, unfiltered, 30 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Not checked | 30 Day | Total | 20 deg C | Biochemical oxygen demand, non-standard conditions | mg/l | ||||
00359 | Physical | Biochemical oxygen demand, water, filtered, 5 days at 20 degrees Celsius, milligrams per liter | Agree | 5 Day | Dissolved | 20 deg C | BOD, filtered, 5 day, 20 deg C | mg/l | ||||
00367 | Physical | Chemical oxygen demand, low level, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | Chemical oxygen demand, (low level) | mg/l | ||||||
00400 | Physical | pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units | Agree | Total | pH | std units | ||||||
00401 | Physical | Cations minus anions, water, milliequivalents | Agree | Cations-Anions | meq | |||||||
00402 | Physical | Specific conductance, non-temperature corrected, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter | Agree | Total | Specific conductance | uS/cm | ||||||
00403 | Physical | pH, water, unfiltered, laboratory, standard units | Agree | Total | pH, lab | std units | ||||||
00405 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon dioxide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | 124-38-9 | Carbon dioxide | mg/l | |||||
00408 | Physical | pH, water, filtered, laboratory, standard units | Not checked | Dissolved | std units | |||||||
00409 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, microequivalents per liter | Agree | Total | Alkalinity | ueq/L | ||||||
00410 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00411 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, methyl orange endpoint (pH 3.1-4.4) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00413 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Agree | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00415 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, phenolphthalein endpoint (pH 8.5-9.0) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00416 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00417 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00418 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Dissolved | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00419 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00420 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Hydroxide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 14280-30-9 | Hydroxide | mg/l | |||||
00421 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Dissolved | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00425 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l CaCO3 | |||||
00430 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l CaCO3 | |||||
00431 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00434 | Physical | pH adjusted to 25 degrees Celsius, water, laboratory, standard units | Not checked | 25 deg C | std units | |||||||
00435 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acidity, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Acidity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00436 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Mineral acidity, water, unfiltered, methyl orange endpoint (pH 3.1-4.4) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Acidity, mineral methyl orange (as CaCO3) | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00437 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon dioxide acidity, water, unfiltered, phenolphthalein endpoint (pH 8.5-9.0) titration, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Acidity, total, phenolphthalein (as CaCO3) | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00440 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
00445 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, field, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
00446 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
00447 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
00448 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
00449 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
00450 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
00451 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
00452 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
00453 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), field, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
00480 | Physical | Salinity, water, unfiltered, parts per thousand | Not checked | Total | Salinity | ppth | ||||||
00495 | Physical | Moisture content, solids, fraction of dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Moisture content | % | ||||||
00496 | Sediment | Loss on ignition, bed sediment, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Bed Sediment | mg/kg | |||||||
00500 | Physical | Total solids dried at 105 degrees Celsius, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 105 deg C | Total solids | mg/l | |||||
00505 | Physical | Loss on ignition of total solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | Total volatile solids | mg/l | ||||||
00510 | Physical | Total solids remaining after ignition, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | Total fixed solids | mg/l | ||||||
00515 | Physical | Dissolved solids dried at 105 degrees Celsius, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 105 deg C | Total dissolved solids | mg/l | |||||
00520 | Physical | Loss on ignition of dissolved solids, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | Volatile dissolved solids | mg/l | ||||||
00525 | Physical | Dissolved solids remaining after ignition, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | Fixed dissolved solids | mg/l | ||||||
00530 | Physical | Suspended solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Non-filterable | Total suspended solids | mg/l | ||||||
00535 | Physical | Loss on ignition of suspended solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Non-filterable | Volatile Suspended Solids | mg/l | ||||||
00540 | Physical | Suspended solids remaining after ignition, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Fixed suspended solids | mg/l | |||||||
00545 | Physical | Settleable solids, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Settleable | Settleable solids | mg/l | ||||||
00548 | Physical | Non-settleable solids remaining after ignition, milligrams per liter | Not checked | mg/l | ||||||||
00549 | Physical | Loss on ignition of non-settleable solids, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Non-settleable | mg/l | |||||||
00550 | Organics, Other | Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Oil and grease -- CWA 304B | mg/l | ||||||
00551 | Organics, Other | Petroleum hydrocarbons, water, unfiltered, CCl4 extraction, infrared chromatography, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Hydrocarbons, petroleum | mg/l | ||||||
00552 | Organics, Other | Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, hexane extraction, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Oil and grease -- CWA 304B | mg/l | ||||||
00553 | Organics, Other | Oil and grease, bed sediment, hexane extraction, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | Oil and grease -- CWA 304B | mg/kg | |||||
00556 | Organics, Other | Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, freon extraction, gravimetric, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Oil and grease -- CWA 304B | mg/l | ||||||
00557 | Organics, Other | Oil and grease, bed sediment, freon extraction, gravimetric, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | Oil and grease -- CWA 304B | mg/kg | |||||
00560 | Organics, Other | Oil and grease, water, unfiltered, freon extraction, electrometric infrared, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Oil and grease -- CWA 304B | mg/l | ||||||
00572 | Biological | Biomass, periphyton, ash weight, grams per square meter | Not checked | Ash Weight | Biomass, periphyton | g/m2 | ||||||
00573 | Biological | Biomass, periphyton, dry weight, grams per square meter | Not checked | Dry | Biomass, periphyton | g/m2 | ||||||
00597 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Dinitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 7727-37-9 | Nitrogen | mg/l | |||||
00598 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Dinitrogen, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation | Not checked | Dissolved | 7727-37-9 | Nitrogen | % | |||||
00600 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | mg/l | ||||||
00601 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Suspended | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | mg/l | ||||||
00602 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | mg/l | ||||||
00603 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | mg/kg | |||||
00604 | Nutrient | Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Suspended | Ammonia and ammonium | mg/l as N | ||||||
00605 | Nutrient | Organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | Organic nitrogen | mg/l | ||||||
00606 | Nutrient | Organic nitrogen, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Suspended | Organic nitrogen | mg/l | ||||||
00607 | Nutrient | Organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Dissolved | Organic nitrogen | mg/l | ||||||
00608 | Nutrient | Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Dissolved | Ammonia and ammonium | mg/l as N | ||||||
00610 | Nutrient | Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | Ammonia and ammonium | mg/l as N | ||||||
00611 | Nutrient | Ammonia (NH3 + NH4+), bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Ammonia and ammonium | mg/kg as N | |||||
00613 | Nutrient | Nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Dissolved | 14797-65-0 | Nitrite | mg/l as N | |||||
00615 | Nutrient | Nitrite, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | 14797-65-0 | Nitrite | mg/l as N | |||||
00616 | Nutrient | Nitrite, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14797-65-0 | Nitrite | mg/kg as N | ||||
00618 | Nutrient | Nitrate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Dissolved | 14797-55-8 | Nitrate | mg/l as N | |||||
00619 | Nutrient | Ammonia (un-ionized), water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Not checked | Total | 7664-41-7 | Ammonia | mg/l as N | |||||
00620 | Nutrient | Nitrate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | 14797-55-8 | Nitrate | mg/l as N | |||||
00621 | Nutrient | Nitrate, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14797-55-8 | Nitrate | mg/kg as N | ||||
00623 | Nutrient | Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Dissolved | Kjeldahl nitrogen | mg/l as N | ||||||
00624 | Nutrient | Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Suspended | Kjeldahl nitrogen | mg/l as N | ||||||
00625 | Nutrient | Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | Kjeldahl nitrogen | mg/l as N | ||||||
00626 | Nutrient | Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Kjeldahl nitrogen | mg/kg as N | |||||
00630 | Nutrient | Nitrate plus nitrite, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) | mg/l as N | ||||||
00631 | Nutrient | Nitrate plus nitrite, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Dissolved | Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) | mg/l as N | ||||||
00633 | Nutrient | Nitrate plus nitrite, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) | mg/kg as N | |||||
00635 | Nutrient | Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | Kjeldahl nitrogen | mg/l as N | ||||||
00636 | Nutrient | Ammonia plus organic nitrogen, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Dissolved | Kjeldahl nitrogen | mg/l as N | ||||||
00639 | Nutrient | Albuminoid nitrogen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Agree | Total | mg/l as N | |||||||
00650 | Nutrient | Phosphate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as PO4 | Agree | Total | Phosphate-phosphorus | mg/l | ||||||
00653 | Nutrient | Phosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4 | Agree | Dissolved | Phosphate-phosphorus | mg/l | ||||||
00660 | Nutrient | Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as PO4 | Not checked | Dissolved | 14265-44-2 | Phosphate | mg/l asPO4 | |||||
00662 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Recoverable | 7723-14-0 | ug/l as P | ||||||
00665 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Total | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/l as P | |||||
00666 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Dissolved | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/l as P | |||||
00667 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Suspended | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/l as P | |||||
00668 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/kg as P | ||||
00669 | Nutrient | Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Total | mg/l as P | |||||||
00670 | Nutrient | Organic phosphorus, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Total | Organic phosphorus | mg/l as P | ||||||
00671 | Nutrient | Orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Dissolved | 14265-44-2 | Phosphate | mg/l as P | |||||
00672 | Nutrient | Hydrolyzable phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Dissolved | mg/l as P | |||||||
00673 | Nutrient | Organic phosphorus, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Dissolved | Organic phosphorus | mg/l as P | ||||||
00674 | Nutrient | Orthophosphate, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Suspended | 14265-44-2 | Phosphate | mg/l as P | |||||
00675 | Nutrient | Hydrolyzable phosphorus, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Suspended | mg/l as P | |||||||
00676 | Nutrient | Organic phosphorus, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Suspended | Organic phosphorus | mg/l as P | ||||||
00677 | Nutrient | Hydrolyzable phosphorus plus orthophosphate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Dissolved | mg/l as P | |||||||
00678 | Nutrient | Hydrolyzable phosphorus plus orthophosphate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Total | mg/l as P | |||||||
00680 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | Organic carbon | mg/l | ||||||
00681 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | Organic carbon | mg/l | ||||||
00682 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/l | |||||
00683 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, suspended sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | Organic carbon | mg/kg | |||||
00685 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | Inorganic carbon | mg/l | ||||||
00686 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, bed sediment, total, dry weight, grams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Inorganic carbon | g/kg | |||||
00687 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment, total, dry weight, grams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | g/kg | |||||
00688 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter | Agree | Suspended | Inorganic carbon | mg/l | ||||||
00689 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter | Agree | Suspended | Organic carbon | mg/l | ||||||
00690 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/l | |||||
00691 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | Inorganic carbon | mg/l | ||||||
00692 | Organics, Other | Immiscible organic carbon, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | Organic carbon | mg/l | ||||||
00693 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment, total, dry weight, grams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | g/kg | ||||
00694 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter | Agree | Suspended | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/l | |||||
00697 | Organics, Other | Acetic acid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 64-19-7 | Acetic acid | mg/l | |||||
00709 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluorine, adsorbable organic, water, unfiltered, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Total | ng/l | |||||||
00710 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluorine, solids, dry weight, nanograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Total | ng/kg | ||||||
00711 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluorine, biota, tissue, wet weight, nanograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Total | ng/kg | ||||||
00712 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluorine, extractable organic, solids, dry weight, nanograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | ng/kg | |||||||
00713 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluorine, extractable organic, biota, tissue, wet weight, nanograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | ng/kg | |||||||
00714 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluorine, extractable organic, water, unfiltered, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Total | ng/l | |||||||
00715 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, free, soil, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Total | mg/kg | |||||||
00716 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, free, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Bed Sediment | mg/kg | |||||||
00717 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, weak acid, dissociable, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 57-12-5 | Cyanide | ug/l | |||||
00718 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, weak acid, dissociable, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 57-12-5 | ug/l | ||||||
00720 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | 57-12-5 | Cyanide | mg/l | |||||
00721 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, bed sediment, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 57-12-5 | Cyanide | mg/kg | ||||
00722 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, free, amenable to chlorination, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | Cyanides amenable to chlorination (HCN & CN) | mg/l | ||||||
00723 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Cyanide, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not agree | Dissolved | 57-12-5 | Cyanide | mg/l | |||||
00730 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Thiocyanate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | 302-04-5 | Thiocyanate | mg/l | |||||
00740 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Sulfite, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 14265-45-3 | Sulfite (SO3) | mg/l | |||||
00745 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfide, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | 18496-25-8 | Sulfide | mg/l | |||||
00746 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfide, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 18496-25-8 | Sulfide | mg/l | |||||
00900 | Physical | Hardness, water, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Agree | Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR | mg/l CaCO3 | |||||||
00901 | Physical | Carbonate hardness, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Hardness, carbonate | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00902 | Physical | Noncarbonate hardness, water, unfiltered, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Hardness, non-carbonate | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00903 | Physical | Noncarbonate hardness, water, unfiltered, lab, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | Hardness, non-carbonate | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00904 | Physical | Noncarbonate hardness, water, filtered, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Dissolved | Hardness, non-carbonate | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00905 | Physical | Noncarbonate hardness, water, filtered, lab, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Dissolved | Hardness, non-carbonate | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00906 | Physical | Hardness, water, filtered, calculated, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dissolved | Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00907 | Physical | Hardness, water, unfiltered, calculated, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | USGS use and no use by EPA | Total | Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00908 | Physical | Hardness, water, filtered, measured, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dissolved | Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00909 | Physical | Hardness, water, unfiltered, measured, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | USGS use and no use by EPA | Total | Total hardness -- SDWA NPDWR | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
00910 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | mg/l CaCO3 | |||||
00915 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | mg/l | |||||
00916 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | mg/l | |||||
00917 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | mg/kg | ||||
00918 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | mg/l | |||||
00920 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Not checked | Total | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/l CaCO3 | |||||
00921 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/l | |||||
00923 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | mg/l | |||||
00924 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/kg | ||||
00925 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/l | |||||
00926 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, suspended sediment, total, milligrams per liter | Agree | Suspended | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/l | |||||
00927 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/l | |||||
00929 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | mg/l | |||||
00930 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | mg/l | |||||
00931 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), water, number | Agree | Sodium adsorption ratio | None | |||||||
00932 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium fraction of cations, water, percent in equivalents of major cations | Agree | Sodium, percent total cations | % | |||||||
00933 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium plus potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as sodium | Not checked | Dissolved | Sodium plus potassium | mg/l as Na | ||||||
00934 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | mg/kg | ||||
00935 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | mg/l | |||||
00937 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | mg/l | |||||
00938 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | mg/kg | ||||
00939 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | mg/l | |||||
00940 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Chloride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 16887-00-6 | Chloride | mg/l | |||||
00945 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfate, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not agree | Dissolved | 14808-79-8 | Sulfate | mg/l | |||||
00946 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfate, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not agree | Total | 14808-79-8 | Sulfate | mg/l | |||||
00950 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluoride, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 16984-48-8 | Fluoride | mg/l | |||||
00951 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluoride, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Agree | Total | 16984-48-8 | Fluoride | mg/l | |||||
00953 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluorine, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7782-41-4 | Fluorine | ug/l | |||||
00954 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Silica, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as SiO2 | Not checked | Recoverable | 7631-86-9 | Silica | ug/l | |||||
00955 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Silica, water, filtered, milligrams per liter as SiO2 | Agree | Dissolved | 7631-86-9 | Silica | mg/l | |||||
00956 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Silica, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter as SiO2 | Agree | Total | 7631-86-9 | Silica | mg/l | |||||
00978 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | ug/l | |||||
00985 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | ug/l | |||||
00997 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Inorganic arsenic, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter as arsenic | Agree | Total | ug/l | |||||||
00998 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | ug/l | |||||
00999 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-42-8 | Boron | ug/l | |||||
01000 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | ug/l | |||||
01001 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Suspended | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | ug/l | |||||
01002 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | ug/l | |||||
01003 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | mg/kg | ||||
01005 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-39-3 | Barium | ug/l | |||||
01006 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Suspended | 7440-39-3 | Barium | ug/l | |||||
01007 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Recoverable | 7440-39-3 | Barium | ug/l | |||||
01008 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | ||||
01009 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-39-3 | Barium | ug/l | |||||
01010 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | ug/l | |||||
01011 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Suspended | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | ug/l | |||||
01012 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Recoverable | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | ug/l | |||||
01013 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | ||||
01015 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-69-9 | Bismuth | ug/l | |||||
01016 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, suspended sediment, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 7440-69-9 | Bismuth | ug/l | |||||
01017 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-69-9 | Bismuth | ug/l | |||||
01020 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-42-8 | Boron | ug/l | |||||
01021 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Suspended | 7440-42-8 | Boron | ug/l | |||||
01022 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Recoverable | 7440-42-8 | Boron | ug/l | |||||
01023 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-42-8 | Boron | mg/kg | ||||
01025 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | ug/l | |||||
01026 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Suspended | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | ug/l | |||||
01027 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | ug/l | |||||
01028 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | ||||
01029 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | ||||
01030 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | ug/l | |||||
01031 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not agree | Suspended | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | ug/l | |||||
01032 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium(VI), water, filtered, micrograms per liter as Cr | Not checked | Dissolved | 18540-29-9 | Chromium(VI) | ug/l as Cr | |||||
01033 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium(III), water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 16065-83-1 | Chromium(III) | ug/l | |||||
01034 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | ug/l | |||||
01035 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | ug/l | |||||
01036 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | ug/l | |||||
01037 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | ug/l | |||||
01038 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | mg/kg | ||||
01040 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-50-8 | Copper | ug/l | |||||
01041 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-50-8 | Copper | ug/l | |||||
01042 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-50-8 | Copper | ug/l | |||||
01043 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | ||||
01044 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7439-89-6 | Iron | ug/l | |||||
01045 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7439-89-6 | Iron | ug/l | |||||
01046 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7439-89-6 | Iron | ug/l | |||||
01047 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron(II), water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 15438-31-0 | Iron, ion (Fe2+) | ug/l | |||||
01048 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron(II) plus iron(III), water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | ug/l | |||||||
01049 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7439-92-1 | Lead | ug/l | |||||
01050 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7439-92-1 | Lead | ug/l | |||||
01051 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7439-92-1 | Lead | ug/l | |||||
01052 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | ||||
01053 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | ||||
01054 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | ug/l | |||||
01055 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | ug/l | |||||
01056 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | ug/l | |||||
01057 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | ug/l | |||||
01058 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | ug/l | |||||
01059 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | ug/l | |||||
01060 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | ug/l | |||||
01061 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | ug/l | |||||
01062 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | ug/l | |||||
01063 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | ||||
01064 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Tellurium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 13494-80-9 | Tellurium | ug/l | |||||
01065 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | ug/l | |||||
01066 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | ug/l | |||||
01067 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | ug/l | |||||
01068 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | ||||
01072 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, water, filtered, micrograms per liter as phosphorus | Agree | Dissolved | 7723-14-0 | ug/l | ||||||
01074 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | ug/l | |||||
01075 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-22-4 | Silver | ug/l | |||||
01076 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-22-4 | Silver | ug/l | |||||
01077 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-22-4 | Silver | ug/l | |||||
01078 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | ||||
01079 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-22-4 | Silver | ug/l | |||||
01080 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | ug/l | |||||
01081 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | ug/l | |||||
01082 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | ug/l | |||||
01083 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | mg/kg | ||||
01084 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | ug/l | |||||
01085 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | ug/l | |||||
01086 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | ug/l | |||||
01087 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | ug/l | |||||
01088 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | mg/kg | ||||
01090 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | ug/l | |||||
01091 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | ug/l | |||||
01092 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | ug/l | |||||
01093 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | ||||
01094 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | ug/l | |||||
01095 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | ug/l | |||||
01096 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | ug/l | |||||
01097 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | ug/l | |||||
01098 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | mg/kg | ||||
01100 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-31-5 | Tin | ug/l | |||||
01101 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-31-5 | Tin | ug/l | |||||
01102 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-31-5 | Tin | ug/l | |||||
01103 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-31-5 | Tin | ug/kg | ||||
01104 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | ug/l | |||||
01105 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | ug/l | |||||
01106 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | ug/l | |||||
01107 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | ug/l | |||||
01108 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | mg/kg | ||||
01110 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cerium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-45-1 | Cerium | ug/l | |||||
01112 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cerium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-45-1 | Cerium | ug/l | |||||
01113 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | ug/l | |||||
01114 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7439-92-1 | Lead | ug/l | |||||
01115 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cesium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-46-2 | Cesium | ug/l | |||||
01117 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cesium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-46-2 | Cesium | ug/l | |||||
01118 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | ug/l | |||||
01119 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-50-8 | Copper | ug/l | |||||
01120 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gallium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-55-3 | Gallium | ug/l | |||||
01122 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gallium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-55-3 | Gallium | ug/l | |||||
01123 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | ug/l | |||||
01125 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Germanium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-56-4 | Germanium | ug/l | |||||
01126 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Germanium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-56-4 | Germanium | ug/l | |||||
01127 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Germanium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-56-4 | Germanium | ug/l | |||||
01128 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | ug/l | |||||
01129 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | ug/l | |||||
01130 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | ug/l | |||||
01131 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | ug/l | |||||
01132 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | ug/l | |||||
01133 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | mg/kg | ||||
01134 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | ug/l | |||||
01135 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Rubidium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-17-7 | Rubidium | ug/l | |||||
01137 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Rubidium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-17-7 | Rubidium | ug/l | |||||
01140 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Silicon, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-21-3 | Silicon | ug/l | |||||
01142 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Silicon, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-21-3 | Silicon | ug/l | |||||
01145 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | ug/l | |||||
01146 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | ug/l | |||||
01147 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | ug/l | |||||
01148 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | mg/kg | ||||
01150 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | ug/l | |||||
01151 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | ug/l | |||||
01152 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | ug/l | |||||
01153 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | mg/kg | ||||
01154 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tungsten, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-33-7 | Tungsten | ug/l | |||||
01155 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tungsten, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-33-7 | Tungsten | ug/l | |||||
