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Parameter Code Definition

CAS Registry NumberĀ® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society. CAS recommends the verification of the CASRNs through CAS Client ServicesSM.

Parameter Code Group Name Parameter Name/Description Epa equivalence Result Statistical Basis Result Time Basis Result Weight Basis Result Particle Size Basis Result Sample Fraction Result Temperature Basis CASRN SRSName Parameter Unit
92000 Population/Community PROTOZOA USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Protozoa #/ml
92001 Population/Community RHIZOPODEA USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92002 Population/Community FORAMINIFERIDA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Foraminiferida #/ml
92003 Population/Community ANOMALINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92004 Population/Community BULIMINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92005 Population/Community CAMERINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92006 Population/Community LITUOLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92007 Population/Community MILIOLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92008 Population/Community NONIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92009 Population/Community POLYMORPHINIDA (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92010 Population/Community ROTALIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92011 Population/Community SILICINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92012 Population/Community TROCHAMMINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92013 Population/Community VALVULINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92014 Population/Community GASTROTRICHA (0) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92015 Population/Community PORIFERA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Porifera count
92016 Population/Community DESMOSPONGIAE (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92017 Population/Community HAPLOSCLERINA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92018 Population/Community SPONGILLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Spongillidae count
92019 Population/Community SPONGILLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Spongilla count
92020 Population/Community MEYENIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92021 Population/Community TUBELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92022 Population/Community CARTERIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92023 Population/Community CTENOPHORA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ctenophora count
92024 Population/Community NEMERTEA (0) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nemertea count
92025 Population/Community ENOPLA (1) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Enopla count
92026 Population/Community HOPLONEMERTEA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hoplonemertea count
92027 Population/Community TETRASTEMMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tetrastemmatidae count
92028 Population/Community PROSTOMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Prostoma count
92029 Population/Community TETRASTEMMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tetrastemma count
92030 Population/Community EMPLECTONEMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Emplectonematidae count
92031 Population/Community CARCINONEMERTIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92032 Population/Community OTOTYPHLONEMERTIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ototyphlonemertidae count
92033 Population/Community PROSORHOCHMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Prosorhochmidae count
92034 Population/Community AMPHIPORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amphiporidae count
92035 Population/Community AMPHIPORUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amphiporus count
92036 Population/Community BDELLONEMERTEA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bdellonemertea count
92037 Population/Community ANOPLA (1) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anopla count
92038 Population/Community PALEONEMERTEA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paleonemertea count
92039 Population/Community TUBULANIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tubulanidae count
92040 Population/Community CARINOMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Carinomidae count
92041 Population/Community CEPHALOTHRICIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cephalothricidae count
92042 Population/Community LINEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lineidae count
92043 Population/Community LINEUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lineus count
92044 Population/Community MICRURA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Micrura count
92045 Population/Community CEREBRATULUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cerebratulus count
92046 Population/Community HETERONEMERTEA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Heteronemertea count
92047 Population/Community BRACHIOPODA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Brachiopoda count
92048 Population/Community PHORONIDA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phoronida count
92049 Population/Community SIPUNCULOIDEA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sipunculoidea count
92050 Population/Community ECHIUROIDEA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92051 Population/Community EPITHEMIACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Epithemiaceae count
92052 Population/Community CHAETOGNATHA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chaetognatha count
92053 Population/Community ROTIFERA (0) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rotifera #/ml
92054 Population/Community SEISONIDEA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92055 Population/Community SEISONIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92056 Population/Community SEISONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92057 Population/Community BDELLOIDEA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bdelloidea #/ml
92058 Population/Community BDELLOIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92059 Population/Community HABROTROCHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92060 Population/Community CERATOTROCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92061 Population/Community HABROTROCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92062 Population/Community OTOSTEPHANUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92063 Population/Community SCEPANOTROCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92064 Population/Community PHILODINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92065 Population/Community ANOMOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92066 Population/Community DIDYMODACTYLUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92067 Population/Community DISSOTROCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92068 Population/Community EMBATA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92069 Population/Community MACROTRACHELA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92070 Population/Community MNIOBIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92071 Population/Community PHILODINA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Philodina #/ml
92072 Population/Community PLEURETRA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92073 Population/Community ROTARIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92074 Population/Community ZELINKIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92075 Population/Community ADINETIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92076 Population/Community ADINETA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92077 Population/Community BRADYSCELA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92078 Population/Community PHILODINAVIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92079 Population/Community ABROCHTHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92080 Population/Community HENOCEROS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92081 Population/Community PHILODINAVUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92083 Population/Community MONOGONONTA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92084 Population/Community PLOIMA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ploima #/ml
92085 Population/Community BRACHIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92086 Population/Community ANURAEOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92087 Population/Community BRACHIONUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Brachionus #/ml
92088 Population/Community CYRTONIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92089 Population/Community DIPLEUCHLANIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92090 Population/Community DIPLOIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92091 Population/Community EPIPHANES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92092 Population/Community EUCHLANIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Euchlanis #/ml
92093 Population/Community KELLICOTTIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Kellicottia #/ml
92094 Population/Community KERATELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Keratella #/ml
92095 Population/Community LOPHOCHARIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lophocharis #/ml
92096 Population/Community MACROCHAETUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Macrochaetus #/ml
92097 Population/Community MANFREDIUM (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92098 Population/Community MIKROCODIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92099 Population/Community MYTILINA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mytilina #/ml
92100 Population/Community NOTHOLCA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Notholca #/ml
92101 Population/Community PLATYIAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92102 Population/Community PROALIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92103 Population/Community RHINOGLENA (4) USGS8ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92104 Population/Community TRICHOTRIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trichotria #/ml
92105 Population/Community TRIPLEUCHLANIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92106 Population/Community WOLGA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92107 Population/Community COLURELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92108 Population/Community LEPADELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lepadella #/ml
92109 Population/Community PARACOLURELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92110 Population/Community SQUATINELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92111 Population/Community LECANIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lecanidae #/ml
92112 Population/Community LECANE (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lecane #/ml
92113 Population/Community MONOSTYLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Monostyla #/ml
92114 Population/Community PROALIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92115 Population/Community BRYCEELA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92116 Population/Community PROALES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Proales #/ml
92117 Population/Community PROALINOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92118 Population/Community WULFERTIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92119 Population/Community NOTOMMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Notommatidae #/ml
92120 Population/Community CEPHALODELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cephalodella #/ml
92121 Population/Community DORRIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92122 Population/Community DORYSTOMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92123 Population/Community DRILOPHAGA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92124 Population/Community ENTEROPLEA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92125 Population/Community EOSPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92126 Population/Community EOTHINIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92127 Population/Community ITURA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92128 Population/Community MONOMMATA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92129 Population/Community NOTOMMATA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Notommata #/ml
92130 Population/Community PLEUROTROCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92131 Population/Community PSEUDOPLOESOMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92132 Population/Community RESTICULA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92133 Population/Community ROUSSELETIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92134 Population/Community SCARIDIUM (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Scaridium #/ml
92135 Population/Community SPHYRIAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92136 Population/Community TAPHROCAMPTA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92137 Population/Community LINDIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92138 Population/Community LINDIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92139 Population/Community BIRGEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92140 Population/Community BIRGEA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92141 Population/Community TRICHOCERCIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trichocercidae #/ml
92142 Population/Community ASCOMORPHELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92143 Population/Community ELOSA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92144 Population/Community TRICHOCERCA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trichocerca #/ml
92145 Population/Community GASTROPIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gastropidae #/ml
92146 Population/Community ASCOMORPHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ascomorpha #/ml
92147 Population/Community CHROMOGASTER (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92148 Population/Community GASTROPUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92149 Population/Community DICRANOPHORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92150 Population/Community ALBERTIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92151 Population/Community ASPELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92152 Population/Community BALATRO (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92153 Population/Community DICRANOPHORUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92154 Population/Community ENCENTRUM (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92155 Population/Community ERIGNATHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92156 Population/Community MYERSINELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92157 Population/Community PARADICRANOPHORUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92158 Population/Community PEDIPARTIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92159 Population/Community STREPTOGNATHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92160 Population/Community WIGRELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92161 Population/Community WIERZEJSKIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92162 Population/Community TYLOTROCHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92163 Population/Community TYLOTROCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92164 Population/Community TETRASIPHONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92165 Population/Community TETRASIPHON (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92166 Population/Community ASPLANCHNIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Asplanchnidae #/ml
92167 Population/Community ASPLANCHNA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Asplanchna #/ml
92168 Population/Community ASPLANCHNOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92169 Population/Community HARRINGIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92170 Population/Community SYNCHAETIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Synchaetidae #/ml
92171 Population/Community PLOESOMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ploesoma #/ml
92172 Population/Community POLYARTHRA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polyarthra #/ml
92173 Population/Community SYNCHAETA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Synchaeta #/ml
92174 Population/Community MICROCODONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92175 Population/Community MICROCODON (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92177 Population/Community FLOSCULARIACEAE (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Flosculariaceae #/ml
92178 Population/Community TESTUDINELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Testudinellidae #/ml
92179 Population/Community FILINIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Filinia #/ml
92180 Population/Community HORAELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92181 Population/Community POMPHOLYX (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pompholyx #/ml
92182 Population/Community TESTUDINELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Testudinella #/ml
92183 Population/Community TROCHOSPHAERA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92184 Population/Community VORONKOWIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92185 Population/Community HEXARTHRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92186 Population/Community HEXARTHRA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hexarthra #/ml
92187 Population/Community FLOSCULARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92188 Population/Community BEAUCHAMPIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92189 Population/Community FLOSCULARIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92190 Population/Community LACINULARIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92191 Population/Community LIMNIAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92192 Population/Community OCTOTROCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92193 Population/Community PTYGURA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ptygura #/ml
92194 Population/Community SINANTHERINA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92195 Population/Community CONOCHILIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Conochilidae #/ml
92196 Population/Community CONOCHILOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Conochiloides #/ml
92197 Population/Community CONDCHILUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92198 Population/Community NKNOWN FAMILY (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92199 Population/Community COLLOTHECACEAE (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Collothecaceae #/ml
92200 Population/Community COLLOTHECIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Collothecidae #/ml
92201 Population/Community ACYCLUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92202 Population/Community ATROCHUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92203 Population/Community COLLETHECA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92204 Population/Community CUPELOPAGIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92205 Population/Community STEPHANOCEROS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
92207 Population/Community NEMATODA (0) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nematoda count
92208 Population/Community SECERNENTEA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Secernentea count
92210 Population/Community ADENOPHOREA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Adenophorea count
92211 Population/Community ENOPLIDA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92212 Population/Community TRIPYLIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92214 Population/Community TOBRILUS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92215 Population/Community UNKNOWN CLASS (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92216 Population/Community UNKNOWN ORDER (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92218 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92219 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92220 Population/Community CNIDARIA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cnidaria count
92221 Population/Community HYDROZOA (1) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydrozoa count
92222 Population/Community HYDROIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydroida count
92223 Population/Community CLAVIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Clavidae count
92224 Population/Community CORDYLOPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cordylophora count
92225 Population/Community C.LACUSTRIS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cordylophora lacustris count
92226 Population/Community HYDRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydridae count
92227 Population/Community HYDRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydra count
92228 Population/Community PROTOHYDRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92229 Population/Community CHLOROHYDRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chlorohydra count
92230 Population/Community TRACHYLINA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92231 Population/Community PETASIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92232 Population/Community CRASPEDACUSTA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92233 Population/Community C.SOWERBII (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92236 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92237 Population/Community SCYPHOZOA (1) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Scyphozoa count
92238 Population/Community ANTHOZOA (1) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anthozoa count
92242 Population/Community PLATYHELMINTHES (0) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Platyhelminthes count
92243 Population/Community TURBELLARIA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Turbellaria count
92244 Population/Community TRICLADIDA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tricladida count
92245 Population/Community PLANARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Planariidae count
92246 Population/Community DUGESIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dugesia count
92247 Population/Community POLYCELIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polycelis count