01156 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tungsten, suspended sediment, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 7440-33-7 | Tungsten | ug/l | |||||
01160 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zirconium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-67-7 | Zirconium | ug/l | |||||
01162 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zirconium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-67-7 | Zirconium | ug/l | |||||
01168 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Indium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-74-6 | Indium | ug/l | |||||
01170 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-89-6 | Iron | mg/kg | ||||
01171 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Platinum, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-06-4 | Platinum | ug/l | |||||
01172 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Platinum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-06-4 | Platinum | ug/l | |||||
01180 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lanthanum, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7439-91-0 | Lanthanum | ug/l | |||||
01182 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lanthanum, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7439-91-0 | Lanthanum | ug/l | |||||
01187 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Scandium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-20-2 | Scandium | ug/l | |||||
01189 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Scandium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-20-2 | Scandium | ug/l | |||||
01194 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Ytterbium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-64-4 | Ytterbium | ug/l | |||||
01196 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Ytterbium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-64-4 | Ytterbium | ug/l | |||||
01201 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Yttrium, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-65-5 | Yttrium | ug/l | |||||
01203 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Yttrium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-65-5 | Yttrium | ug/l | |||||
01210 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Palladium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-05-3 | Palladium | ug/l | |||||
01218 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Terbium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-27-9 | Terbium | ug/l | |||||
01219 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gadolinium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-54-2 | Gadolinium | ug/l | |||||
01221 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | ug/kg | ||||||
01225 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, insoluble, dry atmospheric deposition, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | ug/kg | ||||||
01230 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, soluble, dry atmospheric deposition, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | 7440-22-4 | Silver | ug/kg | ||||||
01236 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Europium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-53-1 | Europium | ug/l | |||||
01237 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Neodymium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-00-8 | Neodymium | ug/l | |||||
01238 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Praseodymium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-10-0 | Praseodymium | ug/l | |||||
01239 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Niobium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-03-1 | Niobium | ug/l | |||||
01240 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iridium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7439-88-5 | Iridium | ug/l | |||||
01241 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Osmium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-04-2 | Osmium | ug/l | |||||
01242 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Rhenium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-15-5 | Rhenium | ug/l | |||||
01243 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Hafnium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-58-6 | Hafnium | ug/l | |||||
01244 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lutetium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7439-94-3 | Lutetium | ug/l | |||||
01245 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thulium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-30-4 | Thulium | ug/l | |||||
01246 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Erbium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-52-0 | Erbium | ug/l | |||||
01247 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Holmium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-60-0 | Holmium | ug/l | |||||
01251 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Dimethyl selenoxide, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as selenium | Not checked | Dissolved | 4371-90-8 | ug/l | ||||||
01252 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenosulfate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter as selenium | Not checked | Dissolved | 16450-48-9 | ug/l | ||||||
01253 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium species minus known selenium species (Se(IV) + Se(VI) + SeCN + MeSe(IV) + SeMet + SeSO3 + DMSeO + MeSe(VI)), water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l | |||||||
01300 | Physical | Oil and grease, severity, code | Not checked | Oil and grease -- CWA 304B | code | |||||||
01305 | Physical | Suds or foam, severity, code | Not checked | Detergent, severity | code | |||||||
01310 | Physical | Gas bubbles, severity, code | Not checked | Gas bubble severity | code | |||||||
01315 | Physical | Floating sludge, severity, code | Not checked | Floating sludge, severity | code | |||||||
01320 | Physical | Floating garbage, severity, code | Not checked | Trash, Debris, Floatables | code | |||||||
01325 | Physical | Floating algae mats, severity, code | Not checked | Algae, floating mats (severity) | code | |||||||
01330 | Physical | Odor, atmospheric, severity, code | Not checked | Odor, atmospheric | code | |||||||
01335 | Physical | Sewage solids, fresh floating, severity, code | Not checked | code | ||||||||
01340 | Physical | Dead fish, severity, code | Not checked | Dead fish, severity | code | |||||||
01345 | Physical | Floating debris, severity, code | Not checked | Floating debris, severity | code | |||||||
01350 | Physical | Turbidity, severity, code | Not checked | Turbidity severity | code | |||||||
01351 | Physical | Streamflow, severity, code | Not checked | Flow, severity | code | |||||||
01355 | Physical | Ice cover, floating or solid, severity, code | Not checked | Ice cover, floating or solid | code | |||||||
01371 | Biological | Average length of biological tissue samples in composite, centimeters | Agree | cm | ||||||||
01373 | Biological | Average weight of biological tissue samples in composite, grams | Agree | g | ||||||||
01375 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | mg/kg | ||||
01376 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | ||||
01377 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | ||||
01378 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | ||||
01379 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | ||||
01380 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | mg/kg | ||||
01381 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | ||||
01382 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | ||||
01383 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | mg/kg | ||||
01384 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | ||||
01385 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | ||||
01386 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | ||||
01387 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | ||||
01388 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/kg | ||||
01389 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | ||||
01390 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | mg/kg | ||||
01391 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-31-5 | Tin | mg/kg | ||||
01392 | Radiochemical | Uranium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | mg/kg | ||||
01393 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | ||||
01394 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon (inorganic plus organic), bed sediment, total, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | % | ||||
01395 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment, total, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | % | |||||
01396 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | % | ||||
01397 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | % | |||||
01398 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfur, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7704-34-9 | Sulfur | % | ||||
01399 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | mg/kg | ||||
01400 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | mg/kg | ||||
01401 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | ||||
01402 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | ||||
01403 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | ||||
01404 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | ||||
01405 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | mg/kg | ||||
01406 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | ||||
01407 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | ||||
01408 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | mg/kg | ||||
01409 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | ||||
01410 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | ||||
01411 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | ||||
01412 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | ||||
01413 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/kg | ||||
01414 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | mg/kg | ||||
01415 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | ||||
01416 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | mg/kg | ||||
01417 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | ||||
01418 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-31-5 | Tin | mg/kg | ||||
01419 | Radiochemical | Uranium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | mg/kg | ||||
01420 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | mg/kg | ||||
01421 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, soil, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | ||||
01422 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | % | ||||
01423 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, soil, total, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | Organic carbon | % | |||||
01424 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7439-89-6 | Iron | % | ||||
01425 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], soil, total digestion, milligrams per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | Total | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | mg/l | ||||||
01426 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfur, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7704-34-9 | Sulfur | % | ||||
01427 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, soil, total digestion, dry weight, percent | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Total | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | % | ||||
01428 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | Suspended | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | ||||
01429 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | mg/kg | |||
01430 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | mg/kg | |||
01431 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cesium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-46-2 | Cesium | mg/kg | |||
01432 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7439-89-6 | Iron | mg/kg | |||
01433 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/kg | |||
01434 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/kg | |||
01435 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | mg/kg | |||
01436 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Rubidium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-17-7 | Rubidium | mg/kg | |||
01437 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | mg/kg | |||
01438 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | mg/kg | |||
01439 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | mg/kg | |||||
01440 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | mg/kg | |||||
01441 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | |||||
01442 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | |||||
01443 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | |||||
01444 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | |||||
01445 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | mg/kg | |||||
01446 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | |||||
01447 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | |||||
01448 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | mg/kg | |||||
01449 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | |||||
01450 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | |||||
01451 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | |||||
01452 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | |||||
01453 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | % | |||||
01454 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | mg/kg | |||||
01455 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | |||||
01456 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | mg/kg | |||||
01457 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | |||||
01458 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-31-5 | Tin | mg/kg | |||||
01459 | Radiochemical | Uranium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | mg/kg | |||||
01460 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | mg/kg | |||||
01461 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | |||||
01462 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | mg/kg | |||||
01463 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], biota, tissue, total, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | % | |||||
01464 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7439-89-6 | Iron | mg/kg | |||||
01465 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], biota, tissue, total, milligrams per liter as nitrogen | Not checked | Dry | Total | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | mg/l | |||||
01466 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfur, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | 7704-34-9 | Sulfur | % | |||||
01467 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | mg/kg | |||||
01468 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Total | 7439-89-6 | Iron | % | ||||
01469 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Total | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | % | ||||
01470 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], suspended sediment, total, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Total | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | % | |||||
01471 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], soil, total, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Total | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | % | |||||
01472 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], biota, tissue, total, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Total | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | % | |||||
01473 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/kg | ||||
01474 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | % | ||||
01475 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | % | ||||
01476 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | % | ||||
01477 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | % | ||||
01478 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-69-9 | mg/kg | |||||
01479 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cerium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-45-1 | mg/kg | |||||
01480 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cesium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-46-2 | mg/kg | |||||
01481 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gallium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-55-3 | mg/kg | |||||
01482 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Indium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-74-6 | mg/kg | |||||
01484 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Niobium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-03-1 | mg/kg | |||||
01486 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Scandium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-20-2 | mg/kg | |||||
01487 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Tellurium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13494-80-9 | mg/kg | |||||
01488 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tungsten, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-33-7 | mg/kg | |||||
01489 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Yttrium, bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-65-5 | mg/kg | |||||
01501 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Total | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
01502 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Total | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | ||||
01503 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
01504 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | ||||
01505 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Suspended | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
01506 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | ||||
01507 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/g | ||||
01508 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Counting Error | Dry | Bed Sediment | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/g | |||
01515 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, natural uranium curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
01516 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
01517 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/g | ||||
01518 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | mg/kg | ||||
01519 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
01524 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, natural uranium curve, micrograms per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | ug/l | ||||
01525 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, natural uranium curve, micrograms per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | ug/l | ||||
01526 | Radiochemical | Gross alpha radioactivity counting error, water, unfiltered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | 12587-46-1 | pCi/L | ||||||
03501 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | |||||
03502 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | ||||
03503 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | |||||
03504 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | ||||
03505 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Suspended | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | |||||
03506 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | ||||
03507 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/g | ||||
03508 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Counting Error | Dry | Bed Sediment | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/g | |||
03515 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | |||||
03516 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | |||||
03517 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/g | ||||
03518 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity, suspended sediment, Cs-137 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/g | ||||
03519 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity, water, unfiltered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Total | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | |||||
03521 | Stable Isotopes | delta carbon-13/carbon-12 of organic carbon, soil or rock, per mil | Agree | 14762-74-4 | Carbon-13/Carbon-12 ratio | per mil | ||||||
03522 | Stable Isotopes | delta sulfur-34/sulfur-32 of sulfide, water, filtered, per mil | Agree | Dissolved | Sulfur-34/Sulfur-32 ratio | per mil | ||||||
03523 | Stable Isotopes | delta sulfur-34/sulfur-32 of sulfide, bed sediment, per mil | Agree | Bed Sediment | Sulfur-34/Sulfur-32 ratio | per mil | ||||||
03526 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Dissolved | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | ||||
03527 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Suspended | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | ||||
03528 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity counting error, water, filtered, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Dissolved | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | ||||
03529 | Radiochemical | Gross beta radioactivity counting error, suspended sediment, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Suspended | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/L | ||||
03801 | Organics, Pesticide | Ioxynil, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 1689-83-4 | Ioxynil | ug/l | |||||
03909 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-69-9 | mg/kg | ||||||
03910 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cerium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-45-1 | mg/kg | ||||||
03911 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cesium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-46-2 | mg/kg | ||||||
03912 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gallium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-55-3 | mg/kg | ||||||
03913 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Indium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-74-6 | mg/kg | ||||||
03914 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lanthanum, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7439-91-0 | mg/kg | ||||||
03915 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Niobium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-03-1 | mg/kg | ||||||
03916 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Rubidium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-17-7 | mg/kg | ||||||
03917 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Scandium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-20-2 | mg/kg | ||||||
03918 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Tellurium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 13494-80-9 | mg/kg | ||||||
03919 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tungsten, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-33-7 | mg/kg | ||||||
03920 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Yttrium, biota, tissue, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 7440-65-5 | mg/kg | ||||||
03921 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | |||
03922 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | |||
03923 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | % | ||||
03924 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | mg/kg | |||
03925 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | |||
03926 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | % | |||
03927 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | |||
03928 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | mg/kg | |||
03929 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | mg/kg | |||
03930 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7439-89-6 | Iron | % | |||
03931 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-31-5 | Tin | mg/kg | |||
03932 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | % | |||
03933 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | mg/kg | |||
03934 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | |||
03935 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | % | |||
03936 | Radiochemical | Uranium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | mg/kg | |||
03937 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | |||
03938 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | |||
03939 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | mg/kg | |||
03940 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | |||
03941 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | % | |||
03942 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | |||
03943 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | % | |||
03944 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | mg/kg | |||
03945 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfur, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7704-34-9 | Sulfur | % | |||
03946 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as phosphorus | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | mg/kg | |||
03947 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | |||
03948 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | % | |||
03949 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | |||
03950 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | mg/kg | |||
03951 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | |||
03952 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | |||
03953 | Nutrient | Total nitrogen [nitrate + nitrite + ammonia + organic-N], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | Nitrogen, mixed forms (NH3), (NH4), organic, (NO2) and (NO3) | % | ||||
03954 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved, laboratory, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 0.0625 | Bed Sediment | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | % | |||
04000 | Organics, Pesticide | Metribuzin, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 21087-64-9 | Metribuzin | ug/kg | ||||
04001 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 1007-28-9 | 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine | ug/kg | ||||
04002 | Organics, Pesticide | Chlorodiamino-s-triazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 3397-62-4 | 2-Chloro-4,6-diamino-s-triazine | ug/kg | ||||
04003 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 6190-65-4 | 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine | ug/kg | ||||
04004 | Organics, Pesticide | Cyanazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 21725-46-2 | Cyanazine | ug/kg | ||||
04005 | Organics, Pesticide | Metolachlor, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 51218-45-2 | Metolachlor | ug/kg | ||||
04006 | Organics, Pesticide | Alachlor, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 15972-60-8 | Alachlor | ug/kg | ||||
04008 | Organics, Pesticide | Simazine, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 122-34-9 | Simazine | ug/kg | ||||
04010 | Organics, Pesticide | Prometryn, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 7287-19-6 | Prometryn | ug/kg | ||||
04011 | Organics, Pesticide | Prometon, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 1610-18-0 | Prometon | ug/kg | ||||
04012 | Organics, Pesticide | Metribuzin, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 21087-64-9 | Metribuzin | ug/kg | ||||
04017 | Organics, Pesticide | Atrazine, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 1912-24-9 | Atrazine | ug/kg | ||||
04019 | Organics, Pesticide | Trifluralin, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 1582-09-8 | Trifluralin | ug/kg | ||||
04020 | Organics, Pesticide | Metolachlor, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 51218-45-2 | Metolachlor | ug/kg | ||||
04021 | Organics, Pesticide | Alachlor, suspended sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 15972-60-8 | Alachlor | ug/kg | ||||
04022 | Organics, Pesticide | Terbuthylazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 5915-41-3 | Terbuthylazine | ug/l | |||||
04023 | Organics, Pesticide | Trifluralin, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1582-09-8 | Trifluralin | ug/l | |||||
04024 | Organics, Pesticide | Propachlor, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1918-16-7 | Propachlor | ug/l | |||||
04025 | Organics, Pesticide | Hexazinone, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 51235-04-2 | Hexazinone | ug/l | |||||
04026 | Organics, Pesticide | Butachlor, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 23184-66-9 | Butachlor | ug/l | |||||
04027 | Organics, Pesticide | Carboxin, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 5234-68-4 | Carboxin | ug/l | |||||
04028 | Organics, Pesticide | Butylate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 2008-41-5 | Butylate | ug/l | |||||
04029 | Organics, Pesticide | Bromacil, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 314-40-9 | Bromacil | ug/l | |||||
04030 | Organics, Pesticide | Simetryn, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1014-70-6 | Simetryn | ug/l | |||||
04031 | Organics, Pesticide | Cycloate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1134-23-2 | Cycloate | ug/l | |||||
04032 | Organics, Pesticide | Terbacil, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 5902-51-2 | Terbacil | ug/l | |||||
04033 | Organics, Pesticide | Diphenamid, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 957-51-7 | Diphenamid | ug/l | |||||
04034 | Organics, Pesticide | Vernolate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1929-77-7 | Vernolate | ug/l | |||||
04035 | Organics, Pesticide | Simazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 122-34-9 | Simazine | ug/l | |||||
04036 | Organics, Pesticide | Prometryn, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7287-19-6 | Prometryn | ug/l | |||||
04037 | Organics, Pesticide | Prometon, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1610-18-0 | Prometon | ug/l | |||||
04038 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 1007-28-9 | 2-Chloro-6-ethylamino-4-amino-s-triazine | ug/l | |||||
04039 | Organics, Pesticide | Chlorodiamino-s-triazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 3397-62-4 | 2-Chloro-4,6-diamino-s-triazine | ug/l | |||||
04040 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 6190-65-4 | 2-Chloro-4-isopropylamino-6-amino-s-triazine | ug/l | |||||
04041 | Organics, Pesticide | Cyanazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 21725-46-2 | Cyanazine | ug/l | |||||
04042 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | % | |||
04043 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | mg/kg | |||
04044 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | mg/kg | |||
04045 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | |||
04046 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | |||
04047 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-69-9 | Bismuth | mg/kg | |||
04048 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-42-8 | Boron | mg/kg | |||
04049 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | |||
04050 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | % | |||
04051 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cerium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-45-1 | Cerium | mg/kg | |||
04052 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | |||
04053 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | mg/kg | |||
04054 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | |||
04055 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Europium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-53-1 | Europium | mg/kg | |||
04056 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gallium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-55-3 | Gallium | mg/kg | |||
04057 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Germanium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-56-4 | Germanium | mg/kg | |||
04058 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gold, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-57-5 | Gold | mg/kg | |||
04059 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Holmium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-60-0 | Holmium | mg/kg | |||
04060 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | |||
04061 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 177 microns | Bed Sediment | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | |||
04062 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | > 62.5 microns | Suspended | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | |||
04063 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Suspended | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | |||
04064 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | |||
04065 | Sediment | Suspended sediment, fall diameter (deionized water), percent smaller than 4 millimeters | Not checked | < 4 mm | Suspended | Sediment | % | |||||
04066 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | Inorganic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04067 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 177 microns | Bed Sediment | Inorganic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04068 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | Inorganic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04069 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Suspended | Inorganic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04070 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | > 62.5 microns | Suspended | Inorganic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04071 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04072 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 177 microns | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04073 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04074 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Suspended | Organic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04075 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | > 62.5 microns | Suspended | Organic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04076 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/kg | |||
04077 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 177 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 177 microns | Bed Sediment | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/kg | |||
04078 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry sieved, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/kg | |||
04079 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 62.5 microns | Suspended | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/kg | |||
04080 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment larger than 62.5 microns, wet sieved (native water), total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | > 62.5 microns | Suspended | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | mg/kg | |||
04081 | Organics, Other | Thiodiglycol, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 111-48-8 | Ethanol, 2,2'-thiobis- | ug/l | |||||
04082 | Organics, Other | 1,2,4,5-Tetrazine, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 290-96-0 | ug/l | ||||||
04090 | Organics, Other | DCAA, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 19719-28-9 | ug/l | ||||||
04091 | Organics, Pesticide | Clopyralid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 1702-17-6 | Clopyralid | ug/l | |||||
04092 | Organics, Pesticide | Triclopyr, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 55335-06-3 | Triclopyr | ug/l | |||||
04093 | Organics, Pesticide | 3,5-Dichlorobenzoic acid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 51-36-5 | Benzoic acid, 3,5-dichloro- | ug/l | |||||
04094 | Organics, Pesticide | 5-Hydroxydicamba, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7600-50-2 | Benzoic acid, 2,5-dichloro-3-hydroxy-6-methoxy- | ug/l | |||||
04095 | Organics, Pesticide | Fonofos, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 944-22-9 | Fonofos | ug/l | |||||
04096 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, water, filtered (0.1 micron filter), micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | ug/l | |||||
04098 | Organics, Pesticide | MGK 264, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 113-48-4 | N-2-Ethylhexylbicycloheptenedicarboximide | ug/l | |||||
04099 | Organics, Pesticide | Methyl paraoxon, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 950-35-6 | Methyl paraoxon | ug/l | |||||
04100 | Organics, Pesticide | Fluridone, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 59756-60-4 | Fluridone | ug/l | |||||
04101 | Organics, Pesticide | Fenarimol, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 60168-88-9 | Fenarimol | ug/l | |||||