92248 Population/Community P.CORONATA (5) GIRARD ,1850 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92249 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92250 Population/Community DENDROCOELIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dendrocoelidae count
92252 Population/Community KENKIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92254 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92255 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92256 Population/Community RHABDOCOELA (2) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92257 Population/Community ALLOEOCOELA (2) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92258 Population/Community UNKNOWN ORDER (2) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92260 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #1 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92262 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92263 Population/Community NEMATOMORPHA (0) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nematomorpha count
92264 Population/Community GORDIIDAE (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92265 Population/Community ANNELIDA (0) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Annelida count
92266 Population/Community OLIGOCHAETA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oligochaeta count
92267 Population/Community PLESIOPORA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92268 Population/Community TUBIFICIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tubificidae count
92269 Population/Community LIMNODRILUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Limnodrilus count
92270 Population/Community TUBIFEX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tubifex count
92271 Population/Community ILYODRILUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ilyodrilus count
92272 Population/Community AULODRILUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Aulodrilus count
92273 Population/Community BOTHRIONEURUM (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92274 Population/Community BRANCHIURA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Branchiura count
92275 Population/Community CLITELLIO (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Clitellio count
92276 Population/Community PELOSCOLEX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Peloscolex count
92277 Population/Community POTAMOTHRIX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Potamothrix count
92278 Population/Community RHYACODRILUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rhyacodrilus count
92279 Population/Community SMITHSONIDRILUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Smithsonidrilus count
92280 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92281 Population/Community NAIDIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Naididae count
92282 Population/Community NAIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nais count
92283 Population/Community NAIDIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92284 Population/Community STYLARIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stylaria count
92285 Population/Community CHAETOGASTER (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chaetogaster count
92286 Population/Community DERO (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dero count
92287 Population/Community PRISTINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pristina count
92288 Population/Community SLAVINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Slavina count
92289 Population/Community SPECARIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Specaria count
92290 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92291 Population/Community AEOLOSOMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Aeolosomatidae count
92292 Population/Community AEOLOSOMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Aeolosoma count
92293 Population/Community OPISTHOCYSTIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92294 Population/Community ENCHYTRAEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Enchytraeidae count
92295 Population/Community FRIDERICIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92296 Population/Community ENCHYTRAEUS (4) HENLE,1837 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92297 Population/Community CHIRODRILUS (4) VERRILL,1871 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92298 Population/Community ENLEA (4) MICHAEL,1889 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92299 Population/Community HENLEA (4) MICHAEL,1889 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92300 Population/Community MESENCHYTRAEUS (4) EISEN,1878 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92301 Population/Community LUMBRICUILLUS (4) ORSTED,1884 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92302 Population/Community MARIONINA (4) MICHAEL,1889 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92303 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92304 Population/Community PROSOPORA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92305 Population/Community BRANCHIOBDELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Branchiobdellidae count
92306 Population/Community PTERODRILUS (4) MOORE ,1895 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92307 Population/Community P.ALCICORNUS (5) MOORE ,1895 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92308 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92309 Population/Community LUMBRICULIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lumbriculidae count
92310 Population/Community LUMBRICULUS (4) GRUBE,1844 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lumbriculus count
92311 Population/Community KINCAIDIANA (4) ALTMAN,1936 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92312 Population/Community SUTROA (4) EISEN,1888 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sutroa count
92313 Population/Community NESOPORODRILUS (4) F.SMITH,1896 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92314 Population/Community PREMNODRILUS (4) F.SMITH,1900 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92315 Population/Community RHYNCHELMIS (4) HOFFMEI,1843 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rhynchelmis count
92316 Population/Community ECLIPDRILUS (4) EISEN,1881 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92317 Population/Community TRICHODRILUS (4) CLAPARE,1862 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92318 Population/Community EISENIELLA (4) MICHAEL,1900 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92319 Population/Community STYLODRILUS (4) PENNAK,1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stylodrilus count
92320 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) UGSG,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92321 Population/Community OPISTHOPORA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92322 Population/Community HAPLOTAXIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Haplotaxidae count
92323 Population/Community UNKNOWN ORDER (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92324 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92325 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #1 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92326 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #2 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92327 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #3 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92328 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #4 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92329 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92330 Population/Community HIRUDINEA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hirudinea count
92331 Population/Community RHYNCHOBDELLIDA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rhynchobdellida count
92332 Population/Community GLOSSIPHONIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glossiphoniidae count
92333 Population/Community ACTINOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Actinobdella count
92334 Population/Community BATRACOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Batracobdella count
92335 Population/Community GLOSSIPHONIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glossiphonia count
92336 Population/Community HELOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Helobdella count
92337 Population/Community PLACOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Placobdella count
92338 Population/Community THEROMYZON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92339 Population/Community MARVINOMEYERIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92340 Population/Community OLIGOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oligobdella count
92341 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92342 Population/Community PISCICOLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Piscicolidae count
92343 Population/Community CYSTOBRANCHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92344 Population/Community PISCICOLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Piscicola count
92345 Population/Community ILLINOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92346 Population/Community PISCICOLARIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Piscicolaria count
92347 Population/Community MYZOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Myzobdella count
92349 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92350 Population/Community GNATHOBDELLIDA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gnathobdellida count
92351 Population/Community HIRUDIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92352 Population/Community BDELLAROGATIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92353 Population/Community MACROBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Macrobdella count
92354 Population/Community HIRUDO (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92355 Population/Community PHILOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Philobdella count
92356 Population/Community PERCYMOORENSIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92357 Population/Community MOLLIBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92358 Population/Community PHARYNGOBDELLIDA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pharyngobdellida count
92359 Population/Community ERPOBDELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Erpobdellidae count
92360 Population/Community DINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dina count
92361 Population/Community ERPOBDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Erpobdella count
92362 Population/Community NEPHELOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nephelopsis count
92363 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92364 Population/Community UNKNOWN ORDER (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92367 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS#2 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92368 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS#3 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92369 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92370 Population/Community POLYCHAETA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92371 Population/Community PHYLLODOCIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92372 Population/Community PHYLLODOCIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phyllodocidae count
92373 Population/Community ETEONE (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eteone count
92374 Population/Community ANAITIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anaitides count
92375 Population/Community ALCIOPIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Alciopidae count
92376 Population/Community TOMOPTERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92377 Population/Community TYPHLOSCOLECIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92378 Population/Community APHRODITIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Aphroditidae count
92379 Population/Community POLYNOIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polynoidae count
92380 Population/Community SIGALIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sigalionidae count
92381 Population/Community CHRYSOPETALIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chrysopetalidae count
92382 Population/Community GLYCERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glyceridae count
92383 Population/Community GLYCERA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glycera count
92384 Population/Community GONIADIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goniadidae count
92385 Population/Community SPHAERODORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sphaerodoridae count
92386 Population/Community NEPHTYIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nephtyidae count
92387 Population/Community SYLLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Syllidae count
92388 Population/Community HESIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hesionidae count
92389 Population/Community PILARGIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pilargidae count
92390 Population/Community NEREIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92391 Population/Community NEREIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nereis count
92392 Population/Community PARALACYDONIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92393 Population/Community CAPITELLIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92394 Population/Community CAPITELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Capitellidae count
92395 Population/Community ARENICOLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Arenicolidae count
92396 Population/Community SCALIBREGMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92397 Population/Community MALDANIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Maldanidae count
92398 Population/Community AXIOTHELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Axiothella count
92399 Population/Community OPHELIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Opheliidae count
92400 Population/Community STERNASPIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92401 Population/Community STERNASPIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sternaspidae count
92402 Population/Community SPIONIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92403 Population/Community SPIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Spionidae count
92404 Population/Community TROCHOCHAETIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trochochaetidae count
92405 Population/Community PARAONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paraonidae count
92406 Population/Community APISTOBRANCHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Apistobranchidae count
92407 Population/Community CHAETOPTERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chaetopteridae count
92408 Population/Community SABELLARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sabellariidae count
92409 Population/Community EUNICIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92410 Population/Community ONUPHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Onuphidae count
92411 Population/Community EUNICIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eunicidae count
92412 Population/Community LUMBRINEREIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92413 Population/Community ARABELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Arabellidae count
92414 Population/Community DORVILLEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dorvilleidae count
92415 Population/Community AMPHINOMIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92416 Population/Community AMPHINOMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amphinomidae count
92417 Population/Community EUPHROSINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Euphrosinidae count
92418 Population/Community SPINTHERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92419 Population/Community MAGELONIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92420 Population/Community MAGELONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Magelonidae count
92421 Population/Community ARICIIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92422 Population/Community ORBINIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orbiniidae count
92423 Population/Community PROTOARICIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92424 Population/Community NAINERIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Naineris count
92425 Population/Community ORBINIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orbinia count
92426 Population/Community HAPLOSCOLOPLOS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Haploscoloplos count
92427 Population/Community SCOLOPLOS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Scoloplos count
92428 Population/Community CIRRATULIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92429 Population/Community CIRRATULIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cirratulidae count
92430 Population/Community CIRRIFORMIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cirriformia count
92431 Population/Community OWENIIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92432 Population/Community OWENIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oweniidae count
92433 Population/Community TEREBELLIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92434 Population/Community PECTINARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pectinariidae count
92436 Population/Community AMPHARETIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ampharetidae count
92437 Population/Community TEREBELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Terebellidae count
92438 Population/Community FLABELLIGERIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92439 Population/Community FLABELLIGERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Flabelligeridae count
92440 Population/Community SABELLIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92441 Population/Community SABELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sabellidae count
92442 Population/Community POTAMILLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Potamilla count
92443 Population/Community SERPULIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Serpulidae count
92444 Population/Community UNKNOWN ORDER (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92445 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92447 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #2 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92449 Population/Community ARTHROPODA (0) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Arthropoda count
92450 Population/Community CRUSTACEA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92451 Population/Community ISOPODA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Isopoda count
92452 Population/Community ASELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Asellidae count
92453 Population/Community ASELLUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Asellus count
92454 Population/Community A.INTERMEDIUS (5) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Asellus intermedius count
92455 Population/Community LIRCEUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lirceus count
92456 Population/Community ANTHURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anthuridae count
92457 Population/Community IDOTEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Idoteidae count
92458 Population/Community IDOTEA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Idotea count
92459 Population/Community BOPYRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bopyridae count
92460 Population/Community PROTOPYRUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92461 Population/Community P.BITHYNIS (5) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92462 Population/Community SPHAEROMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sphaeromatidae count
92463 Population/Community SPHAEROMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sphaeroma count
92464 Population/Community EXOSPHAEROMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Exosphaeroma count
92465 Population/Community GNORIMOSPHAEROMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gnorimosphaeroma count
92466 Population/Community CYMOTHOIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cymothoidae count
92467 Population/Community CIROLANIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92468 Population/Community CIROLANIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92469 Population/Community C.TEXENSIS (5) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92470 Population/Community JANIRALATA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92471 Population/Community PSUEDOKIEFFERIELLA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92472 Population/Community AMPHIPODA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amphipoda count
92473 Population/Community TALITRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Talitridae count
92474 Population/Community HYALLELA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92475 Population/Community H.AZTECA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92476 Population/Community GAMMARIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gammaridae count
92477 Population/Community GAMMARUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gammarus count
92478 Population/Community CRANGONYX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Crangonyx count
92479 Population/Community SYNURELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Synurella count
92480 Population/Community ELASMOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Elasmopus count
92481 Population/Community APOCRANGONYX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92482 Population/Community STYGONECTES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stygonectes count
92483 Population/Community BACTRURUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92484 Population/Community ALLOCRANGONYX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92485 Population/Community STYGOBROMUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stygobromus count
92486 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92487 Population/Community COROPHIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Corophiidae count
92488 Population/Community COROPHIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Corophium count
92489 Population/Community ERICHTHONIUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92490 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92491 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92492 Population/Community DECAPODA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Decapoda count