04102 | Radiochemical | Beta radioactivity, bed sediment, Sr-90/Y-90 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 12587-47-2 | Beta particle | pCi/g | ||||
04103 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137 2-sigma combined uncertainty, soil, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Agree | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Total | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | pCi/g | |||
04104 | Radiochemical | Lead-210 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | pCi/g | |||
04105 | Radiochemical | Polonium-210 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13981-52-7 | Polonium-210 | pCi/g | |||
04106 | Radiochemical | Radium-228 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 15262-20-1 | Radium-228 | pCi/g | |||
04107 | Radiochemical | Radium-226 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/g | |||
04108 | Radiochemical | Thorium-230 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14269-63-7 | Thorium-230 | pCi/g | |||
04110 | Radiochemical | Thorium-232 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-29-1 | Thorium-232 | pCi/g | |||
04111 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13966-29-5 | Uranium-234 | pCi/g | |||
04112 | Radiochemical | Uranium-235 2-sigma combined uncertainty, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Bed Sediment | 15117-96-1 | Uranium-235 | pCi/g | |||
04113 | Radiochemical | Uranium-238 2-sigma combined uncertainty, suspended sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not agree | 2-Sigma CSU | Dry | Suspended | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | pCi/g | |||
04116 | Organics, PCBs | PCBs, water, unfiltered, recoverable, grams per day | Agree | Recoverable | 1336-36-3 | Polychlorinated biphenyls | g/day | |||||
04117 | Information | Tether line used for collecting sample (yes=1), code | Not checked | code | ||||||||
04118 | Information | Composited samples in cross-sectional bedload measurement, number | Agree | nu | ||||||||
04119 | Information | Verticals in composite sample, number | Agree | nu | ||||||||
04120 | Information | Rest time on bed for bed load sample, seconds | Agree | seconds | ||||||||
04121 | Information | Horizontal width of vertical, feet | Agree | ft | ||||||||
04122 | Sediment | Bedload sediment discharge, daily mean, per unit width of river, composite samples, short tons per day per foot of width | Agree | Mean | Daily | Bedload | Sediment | ton/d/ft | ||||
04123 | Radiochemical | Tritium counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per milliliter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | pCi/ml | ||||
04124 | Radiochemical | Tritium, water, unfiltered, picocuries per milliliter | Agree | Total | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | pCi/ml | |||||
04125 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity, bed sediment, Th-230 curve, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/g | ||||
04126 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity, water, filtered, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
04127 | Radiochemical | Alpha radioactivity, suspended sediment, Th-230 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 12587-46-1 | Alpha particle | pCi/L | |||||
04128 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | mg/kg | ||||
04129 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | |||
04130 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | |||
04131 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | |||
04132 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | |||
04133 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | |||
04134 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | % | |||
04135 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7439-89-6 | Iron | % | |||
04136 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, bed sediment smaller than 2 millimeters, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | < 2 mm | Bed Sediment | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | |||
04184 | Organics, Pesticide | Triallate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 2303-17-5 | Triallate | ug/l | |||||
04254 | Organics, Pesticide | Metalaxyl, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 57837-19-1 | Metalaxyl | ug/l | |||||
04443 | Organics, Pesticide | Diquat, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 2764-72-9 | Diquat | ug/l | |||||
04444 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 128, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38380-07-3 | 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04452 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 18, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 37680-65-2 | 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04462 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 52, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 35693-99-3 | 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04463 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 49, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 41464-40-8 | 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04465 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 44, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 41464-39-5 | 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04475 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 101, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 37680-73-2 | 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04478 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 87, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38380-02-8 | 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04487 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 118, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 31508-00-6 | 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04495 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 183, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52663-69-1 | 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04512 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 180, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 35065-29-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04519 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 206, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 40186-72-9 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04585 | Organics, Other | Diesel range organic compounds, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | Diesel range organics | ug/l | ||||||
04607 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 8, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 34883-43-7 | 2,4'-Dichlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04608 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 18, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 37680-65-2 | 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04609 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 28, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 7012-37-5 | 2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04610 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 44, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 41464-39-5 | 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04611 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 49, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 41464-40-8 | 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04612 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 52, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 35693-99-3 | 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04613 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 66, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 32598-10-0 | 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04614 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 77, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 32598-13-3 | 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04615 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 87, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 38380-02-8 | 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04616 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 101, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 37680-73-2 | 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04617 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 105, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 32598-14-4 | 2,3,3',4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04618 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 118, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 31508-00-6 | 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04619 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 126, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 57465-28-8 | 3,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04620 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 128, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 38380-07-3 | 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04621 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 138, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 35065-28-2 | 2,2',3,4,4',5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04622 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 153, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 35065-27-1 | 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04623 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 169, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 32774-16-6 | 3,3',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04624 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 170, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 35065-30-6 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04625 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 180, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 35065-29-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04626 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 183, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 52663-69-1 | 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04627 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 184, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 74472-48-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04628 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 187, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 52663-68-0 | 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04629 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 195, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 52663-78-2 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04630 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 206, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 40186-72-9 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04631 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 209, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 2051-24-3 | Decachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04632 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 8, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 34883-43-7 | 2,4'-Dichlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04633 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 28, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 7012-37-5 | 2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04634 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 66, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 32598-10-0 | 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04635 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 77, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 32598-13-3 | 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04636 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 105, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 32598-14-4 | 2,3,3',4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04637 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 126, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 57465-28-8 | 3,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04638 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 138, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 35065-28-2 | 2,2',3,4,4',5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04639 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 153, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 35065-27-1 | 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04640 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 169, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 32774-16-6 | 3,3',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04641 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 170, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 35065-30-6 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04642 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 184, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 74472-48-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04643 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 187, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 52663-68-0 | 2,2',3,4',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04644 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 195, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 52663-78-2 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04645 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 209, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 2051-24-3 | Decachlorobiphenyl | ug/l | |||||
04646 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 66, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 32598-10-0 | 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04647 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 77, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 32598-13-3 | 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04648 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 87, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 38380-02-8 | 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04649 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 105, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 32598-14-4 | 2,3,3',4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04650 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 126, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 57465-28-8 | 3,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04651 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 128, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 38380-07-3 | 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04652 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 153, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 35065-27-1 | 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04653 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 169, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 32774-16-6 | 3,3',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04654 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 184, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 74472-48-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04655 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 195, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 52663-78-2 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04656 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 209, solids, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 2051-24-3 | Decachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04657 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 8, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 34883-43-7 | 2,4'-Dichlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04658 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 28, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 7012-37-5 | 2,4,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04659 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 66, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 32598-10-0 | 2,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04660 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 77, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 32598-13-3 | 3,3',4,4'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04661 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 128, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 38380-07-3 | 2,2',3,3',4,4'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04662 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 153, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 35065-27-1 | 2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04663 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 184, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 74472-48-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',6,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04664 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 195, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 52663-78-2 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6-Octachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
04665 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 209, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | 2051-24-3 | Decachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
05504 | Radiochemical | Gross gamma radioactivity scan counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | Gamma radiation | pCi/L | |||||
05515 | Radiochemical | Gross gamma radioactivity scan counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Agree | Counting Error | Dry | Bed Sediment | Gamma radiation | pCi/g | ||||
05516 | Radiochemical | Gross gamma radioactivity scan counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | Gamma radiation | pCi/L | |||||
07000 | Radiochemical | Tritium, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | pCi/L | |||||
07001 | Radiochemical | Tritium counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | pCi/L | ||||
07005 | Radiochemical | Tritium, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | pCi/L | |||||
07006 | Radiochemical | Tritium counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | pCi/L | ||||
07012 | Radiochemical | Tritium in water molecules, tritium units | Agree | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | ||||||
07013 | Radiochemical | Tritium in water molecules counting error, tritium units | Agree | Counting Error | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | |||||
07014 | Radiochemical | Tritium counting error, suspended sediment, tritium units | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | ||||
07015 | Radiochemical | Tritium counting error, water, filtered, tritium units | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | ||||
07016 | Radiochemical | Tritium, suspended sediment, tritium units | Agree | Suspended | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | |||||
07017 | Radiochemical | Tritium, water, unfiltered, tritium units | Agree | Total | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | |||||
07018 | Radiochemical | Tritium, water, filtered, tritium units | Agree | Dissolved | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | |||||
07019 | Radiochemical | Tritium counting error, water, unfiltered, tritium units | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 10028-17-8 | Tritium | T.U. | ||||
07050 | Radiochemical | Calcium-45, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 13966-05-7 | Calcium-45 | pCi/L | |||||
07051 | Radiochemical | Calcium-45 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 13966-05-7 | Calcium-45 | pCi/L | ||||
07052 | Radiochemical | Calcium-45, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Suspended | 13966-05-7 | Calcium-45 | pCi/L | |||||
07053 | Radiochemical | Calcium-45 counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | 13966-05-7 | Calcium-45 | pCi/L | ||||
07060 | Radiochemical | Iron-59, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14596-12-4 | Iron-59 | pCi/L | |||||
07061 | Radiochemical | Iron-59 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14596-12-4 | Iron-59 | pCi/L | ||||
07064 | Radiochemical | Iron-59, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14596-12-4 | Iron-59 | pCi/L | |||||
07065 | Radiochemical | Iron-59 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14596-12-4 | Iron-59 | pCi/L | ||||
07084 | Organics, Other | Rhodamine WT, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 37299-86-8 | Xanthylium, 9-(2,4-dicarboxyphenyl)-3,6-bis(diethylamino)-, chloride, disodium salt | ug/l | |||||
07100 | Radiochemical | Selenium-75, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14265-71-5 | Selenium-75 | pCi/L | |||||
07101 | Radiochemical | Selenium-75 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14265-71-5 | Selenium-75 | pCi/L | ||||
07120 | Radiochemical | Silver-110, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14391-76-5 | Silver-110 | pCi/L | |||||
07121 | Radiochemical | Silver-110 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14391-76-5 | Silver-110 | pCi/L | ||||
07144 | Radiochemical | Sulfur-35, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 15117-53-0 | Sulfur-35 | pCi/L | |||||
07145 | Radiochemical | Sulfur-35 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 15117-53-0 | Sulfur-35 | pCi/L | ||||
09501 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/L | |||||
09503 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/L | |||||
09504 | Radiochemical | Radium-226 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/L | ||||
09505 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Suspended | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/L | |||||
09506 | Radiochemical | Radium-226 counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/L | ||||
09507 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/g | ||||
09508 | Radiochemical | Radium-226 counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Counting Error | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/g | |||
09510 | Radiochemical | Alpha-emitting isotopes of radium, water, filtered, planchet count, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | Alpha emitting radium isotopes | pCi/L | ||||||
09511 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, water, filtered, radon method, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | pCi/L | |||||
11501 | Radiochemical | Radium-228, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 15262-20-1 | Radium-228 | pCi/L | |||||
11502 | Radiochemical | Radium-228 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 15262-20-1 | Radium-228 | pCi/L | ||||
11506 | Radiochemical | Radium-224, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13233-32-4 | Radium-224 | pCi/g | ||||
13501 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/L | |||||
13502 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/L | ||||
13503 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/L | |||||
13504 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/L | ||||
13505 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Suspended | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/L | |||||
13506 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90 counting error, suspended sediment, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Suspended | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/L | ||||
13507 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/L | ||||
15501 | Radiochemical | Strontium-89, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14158-27-1 | Strontium-89 | pCi/L | |||||
15502 | Radiochemical | Strontium-89 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14158-27-1 | Strontium-89 | pCi/L | ||||
15503 | Radiochemical | Strontium-89, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14158-27-1 | Strontium-89 | pCi/L | |||||
15504 | Radiochemical | Strontium-89 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14158-27-1 | Strontium-89 | pCi/L | ||||
15507 | Radiochemical | Strontium-90, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 10098-97-2 | Strontium-90 | pCi/g | ||||
17501 | Radiochemical | Lead-210, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | pCi/L | |||||
17502 | Radiochemical | Lead-210 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | pCi/L | ||||
17503 | Radiochemical | Lead-210, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | pCi/L | |||||
17504 | Radiochemical | Lead-210 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | pCi/L | ||||
17507 | Radiochemical | Lead-210, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | pCi/g | ||||
17508 | Radiochemical | Lead-210, counting error, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Counting Error | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | pCi/g | |||
17517 | Radiochemical | Lead-212, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 15092-94-1 | Lead-212 | pCi/L | |||||
17518 | Radiochemical | Lead-212 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 15092-94-1 | Lead-212 | pCi/L | ||||
17519 | Radiochemical | Lead-214, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 15067-28-4 | Lead-214 | pCi/L | |||||
17520 | Radiochemical | Lead-214 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 15067-28-4 | Lead-214 | pCi/L | ||||
18501 | Radiochemical | Iodine-129, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 15046-84-1 | Iodine-129 | pCi/L | |||||
18502 | Radiochemical | Iodine-129 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 15046-84-1 | Iodine-129 | pCi/L | ||||
19002 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 7, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 33284-50-3 | 2,4-Dichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19003 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 6, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 25569-80-6 | 2,3'-Dichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19004 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 5 plus 8, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-5/8 | ng/l | ||||||
19005 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 19, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38444-73-4 | 2,2',6-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19006 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 18, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 37680-65-2 | 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19007 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 17, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 37680-66-3 | 2,2',4-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19008 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 24 plus 27, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-24/27 | ng/l | ||||||
19009 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 16 plus 32, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-16/32 | ng/l | ||||||
19010 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 26, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38444-81-4 | 2,3',5-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19011 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 28 plus 31, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-28/31 | ng/l | ||||||
19012 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 33, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38444-86-9 | 2,3',4'-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19013 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 22, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38444-85-8 | 2,3,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19014 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 45, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 70362-45-7 | 2,2',3,6-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19015 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 46, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 41464-47-5 | 2,2',3,6'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19016 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 52, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 35693-99-3 | 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19017 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 49, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 41464-40-8 | 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19018 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 47 plus 48, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-47/48 | ng/l | ||||||
19019 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 44, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 41464-39-5 | 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19020 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 37 plus 42, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-37/42 | ng/l | ||||||
19021 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 41 plus 64 plus 71, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-41/64/71 | ng/l | ||||||
19022 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 40, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38444-93-8 | 2,2',3,3'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19023 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 74, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 32690-93-0 | 2,4,4',5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19024 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 70 plus 76, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-70/76 | ng/l | ||||||
19025 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 66 plus 95, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-66/95 | ng/l | ||||||
19026 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 91, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 68194-05-8 | 2,2',3,4',6-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19027 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 56 plus 60, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-56/60 | ng/l | ||||||
19028 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 84 plus 92, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-84/92 | ng/l | ||||||
19029 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 101, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 37680-73-2 | 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19030 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 99, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38380-01-7 | 2,2',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19031 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 97, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 41464-51-1 | 2,2',3,4',5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19032 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 87, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38380-02-8 | 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19033 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 85, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 65510-45-4 | 2,2',3,4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19034 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 136, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38411-22-2 | 2,2',3,3',6,6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19035 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 77 plus 110, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-77/110 | ng/l | ||||||
19036 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 82, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52663-62-4 | 2,2',3,3',4-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19037 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 151, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52663-63-5 | 2,2',3,5,5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19038 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 135 plus 144, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-135/144 | ng/l | ||||||
19039 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 149, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38380-04-0 | 2,2',3,4',5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19040 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 118, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 31508-00-6 | 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19041 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 146, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 51908-16-8 | 2,2',3,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19042 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 132 plus 153, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-132/153 | ng/l | ||||||
19043 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 141, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52712-04-6 | 2,2',3,4,5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19044 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 137 plus 176, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-137/176 | ng/l | ||||||
19045 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 138 plus 163, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-138/163 | ng/l | ||||||
19046 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 178, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52663-67-9 | 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19047 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 182 plus 187, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-182/187 | ng/l | ||||||
19048 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 183, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52663-69-1 | 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19049 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 185, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52712-05-7 | 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19050 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 174, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 38411-25-5 | 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19051 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 177, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52663-70-4 | 2,2',3,3',4,5',6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19052 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 171 plus 202, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-171/202 | ng/l | ||||||
19053 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 172 plus 197, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-172/197 | ng/l | ||||||
19054 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 180, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 35065-29-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19055 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 199, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 52663-75-9 | 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-Octachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19056 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 170 plus 190, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-170/190 | ng/l | ||||||
19057 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 201, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 40186-71-8 | 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-Octachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19058 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 196 plus 203, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-196/203 | ng/l | ||||||
19059 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 195 plus 208, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | PCB-195/208 | ng/l | ||||||
19060 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 194, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 35694-08-7 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-Octachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19061 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 206, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 40186-72-9 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19065 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 7, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 33284-50-3 | 2,4-Dichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19066 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 6, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 25569-80-6 | 2,3'-Dichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19067 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 5 plus 8, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-5/8 | ng/l | ||||||