92493 Population/Community PALAEMONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palaemonidae count
92494 Population/Community PALAEMONETES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palaemonetes count
92495 Population/Community P.PALUDOSUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palaemonetes paludosus count
92496 Population/Community P.KADIAKENSIS (5) RATHBUN,1902 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palaemonetes kadiakensis count
92497 Population/Community MACROBRACHIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Macrobrachium count
92498 Population/Community ASTACIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Astacidae count
92499 Population/Community CAMBARUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cambarus count
92500 Population/Community C.CAROLINUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92501 Population/Community C.FODIENS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92502 Population/Community C.BARTONI (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cambarus bartoni count
92503 Population/Community C.DIOGENES (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cambarus diogenes count
92504 Population/Community PROCAMBARUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Procambarus count
92505 Population/Community P.GRACILIS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92506 Population/Community P.SIMULANS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Procambarus simulans count
92507 Population/Community P.BLANDINGI (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92508 Population/Community ORCONECTES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orconectes count
92509 Population/Community O.RUSTICUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orconectes rusticus count
92510 Population/Community RUSTICUS (5) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orconectes rusticus count
92511 Population/Community CAMBARELLUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cambarellus count
92512 Population/Community PACIFASTACUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pacifastacus count
92513 Population/Community FAXONELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92514 Population/Community HOBBSEUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92515 Population/Community FALLICAMBARUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92516 Population/Community TROGLOCAMBARUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92517 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92518 Population/Community ATYIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Atyidae count
92519 Population/Community SYNCARIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92520 Population/Community CANCRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cancridae count
92521 Population/Community CANCER (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cancer count
92522 Population/Community PORTUNIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Portunidae count
92523 Population/Community CALLINECTES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Callinectes count
92525 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92526 Population/Community PODOCOPA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92527 Population/Community CYPRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92528 Population/Community ILYOCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92529 Population/Community CANDOCYPRIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Candocypria count
92530 Population/Community CYCLOCYPRIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyclocypria count
92531 Population/Community CYCLOCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyclocypris count
92532 Population/Community PHYSOCYPRIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Physocypria count
92533 Population/Community CYPRIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cypria count
92534 Population/Community PARACANDONA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92535 Population/Community CANDONOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92536 Population/Community CANDONA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Candona count
92537 Population/Community STENOCYPRIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92538 Population/Community CHLAMYDOTHECA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92539 Population/Community CYPRETTA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92540 Population/Community ILYODROMUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92541 Population/Community STENOCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stenocypris count
92542 Population/Community CYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cypris count
92543 Population/Community EUCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eucypris count
92544 Population/Community PRIONOCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92545 Population/Community HERPETOCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Herpetocypris count
92546 Population/Community CYPRICONCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92547 Population/Community CANDONOCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92548 Population/Community CYPRIDOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cypridopsis count
92549 Population/Community CYPRICERCUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cypricercus count
92550 Population/Community STRANDESIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92551 Population/Community NOTODROMUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92552 Population/Community POTAMOCYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92553 Population/Community CYPRINOTUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyprinotus count
92554 Population/Community CANDONA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Candona count
92555 Population/Community PARACANDONA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paracandona count
92556 Population/Community CANDONOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92557 Population/Community CYTHERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92558 Population/Community METACYPRIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92559 Population/Community ENTOCYTHERE (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92560 Population/Community LIMNOCYTHERE (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92561 Population/Community DARWINULIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92562 Population/Community DARWINULA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92564 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92565 Population/Community CLADOCERA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92566 Population/Community DAPHNIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Daphnidae count
92567 Population/Community DAPHNIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Daphnia count
92568 Population/Community CERIODAPHNIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ceriodaphnia count
92569 Population/Community SIMOCEPHALUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Simocephalus count
92570 Population/Community MOINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92571 Population/Community SCAPHOLEBERIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Scapholeberis count
92572 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92573 Population/Community BOSMINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bosminidae count
92574 Population/Community BOSMINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bosmina count
92575 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92576 Population/Community CHYDORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chydoridae count
92577 Population/Community ALONA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Alona count
92578 Population/Community ACROPERUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92579 Population/Community CAMPTOCERCUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Camptocercus count
92580 Population/Community EURYCERCUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eurycercus count
92581 Population/Community PLEUROXUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pleuroxus count
92582 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92583 Population/Community MACROTHRICIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Macrothricidae count
92584 Population/Community MACROTHRIX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Macrothrix count
92585 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92586 Population/Community SIDIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sididae count
92587 Population/Community DIAPHANOSOMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diaphanosoma count
92588 Population/Community SIDA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sida count
92589 Population/Community LATONA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Latona count
92590 Population/Community LATONOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Latonopsis count
92591 Population/Community PSEUDOSIDA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92592 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92593 Population/Community HOLOPEDIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Holopedidae count
92594 Population/Community HOLOPEDIUM (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Holopedium count
92595 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92596 Population/Community LEPTODORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92597 Population/Community LEPTODORA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92598 Population/Community POLYPHEMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92599 Population/Community POLYPHEMUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92601 Population/Community NAUPLII SP(P) (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92602 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92603 Population/Community CYCLOPOIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyclopoida count
92604 Population/Community CYCLOPIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyclopidae count
92605 Population/Community CYCLOPS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyclops count
92606 Population/Community MESOCYCLOPS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mesocyclops count
92607 Population/Community TROPOCYCLOPS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tropocyclops count
92608 Population/Community PARACYCLOPS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paracyclops count
92609 Population/Community EUCYCLOPS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eucyclops count
92610 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92611 Population/Community HARPACTICOIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Harpacticoida count
92612 Population/Community CANTHOCAMPTIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92613 Population/Community BRYOCAMPTUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92614 Population/Community ATTHEYELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92615 Population/Community CANTHOCAMPTUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Canthocamptus count
92617 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92618 Population/Community NAUPLII SP(P) (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92619 Population/Community COPEPODID (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92620 Population/Community ANOSTRACA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anostraca count
92621 Population/Community CHIROCEPHALIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92622 Population/Community EUBRANCHIPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92623 Population/Community NOTOSTRACA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Notostraca count
92624 Population/Community CONCHOSTRACA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Conchostraca count
92625 Population/Community CALANOIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Calanoida count
92626 Population/Community DIAPTOMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diaptomidae count
92627 Population/Community DIAPTOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diaptomus count
92628 Population/Community ACANTHODIAPTOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92630 Population/Community PSEUDOCALANIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92631 Population/Community SENECELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92633 Population/Community CENTROPAGIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92634 Population/Community LIMNOCALANUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92635 Population/Community OSPHRANTICUM (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92637 Population/Community TEMORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Temoridae count
92638 Population/Community EURYTEMORA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eurytemora count
92639 Population/Community EPISCHURA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92640 Population/Community HETEROCOPE (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92642 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92643 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92644 Population/Community TANAIDACEA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tanaidacea count
92645 Population/Community TANAIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tanaidae count
92646 Population/Community TANAIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tanais count
92647 Population/Community PARATANAIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paratanaidae count
92648 Population/Community LEPTOCHELIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leptochelia count
92649 Population/Community MYSIDACEA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mysidacea count
92650 Population/Community MYSIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mysidae count
92651 Population/Community TAPHROMYSIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Taphromysis count
92652 Population/Community THORACICA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92653 Population/Community BALANUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Balanus count
92654 Population/Community CUMACEA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cumacea count
92655 Population/Community BODOTRIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bodotriidae count
92656 Population/Community CYCLASPIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyclaspis count
92657 Population/Community LEUCONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leuconidae count
92658 Population/Community NANNASTACIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nannastacidae count
92659 Population/Community LAMPROPIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lampropidae count
92660 Population/Community LAMPROPS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lamprops count
92661 Population/Community DIASTYLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diastylidae count
92662 Population/Community DIASTYLIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diastylis count
92663 Population/Community LEPTOSTYLIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leptostylis count
92664 Population/Community PSEUDOCUMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudocumidae count
92665 Population/Community NEBALIACEA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nebaliacea count
92666 Population/Community UNNAMED FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92667 Population/Community EPINEBALIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Epinebalia count
92668 Population/Community EUPHAUSIACEA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Euphausiacea count
92669 Population/Community CAPRELLIDEA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92670 Population/Community CAPRELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Caprellidae count
92671 Population/Community CAPRELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Caprella count
92672 Population/Community INSECTA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Insecta count
92673 Population/Community DIPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diptera count
92674 Population/Community SCIOMYZIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sciomyzidae count
92675 Population/Community ANTICHAETA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Antichaeta count
92676 Population/Community COLOBAEA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Colobaea count
92677 Population/Community SCIOMYZA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sciomyza count
92678 Population/Community PHERBELLIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pherbellia count
92679 Population/Community PTEROMICRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pteromicra count
92680 Population/Community ATRICHOMELINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Atrichomelina count
92681 Population/Community RENOCERA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Renocera count
92682 Population/Community DICTYA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dictya count
92683 Population/Community SEPEDON (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sepedon count
92684 Population/Community ELGIVA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Elgiva count
92685 Population/Community HEDRIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hedria count
92686 Population/Community TETANOCERA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tetanocera count
92687 Population/Community CULICIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Culicidae count
92688 Population/Community CULEX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Culex count
92689 Population/Community ANOPHELES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anopheles count
92690 Population/Community URANOTAENIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Uranotaenia count
92691 Population/Community CULISETA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Culiseta count
92692 Population/Community PSOROPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psorophora count
92693 Population/Community AEDES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Aedes count
92694 Population/Community MANSONIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mansonia count
92695 Population/Community ORTHOPODOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orthopodomyia count
92696 Population/Community TOXORHYNCHITES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Toxorhynchites count
92697 Population/Community CHAOBORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chaoboridae count
92698 Population/Community CHAOBORUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chaoborus count
92699 Population/Community EUCORETHRA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eucorethra count
92700 Population/Community MOCHLONYX (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mochlonyx count
92701 Population/Community CORETHRELLA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Corethrella count
92703 Population/Community CERATOPOGONIDAE=HELEIDAE(3) MERR&CUM-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ceratopogonidae count
92704 Population/Community PALPOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palpomyia count
92705 Population/Community BEZZIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bezzia count
92706 Population/Community STILOBEZZIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stilobezzia count
92707 Population/Community FORCIPOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Forcipomyia count
92708 Population/Community PROBEZZIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Probezzia count
92709 Population/Community CULICOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Culicoides count
92710 Population/Community ATRICHOPOGON (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Atrichopogon count
92711 Population/Community DASYHELEA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dasyhelea count
92712 Population/Community ALLUAUDOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Alluaudomyia count
92713 Population/Community CERATOCULICOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92714 Population/Community CERATOPOGON (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ceratopogon count
92715 Population/Community ISOHELEA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92716 Population/Community MONOHELEA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Monohelea count
92717 Population/Community PARABEZZIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92718 Population/Community SERROBEZZIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92719 Population/Community CLINOHELEA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92720 Population/Community HETEROMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Heteromyia count
92721 Population/Community JOHANNSENOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92722 Population/Community MALLOCHOHELEA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mallochohelea count
92723 Population/Community SPHAEROMIAS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sphaeromias count
92724 Population/Community LEPTOCONOPS (4) SKUSE- USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92725 Population/Community PALPOMYIA OR SPHAEROMIAS(4) JOHANN.-1937 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92726 Population/Community BEZZIA,PROBEZZIA,JOHANN-(4) JOHANN.-1937 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92727 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #1 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92728 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #2 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92729 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #3 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92730 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92731 Population/Community TIPULIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tipulidae count
92732 Population/Community TIPULA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tipula count
92733 Population/Community HEXATOMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hexatoma count
92734 Population/Community ERIOCERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eriocera count
92735 Population/Community LIMNOPHILA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Limnophila count
92736 Population/Community ANTOCHA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Antocha count
92737 Population/Community A.SAXICOLA (5) SACKEN,1927 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92738 Population/Community DACTYLOLABIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dactylolabis count
92739 Population/Community PILARIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pilaria count
92740 Population/Community PSEUDOLIMNOPHILA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudolimnophila count
92741 Population/Community ERIOPTERA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Erioptera count
92742 Population/Community LIMONIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Limonia count
92743 Population/Community HELIUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Helius count
92744 Population/Community HOLORUSIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Holorusia count
92745 Population/Community ELLIPTERA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Elliptera count
92746 Population/Community LIMNOBIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92747 Population/Community ORMOSIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ormosia count
92748 Population/Community TRICYPHONA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92749 Population/Community TRIMICRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92750 Population/Community PEDICIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pedicia count
92751 Population/Community PHALACROCERA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phalacrocera count
92752 Population/Community TRIOGMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92753 Population/Community DICRANOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92754 Population/Community PRIONOCERA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Prionocera count
92755 Population/Community DICRANOTA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dicranota count
92756 Population/Community GONOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gonomyia count
92757 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92758 Population/Community PSYCHODIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psychodidae count
92759 Population/Community PSYCHODA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psychoda count
92760 Population/Community PERICOMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pericoma count
92761 Population/Community TELMATOSCOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Telmatoscopus count
92762 Population/Community MARUINA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Maruina count
92763 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92764 Population/Community SIMULIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Simuliidae count
92765 Population/Community SIMULIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Simulium count
92766 Population/Community S.VITTATUM (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Simulium vittatum count
92767 Population/Community S.VENUSTUM (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Simulium venustum count
92768 Population/Community PROSIMULIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Prosimulium count
92769 Population/Community CNEPHIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cnephia count
92770 Population/Community EUSIMULIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eusimulium count
92771 Population/Community ECTEMNIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92772 Population/Community GRENIERA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Greniera count
92773 Population/Community GYMNOPAIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gymnopais count
92774 Population/Community METACNEPHIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Metacnephia count
92775 Population/Community PARASIMULIUM (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92776 Population/Community STEGOPTERNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stegopterna count
92777 Population/Community TWINNIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Twinnia count
92778 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92779 Population/Community STRATIOMYIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92780 Population/Community STRATIOMYS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stratiomys count
92781 Population/Community ODONTIMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92782 Population/Community NEMOTELUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nemotelus count
92783 Population/Community EUPARYPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Euparyphus count
92784 Population/Community TABANIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tabanidae count
92785 Population/Community TABANUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tabanus count
92786 Population/Community CHRYSOZONA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92787 Population/Community CHRYSOPS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chrysops count
92788 Population/Community GONIOPS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92789 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92790 Population/Community SYRPHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Syrphidae count
92791 Population/Community SYRPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92792 Population/Community ERISTALIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eristalis count
92793 Population/Community EMPIDIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Empididae count
92794 Population/Community ROEDERIODES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Roederiodes count
92795 Population/Community HEMERODROMIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hemerodromia count
92796 Population/Community H.SEQUYI (5) VAILLAN,1953 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92797 Population/Community CLINOCERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Clinocera count
92798 Population/Community WIEDEMANNIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Wiedemannia count
92799 Population/Community DOLICHOCEPHALA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dolichocephala count
92800 Population/Community CHELIFERA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chelifera count
92801 Population/Community CERATEMPIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92802 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92803 Population/Community EPHYDRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ephydridae count
92804 Population/Community BRACHYDEUTERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Brachydeutera count
92805 Population/Community EPHYDRA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ephydra count
92806 Population/Community ALLOTRICHOMA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92807 Population/Community ATHYROGLOSSA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92808 Population/Community ATRISSA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92809 Population/Community CEROPSILOPA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92810 Population/Community CLANONEURUM (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92811 Population/Community CRESSONOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92812 Population/Community DICLASIOPA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92813 Population/Community DIPHUIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92814 Population/Community DISCOCERINA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92815 Population/Community DISCOMYZA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92816 Population/Community DITRICHOPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92817 Population/Community GLENANTHE (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92818 Population/Community HECAMEDE (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92819 Population/Community HECAMEDOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92820 Population/Community HELAEOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92821 Population/Community HYDROCHASMA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92822 Population/Community LEPTOPSILOPA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92823 Population/Community MOSILLUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92824 Population/Community PARATISSA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92825 Population/Community PELIGNELLUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92826 Population/Community PLATYGYMNOPA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92827 Population/Community POLYTRICHOPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92828 Population/Community PSEUDOHECAMEDE (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92829 Population/Community PSILOPA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psilopa count
92830 Population/Community PTILOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92831 Population/Community RHYSOPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92832 Population/Community TRIMERINA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92833 Population/Community TRIMERINOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92834 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92835 Population/Community BLEPHAROCERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92836 Population/Community BIBIOCEPHALA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bibiocephala count
92837 Population/Community AGATHON (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Agathon count
92838 Population/Community A.ELEGANTULA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92839 Population/Community BLEPHAROCERA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92840 Population/Community DIOPTOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92841 Population/Community PHILORUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Philorus count
92842 Population/Community ATHERICIDAE=RHAGIONIDAE (3) MERR&CUM-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92843 Population/Community ATHERIX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Atherix count
92844 Population/Community A.VARIEGATA (5) WALKER ,1848 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Atherix variegata count
92845 Population/Community PHORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phoridae count
92846 Population/Community DIPLONEURA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92847 Population/Community CHIRONOMIDAE (3) MERR&CUM-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chironomidae count
92848 Population/Community TANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tanypus count
92849 Population/Community APSECTROTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Apsectrotanypus count
92850 Population/Community MACROPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Macropelopia count
92851 Population/Community PROCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Procladius count
92852 Population/Community P.BELLUS (5) ROBACK ,1980 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Procladius bellus count
92853 Population/Community PSECTROTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psectrotanypus count
92854 Population/Community PSILOTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psilotanypus count
92855 Population/Community ANATOPYNIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anatopynia count
92856 Population/Community COELOTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Coelotanypus count
92857 Population/Community C.SCAPULARIS (5) ROBACK, 1974 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Coelotanypus scapularis count
92858 Population/Community CLINOTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Clinotanypus count
92859 Population/Community ABLABESMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ablabesmyia count
92860 Population/Community A.MALLOCHI (5) BECK, 1966 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ablabesmyia mallochi count
92861 Population/Community A.JANTA (5) BECK ,1966 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ablabesmyia janta count
92862 Population/Community ARCTOPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Arctopelopia count
92863 Population/Community KRENOPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Krenopelopia count
92864 Population/Community LARSIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Larsia count
92865 Population/Community MONOPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Monopelopia count
92866 Population/Community NILOTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nilotanypus count
92867 Population/Community PENTANEURA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pentaneura count
92868 Population/Community RHEOPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rheopelopia count
92869 Population/Community THIENEMANNIMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Thienemannimyia count
92870 Population/Community TRISSOPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trissopelopia count
92871 Population/Community XENOPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92872 Population/Community PAROCHLUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parochlus count
92873 Population/Community TRICHOTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trichotanypus count
92874 Population/Community THALASSOMYA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92875 Population/Community DIAMESA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diamesa count
92876 Population/Community HESPERODIAMESA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92877 Population/Community POTTHASTIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Potthastia count
92878 Population/Community PSEUDODIAMESA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudodiamesa count
92879 Population/Community SYMPOTTHASTIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sympotthastia count
92880 Population/Community PROTANYPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Protanypus count
92881 Population/Community MONODIAMESA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Monodiamesa count
92882 Population/Community ODONTOMESA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Odontomesa count
92883 Population/Community PRODIAMESA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Prodiamesa count
92884 Population/Community ABISKOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92885 Population/Community ACRICTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92886 Population/Community ACAMPTOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Acamptocladius count
92887 Population/Community BRILLIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Brillia count
92888 Population/Community CAMPTOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92889 Population/Community CARDIOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cardiocladius count
92890 Population/Community CHAETOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chaetocladius count
92891 Population/Community CLUNIO (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Clunio count
92892 Population/Community CORYNONEURA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Corynoneura count
92893 Population/Community C.CORONATA (5) CRANSTN,1979 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92894 Population/Community CRICOTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cricotopus count
92895 Population/Community C.BICINCTUS (5) OLIVER, 1977 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cricotopus bicinctus count
92896 Population/Community CRICOTOPUS (ISOCLADIUS) (5) HIRVENO,1973 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92897 Population/Community DIPLOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diplocladius count
92898 Population/Community EPOICOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Epoicocladius count
92899 Population/Community GYMNOMETRIOCNEMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92900 Population/Community HELENIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Heleniella count
92901 Population/Community HETEROTANYTARSUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Heterotanytarsus count
92902 Population/Community HETEROTRISSOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Heterotrissocladius count
92903 Population/Community LIMNOHYPHES (4) M&C,78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92904 Population/Community METRIOCNEMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Metriocnemus count
92905 Population/Community MESOCRICOTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mesocricotopus count
92906 Population/Community MICROCRICOTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Microcricotopus count
92907 Population/Community NANOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nanocladius count
92908 Population/Community N.DISTINCTUS (5) SAETHER,1977 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nanocladius distinctus count
92909 Population/Community ORTHOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orthocladius count
92910 Population/Community PARACRICOTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paracricotopus count
92911 Population/Community PARAMETRIOCNEMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parametriocnemus count
92912 Population/Community PLECOPTERACOLUTHUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Plecopteracoluthus count
92913 Population/Community PROSMITTIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92914 Population/Community PSECTROCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psectrocladius count
92915 Population/Community PSEUDOSMITTIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudosmittia count
92916 Population/Community SMITTIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Smittia count
92917 Population/Community SYMBIOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Symbiocladius count
92918 Population/Community SYNCRICOTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92919 Population/Community THIENEMANNIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Thienemannia count
92920 Population/Community THIENEMANNIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Thienemanniella count
92921 Population/Community T.CLAVICORNIS (5) CRANSTN,1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92922 Population/Community TRICHOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trichocladius count
92923 Population/Community TRISSOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trissocladius count
92924 Population/Community CHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chironomus count
92925 Population/Community CRYPTOCHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cryptochironomus count
92926 Population/Community C.BLARINA (5) CURRY, 1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cryptochironomus blarina count
92927 Population/Community C.FULVUS (5) CURRY ,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cryptochironomus fulvus count
92928 Population/Community DEMICRYPTOCHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Demicryptochironomus count
92929 Population/Community LIMNOCHIRONOMUS (4) M&C,78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Limnochironomus count
92930 Population/Community D.NEOMODESTUS (5) BECK, 1976 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92931 Population/Community D.NERVOSUS (5) BECK ,1976 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92932 Population/Community EINFELDIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Einfeldia count
92933 Population/Community ENDOCHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Endochironomus count
92934 Population/Community GLYPTOTENDIPES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glyptotendipes count
92935 Population/Community GOELDICHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goeldichironomus count
92936 Population/Community HARNISCHIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Harnischia count
92937 Population/Community H.CURTILAMELLATA (5) OLIVER, 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92938 Population/Community CRYPTOTENDIPES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cryptotendipes count
92939 Population/Community KIEFFERULUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Kiefferulus count
92940 Population/Community LAUTERBORNIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lauterborniella count
92941 Population/Community MICROTENDIPES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Microtendipes count
92942 Population/Community PAGASTIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pagastiella count
92943 Population/Community P.OSTANSA (5) OLIVER, 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pagastiella ostansa count
92944 Population/Community PARACHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parachironomus count
92945 Population/Community P.MONOCHROMUS (5) BECK ,1969 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parachironomus monochromus count
92946 Population/Community P.SUBLETTEI (5) BECK ,1969 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parachironomus sublettei count
92947 Population/Community PARALAUTERBORNIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paralauterborniella count
92948 Population/Community PARATENDIPES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paratendipes count
92949 Population/Community PEDIONEMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92950 Population/Community PHAENOPSECTRA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phaenopsectra count
92951 Population/Community POLYPEDILUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polypedilum count
92952 Population/Community P.OBTUSUM/CONVICTUM (5) MASWITZ,1976 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92953 Population/Community P.SIMULANS GROUP (5) MASWITZ,1976 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92954 Population/Community P.HALTERALE (5) MASCHWI,1976 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polypedilum halterale count
92955 Population/Community P.TRITUM (5) MASCHWI,1976 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polypedilum tritum count
92956 Population/Community P.SCALAEUM (5) MASCHWI,1976 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92957 Population/Community PSEUDOCHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudochironomus count
92958 Population/Community P.PSEUDOVIRIDIS (5) SAETHER,1977 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92959 Population/Community P.FULVIVENTRIS (5) SAETHER,1977 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudochironomus fulviventris count
92960 Population/Community P.ARTICAUDUS (5) SAETHER,1977 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92961 Population/Community STENOCHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stenochironomus count
92962 Population/Community STICTOCHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stictochironomus count