19068 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 19, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38444-73-4 | 2,2',6-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19069 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 18, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 37680-65-2 | 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19070 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 17, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 37680-66-3 | 2,2',4-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19071 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 24 plus 27, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-24/27 | ng/l | ||||||
19072 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 16 plus 32, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-16/32 | ng/l | ||||||
19073 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 26, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38444-81-4 | 2,3',5-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19074 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 28 plus 31, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-28/31 | ng/l | ||||||
19075 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 33, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38444-86-9 | 2,3',4'-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19076 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 22, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38444-85-8 | 2,3,4'-Trichlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19077 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 45, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 70362-45-7 | 2,2',3,6-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19078 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 46, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 41464-47-5 | 2,2',3,6'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19079 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 52, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 35693-99-3 | 2,2',5,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19080 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 49, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 41464-40-8 | 2,2',4,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19081 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 47 plus 48, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-47/48 | ng/l | ||||||
19082 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 44, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 41464-39-5 | 2,2',3,5'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19083 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 37 plus 42, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-37/42 | ng/l | ||||||
19084 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 41 plus 64 plus 71, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-41/64/71 | ng/l | ||||||
19085 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 40, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38444-93-8 | 2,2',3,3'-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19086 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 74, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 32690-93-0 | 2,4,4',5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19087 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 70 plus 76, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-70/76 | ng/l | ||||||
19088 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 66 plus 95, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-66/95 | ng/l | ||||||
19089 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 91, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 68194-05-8 | 2,2',3,4',6-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19090 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 56 plus 60, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-56/60 | ng/l | ||||||
19091 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 84 plus 92, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-84/92 | ng/l | ||||||
19092 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 101, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 37680-73-2 | 2,2',4,5,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19093 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 99, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38380-01-7 | 2,2',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19094 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 97, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 41464-51-1 | 2,2',3,4',5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19095 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 87, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38380-02-8 | 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19096 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 85, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 65510-45-4 | 2,2',3,4,4'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19097 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 136, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38411-22-2 | 2,2',3,3',6,6'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19098 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 77 plus 110, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-77/110 | ng/l | ||||||
19099 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 82, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52663-62-4 | 2,2',3,3',4-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19100 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 151, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52663-63-5 | 2,2',3,5,5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19101 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 135 plus 144, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-135/144 | ng/l | ||||||
19102 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 149, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38380-04-0 | 2,2',3,4',5',6-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19103 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 118, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 31508-00-6 | 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19104 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 146, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 51908-16-8 | 2,2',3,4',5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19105 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 132 plus 153, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-132/153 | ng/l | ||||||
19106 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 141, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52712-04-6 | 2,2',3,4,5,5'-Hexachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19107 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 137 plus 176, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-137/176 | ng/l | ||||||
19108 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 138 plus 163, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-138/163 | ng/l | ||||||
19109 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 178, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52663-67-9 | 2,2',3,3',5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19110 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 182 plus 187, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-182/187 | ng/l | ||||||
19111 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 183, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52663-69-1 | 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19112 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 185, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52712-05-7 | 2,2',3,4,5,5',6-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19113 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 174, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 38411-25-5 | 2,2',3,3',4,5,6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19114 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 177, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52663-70-4 | 2,2',3,3',4,5',6'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19115 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 171 plus 202, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-171/202 | ng/l | ||||||
19116 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 172 plus 197, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-172/197 | ng/l | ||||||
19117 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 180, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 35065-29-3 | 2,2',3,4,4',5,5'-Heptachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19118 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 199, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 52663-75-9 | 2,2',3,3',4,5,5',6'-Octachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19119 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 170 plus 190, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-170/190 | ng/l | ||||||
19120 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 201, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 40186-71-8 | 2,2',3,3',4,5',6,6'-Octachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19121 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 196 plus 203, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-196/203 | ng/l | ||||||
19122 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 195 plus 208, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | PCB-195/208 | ng/l | ||||||
19123 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 194, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 35694-08-7 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5'-Octachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19124 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 206, suspended sediment, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 40186-72-9 | 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6-Nonachlorobiphenyl | ng/l | |||||
19129 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 6, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 25569-80-6 | ug/kg | ||||||
19130 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 5 plus 8, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-5/8 | ug/kg | ||||||
19131 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 19, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 38444-73-4 | ug/kg | ||||||
19132 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 17, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 37680-66-3 | ug/kg | ||||||
19133 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 24 plus 27, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-24/27 | ug/kg | ||||||
19134 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 16 plus 32, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-16/32 | ug/kg | ||||||
19135 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 26, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 38444-81-4 | ug/kg | ||||||
19138 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 22, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 38444-85-8 | ug/kg | ||||||
19139 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 45, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 70362-45-7 | ug/kg | ||||||
19140 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 46, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 41464-47-5 | ug/kg | ||||||
19147 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 40, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 38444-93-8 | ug/kg | ||||||
19149 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 70 plus 76, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-70/76 | ug/kg | ||||||
19151 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 91, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 68194-05-8 | ug/kg | ||||||
19152 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 56 plus 60, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-56/60 | ug/kg | ||||||
19155 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 99, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 38380-01-7 | ug/kg | ||||||
19157 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 87, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 38380-02-8 | 2,2',3,4,5'-Pentachlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
19159 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 136, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 38411-22-2 | ug/kg | ||||||
19161 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 82, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 52663-62-4 | ug/kg | ||||||
19163 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 135 plus 144, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-135/144 | ug/kg | ||||||
19166 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 146, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 51908-16-8 | ug/kg | ||||||
19167 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 132 plus 153, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-132/153 | ug/kg | ||||||
19168 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 141, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 52712-04-6 | ug/kg | ||||||
19171 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 178, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 52663-67-9 | ug/kg | ||||||
19172 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 182 plus 187, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-182/187 | ug/kg | ||||||
19174 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 185, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 52712-05-7 | ug/kg | ||||||
19180 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 199, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 52663-75-9 | ug/kg | ||||||
19181 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 170 plus 190, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-170/190 | ug/kg | ||||||
19182 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 201, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 40186-71-8 | ug/kg | ||||||
19183 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 196 plus 203, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | PCB-196/203 | ug/kg | ||||||
19253 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 18, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Wet | 37680-65-2 | 2,2',5-Trichlorobiphenyl | ug/kg | |||||
19254 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 1, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 2051-60-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19255 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 2, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 2051-61-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19256 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 3, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 2051-62-9 | ug/kg | |||||
19257 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 4 plus 10, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19258 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 7 plus 9, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19259 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 11, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 2050-67-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19260 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 12 plus 13, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19261 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 14, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 34883-41-5 | ug/kg | |||||
19262 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 15, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 2050-68-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19263 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 20 plus 21 plus 33, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19264 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 23 plus 34, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19265 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 25, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 55712-37-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19266 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 29, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 15862-07-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19267 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 30, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 35693-92-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19268 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 31, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 16606-02-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19269 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 35, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 37680-69-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19270 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 36, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 38444-87-0 | ug/kg | |||||
19271 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 37, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 38444-90-5 | ug/kg | |||||
19272 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 38, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 53555-66-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19273 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 39, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 38444-88-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19274 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 41 plus 64 plus 68 plus 71, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19275 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 42 plus 59, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19276 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 43 plus 49, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19277 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 47 plus 48 plus 75, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19278 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 50, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 62796-65-0 | ug/kg | |||||
19279 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 51, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 68194-04-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19280 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 52 plus 73, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19281 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 53, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 41464-41-9 | ug/kg | |||||
19282 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 54, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 15968-05-5 | ug/kg | |||||
19283 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 55, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74338-24-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19284 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 57, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 70424-67-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19285 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 58, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 41464-49-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19286 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 61 plus 74, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19287 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 62 plus 65, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19288 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 63, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-34-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19289 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 66 plus 80, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19290 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 67, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 73575-53-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19291 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 69, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 60233-24-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19292 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 72, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 41464-42-0 | ug/kg | |||||
19293 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 78, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 70362-49-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19294 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 79, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 41464-48-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19295 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 81, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 70362-50-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19296 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 83 plus 108, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19297 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 84, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-60-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19298 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 85 plus 120, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19299 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 86 plus 97, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19300 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 87 plus 115 plus 116, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19301 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 88 plus 121, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19302 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 89 plus 90 plus 101, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19303 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 92, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-61-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19304 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 93 plus 95, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19305 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 94, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 73575-55-0 | ug/kg | |||||
19306 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 96, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 73575-54-9 | ug/kg | |||||
19307 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 98 plus 102, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19308 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 100, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 39485-83-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19309 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 103, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 60145-21-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19310 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 104, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 56558-16-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19311 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 105 plus 127, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19312 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 106 plus 118, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19313 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 107 plus 109, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19314 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 111 plus 117, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19315 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 112, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-36-9 | ug/kg | |||||
19316 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 113, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 68194-10-5 | ug/kg | |||||
19317 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 114, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-37-0 | ug/kg | |||||
19318 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 119, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 56558-17-9 | ug/kg | |||||
19319 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 122, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 76842-07-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19320 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 123, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 65510-44-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19321 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 124, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 70424-70-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19322 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 125, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-39-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19323 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 129, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 55215-18-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19324 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 130, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-66-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19325 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 131 plus 142, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19326 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 132 plus 168, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19327 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 133, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 35694-04-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19328 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 134 plus 143, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19329 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 137, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 35694-06-5 | ug/kg | |||||
19330 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 138 plus 163 plus 164, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19331 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 139 plus 149, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19332 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 140, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 59291-64-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19333 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 145, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-40-5 | ug/kg | |||||
19334 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 147, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 68194-13-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19335 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 148, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-41-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19336 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 150, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 68194-08-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19337 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 152, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 68194-09-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19338 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 154, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 60145-22-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19339 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 155, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 33979-03-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19340 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 156, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 38380-08-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19341 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 157, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 69782-90-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19342 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 158 plus 160, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19343 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 159, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 39635-35-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19344 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 161, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-43-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19345 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 162, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 39635-34-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19346 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 165, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-46-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19347 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 166, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 41411-63-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19348 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 167, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-72-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19349 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 169, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 32774-16-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19350 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 171, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-71-5 | ug/kg | |||||
19351 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 172 plus 192, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19352 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 173, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 68194-16-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19353 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congeners 174 plus 181, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | ug/kg | ||||||
19354 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 175, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 40186-70-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19355 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 176, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-65-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19356 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 179, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-64-6 | ug/kg | |||||
19357 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 186, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-49-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19358 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 188, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74487-85-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19359 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 189, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 39635-31-9 | ug/kg | |||||
19360 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 191, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-50-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19361 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 193, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 69782-91-8 | ug/kg | |||||
19362 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 197, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 33091-17-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19363 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 198, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 68194-17-2 | ug/kg | |||||
19364 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 200, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-73-7 | ug/kg | |||||
19365 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 202, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 2136-99-4 | ug/kg | |||||
19366 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 204, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-52-9 | ug/kg | |||||
19367 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 205, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 74472-53-0 | ug/kg | |||||
19368 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 207, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-79-3 | ug/kg | |||||
19369 | Organics, PCBs | PCB congener 208, biota, tissue, recoverable, wet weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Wet | Recoverable | 52663-77-1 | ug/kg | |||||
19501 | Radiochemical | Polonium-210, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13981-52-7 | Polonium-210 | pCi/L | |||||
19503 | Radiochemical | Polonium-210, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 13981-52-7 | Polonium-210 | pCi/L | |||||
19504 | Radiochemical | Polonium-210 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 13981-52-7 | Polonium-210 | pCi/L | ||||
19507 | Radiochemical | Polonium-210, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13981-52-7 | Polonium-210 | pCi/g | ||||
22001 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-238, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 13981-16-3 | Plutonium-238 | pCi/L | |||||
22002 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-238 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 13981-16-3 | Plutonium-238 | pCi/L | ||||
22012 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-238, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13981-16-3 | Plutonium-238 | pCi/L | |||||
22013 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-238 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13981-16-3 | Plutonium-238 | pCi/L | ||||
22016 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-238, bed sediment, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Bed Sediment | 13981-16-3 | Plutonium-238 | pCi/g | |||||
22020 | Radiochemical | Beryllium-7, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 13966-02-4 | Beryllium-7 | dpm/g | |||
22021 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, picocuries per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | pCi/g | |||
22022 | Radiochemical | Lead-210, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | dpm/g | |||
22023 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | dpm/g | |||
22024 | Radiochemical | Beryllium-7, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Suspended | 13966-02-4 | Beryllium-7 | dpm/g | |||
22025 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, picocuries per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Suspended | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | pCi/g | |||
22026 | Radiochemical | Lead-210, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Suspended | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | dpm/g | |||
22027 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, suspended sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dry | <62.5 microns | Suspended | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | dpm/g | |||
22028 | Radiochemical | Radon-222, air, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter | Not checked | 14859-67-7 | Radon-222 | dpm/l | ||||||
22029 | Radiochemical | Radon-222 counting error, air, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | 14859-67-7 | Radon-222 | dpm/l | |||||
22030 | Radiochemical | Radon-222, water, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter | Not checked | Total | 14859-67-7 | Radon-222 | dpm/l | |||||
22031 | Radiochemical | Radon-222 counting error, water, unfiltered, disintegrations per minute per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Total | 14859-67-7 | Radon-222 | dpm/l | ||||
22032 | Radiochemical | Polonium-210 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | 13981-52-7 | pCi/L | ||||||
22033 | Radiochemical | Nickel-59, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 14336-70-0 | pCi/L | ||||||
22034 | Radiochemical | Nickel-59 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Recoverable | 14336-70-0 | pCi/L | |||||
22035 | Radiochemical | Nickel-59, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 14336-70-0 | pCi/L | ||||||
22036 | Radiochemical | Nickel-59 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14336-70-0 | pCi/L | |||||
22037 | Radiochemical | Nickel-63, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 13981-37-8 | Nickel-63 | pCi/L | |||||
22038 | Radiochemical | Nickel-63 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Dissolved | 13981-37-8 | Nickel-63 | pCi/L | ||||
22039 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234/uranium-238 activity ratio, water, filtered, ratio | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
22040 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234/uranium-238 activity ratio 2-sigma combined uncertainty, water, filtered, ratio | Not checked | 2-Sigma CSU | Dissolved | None | ||||||
22041 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137, bed sediment smaller than 62.5 microns, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | Not checked | Dry | <62.5 microns | Bed Sediment | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | dpm/g | |||
22150 | Radiochemical | Neptunium-237, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 13994-20-2 | pCi/L | ||||||
22151 | Radiochemical | Neptunium-237 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Counting Error | Recoverable | 13994-20-2 | pCi/L | |||||
22383 | Radiochemical | Bismuth-214, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14733-03-0 | Bismuth-214 | pCi/L | |||||
22384 | Radiochemical | Bismuth-214 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14733-03-0 | Bismuth-214 | pCi/L | ||||
22450 | Radiochemical | Americium-241, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14596-10-2 | Americium-241 | pCi/g | ||||
22501 | Radiochemical | Thorium-232, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-29-1 | Thorium-232 | pCi/L | |||||
22502 | Radiochemical | Thorium-232 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 7440-29-1 | Thorium-232 | pCi/L | ||||
22503 | Radiochemical | Thorium/uranium isotope ratio | Agree | Total | ratio | |||||||
22505 | Radiochemical | Thorium-228, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14274-82-9 | Thorium-228 | pCi/L | |||||
22601 | Radiochemical | Uranium-238, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | pCi/L | |||||
22602 | Radiochemical | Uranium-238 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | pCi/L | ||||
22603 | Radiochemical | Uranium-238, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | pCi/L | |||||
22604 | Radiochemical | Uranium-238 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | pCi/L | ||||
22606 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13966-29-5 | Uranium-234 | pCi/L | |||||
22607 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13966-29-5 | Uranium-234 | pCi/L | ||||
22610 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 13966-29-5 | Uranium-234 | pCi/L | |||||
22611 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 13966-29-5 | Uranium-234 | pCi/L | ||||
22612 | Radiochemical | Uranium-235, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 15117-96-1 | Uranium-235 | pCi/g | ||||
22620 | Radiochemical | Uranium-235, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 15117-96-1 | Uranium-235 | pCi/L | |||||
22622 | Radiochemical | Uranium-235, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 15117-96-1 | Uranium-235 | pCi/L | |||||
22623 | Radiochemical | Uranium counting error, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | ug/l | ||||
22624 | Radiochemical | Uranium counting error, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | ug/l | ||||
22703 | Radiochemical | Uranium (natural), water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | ug/l | |||||
22704 | Radiochemical | Uranium, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | ug/l | |||||
22705 | Radiochemical | Uranium (natural), suspended sediment, total, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | ug/l | |||||
22706 | Radiochemical | Uranium, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter as uranium(V,VI) oxide (U3O8) | Agree | Total | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | ug/L U3O8 | |||||
22707 | Radiochemical | Uranium (natural), bed sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | mg/kg | ||||
22709 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137, solids, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | 10045-97-3 | pCi/g | ||||||
22710 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | 1-Sigma CSU | Dry | 10045-97-3 | pCi/g | |||||
22711 | Radiochemical | Lead-210, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | Not checked | Dry | 14255-04-0 | Lead-210 | dpm/g | |||||
22712 | Radiochemical | Beryllium-7, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | Not checked | Dry | 13966-02-4 | Beryllium-7 | dpm/g | |||||
22713 | Radiochemical | Radium-226, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | Not checked | Dry | 13982-63-3 | Radium-226 | dpm/g | |||||
24501 | Radiochemical | Radium-224, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13233-32-4 | Radium-224 | pCi/L | |||||
26501 | Radiochemical | Thorium-230, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14269-63-7 | Thorium-230 | pCi/L | |||||
26503 | Radiochemical | Thorium-230, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14269-63-7 | Thorium-230 | pCi/L | |||||
26504 | Radiochemical | Thorium-230 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14269-63-7 | Thorium-230 | pCi/L | ||||
26507 | Radiochemical | Thorium-230, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14269-63-7 | Thorium-230 | pCi/g | ||||
26629 | Radiochemical | Thorium-228, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14274-82-9 | Thorium-228 | pCi/g | ||||
26631 | Radiochemical | Thorium-232, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-29-1 | Thorium-232 | pCi/g | ||||
27701 | Radiochemical | Zirconium-95, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13967-71-0 | Zirconium-95 | pCi/L | |||||
27702 | Radiochemical | Zirconium-95 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13967-71-0 | Zirconium-95 | pCi/L | ||||
27801 | Radiochemical | Niobium-95, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13967-76-5 | Niobium-95 | pCi/L | |||||
27802 | Radiochemical | Niobium-95 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13967-76-5 | Niobium-95 | pCi/L | ||||
27901 | Radiochemical | Ruthenium-103, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13968-53-1 | Ruthenium-103 | pCi/L | |||||
27902 | Radiochemical | Ruthenium-103 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13968-53-1 | Ruthenium-103 | pCi/L | ||||
28001 | Radiochemical | Ruthenium-106, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13967-48-1 | Ruthenium-106 | pCi/L | |||||
28002 | Radiochemical | Ruthenium-106 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13967-48-1 | Ruthenium-106 | pCi/L | ||||
28004 | Radiochemical | Apparent age, water, filtered, carbon-14, years before present | Agree | Dissolved | years BP | |||||||
28007 | Radiochemical | Radiocesium, water, unfiltered, Cs-137 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Total | Cesium Radionuclides | pCi/L | ||||||
28008 | Radiochemical | Radioruthenium, water, filtered, Ru-106 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | Ruthenium Radionuclides | pCi/L | ||||||
28009 | Radiochemical | Radioruthenium, suspended sediment, Ru-106 curve, picocuries per liter | Not checked | Suspended | Ruthenium Radionuclides | pCi/L | ||||||
28011 | Radiochemical | Uranium (natural), water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | ug/l | |||||
28012 | Radiochemical | Uranium (natural), water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | pCi/L | |||||
28013 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234/uranium-238, water, filtered, ratio | Agree | Dissolved | ratio | |||||||
28014 | Radiochemical | Uranium-234, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 13966-29-5 | Uranium-234 | pCi/g | ||||
28016 | Radiochemical | Uranium-238, bed sediment, dry weight, picocuries per gram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | Uranium | pCi/g | |||||
28301 | Radiochemical | Iodine-131, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 10043-66-0 | Iodine-131 | pCi/L | |||||
28302 | Radiochemical | Iodine-131 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 10043-66-0 | Iodine-131 | pCi/L | ||||
28401 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | pCi/L | |||||
28402 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | pCi/L | ||||
28403 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | pCi/L | |||||
28406 | Radiochemical | Cesium-137 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 10045-97-3 | Cesium-137 | pCi/L | ||||
28414 | Radiochemical | Cesium-134, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13967-70-9 | Cesium-134 | pCi/L | |||||
28415 | Radiochemical | Cesium-134 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13967-70-9 | Cesium-134 | pCi/L | ||||
28601 | Radiochemical | Barium-140, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14798-08-4 | Barium-140 | pCi/L | |||||
28602 | Radiochemical | Barium-140 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14798-08-4 | Barium-140 | pCi/L | ||||
28901 | Radiochemical | Cerium-144, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14762-78-8 | Cerium-144 | pCi/L | |||||
28902 | Radiochemical | Cerium-144 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14762-78-8 | Cerium-144 | pCi/L | ||||
29301 | Radiochemical | Zinc-65, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13982-39-3 | Zinc-65 | pCi/L | |||||
29302 | Radiochemical | Zinc-65 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13982-39-3 | Zinc-65 | pCi/L | ||||
29401 | Radiochemical | Chromium-51, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14392-02-0 | Chromium-51 | pCi/L | |||||
29402 | Radiochemical | Chromium-51 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14392-02-0 | Chromium-51 | pCi/L | ||||
29501 | Radiochemical | Manganese-54, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13966-31-9 | Manganese-54 | pCi/L | |||||
29502 | Radiochemical | Manganese-54 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13966-31-9 | Manganese-54 | pCi/L | ||||
29601 | Radiochemical | Cobalt-60, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 10198-40-0 | Cobalt-60 | pCi/L | |||||
29602 | Radiochemical | Cobalt-60 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 10198-40-0 | Cobalt-60 | pCi/L | ||||
29637 | Radiochemical | Lead-210 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | Not checked | 1-Sigma CSU | Dry | 14255-04-0 | dpm/g | |||||
29638 | Radiochemical | Beryllium-7 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | Not checked | 1-Sigma CSU | Dry | 13966-02-4 | dpm/g | |||||
29639 | Radiochemical | Radium-226 1-sigma combined uncertainty, solids, dry weight, disintegrations per minute per gram | Not checked | 1-Sigma CSU | Dry | 13982-63-3 | dpm/g | |||||
29797 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | Total | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
29798 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | Total | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
29799 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Hydroxide, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | Total | 14280-30-9 | Hydroxide | mg/l | |||||
29800 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Hydroxide, water, filtered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | Dissolved | 14280-30-9 | Hydroxide | mg/l | |||||
29801 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Alkalinity, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Agree | Dissolved | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
29802 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Alkalinity, water, filtered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Agree | Dissolved | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
29803 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Alkalinity, water, filtered, Gran titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Agree | Dissolved | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
29804 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, field, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
29805 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 4.5) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
29806 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Bicarbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 71-52-3 | Bicarbonate | mg/l | |||||
29807 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, field, milligrams per liter | Not agree | Dissolved | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
29808 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 8.3) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter | Not agree | Dissolved | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
29809 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbonate, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter | Not agree | Dissolved | 3812-32-6 | Carbonate (CO3) | mg/l | |||||
29810 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Hydroxide, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 10.4) titration, field, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14280-30-9 | Hydroxide | mg/l | |||||
29811 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Hydroxide, water, filtered, fixed endpoint (pH 10.4) titration, laboratory, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14280-30-9 | Hydroxide | mg/l | |||||
29812 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Hydroxide, water, filtered, inflection-point titration method (incremental titration method), laboratory, milligrams per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14280-30-9 | Hydroxide | mg/l | |||||
29813 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Acid neutralizing capacity, water, unfiltered, Gran titration, field, milligrams per liter as calcium carbonate | Agree | Total | Alkalinity | mg/l CaCO3 | ||||||
29814 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | mg/kg | ||||
29815 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | mg/kg | ||||
29816 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | mg/kg | ||||
29817 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Antimony, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-36-0 | Antimony | mg/kg | ||||
29818 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | mg/kg | ||||
29819 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | mg/kg | ||||
29820 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | ||||
29821 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Barium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-39-3 | Barium | mg/kg | ||||
29822 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | ||||
29823 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Beryllium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-41-7 | Beryllium | mg/kg | ||||
29824 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-42-8 | Boron | mg/kg | ||||
29825 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-42-8 | Boron | mg/kg | ||||
29826 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | ||||
29827 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cadmium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-43-9 | Cadmium | mg/kg | ||||
29828 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | mg/kg | ||||
29829 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | ||||
29830 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Chromium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-47-3 | Chromium | mg/kg | ||||
29831 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | mg/kg | ||||
29832 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | ||||
29833 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Copper, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-50-8 | Copper | mg/kg | ||||
29834 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7439-89-6 | Iron | mg/kg | ||||
29835 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7439-89-6 | Iron | mg/kg | ||||
29836 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | ||||
29837 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | ||||
29838 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | mg/kg | ||||
29839 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | ||||
29840 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | ||||
29841 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | ||||
29842 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | ||||
29843 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | ||||
29844 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | ||||
29845 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | ||||
29846 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | ||||
29847 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | mg/kg | ||||
29848 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | mg/kg | ||||
29849 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Silicon, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-21-3 | Silicon | mg/kg | ||||
29850 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | ||||
29851 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | mg/kg | ||||
29852 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Thallium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-28-0 | Thallium | mg/kg | ||||
29853 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | mg/kg | ||||
29854 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | mg/kg | ||||
29855 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | ||||
29856 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | ||||
29857 | Radiochemical | Actinium-228, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14331-83-0 | Actinium-228 | pCi/L | |||||
29858 | Radiochemical | Actinium-228 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14331-83-0 | Actinium-228 | pCi/L | ||||
29861 | Radiochemical | Silver-108, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14391-65-2 | Silver-108 | pCi/L | |||||
29862 | Radiochemical | Silver-108 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14391-65-2 | Silver-108 | pCi/L | ||||
29865 | Radiochemical | Americium-241, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14596-10-2 | Americium-241 | pCi/L | |||||
29866 | Radiochemical | Americium-241 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14596-10-2 | Americium-241 | pCi/L | ||||
29867 | Radiochemical | Americium-241, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14596-10-2 | Americium-241 | pCi/L | |||||
29868 | Radiochemical | Americium-241 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14596-10-2 | Americium-241 | pCi/L | ||||
29871 | Radiochemical | Beryllium-7, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13966-02-4 | Beryllium-7 | pCi/L | |||||
29872 | Radiochemical | Beryllium-7 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13966-02-4 | Beryllium-7 | pCi/L | ||||
29875 | Radiochemical | Bismuth-214, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14733-03-0 | Bismuth-214 | pCi/L | |||||
29876 | Radiochemical | Bismuth-214 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14733-03-0 | Bismuth-214 | pCi/L | ||||
29887 | Radiochemical | Cobalt-57, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13981-50-5 | Cobalt-57 | pCi/L | |||||
29888 | Radiochemical | Cobalt-57 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13981-50-5 | Cobalt-57 | pCi/L | ||||
29891 | Radiochemical | Cobalt-58, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 13981-38-9 | Cobalt-58 | pCi/L | |||||
29892 | Radiochemical | Cobalt-58 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 13981-38-9 | Cobalt-58 | pCi/L | ||||
29901 | Radiochemical | Europium-155, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14391-16-3 | Europium-155 | pCi/L | |||||
29902 | Radiochemical | Europium-155 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14391-16-3 | Europium-155 | pCi/L | ||||
29913 | Radiochemical | Iodine-129, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 15046-84-1 | Iodine-129 | pCi/L | |||||
29914 | Radiochemical | Iodine-129 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 15046-84-1 | Iodine-129 | pCi/L | ||||
29945 | Radiochemical | Lead-212, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 15092-94-1 | Lead-212 | pCi/L | |||||
29946 | Radiochemical | Lead-212 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 15092-94-1 | Lead-212 | pCi/L | ||||
29947 | Radiochemical | Lead-214, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 15067-28-4 | Lead-214 | pCi/L | |||||
29948 | Radiochemical | Lead-214 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 15067-28-4 | Lead-214 | pCi/L | ||||
29949 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio, water, unfiltered, ratio | Agree | Total | None | |||||||
29950 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio counting error, water, unfiltered, ratio | Agree | Counting Error | Total | None | ||||||
29951 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio, water, filtered, ratio | Agree | Dissolved | None | |||||||
29952 | Radiochemical | Plutonium-239/plutonium-240 activity ratio counting error, water, filtered, ratio | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | None | ||||||
29955 | Radiochemical | Antimony-124, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14683-10-4 | Antimony-124 | pCi/L | |||||
29956 | Radiochemical | Antimony-124 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14683-10-4 | Antimony-124 | pCi/L | ||||
29959 | Radiochemical | Antimony-125, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14234-35-6 | Antimony-125 | pCi/L | |||||
29960 | Radiochemical | Antimony-125 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14234-35-6 | Antimony-125 | pCi/L | ||||
29967 | Radiochemical | Technetium-99, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14133-76-7 | Technetium-99 | pCi/L | |||||
29968 | Radiochemical | Technetium-99 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14133-76-7 | Technetium-99 | pCi/L | ||||
29969 | Radiochemical | Technetium-99, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14133-76-7 | Technetium-99 | pCi/L | |||||
29970 | Radiochemical | Technetium-99 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14133-76-7 | Technetium-99 | pCi/L | ||||
29979 | Radiochemical | Thallium-208, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Total | 14913-50-9 | Thallium-208 | pCi/L | |||||
29980 | Radiochemical | Thallium-208 counting error, water, unfiltered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Total | 14913-50-9 | Thallium-208 | pCi/L | ||||
29981 | Radiochemical | Thallium-208, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 14913-50-9 | Thallium-208 | pCi/L | |||||
29982 | Radiochemical | Thallium-208 counting error, water, filtered, picocuries per liter | Agree | Counting Error | Dissolved | 14913-50-9 | Thallium-208 | pCi/L | ||||
30001 | Organics, Pesticide | Disulfoton, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 298-04-4 | Disulfoton | mg/kg | ||||
30002 | Organics, Pesticide | EPN, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 2104-64-5 | O-Ethyl O-(p-nitrophenyl) phenylphosphonothioate | mg/kg | ||||
30004 | Organics, Pesticide | Fensulfothion, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 115-90-2 | Fensulfothion | ug/l | |||||
30006 | Organics, Pesticide | Fenthion, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 55-38-9 | Fenthion | ug/l | |||||
30008 | Organics, Pesticide | Malathion, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 121-75-5 | Malathion | mg/kg | ||||
30009 | Organics, Pesticide | Merphos, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 150-50-5 | Merphos | ug/l | |||||
30018 | Organics, Pesticide | Tetrachlorvinphos, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 22248-79-9 | Phosphoric acid, (1Z)-2-chloro-1-(2,4,5-trichlorophenyl)ethenyl dimethyl ester | mg/kg | ||||
30020 | Organics, Pesticide | Tetraethyl pyrophosphate (TEPP), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 107-49-3 | Tetraethyl pyrophosphate | mg/kg | ||||
30026 | Organics, Pesticide | Silvex, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 93-72-1 | Silvex | mg/kg | ||||
30030 | Organics, Pesticide | Dinoseb, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 88-85-7 | Dinoseb | mg/kg | ||||
30031 | Organics, Pesticide | MCPA, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 94-74-6 | MCPA | mg/kg | ||||
30033 | Organics, Other | Petroleum hydrocarbons, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | Hydrocarbons, petroleum | mg/kg | |||||
30034 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,2-Dibromoethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 106-93-4 | Ethylene dibromide | mg/kg | ||||
30035 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 96-12-8 | 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane | mg/kg | ||||
30038 | Organics, Other | 2-Chlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 95-57-8 | o-Chlorophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30039 | Organics, Pesticide | 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 59-50-7 | p-Chloro-m-cresol | mg/kg | ||||
30041 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Cyclohexyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 131-89-5 | Dinex | mg/kg | ||||
30042 | Organics, Pesticide | 2,4-Dichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 120-83-2 | 2,4-Dichlorophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30043 | Organics, Other | 2,6-Dichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 87-65-0 | 2,6-Dichlorophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30044 | Organics, Pesticide | 2,4-Dimethylphenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 105-67-9 | 2,4-Dimethylphenol | mg/kg | ||||
30045 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 534-52-1 | 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol | mg/kg | ||||
30046 | Organics, Other | 2,4-Dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 51-28-5 | 2,4-Dinitrophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30047 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 534-52-1 | 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol | mg/kg | ||||
30048 | Organics, Other | 2-Nitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 88-75-5 | o-Nitrophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30049 | Organics, Pesticide | 4-Nitrophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 100-02-7 | p-Nitrophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30050 | Organics, Pesticide | Pentachlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 87-86-5 | Pentachlorophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30051 | Organics, Other | Phenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 108-95-2 | Phenol | mg/kg | ||||
30054 | Organics, Pesticide | 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 88-06-2 | 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30057 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 111-91-1 | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane | mg/kg | ||||
30058 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 39638-32-9 | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether | mg/kg | ||||
30059 | Organics, Other | Bromobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 108-86-1 | Bromobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30060 | Organics, Other | Bromodichloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-27-4 | Dichlorobromomethane | mg/kg | ||||
30061 | Organics, Other | Tribromomethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-25-2 | Tribromomethane | mg/kg | ||||
30062 | Organics, Pesticide | Bromomethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 74-83-9 | Methyl bromide | mg/kg | ||||
30063 | Organics, Other | Tetrachloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 56-23-5 | Carbon tetrachloride | mg/kg | ||||
30067 | Organics, Other | Chloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-00-3 | Chloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30068 | Organics, Other | Trichloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 67-66-3 | Chloroform | mg/kg | ||||
30069 | Organics, Other | 1-Chlorohexane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 544-10-5 | 1-Chlorohexane | mg/kg | ||||
30070 | Organics, Other | 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 110-75-8 | 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether | mg/kg | ||||
30071 | Organics, Other | Chloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 74-87-3 | Chloromethane | mg/kg | ||||
30073 | Organics, Other | 2-Chlorotoluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 95-49-8 | o-Chlorotoluene | mg/kg | ||||
30074 | Organics, Other | Dibromochloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 124-48-1 | Chlorodibromomethane | mg/kg | ||||
30075 | Organics, Other | Dibromomethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 74-95-3 | Dibromomethane | mg/kg | ||||
30076 | Organics, Other | 1,2-Dichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 95-50-1 | o-Dichlorobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30077 | Organics, Other | 1,3-Dichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 541-73-1 | m-Dichlorobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30078 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 106-46-7 | p-Dichlorobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30079 | Organics, Other | Dichlorodifluoromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-71-8 | CFC-12 | mg/kg | ||||
30080 | Organics, Other | 1,1-Dichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-34-3 | 1,1-Dichloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30081 | Organics, Other | 1,2-Dichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 107-06-2 | 1,2-Dichloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30082 | Organics, Other | 1,1-Dichloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-35-4 | 1,1-Dichloroethylene | mg/kg | ||||
30083 | Organics, Other | trans-1,2-Dichloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 156-60-5 | trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene | mg/kg | ||||
30084 | Organics, Other | Dichloromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-09-2 | Methylene chloride | mg/kg | ||||
30085 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,2-Dichloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 78-87-5 | 1,2-Dichloropropane | mg/kg | ||||
30086 | Organics, Pesticide | trans-1,3-Dichloropropene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 10061-02-6 | trans-1,3-Dichloropropene | mg/kg | ||||
30087 | Organics, Pesticide | cis-1,3-Dichloropropene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 10061-01-5 | cis-1,3-Dichloropropene | mg/kg | ||||
30088 | Organics, Other | 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 79-34-5 | 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30089 | Organics, Other | 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 630-20-6 | 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30090 | Organics, Other | Tetrachloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 127-18-4 | Tetrachloroethylene | mg/kg | ||||
30091 | Organics, Other | 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 71-55-6 | 1,1,1-Trichloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30092 | Organics, Other | 1,1,2-Trichloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 79-00-5 | 1,1,2-Trichloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30093 | Organics, Other | Trichlorofluoromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-69-4 | CFC-11 | mg/kg | ||||
30094 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 96-18-4 | 1,2,3-Trichloropropane | mg/kg | ||||
30095 | Organics, Other | Vinyl chloride, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-01-4 | Vinyl chloride | mg/kg | ||||
30096 | Organics, Other | Benzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 71-43-2 | Benzene | mg/kg | ||||
30097 | Organics, Other | Chlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 108-90-7 | Chlorobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30098 | Organics, Other | Ethylbenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 100-41-4 | Ethylbenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30099 | Organics, Other | Toluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 108-88-3 | Toluene | mg/kg | ||||
30101 | Organics, Other | o-Xylene plus p-xylene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 136777-61-2 | mg/kg | |||||
30102 | Organics, Pesticide | Aldrin, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 309-00-2 | Aldrin | mg/kg | ||||
30104 | Organics, PCBs | Aroclor 1221, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 11104-28-2 | Aroclor 1221 | mg/kg | ||||
30110 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-HCH, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 319-84-6 | .alpha.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | mg/kg | ||||
30111 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-HCH, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 319-85-7 | .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | mg/kg | ||||
30112 | Organics, Pesticide | delta-HCH, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 319-86-8 | .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | mg/kg | ||||
30113 | Organics, Pesticide | Lindane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 58-89-9 | Lindane | mg/kg | ||||
30114 | Organics, Pesticide | Chlordane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 57-74-9 | Chlordane, technical, and/or chlordane metabolites | mg/kg | ||||
30116 | Organics, Pesticide | p,p'-Methoxychlor, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 72-43-5 | Methoxychlor | mg/kg | ||||
30117 | Organics, Pesticide | p,p'-DDD, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 72-54-8 | p,p'-DDD | mg/kg | ||||
30118 | Organics, Pesticide | p,p'-DDE, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 72-55-9 | p,p'-DDE | mg/kg | ||||
30119 | Organics, Pesticide | p,p'-DDT, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 50-29-3 | p,p'-DDT | mg/kg | ||||
30120 | Organics, Pesticide | Dieldrin, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 60-57-1 | Dieldrin | mg/kg | ||||
30121 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-Endosulfan, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 959-98-8 | .alpha.-Endosulfan | mg/kg | ||||
30122 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-Endosulfan, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 33213-65-9 | .beta.-Endosulfan | mg/kg | ||||
30123 | Organics, Pesticide | Endosulfan sulfate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 1031-07-8 | Endosulfan sulfate | mg/kg | ||||
30124 | Organics, Pesticide | Endrin, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 72-20-8 | Endrin | mg/kg | ||||
30125 | Organics, Pesticide | Endrin aldehyde, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7421-93-4 | Endrin aldehyde | mg/kg | ||||
30126 | Organics, Pesticide | Heptachlor, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 76-44-8 | Heptachlor | mg/kg | ||||
30127 | Organics, Pesticide | Heptachlor epoxide, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 1024-57-3 | Heptachlor epoxide | mg/kg | ||||
30128 | Organics, Pesticide | Toxaphene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 8001-35-2 | Toxaphene | mg/kg | ||||
30130 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,3-Dichloropropane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 142-28-9 | 1,3-Dichloropropane | mg/kg | ||||
30132 | Organics, Other | Trichloroethene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 79-01-6 | Trichloroethylene | mg/kg | ||||
30133 | Organics, Other | Acetone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 67-64-1 | Acetone | mg/kg | ||||
30134 | Organics, Pesticide | Carbon disulfide, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 75-15-0 | Carbon disulfide | mg/kg | ||||
30135 | Organics, Other | Methyl ethyl ketone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 78-93-3 | Methyl ethyl ketone | mg/kg | ||||
30136 | Organics, Other | Vinyl acetate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 108-05-4 | Vinyl acetate | mg/kg | ||||
30137 | Organics, Other | Isobutyl methyl ketone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 108-10-1 | Methyl isobutyl ketone | mg/kg | ||||
30138 | Organics, Other | n-Butyl methyl ketone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 591-78-6 | 2-Hexanone | mg/kg | ||||
30139 | Organics, Other | Styrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 100-42-5 | Styrene | mg/kg | ||||
30140 | Organics, Other | Xylene (all isomers), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 1330-20-7 | Xylene | mg/kg | ||||
30141 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 83-32-9 | Acenaphthene | mg/kg | ||||
30142 | Organics, Other | Anthracene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 120-12-7 | Anthracene | mg/kg | ||||
30143 | Organics, Other | Benzo[a]anthracene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 56-55-3 | Benz[a]anthracene | mg/kg | ||||
30144 | Organics, Other | Benzo[b]fluoranthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 205-99-2 | Benzo(b)fluoranthene | mg/kg | ||||
30145 | Organics, Other | Benzo[k]fluoranthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 207-08-9 | Benzo[k]fluoranthene | mg/kg | ||||
30146 | Organics, Other | Benzo[ghi]perylene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 191-24-2 | Benzo[ghi]perylene | mg/kg | ||||
30147 | Organics, Other | Benzo[a]pyrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 50-32-8 | Benzo[a]pyrene | mg/kg | ||||
30148 | Organics, Other | Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 85-68-7 | Butyl benzyl phthalate | mg/kg | ||||
30149 | Organics, Other | 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 101-55-3 | p-Bromophenyl phenyl ether | mg/kg | ||||
30150 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 111-44-4 | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether | mg/kg | ||||