92963 Population/Community CORYNOCERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92964 Population/Community CLADOTANYTARSUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cladotanytarsus count
92965 Population/Community C.SP.1 NR.CONVERSUS (5) ROBACK, 1957 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92966 Population/Community C.SP.2 NR.MANCUS (5) CHERNOV,1949 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92967 Population/Community C.SP.3 (5) OLIVER,1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92968 Population/Community CONSTEMPELLINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Constempellina count
92969 Population/Community T.SP.3 NR.GVERLUS (5) SIMPSON,1980 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92970 Population/Community MICROPSECTRA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Micropsectra count
92971 Population/Community PARATANYTARSUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paratanytarsus count
92972 Population/Community RHEOTANYTARSUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rheotanytarsus count
92973 Population/Community STEMPELLINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stempellina count
92974 Population/Community TANYTARSUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tanytarsus count
92975 Population/Community T.SP.3.NR.GUERLUS (5) SIMPSON,1980 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92976 Population/Community SPANIOTOMA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92977 Population/Community SPANIOTOMA SP. G (5) JOHNNSE,1933 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92978 Population/Community PARACLADOPELMA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paracladopelma count
92979 Population/Community CONCHAPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Conchapelopia count
92980 Population/Community GUTTIPELOPIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Guttipelopia count
92981 Population/Community LABRUNDINIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Labrundinia count
92982 Population/Community NATARSIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Natarsia count
92983 Population/Community ZAVRELIMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Zavrelimyia count
92984 Population/Community BORECHLUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92985 Population/Community LASIODIAMESA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92986 Population/Community SYNORTHOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Synorthocladius count
92987 Population/Community TETHMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92988 Population/Community OMISUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Omisus count
92989 Population/Community RHEOCRICOTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rheocricotopus count
92990 Population/Community XENOCHIRONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Xenochironomus count
92991 Population/Community EUKIEFFERIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eukiefferiella count
92992 Population/Community ZAVRELIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Zavrelia count
92993 Population/Community PHAENOPELMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92994 Population/Community ONYCHODIAMESA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92995 Population/Community BOREOHEPTAGYIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Boreoheptagyia count
92996 Population/Community PARORTHOCLADIUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parorthocladius count
92997 Population/Community ROBACKIA (4) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Robackia count
92998 Population/Community ERETMOPTERA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
92999 Population/Community TELMATOGETON (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Telmatogeton count
93000 Population/Community PARACLUNIO (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paraclunio count
93001 Population/Community CONCHAPELOPIA,ARCTO,RHEO(4) HILSENH,1975 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93002 Population/Community CANTOPELOPIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cantopelopia count
93003 Population/Community DEROTANYPUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93004 Population/Community DJALMABETISTA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93005 Population/Community PARAPELOPIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93006 Population/Community PARAMERINA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paramerina count
93007 Population/Community TELOPELOPIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Telopelopia count
93008 Population/Community PARABOREOCHLUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paraboreochlus count
93009 Population/Community PAGASTIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pagastia count
93010 Population/Community PSUEDOKIEFFERIELLA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93011 Population/Community BRYOPHAENOCLADIUS (4) THIENEM ? USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bryophaenocladius count
93012 Population/Community CHASMATONOTUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93013 Population/Community CORDITES (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93014 Population/Community GEORTHOCLADIUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Georthocladius count
93015 Population/Community HALOCLADIUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Halocladius count
93016 Population/Community HYDROBAENUS (4) FRIES,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydrobaenus count
93017 Population/Community KRENOSMITTIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Krenosmittia count
93018 Population/Community LAPPOSMITTIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93019 Population/Community PARACHAETOCLADIUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parachaetocladius count
93020 Population/Community PARACLADIUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paracladius count
93021 Population/Community PARAKIEFFERIELLA (4) THIENEM,1936 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parakiefferiella count
93022 Population/Community PARAPHAENOCLADIUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paraphaenocladius count
93023 Population/Community PARATRICHOCLADIUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paratrichocladius count
93024 Population/Community PHYCOIDELLA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93025 Population/Community PSUEDORTHOCLADIUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93026 Population/Community PSILOMETRIOCNEMUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psilometriocnemus count
93027 Population/Community SAUNDERIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93028 Population/Community TOKUNAGIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93029 Population/Community ZALUTSCHIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Zalutschia count
93030 Population/Community GRACEUS (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Graceus count
93031 Population/Community NILOTHAUMA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nilothauma count
93032 Population/Community NILODORUM (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93033 Population/Community WIRTHIELLA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Wirthiella count
93034 Population/Community WEOZAVRELIA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93035 Population/Community STEMPELLINELLA (4) M&C 1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stempellinella count
93036 Population/Community CLADOPELMA (4) SAETHER,1977 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cladopelma count
93037 Population/Community SYMPOSIOCLADIUS (4) CRNSTON,1981 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93038 Population/Community UNKN TANYPODINAE (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93039 Population/Community UNKN TANYPODINAE #1 (4) USGSACL,1978 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93040 Population/Community UNKN TANYPODINAE #2 (4) USGSACL,1979 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93041 Population/Community UNKN TANYPODINAE #3 (4) USGSACL,1979 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93042 Population/Community UNKN PODONOMINAE (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93043 Population/Community UNKN PODONOMINAE #1 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93044 Population/Community UNKN PODONOMINAE #2 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93045 Population/Community UNKN PODONOMINAE #3 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93046 Population/Community UNKN DIAMESINAE (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93047 Population/Community UNKN DIAMESINAE #1 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93048 Population/Community UNKN DIAMESINAE #2 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93049 Population/Community UNKN DIAMESINAE #3 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93050 Population/Community UNKN ORTHOCLADIINAE (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93051 Population/Community UNKN ORTHOCLADIINAE #1 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93052 Population/Community UNKN ORTHOCLADIINAE #2 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93053 Population/Community UNKN ORTHOCLADIINAE #3 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93054 Population/Community UNKN CHIRONOMINAE (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93055 Population/Community UNKN CHIRONOMINAE #1 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93056 Population/Community UNKN CHIRONOMINAE #2 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93057 Population/Community UNKN CHIRONOMINAE #3 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93058 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #1 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93059 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS #2 (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93062 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93063 Population/Community MUSCIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Muscidae count
93064 Population/Community LIMNOPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Limnophora count
93065 Population/Community LISPE (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lispe count
93066 Population/Community LISPOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lispoides count
93067 Population/Community SPILOGONA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Spilogona count
93068 Population/Community HYDROPHORIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydrophoria count
93069 Population/Community LISPOCEPHALA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93070 Population/Community PHAONIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phaonia count
93071 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93072 Population/Community LIRIOPEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93073 Population/Community LIRIOPE (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Liriope count
93074 Population/Community BITTACOMORPHA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bittacomorpha count
93075 Population/Community DEUTEROPHLEBIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Deuterophlebiidae count
93076 Population/Community DEUTEROPHLEBIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Deuterophlebia count
93077 Population/Community DOLICHOPODIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dolichopodidae count
93078 Population/Community APHROSYLUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Aphrosylus count
93079 Population/Community HYDROPHORUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydrophorus count
93080 Population/Community ARGYRA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Argyra count
93081 Population/Community DOLICHOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dolichopus count
93082 Population/Community TACHYTRECHUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tachytrechus count
93083 Population/Community HYPOCHARASSUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hypocharassus count
93084 Population/Community SYSTENUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Systenus count
93085 Population/Community CAMPSICNEMUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Campsicnemus count
93086 Population/Community MELANDERIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Melanderia count
93087 Population/Community DIXIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dixidae count
93088 Population/Community DIXA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dixa count
93089 Population/Community DIXELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dixella count
93090 Population/Community PARADIXA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93091 Population/Community NYMPHOMYIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nymphomyiidae count
93092 Population/Community PALAEODIPTERON (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palaeodipteron count
93093 Population/Community CANACEIDAE (3) USINGER,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Canaceidae count
93094 Population/Community CANACEIODES (4) USINGER,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93095 Population/Community TANYDERIDAE (3) USINGER,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tanyderidae count
93096 Population/Community PROTOPLASA (4) USINGER,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Protoplasa count
93097 Population/Community LEPIDOPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lepidoptera count
93098 Population/Community PYRALIDIDAE (3) FORBES,1910 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93099 Population/Community CATACLYSTA (4) HUBNER,1826 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93100 Population/Community PARARGYACTIS (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93101 Population/Community PARAPONYX (4) HUBNER,1826 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paraponyx count
93102 Population/Community NEOCATACLYSTA (4) LANGE 1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neocataclysta count
93103 Population/Community NYMPHULA (4) SCHRANK,1802 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nymphula count
93104 Population/Community SYNCLITA (4) LEDERER 1863 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Synclita count
93105 Population/Community MUNROESSA (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Munroessa count
93106 Population/Community UNDULAMBIA (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Undulambia count
93107 Population/Community CHRYSENDETON (4) GROTE,1881 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chrysendeton count
93108 Population/Community CONTIGER (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Contiger count
93109 Population/Community LANGESSA (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Langessa count
93110 Population/Community NYMPHULIELLA (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nymphuliella count
93111 Population/Community OLIGOSTIGMOIDES (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oligostigmoides count
93112 Population/Community EOPARARGYRACTIS (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eoparargyractis count
93113 Population/Community NEARGYRACTIS (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neargyractis count
93114 Population/Community OXYELOPHILA (4) FORBES,1922 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oxyelophila count
93115 Population/Community USINGERIESSA (4) LANGE,1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Usingeriessa count
93116 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93117 Population/Community SCHOENOBIINAE (3) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93118 Population/Community ACENTROPUS (4) CURTIS,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Acentropus count
93119 Population/Community SCHOENOBIUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Schoenobius count
93120 Population/Community CHILO (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chilo count
93121 Population/Community OCCIDENTALIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Occidentalia count
93122 Population/Community PYRAUSTA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pyrausta count
93124 Population/Community NEPTICULIDAE (3) BRAUN,1917 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nepticulidae count
93125 Population/Community NEPTICULA (4) BRAUN,1917 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nepticula count
93127 Population/Community COSMOPTERYGIDAE (3) HODGES,1962 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93128 Population/Community COSMOPTERYX (4) HODGES,1962 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93129 Population/Community LYMNAECIA (4) HODGES,1962 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93131 Population/Community HYPOCOSOMIDAE (3) WALSING,1907 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93132 Population/Community HYPOCOSOMA (4) WALSING,1907 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93134 Population/Community NOCTUIDAE (3) CRUMB,1929 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Noctuidae count
93135 Population/Community ARCHANARA (4) CRUMB,1929 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Archanara count
93136 Population/Community BELLURA (4) CRUMB,1929 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Bellura count
93137 Population/Community SIMYRA (4) CRUMB,1929 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Simyra count
93138 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93139 Population/Community TORTRICIDAE (3) MCDUNNO,1933 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tortricidae count
93140 Population/Community ARCHIPS (4) MCDUNNO,1933 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Archips count
93143 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93144 Population/Community TRICHOPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Trichoptera count
93145 Population/Community GOERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goeridae count
93146 Population/Community GOERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goera count
93147 Population/Community HYDROPSYCHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydropsychidae count
93148 Population/Community HYDROPSYCHE (4) PICTET,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydropsyche count
93149 Population/Community H.ORRIS (5) ROSS ,1938 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydropsyche orris count
93150 Population/Community H.BIFIDA (5) BANKS ,1905 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93151 Population/Community H.SIMULANS (5) ROSS ,1938 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydropsyche simulans count
93152 Population/Community H.FRISONI (5) ROSS ,1938 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydropsyche frisoni count
93153 Population/Community H.INCOMMODA (5) HAGEN ,1861 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydropsyche incommoda count
93154 Population/Community CHEUMATOPSYCHE (4) WLLNGRN,1891 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cheumatopsyche count
93155 Population/Community MACRONEMA (4) PICTET ,1836 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Macronema count
93156 Population/Community M.CAROLINA (5) BANKS ,1909 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93157 Population/Community PARAPSYCHE (4) BETTEN ,1934 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parapsyche count
93158 Population/Community ARCTOPSYCHE (4) MCLACHL,1868 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Arctopsyche count
93159 Population/Community SMICRIDEA (4) MCLACHL,1871 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Smicridea count
93160 Population/Community DIPLECTRONA (4) WSTWOOD,1840 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Diplectrona count
93161 Population/Community POTAMYIA (4) BANKS ,1900 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Potamyia count
93162 Population/Community P.FLAVA (5) HAGEN ,1861 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Potamyia flava count
93163 Population/Community HYDROPSCHID GENUS A (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93164 Population/Community APHROPSYCHE (4) ROSS 1941 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93165 Population/Community HOMOPLECTRA (4) ROSS 1938 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Homoplectra count
93166 Population/Community OROPSYCHE (4) ROSS 1941 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oropsyche count
93167 Population/Community LEPTONEMA (4) GUERIN USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leptonema count
93168 Population/Community SYMPHITOPSYCHE (4) ULMER USGS use and no use by EPA Total Symphitopsyche count
93169 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93170 Population/Community LEPIDOSTOMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lepidostomatidae count
93171 Population/Community LEPIDOSTOMA (4) RAMBUR ,1842 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lepidostoma count
93172 Population/Community THELICOPSYCHE (4) BANKS ,1911 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93173 Population/Community PSYCHOMYIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psychomyiidae count
93174 Population/Community PSYCHOMYIA (4) PICTET ,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psychomyia count
93175 Population/Community N.CREPUSCULARIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neureclipsis crepuscularis count
93176 Population/Community N.CREPUSEULARIS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93177 Population/Community POLYCENTROPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polycentropus count
93178 Population/Community CYRNELLUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyrnellus count
93179 Population/Community FRATERNUS (5) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyrnellus fraternus count
93180 Population/Community PSYCHOMYIID GENUS A (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93181 Population/Community PSYCHOMYIID GENUS B (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93182 Population/Community CERNOTINA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cernotina count
93183 Population/Community NYCTIOPHYLAX (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nyctiophylax count
93184 Population/Community PHYLOCENTROPUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phylocentropus count
93185 Population/Community LYPE (4) MCLACHL 1879 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lype count
93186 Population/Community TINODES (4) CURTIS USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tinodes count