30151 | Organics, Other | 2-Chloronaphthalene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 91-58-7 | 2-Chloronaphthalene | mg/kg | ||||
30152 | Organics, Other | 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 7005-72-3 | p-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether | mg/kg | ||||
30153 | Organics, Other | Chrysene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 218-01-9 | Chrysene | mg/kg | ||||
30154 | Organics, Other | Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 53-70-3 | Dibenz[a,h]anthracene | mg/kg | ||||
30155 | Organics, Other | 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 91-94-1 | 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine | mg/kg | ||||
30156 | Organics, Other | Diethyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 84-66-2 | Diethyl phthalate | mg/kg | ||||
30157 | Organics, Other | Dimethyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 131-11-3 | Dimethyl phthalate | mg/kg | ||||
30158 | Organics, Other | Di-n-butyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 84-74-2 | Dibutyl phthalate | mg/kg | ||||
30159 | Organics, Other | 2,4-Dinitrotoluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 121-14-2 | 2,4-Dinitrotoluene | mg/kg | ||||
30160 | Organics, Other | 2,6-Dinitrotoluene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 606-20-2 | 2,6-Dinitrotoluene | mg/kg | ||||
30161 | Organics, Other | Di-n-octyl phthalate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 117-84-0 | Di-n-octyl phthalate | mg/kg | ||||
30162 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 117-81-7 | Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate | mg/kg | ||||
30163 | Organics, Other | Fluoranthene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 206-44-0 | Fluoranthene | mg/kg | ||||
30164 | Organics, Other | 9H-Fluorene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 86-73-7 | Fluorene | mg/kg | ||||
30165 | Organics, Pesticide | Hexachlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 118-74-1 | Hexachlorobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30166 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorobutadiene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 87-68-3 | Hexachlorobutadiene | mg/kg | ||||
30167 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 77-47-4 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | mg/kg | ||||
30168 | Organics, Other | Hexachloroethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 67-72-1 | Hexachloroethane | mg/kg | ||||
30169 | Organics, Other | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 193-39-5 | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene | mg/kg | ||||
30170 | Organics, Other | Isophorone, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 78-59-1 | Isophorone | mg/kg | ||||
30171 | Organics, Other | Naphthalene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 91-20-3 | Naphthalene | mg/kg | ||||
30172 | Organics, Other | Nitrobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 98-95-3 | Nitrobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30173 | Organics, Other | N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 62-75-9 | N-Nitrosodimethylamine | mg/kg | ||||
30174 | Organics, Other | N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 621-64-7 | N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine | mg/kg | ||||
30175 | Organics, Other | N-Nitrosodiphenylamine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 86-30-6 | N-Nitrosodiphenylamine | mg/kg | ||||
30176 | Organics, Other | Phenanthrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 85-01-8 | Phenanthrene | mg/kg | ||||
30177 | Organics, Other | Pyrene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 129-00-0 | Pyrene | mg/kg | ||||
30178 | Organics, Other | 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 120-82-1 | 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene | mg/kg | ||||
30179 | Organics, Other | Benzidine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 92-87-5 | Benzidine | mg/kg | ||||
30180 | Organics, Other | Benzyl alcohol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 100-51-6 | Benzyl alcohol | mg/kg | ||||
30181 | Organics, Pesticide | o-Cresol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 95-48-7 | o-Cresol | mg/kg | ||||
30182 | Organics, Pesticide | p-Cresol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 106-44-5 | p-Cresol | mg/kg | ||||
30183 | Organics, Other | Benzoic acid, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 65-85-0 | Benzoic acid | mg/kg | ||||
30184 | Organics, Other | 2-Methylnaphthalene, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 91-57-6 | 2-Methylnaphthalene | mg/kg | ||||
30185 | Organics, Pesticide | 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 95-95-4 | 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol | mg/kg | ||||
30186 | Organics, Other | 2-Nitroaniline, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 88-74-4 | o-Nitroaniline | mg/kg | ||||
30187 | Organics, Other | 3-Nitroaniline, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 99-09-2 | m-Nitroaniline | mg/kg | ||||
30188 | Organics, Other | Dibenzofuran, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 132-64-9 | Dibenzofuran | mg/kg | ||||
30189 | Organics, Other | 4-Nitroaniline, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Recoverable | 100-01-6 | p-Nitroaniline | mg/kg | ||||
30190 | Organics, Pesticide | Dichlorprop, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 120-36-5 | Dichlorprop | ug/l | |||||
30191 | Organics, Pesticide | Dinoseb, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 88-85-7 | Dinoseb | ug/l | |||||
30192 | Organics, Pesticide | MCPA, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 94-74-6 | MCPA | ug/l | |||||
30193 | Organics, Pesticide | Mecoprop, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 93-65-2 | Mecoprop | ug/l | |||||
30194 | Organics, Other | 2-Methylnaphthalene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 91-57-6 | 2-Methylnaphthalene | ug/l | |||||
30195 | Organics, Other | 2-Nitroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 88-74-4 | o-Nitroaniline | ug/l | |||||
30196 | Organics, Other | 4-Nitroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 100-01-6 | p-Nitroaniline | ug/l | |||||
30197 | Organics, Other | 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 110-75-8 | 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether | ug/l | |||||
30198 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,3-Dichloropropane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 142-28-9 | 1,3-Dichloropropane | ug/l | |||||
30199 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,3-Dichloropropane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 142-28-9 | 1,3-Dichloropropane | ug/l | |||||
30200 | Organics, Pesticide | Dalapon, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 75-99-0 | Dalapon | ug/l | |||||
30201 | Organics, Other | Chloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 74-87-3 | Chloromethane | ug/l | |||||
30202 | Organics, Pesticide | Bromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 74-83-9 | Methyl bromide | ug/l | |||||
30203 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,2-Dibromoethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 106-93-4 | Ethylene dibromide | ug/l | |||||
30204 | Organics, Pesticide | 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 534-52-1 | 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol | ug/l | |||||
30205 | Physical | Temperature, wood (fire potential), degrees Fahrenheit | Agree | deg F | ||||||||
30206 | Physical | Temperature, wood (fire potential), degrees Celsius | Agree | deg C | ||||||||
30207 | Physical | Gage height, above datum, meters | Agree | Gage height | m | |||||||
30208 | Physical | Discharge, cubic meters per second | Agree | Mean | 1 Day | m3/sec | ||||||
30209 | Physical | Discharge, instantaneous, cubic meters per second | Agree | Stream flow, instantaneous | m3/sec | |||||||
30210 | Physical | Depth to water level, below land surface datum (LSD), meters | Agree | Depth, from ground surface to well water level | m | |||||||
30211 | Physical | Elevation above NGVD 1929, meters | Agree | m | ||||||||
30214 | Physical | Pressure, relative, manometer tank, count | Agree | count | ||||||||
30215 | Information | Signal, sediment, Markland meter, count | Agree | count | ||||||||
30216 | Information | Voltage, hazard trip switch, volts | Agree | volts | ||||||||
30217 | Organics, Other | Dibromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 74-95-3 | Dibromomethane | ug/l | |||||
30218 | Organics, Pesticide | Dichlorvos, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 62-73-7 | Dichlorvos | ug/l | |||||
30219 | Organics, Pesticide | 2,4-DB, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 94-82-6 | 2,4-DB | ug/l | |||||
30220 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | % | ||||
30221 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Aluminum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7429-90-5 | Aluminum | % | ||||
30224 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Arsenic, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-38-2 | Arsenic | % | ||||
30231 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-69-9 | Bismuth | % | ||||
30232 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Boron, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-42-8 | Boron | % | ||||
30234 | Organics, Pesticide | Bromacil, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 314-40-9 | Bromacil | ug/l | |||||
30235 | Organics, Pesticide | Butachlor, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 23184-66-9 | Butachlor | ug/l | |||||
30236 | Organics, Pesticide | Butylate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 2008-41-5 | Butylate | ug/l | |||||
30239 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | % | ||||
30240 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Calcium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-70-2 | Calcium | % | ||||
30241 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Inorganic carbon | % | |||||
30242 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Inorganic carbon, suspended sediment, total, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Suspended | Inorganic carbon | % | |||||
30243 | Organics, Other | Organic carbon, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Organic carbon | % | |||||
30244 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Carbon [inorganic plus organic], suspended sediment, total, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-44-0 | Total Carbon | % | ||||
30245 | Organics, Pesticide | Carboxin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 5234-68-4 | Carboxin | ug/l | |||||
30251 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cobalt, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-48-4 | Cobalt | % | ||||
30254 | Organics, Pesticide | Cycloate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 1134-23-2 | Cycloate | ug/l | |||||
30255 | Organics, Pesticide | Diphenamid, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 957-51-7 | Diphenamid | ug/l | |||||
30260 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Germanium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-56-4 | Germanium | % | ||||
30263 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Gold, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-57-5 | Gold | % | ||||
30264 | Organics, Pesticide | Hexazinone, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 51235-04-2 | Hexazinone | ug/l | |||||
30267 | Physical | Illumination, lumens per square foot | Agree | lm/ft2 | ||||||||
30268 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-89-6 | Iron | % | ||||
30269 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Iron, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7439-89-6 | Iron | % | ||||
30270 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lanthanum, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-91-0 | Lanthanum | % | ||||
30272 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lead, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-92-1 | Lead | mg/kg | ||||
30274 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | mg/kg | ||||
30275 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Lithium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7439-93-2 | Lithium | mg/kg | ||||
30276 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | % | ||||
30277 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Magnesium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7439-95-4 | Magnesium | % | ||||
30278 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | ||||
30279 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Manganese, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7439-96-5 | Manganese | mg/kg | ||||
30280 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-97-6 | Mercury | mg/kg | ||||
30282 | Organics, Pesticide | Methiocarb, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 2032-65-7 | Methiocarb | ug/l | |||||
30283 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | ||||
30284 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Molybdenum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7439-98-7 | Molybdenum | mg/kg | ||||
30285 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Neodymium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-00-8 | Neodymium | mg/kg | ||||
30286 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Neodymium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-00-8 | Neodymium | mg/kg | ||||
30287 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | ||||
30288 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Nickel, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-02-0 | Nickel | mg/kg | ||||
30289 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Niobium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-03-1 | Niobium | mg/kg | ||||
30290 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Niobium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-03-1 | Niobium | mg/kg | ||||
30291 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | % | ||||
30292 | Nutrient | Phosphorus, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7723-14-0 | Phosphorus | % | ||||
30293 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | % | ||||
30294 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Potassium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-09-7 | Potassium | % | ||||
30295 | Organics, Pesticide | Propachlor, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 1918-16-7 | Propachlor | ug/l | |||||
30296 | Organics, Pesticide | Propoxur, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 114-26-1 | Propoxur | ug/l | |||||
30297 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Scandium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-20-2 | Scandium | mg/kg | ||||
30298 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Scandium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-20-2 | Scandium | mg/kg | ||||
30299 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Selenium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7782-49-2 | Selenium | mg/kg | ||||
30301 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | ||||
30302 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Silver, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-22-4 | Silver | mg/kg | ||||
30303 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | % | ||||
30304 | Inorganics, Major, Metals | Sodium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-23-5 | Sodium | % | ||||
30305 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | mg/kg | ||||
30306 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Strontium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-24-6 | Strontium | mg/kg | ||||
30307 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfur, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7704-34-9 | Sulfur | % | ||||
30308 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfur, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7704-34-9 | Sulfur | % | ||||
30309 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tantalum, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-25-7 | Tantalum | mg/kg | ||||
30310 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tantalum, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-25-7 | Tantalum | mg/kg | ||||
30311 | Organics, Pesticide | Terbacil, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 5902-51-2 | Terbacil | ug/l | |||||
30312 | Radiochemical | Thorium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-29-1 | Thorium-232 | mg/kg | ||||
30313 | Radiochemical | Thorium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-29-1 | Thorium-232 | mg/kg | ||||
30314 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-31-5 | Tin | mg/kg | ||||
30315 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tin, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-31-5 | Tin | mg/kg | ||||
30316 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, bed sediment, dry weight, percent | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | % | ||||
30317 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Titanium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, percent | Not checked | Dry | Suspended | 7440-32-6 | Titanium | % | ||||
30318 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Tungsten, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-33-7 | Tungsten | mg/kg | ||||
30320 | Radiochemical | Uranium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | mg/kg | ||||
30321 | Radiochemical | Uranium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-61-1 | Uranium | mg/kg | ||||
30322 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Vanadium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-62-2 | Vanadium | mg/kg | ||||
30324 | Organics, Pesticide | Vernolate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 1929-77-7 | Vernolate | ug/l | |||||
30325 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Ytterbium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-64-4 | Ytterbium | mg/kg | ||||
30326 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Ytterbium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-64-4 | Ytterbium | mg/kg | ||||
30327 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Yttrium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-65-5 | Yttrium | mg/kg | ||||
30328 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Yttrium, suspended sediment, total digestion, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Suspended | 7440-65-5 | Yttrium | mg/kg | ||||
30329 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zinc, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-66-6 | Zinc | mg/kg | ||||
30331 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zirconium, bed sediment, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7440-67-7 | Zirconium | mg/kg | ||||
30333 | Information | Bag mesh size, bedload sampler, millimeters | Agree | mm | ||||||||
30334 | Physical | Surface area, suspended sediment, square meters per gram | Agree | Suspended | Surface area | m2/g | ||||||
30335 | Organics, PCBs | PCBs, water, filtered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1336-36-3 | Polychlorinated biphenyls | ng/l | |||||
30341 | Organics, Other | 4-Isopropyltoluene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 99-87-6 | p-Cymene | ug/l | |||||
30342 | Organics, Other | 4-Nitroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 100-01-6 | p-Nitroaniline | ug/l | |||||
30343 | Organics, Pesticide | 4-Chloroaniline, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 106-47-8 | p-Chloroaniline | ug/l | |||||
30361 | Inorganics, Minor, Non-metals | Perchlorate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14797-73-0 | ug/kg | |||||
30362 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Chloride, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 16887-00-6 | mg/kg | |||||
30363 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluoride, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 16984-48-8 | mg/kg | |||||
30364 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 14808-79-8 | mg/kg | |||||
30365 | Organics, Other | Nitroguanidine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 556-88-7 | mg/kg | |||||
30366 | Organics, Other | Nitroguanidine, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 556-88-7 | mg/kg | |||||
30367 | Organics, Other | Nitroguanidine, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 556-88-7 | ug/l | ||||||
30368 | Organics, Other | Nitroguanidine, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 556-88-7 | ug/l | ||||||
30369 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Cyanide, soil, total, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Total | 57-12-5 | mg/kg | |||||
30370 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zirconium, water, filtered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 7440-67-7 | mg/l | ||||||
30371 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zirconium, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 7440-67-7 | mg/l | ||||||
30372 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Chloride, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 16887-00-6 | mg/kg | |||||
30373 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Fluoride, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 16984-48-8 | mg/kg | |||||
30374 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 14808-79-8 | mg/kg | |||||
30375 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Silica, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 7631-86-9 | mg/kg | |||||
30376 | Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | Sulfur, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 7704-34-9 | mg/kg | |||||
30377 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Bismuth, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-69-9 | mg/kg | |||||
30378 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Zirconium, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 7440-67-7 | mg/kg | |||||
30379 | Organics, Other | Cyclohexane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 110-82-7 | ug/kg | |||||
30380 | Organics, Other | Methyl acetate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 79-20-9 | ug/kg | |||||
30381 | Organics, Other | Methylcyclohexane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 108-87-2 | ug/kg | |||||
30382 | Organics, Other | Trichlorofluoromethane, soil, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 75-69-4 | ug/kg | |||||
30383 | Organics, Other | Nitrocellulose, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 9004-70-0 | mg/kg | |||||
30384 | Organics, Other | Nitrocellulose, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 9004-70-0 | mg/kg | |||||
30385 | Organics, Other | Nitrocellulose, water, unfiltered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 9004-70-0 | ug/l | ||||||
30386 | Organics, Other | Nitrocellulose, water, filtered, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 9004-70-0 | ug/l | ||||||
30387 | Nutrient | Nitrate, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 14797-55-8 | mg/kg as N | |||||
30388 | Nutrient | Nitrate plus nitrite, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | Inorganic nitrogen (nitrate and nitrite) | mg/kg as N | |||||
30389 | Nutrient | Nitrite, soil, recoverable, dry weight, milligrams per kilogram as nitrogen | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 14797-65-0 | mg/kg as N | |||||
30390 | Organics, Other | Anabaenopeptins, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 161897-74-1 | ug/l | ||||||
30391 | Organics, Other | Domoic acid (ASP Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning), water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 14277-97-5 | ng/l | ||||||
30392 | Organics, Other | beta-N-Methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 15920-93-1 | ng/l | ||||||
30393 | Organics, Other | Brevetoxins, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 85079-48-7 | ng/l | ||||||
30394 | Organics, Other | Euglenophycin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 1219817-69-2 | ng/l | ||||||
30395 | Organics, Other | Nodularin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 118399-22-7 | ng/l | ||||||
30396 | Organics, Other | Prymnesium toxins, water, unfiltered, recoverable, nanograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | ng/l | |||||||
30397 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, solids between 0.038 mm and 0.063 mm, total, wet sieved, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 0.038-0.063mm | Total | ug/kg | |||||
30398 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, solids between 0.020 and 0.038 mm, total, wet sieved, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | 0.020-0.038mm | Total | ug/kg | |||||
30399 | Inorganics, Minor, Metals | Mercury, solids smaller than 0.020 mm, total, wet sieved, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | <0.020 mm | Total | ug/kg | |||||
30400 | Physical | Loss on ignition, solids between 0.038 mm and 0.063 mm, wet sieved, percent | Not checked | 0.038-0.063mm | % | |||||||
30401 | Physical | Loss on ignition, solids between 0.020 and 0.038 mm, wet sieved, percent | Not checked | 0.020-0.038mm | % | |||||||
30402 | Physical | Loss on ignition, solids smaller than 0.020 mm, wet sieved, percent | Not checked | <0.020 mm | % | |||||||
31501 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, M-Endo MF method, immediate, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31503 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, M-Endo MF method, delayed, water, colonies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31504 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, LES Endo method, immediate, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31505 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, brilliant green lactose broth method, confirmed, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | MPN/100 ml | ||||||
31507 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, completed test, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | MPN/100 ml | ||||||
31613 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, M-FC MF (0.7 micron) method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Fecal coliforms | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31615 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, EC broth method, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Fecal coliforms | MPN/100 ml | |||||||
31616 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, M-FC MF (0.45 micron) method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Fecal coliforms | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31617 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, Eijkman test, 44.5 degrees Celsius, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | 44.5 deg C | Fecal coliforms | MPN/100 ml | ||||||
31619 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, boric acid lactose broth, 43 degrees Celsius, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | 43 deg C | Fecal coliforms | MPN/100 ml | ||||||
31621 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, A-1 broth method, 44.5 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Agree | 24 Hour | 44.5 deg C | Fecal coliforms | MPN/100 ml | |||||
31625 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, M-FC MF (0.7 micron) method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Agree | Fecal coliforms | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31633 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31648 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, m-TEC MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters | Agree | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31649 | Microbiological | Enterococci, m-E MF method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Agree | Enterococci | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31664 | Organics, Pesticide | Diclofop-methyl, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 51338-27-3 | Diclofop methyl | ug/l | |||||
31673 | Microbiological | Fecal streptococci, KF streptococcus MF method, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Fecal Streptococcus | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31677 | Microbiological | Fecal streptococci, azide-dextrose-ethyl-violet azide broth method, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Fecal Streptococcus | MPN/100 ml | |||||||
31678 | Microbiological | Fecal streptococci, azide-dextrose-ethyl-violet azide broth method, tube configuration, water, code | Agree | Fecal Streptococcus | code | |||||||
31679 | Microbiological | Fecal streptococci, m-Enterococcus MF method, water, colonies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Fecal Streptococcus | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31681 | Microbiological | Salmonella, water, 0.45 micron filter method, most probable number per 100 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | Salmonella | MPN/100 ml | |||||||
31682 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli O157, presumptive test, water, 0.45 micron filter method, presence or absence per 500 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | PrsAbs0.5L | ||||||||
31683 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli O157, confirmed test, water, 0.45 micron filter, presence or absence per 500 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | PrsAbs0.5L | ||||||||
31684 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, MUG method, water, presence or absence in sample | USGS use and no use by EPA | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | PrsAbs | ||||||
31685 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, EC medium, 44.5 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, Standard Methods 9221E.1, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | 24 Hour | 44.5 deg C | Fecal coliforms | MPN/100 ml | |||||
31686 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | Total | Total coliforms | MPN/100 ml | ||||||
31687 | Microbiological | Fecal coliforms, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | Fecal coliforms | MPN/100 ml | |||||||
31689 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, water, most probable number per 100 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | MPN/100 ml | ||||||
31691 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, water, colonies per 100 milliliters | USGS use and no use by EPA | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31692 | Microbiological | Heterotrophic plate count, water, colony forming units per milliliter | USGS use and no use by EPA | cfu/mL | ||||||||
31693 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, water, m-ColiBlue method, colonies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31694 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, water, m-ColiBlue method, colonies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | cfu/100ml | ||||||
31695 | Microbiological | Iron-related bacteria (IRB), water, biotester, colony forming units per milliliter | Not checked | Total | cfu/mL | |||||||
31696 | Microbiological | Iron-related bacteria (IRB)reaction pattern signature, biotester, water, code | Not checked | Total | code | |||||||
31697 | Microbiological | Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), water, biotester, colony forming units per milliliter | Not checked | Total | cfu/mL | |||||||
31698 | Microbiological | Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) reaction pattern signature, water, biotester, code | Not checked | Total | code | |||||||
31699 | Microbiological | Slime-forming bacteria (SFB) reaction pattern signature, water, biotester, code | Not checked | Total | code | |||||||
31700 | Microbiological | Slime-forming bacteria (SFB), water, biotester, colony forming units per milliliter | Not checked | Total | cfu/mL | |||||||
31701 | Microbiological | Giardia, water, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection | Not checked | Giardia | None | |||||||
31702 | Microbiological | Giardia, sediment, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection | Not checked | Giardia | None | |||||||
31703 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium, water, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection | Not checked | Cryptosporidium | None | |||||||
31704 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium, sediment, PCR method, vortexed, detection/no detection | Not checked | Cryptosporidium | None | |||||||
31705 | Microbiological | Legionella, water, PCR method, centrifuged, detection/no detection | Not checked | Legionella | None | |||||||
31706 | Microbiological | Legionella, sediment, PCR method, centrifuged, detection/no detection | Not checked | Legionella | None | |||||||
31707 | Microbiological | Avian influenza, H5 and H7, water, centrifuged, RT-PCR method, detection/no detection | Not checked | None | ||||||||
31708 | Microbiological | Avian influenza, H5 and H7, sediment, centrifuged, RT-PCR method, detection/no detection | Not checked | None | ||||||||
31709 | Microbiological | Avian influenza, H5 and H7, fecal swab, centrifuged, RT-PCR method, detection/no detection | Not checked | None | ||||||||
31711 | Microbiological | Campylobacter, water, PCR method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | cfu/100ml | ||||||||
31712 | Microbiological | Campylobacter, sediment, PCR method, wet weight, colony forming units per gram | Not checked | CFU/g | ||||||||
31713 | Microbiological | Human enterovirus, water, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31714 | Microbiological | Human norovirus genogroup IA, water, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31715 | Microbiological | Total culturable virus, water, most probable number per liter | Not checked | Total | MPN/L | |||||||
31716 | Microbiological | Enterococcus species, water, calibrator cell equivalents per 100 milliliters (CCE/100 mL) | Not checked | Total | Enterococci | CCE/100 mL | ||||||
31717 | Microbiological | Nitrate-reducing bacteria, borehole cuttings, wet sieved, wet weight, most probable number per gram | Not checked | Wet | Total | MPN/g | ||||||
31718 | Microbiological | Denitrifying bacteria, borehole cuttings, wet sieved, wet weight, most probable number per gram | Not checked | Wet | Total | MPN/g | ||||||
31719 | Microbiological | Enterococci, fluorogenic substrate presence or absence method, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Enterococci | PrsAbs0.1L | ||||||
31720 | Biological | Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) | Not checked | Total | Hypophthalmichthys nobilis | count/hr | ||||||
31721 | Biological | Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) | Not checked | Total | Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | count/hr | ||||||
31722 | Biological | Hybrid asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobliis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix hybrids), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) | Not checked | Total | count/hr | |||||||
31723 | Biological | Sum of bighead, silver and hybrid carp, count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) | Not checked | Total | count/hr | |||||||
31724 | Biological | Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), count of tagged fish per hour (count may include repeats of same fish) | Not checked | Total | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus | count/hr | ||||||
31725 | Biological | Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) | Not checked | Total | Hypophthalmichthys nobilis | count/hr | ||||||
31726 | Biological | Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) | Not checked | Total | Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | count/hr | ||||||
31727 | Biological | Hybrid asian carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobliis and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix hybrids), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per | Not checked | Total | count/hr | |||||||
31728 | Biological | Sum of bighead, silver and hybrid carp, count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) | Not checked | Total | count/hr | |||||||
31729 | Biological | Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), count of unique tagged fish per hour (same fish are not counted more than once per hour) | Not checked | Total | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus | count/hr | ||||||
31730 | Toxicity | Mean survival of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) on day 7 of 7-day exposure to 100 percent effluent water sample, percent | Not checked | 7 Day | % | |||||||
31731 | Toxicity | Biomass of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) on day 7 of 7-day exposure to 100 percent effluent water sample, milligrams | Not checked | 7 Day | mg | |||||||
31732 | Microbiological | Aerobic endospores, water, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31733 | Biological | Chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per milliliter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/mL | |||||||
31734 | Microbiological | Shigella ipaH gene marker, water, 0.4 micro filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31735 | Microbiological | Enterococcus faecium enterococcol surface protein (esp gene), water, 0.4 micro filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31736 | Microbiological | Shigella ipaH gene marker, solids, DNA based, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31737 | Microbiological | Enterococcus faecium enterococcol surface protein (esp gene), solids, DNA based, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31738 | Microbiological | Human hepatitis A virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31739 | Microbiological | Rotavirus A (NSP3) virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31740 | Microbiological | Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31741 | Microbiological | Rotavirus C (VP6) virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31742 | Microbiological | Human Bacteroides bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) | Not checked | Recoverable | cn/100 mL | |||||||
31743 | Microbiological | Human Lachnospiraceae bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) | Not checked | Recoverable | cn/100 mL | |||||||
31744 | Microbiological | Bacteroidales species bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) | Not checked | Recoverable | cn/100 mL | |||||||
31745 | Microbiological | Enterococci, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) | Not checked | Recoverable | Enterococci | cn/100 mL | ||||||
31746 | Microbiological | Ruminant Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters (cn/100 mL) | Not checked | Recoverable | cn/100 mL | |||||||
31747 | Microbiological | Enterococci, water, concentrated, mEI MF method, colony forming units per liter | Not checked | Total | Enterococci | cfu/l | ||||||
31750 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, water, concentrated, defined substrate test method (DSTM), most probable number per liter | Not checked | Total | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | MPN/L | |||||
31751 | Microbiological | Bacteria, total plate count, TPC agar, 35 degrees Celsius, 24 hours, water, colonies per milliliter | Agree | 24 Hour | Total | 35 deg C | Bacteria mix, unspecified | col/mL | ||||
31754 | Microbiological | Coliphage, E. coli, water, concentrated, CN13 host, plaque forming units per liter | Not checked | Total | Coliphage | pfu/l | ||||||
31755 | Microbiological | Coliphage, E. coli, water, concentrated, Famp host, plaque forming units per liter | Not checked | Total | Coliphage | pfu/l | ||||||
31756 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, water, concentrated, defined substrate test method (DSTM), most probable number per liter | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | MPN/L | ||||||
31759 | Microbiological | Picocyanobacteria, PC-rich, biovolume, cubic microns per liter | Not checked | Total | um3/l | |||||||
31760 | Microbiological | Picocyanobacteria, PE-rich, biovolume, cubic microns per liter | Not checked | Total | um3/l | |||||||
31761 | Microbiological | Human adenovirus group A, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31762 | Microbiological | Human adenovirus group B, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31763 | Microbiological | Human adenovirus groups C, D, F, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31764 | Microbiological | Human enterovirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31765 | Microbiological | Norovirus genogroup I, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31766 | Microbiological | Norovirus genogroup II, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31767 | Microbiological | Human polyomavirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31768 | Microbiological | Human-associated HF183 Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31769 | Microbiological | Bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31770 | Microbiological | Bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31771 | Microbiological | Rotavirus group A (VP1 gene), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31772 | Microbiological | Bovine coronavirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31773 | Microbiological | Bovine adenovirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31774 | Microbiological | Bovine enterovirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31775 | Microbiological | Bovine polyomavirus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31776 | Microbiological | Ruminant Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31777 | Microbiological | Bovine-associated M3 bacteria, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31778 | Microbiological | Enterococcus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Enterococci | cp/L | ||||||
31779 | Microbiological | Pepper mild mottle virus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31780 | Microbiological | Enterohemorrhagic E. coli, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31781 | Microbiological | Salmonella (invA gene), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Salmonella | cp/L | ||||||
31782 | Microbiological | Campylobacter jejuni, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Campylobacter jejuni | cp/L | ||||||
31783 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium parvum, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Cryptosporidium parvum | cp/L | ||||||
31784 | Microbiological | Giardia lamblia, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Giardia lamblia | cp/L | ||||||
31785 | Microbiological | Human norovirus genogroup IB (GIB), water, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31786 | Microbiological | Human norovirus genogroup II (GII), water, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31787 | Microbiological | Dolichospermum 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Anabaena | cp/100 mL | ||||||
31788 | Microbiological | Cyanobacteria 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | Cyanobacteria | cp/g | |||||
31789 | Microbiological | Microcystis 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31790 | Microbiological | Microcystis-specific microcystin gene mcyE, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31791 | Microbiological | Dolichospermum-specific microcystin gene mcyE, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 77238-39-2 | cp/g | |||||
31792 | Microbiological | Planktothrix-specific microcystin gene mcyE, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31793 | Microbiological | Planktothrix 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31794 | Microbiological | Planktothrix 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31795 | Microbiological | Anatoxin-a gene anaC, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | 64285-06-9 | cp/100 mL | ||||||
31796 | Microbiological | Anatoxin-a gene anaC, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | 64285-06-9 | cp/g | |||||
31797 | Microbiological | Saxitoxin gene sxtA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31798 | Microbiological | Saxitoxin gene sxtA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31799 | Microbiological | Dolichospermum 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | Anabaena | cp/g | |||||
31800 | Microbiological | Human adenovirus, water, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31801 | Microbiological | Bacteroides general marker AllBac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31802 | Microbiological | Bacteroides general marker GenBac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31803 | Microbiological | Bacteroides human marker qHF183, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31804 | Microbiological | Bacteroides bovine marker BoBac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31805 | Microbiological | Bacteroides dog marker BacCan, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31806 | Microbiological | Bacteroides bovine marker CowM2, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31807 | Microbiological | Bacteroides bovine marker CowM2, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31808 | Microbiological | Bacteroides ruminant marker Rum2Bac, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31809 | Microbiological | Bacteroides ruminant marker Rum2Bac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31810 | Microbiological | Catellicoccus avian marker GFD, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31811 | Microbiological | Catellicoccus avian marker GFD, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31812 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 1 (stx1) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31813 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 2 (stx2) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31815 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31816 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31817 | Microbiological | Staphylococcus aureus 48 kD protein (femA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | 68583-38-0 | PrsAbs0.5L | ||||||
31819 | Microbiological | Staphylococcus aureus penicillin binding protein 2A (mecA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | 68583-38-0 | PrsAbs0.5L | ||||||
31820 | Microbiological | Salmonella species invasion determinant A (invA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31821 | Microbiological | Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31822 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31823 | Microbiological | Enterococcus species enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31824 | Microbiological | Enterococcus faecalis D-alanine ligase-replated protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31825 | Microbiological | Enterococcus faecium D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31826 | Microbiological | Staphylococcus, water, Baird Parker membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31827 | Microbiological | Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31828 | Microbiological | Enterococcus species acquired high-level of vancomycin resistance (vanA) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31829 | Microbiological | Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31830 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 1 (stx1) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31831 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli Shiga toxin 2 (stx2) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31832 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli intimin (eaeA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31833 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli O157 surface protein, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31834 | Microbiological | Staphylococcus aureus 48 kD protein (femA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31835 | Microbiological | Staphylococcus aureus penicillin binding protein 2A (mecA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31836 | Microbiological | Salmonella species invasion determinant A (invA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31837 | Microbiological | Salmonella species plasmid of virulence (spvC) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31838 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli 16S rRNA gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31839 | Microbiological | Enterococcus species enterococcal surface protein (esp) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31840 | Microbiological | Enterococcus faecalis D-alanine ligase-replated protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31841 | Microbiological | Enterococcus faecium D-alanine ligase-related protein (ddl) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31842 | Microbiological | Shigella sonnei invasion plasmid antigen H (ipaH) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31843 | Microbiological | Enterococcus species acquired high-level of vancomycin resistance (vanA) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31844 | Microbiological | Enterococcus species acquired intermediate level of vancomycin resistance (vanB) gene, water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31845 | Microbiological | Salmonella, RV enrichment (0.45 micron filter), water, presence or absence in 500 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.5L | |||||||
31846 | Microbiological | Salmonella, RV enrichment (0.45 micron filter), water, presence or absence in 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | PrsAbs0.1L | |||||||
31847 | Microbiological | Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) at 35 degrees Celsius incubation, water, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31848 | Microbiological | Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) at 44.5 degrees celsius incubation, water, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31849 | Microbiological | Bacteria, denitrifying, water, most probable number | Not checked | Total | MPN | |||||||
31850 | Microbiological | Heterotrophic plate count (HPC) at 23 degrees celsius incubation, water, R2A membrane filtration (0.45 micron) method, colony forming units per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cfu/100ml | |||||||
31854 | Microbiological | Bacteria, nitrifying, water, most probable number | Agree | Bacteria, nitrifiers | MPN | |||||||
31855 | Microbiological | Bacteria, sulfate reducing, water, most probable number | Agree | MPN | ||||||||
31863 | Microbiological | Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31864 | Microbiological | Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31865 | Microbiological | Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31866 | Microbiological | Anatoxin-a gene anaC, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | 64285-06-9 | cp/100 mL | ||||||
31867 | Microbiological | Saxitoxin gene sxtA, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31868 | Microbiological | Cyanobacteria-specific geosmin gene geoA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31869 | Microbiological | Cyanobacteria-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31870 | Microbiological | Actinomycetes-specific geosmin gene geoA, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31871 | Microbiological | Actinomycetes-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31872 | Microbiological | Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31873 | Microbiological | Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, water, RNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31874 | Microbiological | Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31875 | Microbiological | Human-associated M2 Bacteroidales-like, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31876 | Microbiological | Bovine-associated M2 Bacteroidales-like, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31877 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium spp. (pan-Crypto), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31878 | Microbiological | Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Shiga toxin-1 gene, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31879 | Microbiological | Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Shiga toxin-2 gene, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31880 | Microbiological | Salmonella TTR gene, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31881 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium hominis, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31882 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium bovis, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31883 | Physical | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), green/brown algae, water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | ug/l | ||||||
31884 | Physical | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), phycocyanin-containing algae, water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material with correction for CDOM, ug/L | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | ug/l | ||||||
31885 | Physical | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), phycoerythrin-containing algae, water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material with correction for CDOM, ug/L | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | ug/l | ||||||
31886 | Physical | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl) from green/brown algae, water, in situ with correction for CDOM, percent | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | % | ||||||
31887 | Physical | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl) from phycocyanin-containing algae, water, in situ with correction for CDOM, percent | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | % | ||||||
31888 | Physical | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl) from phycoerythrin-containing algae, water, in situ with correction for CDOM, percent | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | % | ||||||
31889 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, Draft Method C, 23S gene marker, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) | Not checked | Total | 68583-22-2 | gcn/100 mL | ||||||
31890 | Microbiological | Human-associated HF183/BacR287 Bacteroides, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) | Not checked | Total | gcn/100 mL | |||||||
31891 | Microbiological | Human-associated Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) | Not checked | Total | gcn/100 mL | |||||||
31892 | Microbiological | Human-associated Bacteroidales-like HumM2, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) | Not checked | Total | gcn/100 mL | |||||||
31893 | Microbiological | Enterococcus, water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copy number per 100 milliliters (gcn/100 mL) | Not checked | Total | gcn/100 mL | |||||||
31894 | Microbiological | Human adenovirus groups A-F hexon gene, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, gene copies per liter | Not checked | Total | cp/L | |||||||
31895 | Microbiological | Human Lachnospiraceae bacteria Lachno3 gene, water, filtered (0.22 micron filter), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Dissolved | cn/100 mL | |||||||
31896 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli uidA gene, bacteria, water, filtered (0.22 micron filter), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copy numbers per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Dissolved | cn/100 mL | |||||||
31897 | Microbiological | Picocyanobacteria, PC-rich, water, enumeration, cells per liter | Not checked | Total | cells/L | |||||||
31898 | Microbiological | Bacteroides human marker HF183/BacR287, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31899 | Microbiological | Bacteroides human marker HF183/BacR287, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31900 | Microbiological | Bacteroides horse marker Horse bacteria, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31901 | Microbiological | Bacteroides horse marker Horse bacteria, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31902 | Microbiological | Brevibacterium poultry litter marker, chicken litter (CL), water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31903 | Microbiological | Brevibacterium poultry litter marker, chicken litter (CL), solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31904 | Microbiological | Bacteroides swine marker Pig-1-Bac, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31905 | Microbiological | Bacteroides swine marker Pig-1-Bac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31906 | Microbiological | Bacteroides swine marker Pig-2-Bac, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31907 | Microbiological | Bacteroides swine marker Pig-2-Bac, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31908 | Microbiological | Lactobacillus swine marker, Lactobacillus sobrius/Lactobacillus amylovorus, water, 0.4 micron filter method, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31909 | Microbiological | Lactobacillus swine marker, Lactobacillus sobrius/Lactobacillus amylovorus, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31910 | Microbiological | Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group I (animal), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter | Not checked | Coliphage | PrsAbs/L | |||||||
31911 | Microbiological | Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group II (human or swine), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter | Not checked | Coliphage | PrsAbs/L | |||||||
31912 | Microbiological | Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group III (human), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter | Not checked | Coliphage | PrsAbs/L | |||||||
31913 | Microbiological | Coliphage, F+-specific RNA, group IV (animal, bird), water, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, presence or absence per liter | Not checked | Coliphage | PrsAbs/L | |||||||
31914 | Microbiological | Cyanobacteria 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter | Not checked | Total | Cyanobacteria | gc/ul | ||||||
31915 | Microbiological | Microcystin/nodularin genes mcyE/ndaF, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter | Not checked | Total | gc/ul | |||||||
31916 | Microbiological | Saxitoxin gene sxtA, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter | Not checked | Total | gc/ul | |||||||
31917 | Microbiological | Cylindrospermopsin gene cyrA, water, DNA based, recoverable, genomic copies per microliter | Not checked | Total | gc/ul | |||||||
31918 | Organics, Other | Total anatoxin-a, water, filtered (0.45 micron filter) after freeze/thaw extraction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 64285-06-9 | Anatoxin-A | ug/l | |||||
31919 | Organics, Other | Protein phosphatase assay 2A (PP2A) inhibition as microcystin-LR equivalents, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 101043-37-2 | ug/l | ||||||
31920 | Organics, Other | (+)-Anatoxin-a equivalents, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 64285-06-9 | ug/l | ||||||
31921 | Organics, Other | (+)-Anatoxin-a equivalents, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 64285-06-9 | ug/l | ||||||
31922 | Microbiological | Nostoc 16S gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31923 | Microbiological | Nostoc 16S gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31924 | Biological | Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Hypophthalmichthys nobilis | cp/L | ||||||
31925 | Biological | Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Hypophthalmichthys molitrix | cp/L | ||||||
31926 | Biological | Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31927 | Biological | Black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter) | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31928 | Biological | Kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus fasciolaris) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31929 | Biological | Prymnesium parvum ITS gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31930 | Biological | Maccaffertium pulchellum COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31931 | Biological | Chimera obscura COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31932 | Biological | Northern riffleshell (Epioblasma torulosa rangiana) COI gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31933 | Microbiological | crAssphage human marker, CPQ_056, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31934 | Microbiological | crAssphage human marker, CPQ_056, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31935 | Microbiological | crAssphage human marker, CPQ_064, water, 0.4 micron filter method, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31936 | Microbiological | crAssphage human marker, CPQ_064, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31937 | Organics, Other | Total anatoxin-a, water, unfiltered, enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 64285-06-9 | Anatoxin-A | ug/l | |||||
31938 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, defined substrate test method (DSTM), water, geometric mean, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | MPN/100 ml | |||||
31939 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, dry weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram | Not checked | Dry | Total | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | MPN/g | ||||
31940 | Microbiological | Escherichia coli, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, wet weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram | Not checked | Wet | Total | 68583-22-2 | Escherichia coli | MPN/g | ||||
31941 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, defined substrate test method (DSTM), water, geometric mean, most probable number per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | Total coliforms | MPN/100 ml | ||||||
31942 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, dry weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram | Not checked | Dry | Total | Total coliforms | MPN/g | |||||
31943 | Microbiological | Total coliforms, defined substrate test method (DSTM), sediment, wet weight, geometric mean, most probable number per gram | Not checked | Wet | Total | Total coliforms | MPN/g | |||||
31944 | Microbiological | Cyanobacteria-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31945 | Microbiological | Cyanobacteria-specific geosmin gene geoA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31946 | Microbiological | Gloeotrichia-specific gene, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31947 | Microbiological | Gloeotrichia-specific gene, water, DNA based, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31948 | Microbiological | Bacteroides canine marker, DG3, water, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31949 | Microbiological | Bacteroides canine marker, DG3, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31950 | Microbiological | Lachnospiraceae canine marker, DG37, water, recoverable, copies per 100 milliliters | Not checked | Total | cp/100 mL | |||||||
31951 | Microbiological | Lachnospiraceae canine marker, DG37, solids, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31952 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium spp. (pan-Crypto) 18S rRNA gene, CRU18S, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Total | cp/L | |||||||
31953 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium spp. (pan-Crypto) 18S rRNA gene, JVA, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Total | cp/L | |||||||
31954 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium parvum gene, JVAG2, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Total | Cryptosporidium parvum | cp/L | ||||||
31955 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium hominis gene, JVAG1, water, recoverable, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Total | cp/L | |||||||
31956 | Microbiological | Avian-associated bacteroidales, GFD assay, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31957 | Microbiological | Bacteroidales Pig-1-Bac Pig-specific, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31958 | Microbiological | Bacteroidales Pig-2-Bac Pig-specific, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31959 | Microbiological | Hepatitis-E virus, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31960 | Microbiological | Shigella and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli (EIEC) ipaH gene, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31961 | Microbiological | Staphylococcus aureus nuc gene, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31962 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium baileyi, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31963 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium galli, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31964 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium meleagridis, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31965 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium suis, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31966 | Microbiological | Cryptosporidium ubiquitum, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31967 | Microbiological | 2019_nCOV_N1, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31968 | Microbiological | 2019_nCOV_N2, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31969 | Microbiological | Moraxella bovis, water, unfiltered, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, copies per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | cp/L | |||||||
31970 | Microbiological | Actinomycetes-specific geosmin gene geoA, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, copies per gram | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
31971 | Microbiological | Actinomycetes-specific methyl-isoborneol (MIB) gene mic, solids, DNA based, recoverable, dry weight, co | Not checked | Dry | Recoverable | cp/g | ||||||
32000 | Information | Sample volume, liters | Agree | l | ||||||||
32001 | Information | Sample volume, gallons | Agree | gal | ||||||||
32002 | Information | Sample volume, milliliters | Agree | ml | ||||||||
32003 | Organics, Other | Organic compounds, water, unfiltered, chloroform & alcohol extraction, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Organic compounds | ug/l | ||||||
32004 | Organics, Other | Organic compounds, water, unfiltered, alcohol extraction, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Organic compounds | ug/l | ||||||
32005 | Organics, Other | Organic compounds, water, unfiltered, chloroform extraction, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | Organic compounds | ug/l | ||||||
32101 | Organics, Other | Bromodichloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 75-27-4 | Dichlorobromomethane | ug/l | |||||
32102 | Organics, Other | Tetrachloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 56-23-5 | Carbon tetrachloride | ug/l | |||||
32103 | Organics, Pesticide | 1,2-Dichloroethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 107-06-2 | 1,2-Dichloroethane | ug/l | |||||
32104 | Organics, Other | Tribromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 75-25-2 | Tribromomethane | ug/l | |||||
32105 | Organics, Other | Dibromochloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 124-48-1 | Chlorodibromomethane | ug/l | |||||
32106 | Organics, Other | Trichloromethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 67-66-3 | Chloroform | ug/l | |||||
32207 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, periphyton, narrow band fluorometric method, milligrams per square meter | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | mg/m2 | |||||
32208 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, narrow band fluorometric method, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32209 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, water, fluorometric method, corrected, micrograms per liter | Agree | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | ||||||
32210 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, water, trichromatic method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter | Agree | Total | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32211 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric acid method, micrograms per liter | Not checked | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | ||||||
32213 | Biological | Pheophytin a, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter | Agree | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | ug/l | ||||||
32217 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, fluorometric method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter | Agree | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | ||||||
32218 | Biological | Pheophytin a, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric acid method, micrograms per liter | Not checked | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | ug/l | ||||||
32223 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, periphyton, spectrophotometric method, corrected, milligrams per square meter | Not checked | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | mg/m2 | ||||||
32224 | Biological | Pheophytin a, periphyton, spectrophotometric acid method, milligrams per square meter | Not checked | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | mg/m2 | ||||||
32226 | Biological | Chlorophyll b, periphyton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, milligrams per square meter | Not checked | 519-62-0 | Chlorophyll b | mg/m2 | ||||||
32228 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, periphyton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, milligrams per square meter | Not checked | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | mg/m2 | ||||||
32230 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter | Not checked | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | ||||||
32231 | Biological | Chlorophyll b, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, micrograms per liter | Not checked | 519-62-0 | Chlorophyll b | ug/l | ||||||
32232 | Biological | Chlorophyll c, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, micrograms per liter | Not checked | 11003-45-5 | Chlorophyll c | ug/l | ||||||
32234 | Biological | Chlorophylls, phytoplankton, spectrophotometric method, uncorrected, micrograms per liter | Not checked | 1406-65-1 | Chlorophyll | ug/l | ||||||
32240 | Organics, Other | Tannin and lignin, water, unfiltered, recoverable, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 9005-53-2 | Tannin and Lignin | mg/l | |||||
32241 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, periphyton, fluorometric method, uncorrected, milligrams per square meter | USGS use and no use by EPA | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | mg/m2 | ||||||
32242 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, periphyton, fluorometric method, corrected, milligrams per square meter | USGS use and no use by EPA | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | mg/m2 | ||||||
32243 | Biological | Pheophytin a, periphyton, fluorometric method, milligrams per square meter | USGS use and no use by EPA | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | mg/m2 | ||||||
32268 | Biological | Pheophytin a, plankton in water, milligrams per cubic meter | Not checked | 603-17-8 | mg/m3 | |||||||
32269 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, plankton in water, milligrams per cubic meter | Not checked | 479-61-8 | mg/m3 | |||||||
32271 | Biological | Chlorophylls less than 35 microns, 35-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | < 35 microns | 1406-65-1 | Chlorophyll | ug/l | |||||
32272 | Biological | Chlorophyll a less than 35 microns, 35-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, corrected, micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | < 35 microns | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32273 | Biological | Pheophytin a less than 35 microns, 35-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | < 35 microns | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | ug/l | |||||
32274 | Biological | Chlorophylls less than 11 microns, 11-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | < 11 microns | 1406-65-1 | Chlorophyll | ug/l | |||||
32275 | Biological | Chlorophyll a less than 11 microns, 11-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, corrected, micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | < 11 microns | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32276 | Biological | Pheophytin a less than 11 microns, 11-um sieve prefilter, phytoplankton, fluorometric method, micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | < 11 microns | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | ug/l | |||||
32277 | Biological | Chlorophylls greater than 35 microns, calculated as chlorophylls (P32217) less chlorophylls <35 um (P32271), micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | > 35 microns | 1406-65-1 | Chlorophyll | ug/l | |||||
32278 | Biological | Chlorophyll a greater than 35 microns, calculated as chlorophyll a (P32209) less chlorophyll a <35 um (P32272), micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | > 35 microns | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32279 | Biological | Pheophytin a greater than 35 microns, calculated as pheophytin a (P32213) less pheophytin a <35 um (P32273), micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | > 35 microns | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | ug/l | |||||