93187 Population/Community PADUNIELLA (4) ULMER 1957 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Paduniella count
93188 Population/Community XIPHOCENTRON (4) BRAVER 1865 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Xiphocentron count
93189 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93190 Population/Community RHYACOPHILIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rhyacophilidae count
93191 Population/Community RHYACOPHILA (4) PICTET ,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rhyacophila count
93192 Population/Community R.FUSCULA (5) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rhyacophila fuscula count
93193 Population/Community ATOPSYCHE (4) BANKS ,1905 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Atopsyche count
93194 Population/Community PALAEAGAPETUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palaeagapetus count
93195 Population/Community HIMALOPSYCHE (4) BANKS USGS use and no use by EPA Total Himalopsyche count
93197 Population/Community HYDROPTILIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydroptilidae count
93198 Population/Community HYDROPTILA (4) DALMAN ,1819 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydroptila count
93199 Population/Community OCHROTRICHIA (4) MOSELY ,1934 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ochrotrichia count
93200 Population/Community AGRAYLEA (4) CURTIS ,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Agraylea count
93201 Population/Community LEUCOTRICHIA (4) MOSELY ,1934 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leucotrichia count
93202 Population/Community OXYETHIRA (4) EATON ,1873 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oxyethira count
93203 Population/Community NEOTRICHIA (4) MORTON ,1905 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neotrichia count
93204 Population/Community ITHYTRICHIA (4) EATON ,1873 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ithytrichia count
93205 Population/Community MAYATRICHIA (4) MOSELY ,1937 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mayatrichia count
93206 Population/Community ORTHOTRICHIA (4) EATON ,1873 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Orthotrichia count
93207 Population/Community STACTOBIELLA (4) MARTYNV, USGS use and no use by EPA Total Stactobiella count
93208 Population/Community PALAEAGAPETUS (4) ULMER 1912-93194 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Palaeagapetus count
93209 Population/Community DIBUSA (4) ROSS 1939 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dibusa count
93210 Population/Community D.ANGATA (5) ROSS USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dibusa angata count
93211 Population/Community ALISOTRICHIA (4) FLINT USGS use and no use by EPA Total Alisotrichia count
93212 Population/Community ZUMATRICHIA (4) MOSELY USGS use and no use by EPA Total Zumatrichia count
93213 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93214 Population/Community LEPTOCERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leptoceridae count
93215 Population/Community ATHRIPSODES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Athripsodes count
93216 Population/Community LEPTOCELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93217 Population/Community LEPTOCERUS (4) LEACH ,1815 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leptocerus count
93218 Population/Community MYSTACIDES (4) BERTHLD,1827 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Mystacides count
93219 Population/Community OECETIS (4) MCLACHL,1877 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oecetis count
93220 Population/Community TRIAENODES (4) MCLACHL,1865 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Triaenodes count
93221 Population/Community SETODES (4) RAMBUR ,1842 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Setodes count
93222 Population/Community CERACLEA (4) STEPHEN -93215 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ceraclea count
93223 Population/Community NECTOPSYCHE (4) MULLER -93216 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nectopsyche count
93224 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93225 Population/Community PHILOPOTAMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Philopotamidae count
93226 Population/Community CHIMARRA (4) STEPHEN,1829 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chimarra count
93227 Population/Community DOLOPHILODES (4) ULMER USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dolophilodes count
93228 Population/Community WORMALDIA (4) MCLACHL,1868 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Wormaldia count
93229 Population/Community BRACHYCENTRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Brachycentridae count
93230 Population/Community BRACHYCENTRUS (4) CURTIS ,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Brachycentrus count
93231 Population/Community B.AMERICANUS (5) BANKS ,1899 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Brachycentrus americanus count
93232 Population/Community MICRASEMA (4) MCLACHL,1876 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Micrasema count
93233 Population/Community ADICROPHLEPS (4) FLINT 1965 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Adicrophleps count
93234 Population/Community AMIOCENTRUS (4) ROSS USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amiocentrus count
93235 Population/Community A.ASPILUS (5) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amiocentrus aspilus count
93236 Population/Community EOBRACHYCENTRUS (4) WIGGINS 1965 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Eobrachycentrus count
93237 Population/Community OLIGOPLECTRUM (4) MCLACHL 1868 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93238 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93239 Population/Community MOLANNIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Molannidae count
93240 Population/Community MOLANNA (4) CURTIS ,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Molanna count
93241 Population/Community MOLANODES (4) MCLACHL USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93242 Population/Community LIMNEPHILIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 -93145 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Limnephilidae count
93243 Population/Community NEOPHYLAX (4) MCLACHL,1871 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neophylax count
93244 Population/Community DICOSMOECUS (4) MCLACHL,1875 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Dicosmoecus count
93245 Population/Community ASTENOPHYLAX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93246 Population/Community PYCNOPSYCHE (4) BANKS ,1905 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pycnopsyche count
93247 Population/Community GLYPHOPSYCHE (4) BANKS ,1904 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glyphopsyche count
93248 Population/Community FRENESIA (4) BETTEN ,1940 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Frenesia count
93249 Population/Community CABORIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93250 Population/Community HESPEROPHYLAX (4) BANKS ,1916 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hesperophylax count
93251 Population/Community GLYPHOTAELIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glyphotaelius count
93252 Population/Community LIMNEPHILUS (4) LEACH ,1815 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Limnephilus count
93253 Population/Community PLATYCENTROPUS (4) ULMER ,1905 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Platycentropus count
93254 Population/Community APATANIA (4) KOLENAT,1848 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Apatania count
93255 Population/Community ANABOLIA (4) STEPHEN USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anabolia count
93256 Population/Community ARCTOPORA (4) THOMSON USGS use and no use by EPA Total Arctopora count
93257 Population/Community ASYNARCHUS (4) MCLACHL USGS use and no use by EPA Total Asynarchus count
93258 Population/Community HYDATOPHYLAX (4) WLLNGRN -93245 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hydatophylax count
93259 Population/Community IRONOQUIA (4) BANKS ,1916-93249 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ironoquia count
93260 Population/Community LEPTOPHYLAX (4) BANKS ,1900 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Leptophylax count
93261 Population/Community NEMOTAULIUS (4) BANKS -93251 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nemotaulius count
93262 Population/Community ONOCOSMOECUS (4) BANKS USGS use and no use by EPA Total Onocosmoecus count
93263 Population/Community PSEUDOSTENOPHYLAX (4) MARTYNV,1924 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudostenophylax count
93264 Population/Community PSYCHOGLYPHA (4) ROSS ,1944 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psychoglypha count
93265 Population/Community NEOTHREMMA (4) DODDS , USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neothremma count
93266 Population/Community PEDOMOECUS (4) ROSS ,1947 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pedomoecus count
93267 Population/Community OLIGOPHLEBODES (4) ULMER ,1905 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oligophlebodes count
93268 Population/Community LIMNEPHILID GENUS D (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93269 Population/Community LIMNEPHILID GENUS A (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93270 Population/Community ECCLISOMYIA (4) BANKS ,1907 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ecclisomyia count
93271 Population/Community DRUSINUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93272 Population/Community CLOSTOECA (4) BANKS ,1943 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Clostoeca count
93273 Population/Community PSYCHORONIA (4) BANKS ,1916 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psychoronia count
93274 Population/Community GOERA (4) STEPHEN 1829-93146 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goera count
93275 Population/Community IMANIA (4) MARTYNV 1924-93268 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93276 Population/Community ALLOCOSMOECUS (4) BANKS 1943 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Allocosmoecus count
93277 Population/Community AMPHICOSMOECUS (4) SCHMID USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amphicosmoecus count
93278 Population/Community CRYPTOCHIA (4) ROSS 1944 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cryptochia count
93279 Population/Community ECCLISOCOSMOECUS (4) SCHMID 1964 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ecclisocosmoecus count
93280 Population/Community CHYRANDA (4) ROSS 1944 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93281 Population/Community DESMONA (4) DENNING USGS use and no use by EPA Total Desmona count
93282 Population/Community PHILOCASCA (4) ROSS 1941 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Philocasca count
93283 Population/Community CLISTORONIA (4) BANKS 1916 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Clistoronia count
93284 Population/Community GRAMMOTAULIUS (4) KOLENAT 1848 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Grammotaulius count
93285 Population/Community HALESOCHILA (4) BANKS 1907 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Halesochila count
93286 Population/Community LENARCHUS (4) MARTYNV 1924 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lenarchus count
93287 Population/Community PHILARCUS (4) MCLACHL USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93288 Population/Community CHILOSTIGMA (4) MCLACHL 1876 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chilostigma count
93289 Population/Community CHILOSTIGMODES (4) MARTYNV81924 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Chilostigmodes count
93290 Population/Community GRENSIA (4) ROSS 1944 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Grensia count
93291 Population/Community HOMOPHYLAX (4) BANKS 1900 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Homophylax count
93292 Population/Community PHANOCELIA (4) BANKS 1943 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phanocelia count
93293 Population/Community FARULA (4) MILNE 1936 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Farula count
93294 Population/Community GOEREILLA (4) DENNING USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goereilla count
93295 Population/Community LEPANIA (4) ROSS 1941 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Lepania count
93296 Population/Community GOERACEA (4) DENNING USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goeracea count
93297 Population/Community GOERITA (4) ROSS 1938 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Goerita count
93298 Population/Community MANOPHYLAX (4) WIGGINS,1973 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Manophylax count
93299 Population/Community MOSELYANA (4) DENNING USGS use and no use by EPA Total Moselyana count
93300 Population/Community ROSSIANA (4) DENNING USGS use and no use by EPA Total Rossiana count
93301 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93302 Population/Community HELICOPSYCHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Helicopsychidae count
93303 Population/Community HELICOPSYCHE (4) SIEBOLD USGS use and no use by EPA Total Helicopsyche count
93304 Population/Community PHRYGANEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phryganeidae count
93305 Population/Community PHRYGANEA (4) LINNAEU,1758 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phryganea count
93306 Population/Community BANKSIOLA (4) KOLENAT,1848 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Banksiola count
93307 Population/Community OLIGOSTOMIS (4) KOLENAT,1848 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oligostomis count
93308 Population/Community AGRYPNIA (4) CURTIS ,1835 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Agrypnia count
93309 Population/Community PHRYGANEID GENUS A (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93310 Population/Community PTILOSTOMIS (4) KOLENAT,1859 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Ptilostomis count
93311 Population/Community FABRIA (4) MILNE ,1934 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Fabria count
93312 Population/Community HAGENELLA (4) MARTYNV,1924 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Hagenella count
93313 Population/Community OLIGOTRICHA (4) RAMBUR 1842 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Oligotricha count
93314 Population/Community YPHRIA (4) MILNE 1934 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Yphria count
93315 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93316 Population/Community CALAMOCERATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Calamoceratidae count
93317 Population/Community ANISOCENTROPUS (4) MCLACHL 1863 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anisocentropus count
93318 Population/Community A.PYRALOIDES (5) (WALK.) USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anisocentropus pyraloides count
93319 Population/Community HETEROPLECTRON (4) MCLACHL 1871 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Heteroplectron count
93320 Population/Community PHYLLOICUS (4) MULLER USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phylloicus count
93321 Population/Community ODONTOCERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Odontoceridae count
93322 Population/Community PSILOTRETA (4) BANKS ,1899 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Psilotreta count
93323 Population/Community MARILIA (4) MULLER 1878 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Marilia count
93324 Population/Community NAMAMYIA (4) BANKS ,1905 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Namamyia count
93325 Population/Community NEROPHILUS (4) BANKS ,1899 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nerophilus count
93326 Population/Community PARTHINA (4) DENNING 1956 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Parthina count
93327 Population/Community PSEUDOGOERA (4) CARPNTR 1933 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pseudogoera count
93328 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93329 Population/Community SERICOSTOMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sericostomatidae count
93330 Population/Community AGARODES (4) BANKS USGS use and no use by EPA Total Agarodes count
93331 Population/Community FATTIGIA (4) ROSSWLC 1974 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Fattigia count
93332 Population/Community GUMAGA (4) TSUDA USGS use and no use by EPA Total Gumaga count
93333 Population/Community BERAEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Beraeidae count
93334 Population/Community BERAEA (4) STEPHEN,1836 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Beraea count
93335 Population/Community GLOSSOSOMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glossosomatidae count
93336 Population/Community GLOSSOSOMA (4) CURTIS ,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Glossosoma count
93337 Population/Community AGAPETUS (4) CURTIS ,1834 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Agapetus count
93338 Population/Community PROTOPTILA (4) BANKS ,1904 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Protoptila count
93339 Population/Community ANAGAPETUS (4) ROSS USGS use and no use by EPA Total Anagapetus count
93340 Population/Community CULOPTILA (4) MOSELY USGS use and no use by EPA Total Culoptila count
93341 Population/Community MATRIOPTILA (4) ROSS 1938 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Matrioptila count
93342 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93343 Population/Community POLYCENTROPODIDAE (3) USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polycentropodidae count
93344 Population/Community CERNOTINA (4) ROSS 1938-93182 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cernotina count
93345 Population/Community CYRNELLUS (4) BANKS 1913-93178 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyrnellus count
93346 Population/Community C.FRATERNUS (5) BANKS 1913-93179 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Cyrnellus fraternus count
93347 Population/Community NEURECLIPSIS (4) MCLACHL 1864-93175 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neureclipsis count
93348 Population/Community N.CREPUSCULARIS (5) WALKER 1852-93176 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Neureclipsis crepuscularis count
93349 Population/Community NYCTIOPHYLAX (4) BRAUER 1865-93180 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nyctiophylax count
93350 Population/Community POLYCENTROPUS (4) CURTIS 1835-93177 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polycentropus count
93351 Population/Community POLYPLECTROPUS (4) ULMER 1957 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Polyplectropus count
93352 Population/Community PHYLOCENTROPUS (4) BANKS 1907-93184 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Phylocentropus count
93353 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93355 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93356 Population/Community PLECOPTERA (2) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Plecoptera count
93357 Population/Community PTERONARCIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93358 Population/Community PTERONARCELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pteronarcella count
93359 Population/Community PTERONARCYS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Pteronarcys count
93360 Population/Community ALLONARCYS (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93361 Population/Community PELTOPERLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Peltoperlidae count
93362 Population/Community PELTOPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Peltoperla count
93363 Population/Community SIERRAPERLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total Sierraperla count
93364 Population/Community SOLIPERLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total Soliperla count
93365 Population/Community TALLAPERLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total Tallaperla count
93366 Population/Community VIEHOPERLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total Viehoperla count
93367 Population/Community YORAPERLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total Yoraperla count
93368 Population/Community NEMOURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nemouridae count
93369 Population/Community NEMOURA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Nemoura count
93370 Population/Community AMPHINEMURA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Amphinemura count
93371 Population/Community PROSTOIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total Prostoia count