32280 | Biological | Chlorophylls greater than 11 microns, calculated as chlorophylls (P32217) less chlorophylls <11 um (P32274), micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | > 11 microns | 1406-65-1 | Chlorophyll | ug/l | |||||
32281 | Biological | Chlorophyll a greater than 11 microns, calculated as chlorophyll a (P32209) less chlorophyll a <11 um (P32275), micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | > 11 microns | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32282 | Biological | Pheophytin a greater than 11 microns, calculated as pheophytin a (P32213) less pheophytin a <11 um (P32276), micrograms per liter | USGS use and no use by EPA | > 11 microns | 603-17-8 | Pheophytin a | ug/l | |||||
32283 | Biological | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), total, water, in situ, fluorometric, 650-700 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | 1406-65-1 | Chlorophyll | RFU | ||||||
32284 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, total, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | ug/l | ||||||
32285 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, green algae, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | ug/l | ||||||
32286 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, cyanobacteria, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | ug/l | ||||||
32287 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, cryptophytes, in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | ug/l | ||||||
32288 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, diatoms and dinoflagellates, in situ, excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm with correction for CDOM, ug/L | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | ug/l | ||||||
32289 | Organics, Other | Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), in situ, fluorescence excitation at 370, 470, 525, 570, 590, 610 nm, fluorescence emission at 700 nm, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) | mg/l | ||||||
32290 | Physical | Fluorescence transmission (transparency to fluorescence) at 700 nm, percent | Not checked | % | ||||||||
32291 | Physical | UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 370 nm excitation, 460 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | RFU | ||||||||
32292 | Physical | UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 270 nm excitation, 340 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | RFU | ||||||||
32293 | Physical | UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 370 nm excitation, 470 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | RFU | ||||||||
32294 | Physical | UV fluorescence, water, in situ, single band, 370 nm excitation, 520 nm emission, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | RFU | ||||||||
32295 | Physical | Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) | ug/l QSE | ||||||
32296 | Physical | Absorbance at 280 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32297 | Physical | Absorbance at 370 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32298 | Physical | Absorbance at 412 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32299 | Physical | Absorbance at 440 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32300 | Physical | Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 275 to 295 nm, unitless | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32301 | Physical | Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 290 to 350 nm, unitless | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32302 | Physical | Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 350 to 400 nm, unitless | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32303 | Physical | Absorption spectral slope, wavelengths 412 to 676 nm, unitless | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32304 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 260 nm, emission at 450 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32305 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 275 nm, emission at 304 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32306 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 340 nm, emission at 440 nm, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32307 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 390 nm, emission at 510 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32308 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 370 nm, emission at 460 nm, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32309 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 300 nm, emission at 390 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32310 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 280 nm, emission at 370 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32311 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 275 nm, emission at 340 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32312 | Physical | Fluorescence Index - ratio of emission intensities which characterizes the slope of the emission curve at an excitation of 370 nm | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32313 | Physical | Humification Index - calculated by dividing the fluorescence intensity in the 435-480 nm region by the total intensities in the 300-345 and 435-480 nm regions | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32314 | Organics, Other | Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), water, filtered, field, single band excitation, fluorescence emission, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) | ug/l QSE | ||||||
32315 | Physical | Chlorophyll relative fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | RFU | |||||
32316 | Physical | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as chlorophyll | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32317 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field sample lab results, micrograms per liter as chlorophyll a | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | Chlorophyll a | ug/l | |||||
32318 | Biological | Chlorophylls, water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | ug/l | ||||||
32319 | Physical | Phycocyanin fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as phycocyanin | Not checked | Total | ug/l | |||||||
32320 | Biological | Chlorophyll fluorescence (fChl), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | RFU | ||||||
32321 | Physical | Phycocyanin relative fluorescence (fPC), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | RFU | |||||||
32322 | Physical | Dissolved organic matter relative fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) | RFU | ||||||
32323 | Physical | Phycoerythrin relative fluorescence (fPE), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | 18097-67-1 | RFU | ||||||
32324 | Organics, Other | Crude oil relative fluorescence (fCO), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | RFU | |||||||
32325 | Information | Dark measurement spectral average, water, in situ, ultraviolet nitrate analyzer, raw counts | Not checked | Total | count | |||||||
32326 | Information | Light measurement spectral average, water, in situ, ultraviolet nitrate analyzer, raw counts | Not checked | Total | count | |||||||
32327 | Physical | Absorbance at 254 nm, water, in situ, absorbance units | Not checked | Total | UV 254 -- SDWA NPDWR | AU | ||||||
32328 | Physical | Absorbance at 350 nm, water, in situ, absorbance units | Not checked | Total | AU | |||||||
32329 | Biological | Phycocyanin (PC), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field sample lab results, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | ug/l | |||||||
32330 | Organics, Other | Colored dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, milligrams per liter of carbon | Not checked | Total | mg/l | |||||||
32331 | Physical | Absorption spectral slope (Sag), wavelengths 412 to 600 nm, unitless | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32332 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 340 nm, emission at 440 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32333 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 370 nm, emission at 460 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32334 | Biological | Chlorophyll, water, in situ, uncorrected for degradation products, computed by regression of sensor data with sample lab results, micrograms per liter as chlorophyll | Not checked | Total | 1406-65-1 | ug/l | ||||||
32335 | Microbiological | Cyanobacterial abundance from a phycocyanin sensor (PC), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field samples, cells per milliliter | Not checked | Total | cells/mL | |||||||
32336 | Microbiological | Phycoerythrin fluorescence (fPE), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as phycoerythrin | Not checked | Total | 18097-67-1 | ug/l | ||||||
32337 | Microbiological | Phycoerythrin (PE), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field sample lab results, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 18097-67-1 | ug/l | ||||||
32338 | Microbiological | Cyanobacteria fluorescence of phycoerythrin (fPE), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, cells per milliliter | Not checked | Total | 18097-67-1 | cells/mL | ||||||
32339 | Microbiological | Cyanobacterial abundance from a phycoerythrin sensor (PE), water, in situ, concentration computed by regression of sensor data with field samples, cells per milliliter | Not checked | Total | cells/mL | |||||||
32340 | Organics, Other | Optical brightener relative fluorescence (fOB), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | RFU | |||||||
32341 | Organics, Other | Optical brightener fluorescence (fOB), water, in situ, concentration estimated from reference material, micrograms per liter as 1,3,6,8-pyrene tetrasulfonic acid (PTSA) | Not checked | Total | ug/L PTSA | |||||||
32342 | Organics, Other | Wastewater relative fluorescence (fWW), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | RFU | |||||||
32343 | Organics, Other | Rhodamine WT relative fluorescence (fRWT), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | 37299-86-8 | RFU | ||||||
32344 | Organics, Other | Fluorescein relative fluorescence (fFL), water, in situ, relative fluorescence units (RFU) | Not checked | Total | 2321-07-5 | RFU | ||||||
32345 | Organics, Other | Fluorescein fluorescence (fFL), water, in situ, concentration calibrated to reference material, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 2321-07-5 | ug/l | ||||||
32346 | Microbiological | Picocyanobacteria, PE-rich, water, enumeration, cells per liter | Not checked | Total | cells/L | |||||||
32347 | Physical | Ratio of emission intensity at 380 nm divided by the maximum emission intensity between 420 nm and 435 nm at excitation 310 nm, water, filtered, unitless | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32348 | Physical | Ratio of emission intensity at 380 nm divided by 430 nm at excitation 310 nm, water, filtered, unitless | Not checked | Dissolved | None | |||||||
32349 | Physical | Fluorescence at excitation 370 nm and emission at 460 nm divided by absorbance at 370 nm, water, filtered, calculated, Raman units centimeter (RU cm) | Not checked | Dissolved | (RU cm)/AU | |||||||
32350 | Physical | Absorbance at 350 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32351 | Physical | Absorbance at 488 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32352 | Physical | Absorbance at 510 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32353 | Physical | Absorbance at 532 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32354 | Physical | Absorbance at 555 nm, water, filtered, absorbance units per centimeter | Not checked | Dissolved | AU/cm | |||||||
32355 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, excitation at 420 nm, emission at 460 nm, Raman units (RU) | Not checked | Dissolved | RU | |||||||
32356 | Organics, Other | Tryptophan, peak T, water, in situ, micrograms per liter | Not checked | 73-22-3 | ug/l | |||||||
32357 | Physical | Dissolved organic matter fluorescence (fDOM), water, in situ, concentration estimated from ref. material, micrograms per liter as 1,3,6,8-pyrene tetrasulfonic acid (PTSA) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/L PTSA | |||||||
32358 | Physical | Absorbance at 280 nanometers, water, in situ, absorbance units | Not checked | Total | AU | |||||||
32359 | Physical | Absorbance at 370 nanometers, water, in situ, absorbance units | Not checked | Total | AU | |||||||
32360 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 360-370, emission 440-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Total | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32361 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 355-375, emission 440-500, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Total | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32362 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 365-375, emission 400-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Total | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32363 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 364-376, emission 420-460, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Total | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32364 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 240-270, emission 422-478, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Total | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32365 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, in situ, excitation 360-390, emission 455-530, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Total | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32366 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 360-370, emission 440-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32367 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 355-375, emission 440-500, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32368 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 365-375, emission 400-520, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32369 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 364-376, emission 420-460, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32370 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 240-270, emission 422-478, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32371 | Physical | Fluorescence, water, filtered, lab, excitation 360-390, emission 455-530, micrograms per liter as quinine sulfate equivalents (QSE) | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l QSE | |||||||
32730 | Organics, Other | Phenolic compounds, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | Phenols and phenolic compounds | ug/l | ||||||
32731 | Organics, Other | Phenolic compounds, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | Phenols and phenolic compounds | ug/kg | |||||
32732 | Organics, Other | Phenolic compounds, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | Phenols and phenolic compounds | ug/l | ||||||
32735 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, water, acetone extraction and spectrophotometry, milligrams per liter | Not checked | Total | 479-61-8 | mg/l | ||||||
32736 | Biological | Pheophytin a, phytoplankton, water, acetone extraction and spectrophotometry, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Total | 603-17-8 | ug/l | ||||||
32737 | Biological | Chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, water, filtered (5 micron filter), chromatographic-fluorometric method, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l | |||||||
32738 | Biological | Pheophytin a, phytoplankton, water, filtered (5 micron filter), micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | ug/l | |||||||
34010 | Organics, Other | Toluene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 108-88-3 | Toluene | ug/l | |||||
34030 | Organics, Other | Benzene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 71-43-2 | Benzene | ug/l | |||||
34200 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthylene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 208-96-8 | Acenaphthylene | ug/l | |||||
34201 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthylene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 208-96-8 | Acenaphthylene | ug/l | |||||
34202 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthylene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 208-96-8 | Acenaphthylene | ug/l | |||||
34203 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthylene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 208-96-8 | Acenaphthylene | ug/kg | ||||
34205 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 83-32-9 | Acenaphthene | ug/l | |||||
34206 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 83-32-9 | Acenaphthene | ug/l | |||||
34207 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 83-32-9 | Acenaphthene | ug/l | |||||
34208 | Organics, Other | Acenaphthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 83-32-9 | Acenaphthene | ug/kg | ||||
34210 | Organics, Other | Acrolein, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 107-02-8 | Acrolein | ug/l | |||||
34213 | Organics, Other | Acrolein, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 107-02-8 | Acrolein | ug/kg | ||||
34215 | Organics, Pesticide | Acrylonitrile, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 107-13-1 | Acrylonitrile | ug/l | |||||
34216 | Organics, Pesticide | Acrylonitrile, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 107-13-1 | Acrylonitrile | ug/l | |||||
34218 | Organics, Pesticide | Acrylonitrile, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 107-13-1 | Acrylonitrile | ug/kg | ||||
34220 | Organics, Other | Anthracene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 120-12-7 | Anthracene | ug/l | |||||
34221 | Organics, Other | Anthracene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 120-12-7 | Anthracene | ug/l | |||||
34222 | Organics, Other | Anthracene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 120-12-7 | Anthracene | ug/l | |||||
34223 | Organics, Other | Anthracene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 120-12-7 | Anthracene | ug/kg | ||||
34230 | Organics, Other | Benzo[b]fluoranthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 205-99-2 | Benzo(b)fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34231 | Organics, Other | Benzo[b]fluoranthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 205-99-2 | Benzo(b)fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34232 | Organics, Other | Benzo[b]fluoranthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 205-99-2 | Benzo(b)fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34233 | Organics, Other | Benzo[b]fluoranthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 205-99-2 | Benzo(b)fluoranthene | ug/kg | ||||
34235 | Organics, Other | Benzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 71-43-2 | Benzene | ug/l | |||||
34236 | Organics, Other | Benzene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 71-43-2 | Benzene | ug/l | |||||
34237 | Organics, Other | Benzene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 71-43-2 | Benzene | ug/kg | ||||
34239 | Organics, Other | Benzidine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 92-87-5 | Benzidine | ug/l | |||||
34240 | Organics, Other | Benzidine, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 92-87-5 | Benzidine | ug/l | |||||
34242 | Organics, Other | Benzo[k]fluoranthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 207-08-9 | Benzo[k]fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34243 | Organics, Other | Benzo[k]fluoranthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 207-08-9 | Benzo[k]fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34244 | Organics, Other | Benzo[k]fluoranthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 207-08-9 | Benzo[k]fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34245 | Organics, Other | Benzo[k]fluoranthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 207-08-9 | Benzo[k]fluoranthene | ug/kg | ||||
34247 | Organics, Other | Benzo[a]pyrene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 50-32-8 | Benzo[a]pyrene | ug/l | |||||
34248 | Organics, Other | Benzo[a]pyrene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 50-32-8 | Benzo[a]pyrene | ug/l | |||||
34249 | Organics, Other | Benzo[a]pyrene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 50-32-8 | Benzo[a]pyrene | ug/l | |||||
34250 | Organics, Other | Benzo[a]pyrene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 50-32-8 | Benzo[a]pyrene | ug/kg | ||||
34253 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-HCH, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 319-84-6 | .alpha.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/l | |||||
34254 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-HCH, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 319-84-6 | .alpha.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/l | |||||
34255 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-HCH, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 319-85-7 | .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/l | |||||
34256 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-HCH, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 319-85-7 | .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/l | |||||
34257 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-HCH, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 319-85-7 | .beta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/kg | ||||
34259 | Organics, Pesticide | delta-HCH, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 319-86-8 | .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/l | |||||
34260 | Organics, Pesticide | delta-HCH, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 319-86-8 | .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/l | |||||
34262 | Organics, Pesticide | delta-HCH, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 319-86-8 | .delta.-Hexachlorocyclohexane | ug/kg | ||||
34267 | Organics, Other | Benzo[c]pyrene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | ug/l | |||||||
34268 | Organics, Other | Bis(chloromethyl) ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 542-88-1 | Bis(chloromethyl) ether | ug/l | |||||
34273 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 111-44-4 | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether | ug/l | |||||
34274 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 111-44-4 | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether | ug/l | |||||
34275 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 111-44-4 | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether | ug/l | |||||
34276 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 111-44-4 | Bis(2-chloroethyl) ether | ug/kg | ||||
34278 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 111-91-1 | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane | ug/l | |||||
34279 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 111-91-1 | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane | ug/l | |||||
34280 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 111-91-1 | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane | ug/l | |||||
34281 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 111-91-1 | Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane | ug/kg | ||||
34283 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 39638-32-9 | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether | ug/l | |||||
34284 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 39638-32-9 | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether | ug/l | |||||
34285 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 39638-32-9 | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether | ug/l | |||||
34286 | Organics, Other | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 39638-32-9 | Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether | ug/kg | ||||
34288 | Organics, Other | Tribromomethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 75-25-2 | Tribromomethane | ug/l | |||||
34290 | Organics, Other | Tribromomethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 75-25-2 | Tribromomethane | ug/kg | ||||
34292 | Organics, Other | Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 85-68-7 | Butyl benzyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34293 | Organics, Other | Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 85-68-7 | Butyl benzyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34294 | Organics, Other | Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 85-68-7 | Butyl benzyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34295 | Organics, Other | Benzyl n-butyl phthalate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 85-68-7 | Butyl benzyl phthalate | ug/kg | ||||
34297 | Organics, Other | Tetrachloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 56-23-5 | Carbon tetrachloride | ug/l | |||||
34299 | Organics, Other | Tetrachloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 56-23-5 | Carbon tetrachloride | ug/kg | ||||
34301 | Organics, Other | Chlorobenzene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 108-90-7 | Chlorobenzene | ug/l | |||||
34302 | Organics, Other | Chlorobenzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 108-90-7 | Chlorobenzene | ug/l | |||||
34304 | Organics, Other | Chlorobenzene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 108-90-7 | Chlorobenzene | ug/kg | ||||
34307 | Organics, Other | Dibromochloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 124-48-1 | Chlorodibromomethane | ug/l | |||||
34309 | Organics, Other | Dibromochloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 124-48-1 | Chlorodibromomethane | ug/kg | ||||
34311 | Organics, Other | Chloroethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 75-00-3 | Chloroethane | ug/l | |||||
34312 | Organics, Other | Chloroethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 75-00-3 | Chloroethane | ug/l | |||||
34313 | Organics, Other | Chloroethane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 75-00-3 | Chloroethane | ug/l | |||||
34314 | Organics, Other | Chloroethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 75-00-3 | Chloroethane | ug/kg | ||||
34316 | Organics, Other | Trichloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 67-66-3 | Chloroform | ug/l | |||||
34318 | Organics, Other | Trichloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 67-66-3 | Chloroform | ug/kg | ||||
34320 | Organics, Other | Chrysene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 218-01-9 | Chrysene | ug/l | |||||
34321 | Organics, Other | Chrysene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 218-01-9 | Chrysene | ug/l | |||||
34322 | Organics, Other | Chrysene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 218-01-9 | Chrysene | ug/l | |||||
34323 | Organics, Other | Chrysene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 218-01-9 | Chrysene | ug/kg | ||||
34327 | Organics, Other | Di-n-butyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 84-74-2 | Dibutyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34328 | Organics, Other | Bromodichloromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 75-27-4 | Dichlorobromomethane | ug/l | |||||
34329 | Organics, Other | Bromodichloromethane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 75-27-4 | Dichlorobromomethane | ug/l | |||||
34330 | Organics, Other | Bromodichloromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 75-27-4 | Dichlorobromomethane | ug/kg | ||||
34332 | Organics, Other | Dichlorodifluoromethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 75-71-8 | CFC-12 | ug/l | |||||
34334 | Organics, Other | Dichlorodifluoromethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 75-71-8 | CFC-12 | ug/kg | ||||
34336 | Organics, Other | Diethyl phthalate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 84-66-2 | Diethyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34337 | Organics, Other | Diethyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 84-66-2 | Diethyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34338 | Organics, Other | Diethyl phthalate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 84-66-2 | Diethyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34339 | Organics, Other | Diethyl phthalate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 84-66-2 | Diethyl phthalate | ug/kg | ||||
34341 | Organics, Other | Dimethyl phthalate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 131-11-3 | Dimethyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34342 | Organics, Other | Dimethyl phthalate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 131-11-3 | Dimethyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34343 | Organics, Other | Dimethyl phthalate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 131-11-3 | Dimethyl phthalate | ug/l | |||||
34344 | Organics, Other | Dimethyl phthalate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 131-11-3 | Dimethyl phthalate | ug/kg | ||||
34346 | Organics, Other | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 122-66-7 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | ug/l | |||||
34347 | Organics, Other | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 122-66-7 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | ug/l | |||||
34348 | Organics, Other | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 122-66-7 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | ug/l | |||||
34349 | Organics, Other | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 122-66-7 | 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine | ug/kg | ||||
34351 | Organics, Pesticide | Endosulfan sulfate, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 1031-07-8 | Endosulfan sulfate | ug/l | |||||
34352 | Organics, Pesticide | Endosulfan sulfate, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 1031-07-8 | Endosulfan sulfate | ug/l | |||||
34353 | Organics, Pesticide | Endosulfan sulfate, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 1031-07-8 | Endosulfan sulfate | ug/l | |||||
34354 | Organics, Pesticide | Endosulfan sulfate, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 1031-07-8 | Endosulfan sulfate | ug/kg | ||||
34356 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-Endosulfan, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 33213-65-9 | .beta.-Endosulfan | ug/l | |||||
34357 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-Endosulfan, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 33213-65-9 | .beta.-Endosulfan | ug/l | |||||
34359 | Organics, Pesticide | beta-Endosulfan, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 33213-65-9 | .beta.-Endosulfan | ug/kg | ||||
34361 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-Endosulfan, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 959-98-8 | .alpha.-Endosulfan | ug/l | |||||
34362 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-Endosulfan, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 959-98-8 | .alpha.-Endosulfan | ug/l | |||||
34363 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-Endosulfan, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 959-98-8 | .alpha.-Endosulfan | ug/l | |||||
34364 | Organics, Pesticide | alpha-Endosulfan, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 959-98-8 | .alpha.-Endosulfan | ug/kg | ||||
34366 | Organics, Pesticide | Endrin aldehyde, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 7421-93-4 | Endrin aldehyde | ug/l | |||||
34367 | Organics, Pesticide | Endrin aldehyde, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 7421-93-4 | Endrin aldehyde | ug/l | |||||
34369 | Organics, Pesticide | Endrin aldehyde, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 7421-93-4 | Endrin aldehyde | ug/kg | ||||
34371 | Organics, Other | Ethylbenzene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 100-41-4 | Ethylbenzene | ug/l | |||||
34372 | Organics, Other | Ethylbenzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 100-41-4 | Ethylbenzene | ug/l | |||||
34374 | Organics, Other | Ethylbenzene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 100-41-4 | Ethylbenzene | ug/kg | ||||
34376 | Organics, Other | Fluoranthene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 206-44-0 | Fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34377 | Organics, Other | Fluoranthene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 206-44-0 | Fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34378 | Organics, Other | Fluoranthene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 206-44-0 | Fluoranthene | ug/l | |||||
34379 | Organics, Other | Fluoranthene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 206-44-0 | Fluoranthene | ug/kg | ||||
34381 | Organics, Other | 9H-Fluorene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Recoverable | 86-73-7 | Fluorene | ug/l | |||||
34382 | Organics, Other | 9H-Fluorene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Dissolved | 86-73-7 | Fluorene | ug/l | |||||
34383 | Organics, Other | 9H-Fluorene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Not checked | Suspended | 86-73-7 | Fluorene | ug/l | |||||
34384 | Organics, Other | 9H-Fluorene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Not checked | Dry | Bed Sediment | 86-73-7 | Fluorene | ug/kg | ||||
34386 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 77-47-4 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | ug/l | |||||
34387 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 77-47-4 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | ug/l | |||||
34388 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 77-47-4 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | ug/l | |||||
34389 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 77-47-4 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene | ug/kg | ||||
34391 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorobutadiene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 87-68-3 | Hexachlorobutadiene | ug/l | |||||
34392 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorobutadiene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 87-68-3 | Hexachlorobutadiene | ug/l | |||||
34393 | Organics, Other | Hexachlorobutadiene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 87-68-3 | Hexachlorobutadiene | ug/l | |||||
34396 | Organics, Other | Hexachloroethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 67-72-1 | Hexachloroethane | ug/l | |||||
34397 | Organics, Other | Hexachloroethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 67-72-1 | Hexachloroethane | ug/l | |||||
34398 | Organics, Other | Hexachloroethane, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 67-72-1 | Hexachloroethane | ug/l | |||||
34399 | Organics, Other | Hexachloroethane, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 67-72-1 | Hexachloroethane | ug/kg | ||||
34401 | Organics, Pesticide | Hexachlorobenzene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 118-74-1 | Hexachlorobenzene | ug/l | |||||
34402 | Organics, Pesticide | Hexachlorobenzene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 118-74-1 | Hexachlorobenzene | ug/l | |||||
34403 | Organics, Other | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 193-39-5 | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene | ug/l | |||||
34404 | Organics, Other | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 193-39-5 | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene | ug/l | |||||
34405 | Organics, Other | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 193-39-5 | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene | ug/l | |||||
34406 | Organics, Other | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 193-39-5 | Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene | ug/kg | ||||
34408 | Organics, Other | Isophorone, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 78-59-1 | Isophorone | ug/l | |||||
34409 | Organics, Other | Isophorone, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 78-59-1 | Isophorone | ug/l | |||||
34410 | Organics, Other | Isophorone, suspended sediment, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Suspended | 78-59-1 | Isophorone | ug/l | |||||
34411 | Organics, Other | Isophorone, bed sediment, recoverable, dry weight, micrograms per kilogram | Agree | Dry | Bed Sediment | 78-59-1 | Isophorone | ug/kg | ||||
34413 | Organics, Pesticide | Bromomethane, water, unfiltered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Recoverable | 74-83-9 | Methyl bromide | ug/l | |||||
34414 | Organics, Pesticide | Bromomethane, water, filtered, recoverable, micrograms per liter | Agree | Dissolved | 74-83-9 | Methyl bromide | ug/l | |||||
34416 |