93372 Population/Community SOYEDINA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93373 Population/Community SHIPSA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93374 Population/Community AMPHINEMURA (4) RIS,1902 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93375 Population/Community MALENKA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93376 Population/Community LEDNIA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93377 Population/Community NEMOURA (4) LATRLE,1796 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93378 Population/Community OSTROCERCA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93379 Population/Community PARANEMOURA (4) NEDHM,1925 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93380 Population/Community PODMOSTA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93381 Population/Community PROSTOIA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93382 Population/Community SHIPSA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93383 Population/Community SOYEDINA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93384 Population/Community VISOKA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93385 Population/Community ZAPADA (4) RICKER,1952 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93386 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93387 Population/Community PERLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93388 Population/Community NEOPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93389 Population/Community ACRONEURIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93390 Population/Community ACRONEURIA (4) USGSANAL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93391 Population/Community ATOPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93392 Population/Community CLAASSENIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93393 Population/Community PARAGNETINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93394 Population/Community PERLESTA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93395 Population/Community PERLINELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93396 Population/Community (NEO)PHASGANOPHORA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93397 Population/Community ANACRONEURIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93398 Population/Community ATTANEURIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93399 Population/Community CALINEURIA (4) BANKS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93400 Population/Community C. CALIFORNICA(BANKS) (5) BANKS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93401 Population/Community DORONEURIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93402 Population/Community HESPEROPERLA (4) BANKS? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93403 Population/Community H. PACIFICA(BANKS) (5) BANKS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93404 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93405 Population/Community PERLODIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93406 Population/Community DICTYOPTERYGELLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93407 Population/Community ISOPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93408 Population/Community ARCYNOPTERYX (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93409 Population/Community ISOGENUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93410 Population/Community DIURA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93411 Population/Community RICKERA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93412 Population/Community ISOGENOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93413 Population/Community CALLIPERLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93414 Population/Community CULTUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93415 Population/Community KOGOTUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93416 Population/Community PICTETIELLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93418 Population/Community MEGARCYS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93419 Population/Community PERLINODES (4) SMITH,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93420 Population/Community P.AUREA(SMITH) (5) SMITH,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93421 Population/Community SETVENA (4) SMITH,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93422 Population/Community S. BRADLEYI(SMITH) (5) SMITH,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93423 Population/Community SKWALA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93424 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93425 Population/Community CHLOROPERLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93426 Population/Community ALLOPERLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93427 Population/Community CHLOROPERLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93428 Population/Community HASTAPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93429 Population/Community KATHROPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93430 Population/Community K. PERDITA(BANKS) (5) BANKS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93431 Population/Community PARAPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93432 Population/Community P. FRONTALIS(BANKS) (5) BANKS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93433 Population/Community RASVENA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93434 Population/Community UTAPERLA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93435 Population/Community ALLOPERLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93436 Population/Community SWELTSA,TRIZNAKA,NAEVI- (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93437 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93438 Population/Community TAENIOPTERYGIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93439 Population/Community OEMOPTERYX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93440 Population/Community TAENIOPTERYX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93441 Population/Community STROPHOPTERYX (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93442 Population/Community BRACHYPTERA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93443 Population/Community DODDSIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93444 Population/Community TAENONEMA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93446 Population/Community CAPNIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93447 Population/Community ALLOCAPNIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93448 Population/Community CAPNIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93449 Population/Community PARACAPNIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93450 Population/Community ISOCAPNIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93451 Population/Community NEMOCAPNIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93452 Population/Community N. CAROLINA(BANKS) (5) BANKS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93453 Population/Community EUCAPNOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93454 Population/Community E. BREVICAUDA(CLAASSEN) (5) CLAAS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93455 Population/Community CAPNIA,BOLSHE-,MESO-,UTA(4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93456 Population/Community UNKN GENUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93457 Population/Community LEUCTRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93458 Population/Community LEUCTRA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93459 Population/Community MEGALEUCTRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93460 Population/Community PERLOMYIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93461 Population/Community ZEALEUCTRA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93462 Population/Community DESPAXIA (4) BANKS, USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93463 Population/Community D. AUGUSTA(BANKS) (5) BANKS,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93464 Population/Community PARALEUCTRA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93465 Population/Community PARALEUCTRA OR PERLOMYIA(4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93468 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93469 Population/Community NEUROPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93470 Population/Community SISYRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93471 Population/Community CLIMACIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93472 Population/Community C.AREOLARIS (5) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93473 Population/Community SISYRA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93474 Population/Community MEGALOPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93475 Population/Community CORYDALIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93476 Population/Community CORYDALUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93477 Population/Community C.CORNUTUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93478 Population/Community CHAULIODES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93479 Population/Community DYSMICOHERMES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93480 Population/Community NIGRONIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93481 Population/Community NEOHERMES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93482 Population/Community PROTOCHAULIODES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93483 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL,78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93484 Population/Community SIALIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93485 Population/Community SIALIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93486 Population/Community S.INFUMATA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93487 Population/Community ODONATA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93488 Population/Community AGRIIDAE (3) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93489 Population/Community CALOPTERYX (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93490 Population/Community HETAERINA (4) HAGEN,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93491 Population/Community AGRION (4) USGSANAL-79 -93489 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93492 Population/Community COENAGRIONIDAE (3) MERR&CUM-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93493 Population/Community ARGIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93494 Population/Community ISCHNURA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93495 Population/Community ENALLAGMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93496 Population/Community CHROMAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93497 Population/Community C. CONDITUM(HAGEN) (5) HAGEN,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93498 Population/Community AMPHIAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93499 Population/Community NEONEURA (4) SELYS,1854? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93500 Population/Community ZONIAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93501 Population/Community Z. EXCLAMATIONIS(SELYS) (5) SELYS,1854? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93502 Population/Community TELEBASIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93503 Population/Community ANOMALAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93504 Population/Community A.HASTATUM(SAY) (5) SAY,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93505 Population/Community COENAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93506 Population/Community NEHALENNIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93507 Population/Community ACANTHAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93508 Population/Community APANISAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93509 Population/Community ARGIALLAGMA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93510 Population/Community HESPERAGRION (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93511 Population/Community H.HETERODOXUM(SELYS (5) SELYS,1854? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93512 Population/Community NEOERYTHROMMA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93513 Population/Community HYPONEURIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93514 Population/Community H. LUGENS(HAGEN) (5) HAGEN,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93515 Population/Community TELEALLAGMA (4) KENNEDY,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93516 Population/Community T. DAECKI(CALVERT) (5) CALVERT,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93517 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93518 Population/Community AESHNIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93519 Population/Community ANAX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93520 Population/Community BOYERIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93521 Population/Community AESHNA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93522 Population/Community BASIAESCHNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93523 Population/Community B. JANATA(SAY) (5) SAY,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93524 Population/Community EPIAESCHNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93525 Population/Community E. HEROS(FABR.) (5) FABR., USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93526 Population/Community NASIAESCHNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93527 Population/Community N. PENTACANTHA(RAMBUR) (5) RAMBUR,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93528 Population/Community CORYPHAESCHNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93529 Population/Community GOMPHAESCHNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93530 Population/Community TRIACANTHAGYNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93531 Population/Community GYNACANTHA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93532 Population/Community G. NERVOSA(RAMBUR) (5) RAMBUR,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93533 Population/Community OPLONAESCHNA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93534 Population/Community UNKN.GENUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93535 Population/Community GOMPHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93536 Population/Community GOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93537 Population/Community G.PALLIDUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93538 Population/Community G.PLAGIATUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93539 Population/Community G.EXTERNUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93540 Population/Community G.SPINICEPS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93541 Population/Community G.VASTUS (5) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93542 Population/Community PROGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93543 Population/Community DROMOGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93544 Population/Community ERPETOGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93545 Population/Community GOMPHOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93546 Population/Community OCTOGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93547 Population/Community O. SPECULARIS(HAGEN (5) HAGEN,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93548 Population/Community OPHIOGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93549 Population/Community STYLURUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93550 Population/Community LANTHUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93551 Population/Community ARIGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93552 Population/Community HAGENIUS (4) SELYS,1854 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93553 Population/Community H.BREVISTYLUS (5) SELYS,1854 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93554 Population/Community APHYLLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93555 Population/Community GOMPHURUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93556 Population/Community HYLOGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93557 Population/Community PHYLLOGOMPHOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93558 Population/Community STYLOGOMPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93559 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93560 Population/Community LIBELLULIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93561 Population/Community LIBELLULA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93562 Population/Community L.LYDIA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93563 Population/Community NEUROCORDULIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93564 Population/Community PLATHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93565 Population/Community CELITHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93566 Population/Community SOMATOCHLORA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93567 Population/Community CANNACRIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93568 Population/Community LADONA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93569 Population/Community LEUCORRHINIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93570 Population/Community NANNOTHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93571 Population/Community PACHYDIPLAX (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93572 Population/Community P.LONGIPENNIS (5) BURMEI-1839 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93573 Population/Community DYTHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93574 Population/Community PERITHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93575 Population/Community SYMPETRUM (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93576 Population/Community TRAMEA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93577 Population/Community ERYTHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93578 Population/Community MACRODIPLAX (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93579 Population/Community PANTALA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93580 Population/Community PLATHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93581 Population/Community BELONIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93582 Population/Community BRECHMORHOGA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93583 Population/Community CANNAPHILA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93584 Population/Community ERYTHRODIPLAX (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93585 Population/Community IDIATAPHE (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93586 Population/Community LEPTHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93587 Population/Community MACROTHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93588 Population/Community MIATHYRIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93589 Population/Community MICRATHYRIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93590 Population/Community ORTHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93591 Population/Community PALTOTHEMIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93592 Population/Community PSEUDOLEON (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93593 Population/Community TAURIPHILA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93594 Population/Community UNKN.GENUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93595 Population/Community CORDULEGASTRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93596 Population/Community CORDULEGASTER (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93597 Population/Community PETALURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93598 Population/Community TACHOPTERYX (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93599 Population/Community TANYPTERYX (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93601 Population/Community LESTIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93602 Population/Community LESTES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93603 Population/Community ARCHILESTES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93605 Population/Community MACROMIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93606 Population/Community MACROMIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93607 Population/Community DIDYMOPS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93609 Population/Community CORDULIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93610 Population/Community CORDULIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93611 Population/Community DOROCORDULIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93612 Population/Community EPICORDULIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93613 Population/Community NEUROCORDULIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 -93563 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93614 Population/Community TETRAGONEURIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93615 Population/Community WILLIAMSONIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93616 Population/Community HELOCORDULIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93617 Population/Community EPITHECA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93618 Population/Community SOMATOCHLORA (4) USGS,ACL-78 -93566 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93619 Population/Community BELONIA (4) KIRBY,? -93581 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93620 Population/Community COROCORDULIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93621 Population/Community UNKN.GENUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93622 Population/Community PROTONEURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93623 Population/Community NEONEURA (4) USGS,ACL-78 -93499 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93624 Population/Community PROTONEURA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93626 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93627 Population/Community HEMIPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93628 Population/Community CORIXIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93629 Population/Community CORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93630 Population/Community HESPEROCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93631 Population/Community CALLICORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93632 Population/Community TRICHOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93633 Population/Community TENEGOBIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93634 Population/Community CYMATIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93635 Population/Community CORISELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93636 Population/Community CENTROCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93637 Population/Community NEOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93638 Population/Community SIGARA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93639 Population/Community CENOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93640 Population/Community RAMPHOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93641 Population/Community GRAPTOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93642 Population/Community PALMACORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93643 Population/Community PSEUDOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93644 Population/Community AHAUTLEA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93645 Population/Community ARCTOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93646 Population/Community DASYCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93647 Population/Community GLAENOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93648 Population/Community MORHOCORIXA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93649 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93650 Population/Community GERRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93651 Population/Community GERRIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93652 Population/Community TREPOBATES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93653 Population/Community HALOBATES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93654 Population/Community METROBATES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93655 Population/Community RHEUMATOBATES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93656 Population/Community LIMNOGONUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93657 Population/Community LIMNOPORUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93658 Population/Community NEOGERRIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93659 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93660 Population/Community BELOSTOMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93661 Population/Community BELOSTOMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93662 Population/Community LETHOCERUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93663 Population/Community BENACUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93664 Population/Community ABEDUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93665 Population/Community HYDROMETRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93666 Population/Community HYDROMETRA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93667 Population/Community VELIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93668 Population/Community RHAGOVELIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93669 Population/Community MICROVELIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93670 Population/Community VELIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93671 Population/Community HUSSEYELLA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93672 Population/Community PARAVELIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93673 Population/Community TROCHOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93674 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93675 Population/Community MESOVELIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93676 Population/Community MESOVELIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93677 Population/Community MACROVELIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93678 Population/Community MACROVELIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93679 Population/Community ORAVELIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93680 Population/Community SALDIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93681 Population/Community SALDULA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93682 Population/Community MICRACANTHIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93683 Population/Community PENTACORA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93684 Population/Community SALDOIDA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93685 Population/Community ISOCYTUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93686 Population/Community TELOLEUCA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93687 Population/Community SALDA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93688 Population/Community LAMPRACANTHIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93689 Population/Community CHILOXANTHUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93690 Population/Community CALACANTHIA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93691 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93692 Population/Community NAUCORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93693 Population/Community AMBRYSUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93694 Population/Community PELOCORIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93695 Population/Community USINGERINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93696 Population/Community CRYPHOCRICOS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93697 Population/Community LIMNOCORIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93698 Population/Community UNKN.GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93699 Population/Community NOTONECTIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93700 Population/Community BUENOA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93701 Population/Community NOTONECTA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93702 Population/Community MARTAREGA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93703 Population/Community CRYPTOSTEMMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93704 Population/Community CRYPTOSTEMMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93705 Population/Community GELASTOCORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93706 Population/Community GELASTOCORIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93707 Population/Community NETHRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93708 Population/Community HEBRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93709 Population/Community HEBRUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93710 Population/Community MERRAGATA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93711 Population/Community NEPIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93712 Population/Community NEPA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93713 Population/Community RANATRA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93714 Population/Community CURICTA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93715 Population/Community OCHTERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93716 Population/Community OCHTERUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93717 Population/Community PLEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93718 Population/Community PLEA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93719 Population/Community DIPSOCORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93720 Population/Community CRYPTOSTEMMA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93721 Population/Community CERATOCOMBUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93722 Population/Community SCHIZOPTERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93723 Population/Community CORIXOIDEA (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93724 Population/Community NANNOCORIS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93725 Population/Community UNKN.GENUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93726 Population/Community COLEOPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93727 Population/Community ELMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93728 Population/Community STENELMIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93729 Population/Community DUBIRAPHIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93730 Population/Community PROMORESIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93731 Population/Community P.ELEGANS (5) LECONTE,1852 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93732 Population/Community OPTIOSERVUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93733 Population/Community MACRONYCHUS (4) MULLER,1806 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93734 Population/Community M.GLABRATUS (5) SAY,1825 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93735 Population/Community ANCYRONYX (4) ERICHOS,1847 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93736 Population/Community A.VARIEGATA (5) GERMAR,1824 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93737 Population/Community MICROCYLLOEPUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93738 Population/Community GONIELMIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93739 Population/Community ELSIANUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93740 Population/Community ORDOBREVIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93741 Population/Community ZAITZEVIA (4) USGS,ACL75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93742 Population/Community AMPUMIXIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93743 Population/Community ATRACTELMIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93744 Population/Community CLEPTELMIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93745 Population/Community CYLLOEPUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93746 Population/Community HETERELMIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93747 Population/Community HETERLIMNIUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93748 Population/Community HEXACYLLOEPUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93749 Population/Community NARPUS (4) CASEY,1893 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93750 Population/Community N.CONCOLOR (5) LECONTE,1881 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93751 Population/Community NEOCYLLOEPUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93752 Population/Community NEOELMIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93753 Population/Community OULIMNIUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93754 Population/Community RHIZELMIS (4) CHANDLE,1954 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93755 Population/Community R.NIGRA (5) CHANDLE,1954 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93756 Population/Community PHANOCERUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93757 Population/Community LARA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93758 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93759 Population/Community HYDROPHILIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93760 Population/Community BEROSUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93761 Population/Community TROPISTERNUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93762 Population/Community HYDROBIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93763 Population/Community HELOPHORUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93764 Population/Community HELOCHARES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93765 Population/Community LACCOBIUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93766 Population/Community HYDROPHILUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93767 Population/Community CYMBIODYTA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93768 Population/Community ANACAENA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93769 Population/Community ENOCHRUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93770 Population/Community HYDROCHARA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93771 Population/Community HYDROCHUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93772 Population/Community PARACYMUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93773 Population/Community AMETOR (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93774 Population/Community SPERCHOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93775 Population/Community CRENITIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93776 Population/Community CHAETARTHRIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93777 Population/Community DIBOLOCELUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93778 Population/Community HELOCOMBUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93779 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93780 Population/Community DYTISCIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93781 Population/Community LACCOPHILUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93782 Population/Community LACCODYTES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93783 Population/Community COPELATUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93784 Population/Community HYDROPORUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93785 Population/Community RHANTUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93786 Population/Community DYTISCUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93787 Population/Community HYDROVATUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93788 Population/Community OREODYTES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93789 Population/Community CELINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93790 Population/Community BIDESSUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93791 Population/Community AGABINUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93792 Population/Community MACROVATELLUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93793 Population/Community MATUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93794 Population/Community HYDATICUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93795 Population/Community ACILIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93796 Population/Community HYGROTUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93797 Population/Community ERETES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93798 Population/Community COPTOTOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93799 Population/Community AGABETES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93800 Population/Community DERONECTES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93801 Population/Community ILLYBIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93802 Population/Community UVARUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93803 Population/Community THERMONECTUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93804 Population/Community LIODESSUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93805 Population/Community GRAPHODERUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93806 Population/Community DESMOPACHRIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93807 Population/Community COLYMBETES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93808 Population/Community BIDESSONOTUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93809 Population/Community LACCORNIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93810 Population/Community NEOSCUTOPTEROUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93811 Population/Community DEROVATELLUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93812 Population/Community PACHYDRUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93813 Population/Community ANODOCHEILUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93814 Population/Community BRACHYVATUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93815 Population/Community HYDROTRUPES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93816 Population/Community AGABUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93817 Population/Community CARRHYDRUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93818 Population/Community HOPERIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93819 Population/Community MEGADYTES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93820 Population/Community CYBISTER (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93821 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93822 Population/Community GYRINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93823 Population/Community GYRINUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93824 Population/Community DINEUTUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93825 Population/Community GYRETES (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93826 Population/Community PSEPHENIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93827 Population/Community PSEPHENUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93828 Population/Community ECTOPRIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93829 Population/Community ECTOPRIA NERVOSA (5) LECONTE,1853 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93830 Population/Community EUBRIANAX (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93831 Population/Community DICRANOPSELAPHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93832 Population/Community ACNEUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93833 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-81 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93834 Population/Community AMPHIZOIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93835 Population/Community AMPHIZOA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93836 Population/Community HELODIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93837 Population/Community SCIRTES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93838 Population/Community CYPHON (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93839 Population/Community ELODES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93840 Population/Community PRIONOCYPHON (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93841 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93842 Population/Community CURCULIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93843 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93844 Population/Community DRYOPIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93845 Population/Community DRYOPS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93846 Population/Community HELICHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93847 Population/Community PELONOMUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93848 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93849 Population/Community LIMNICHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93850 Population/Community LIMNICHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93851 Population/Community LUTROCHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93852 Population/Community PHYSEMUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93853 Population/Community THROSCINUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93854 Population/Community CHELONARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93855 Population/Community CHELONARIUM (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93856 Population/Community PTILODACTYLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93857 Population/Community ANCHYCTEIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93858 Population/Community A.VELUTINA (5) HORN,1880 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93859 Population/Community ANCHYTARSUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93860 Population/Community A.BICOLOR (5) MELSHEI,1846 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93861 Population/Community STENOCOLUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93862 Population/Community S.SCUTELLARIS (5) LECONTE,1853 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93863 Population/Community HALIPLIDAE USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93864 Population/Community PELTODYTES USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93865 Population/Community BRYCHIUS USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93866 Population/Community HALIPLUS USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93867 Population/Community APTERALIPLUS USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93868 Population/Community CHRYSOMELIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93869 Population/Community GALERUCELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93870 Population/Community DONACIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93871 Population/Community NEOHAEMONIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93872 Population/Community HYDRAENIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93873 Population/Community HYDRAENA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93874 Population/Community OCHTHEBIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93875 Population/Community LIMNEBIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93876 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93877 Population/Community NOTERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93878 Population/Community HYDROCANTHUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93879 Population/Community SUPHISELLUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93880 Population/Community COLPIUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93881 Population/Community PRONOTERUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93882 Population/Community NOTOMICRUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93883 Population/Community HYDROSCAPHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93884 Population/Community HYDROSCAPHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93885 Population/Community STAPHYLINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93886 Population/Community DIAULOTA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93887 Population/Community LIPAROCEPHALUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93888 Population/Community THINUSA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93889 Population/Community BRYOBIOTA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93890 Population/Community PONTOMALOTA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93891 Population/Community EMPLENOTA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93893 Population/Community CARIBIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93894 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93895 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93896 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93897 Population/Community COLLEMBOLA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93898 Population/Community ISOTOMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93899 Population/Community ISOTOMURUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93900 Population/Community I.PALUSTRIS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93901 Population/Community ISOTOMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93902 Population/Community PODURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93903 Population/Community ONYCHIURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93904 Population/Community ENTOMOBRYIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93905 Population/Community HYPOGASTRURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93906 Population/Community SMYNTHERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93907 Population/Community SMYNTHERIDES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93909 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93910 Population/Community HYMENOPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93911 Population/Community POMPILIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93912 Population/Community SCELIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93913 Population/Community DIAPRIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93914 Population/Community ICHNEUMONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93915 Population/Community BRACONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93916 Population/Community MYMARIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93917 Population/Community TRICHOGRAMMATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93919 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93920 Population/Community EPHEMEROPTERA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93921 Population/Community POLYMITARCYIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93922 Population/Community CAMPSURUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93923 Population/Community EPHORON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93924 Population/Community TORTOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93925 Population/Community POTAMANTHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93926 Population/Community POTAMANTHUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93927 Population/Community EPHEMERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93928 Population/Community EPHEMERA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93929 Population/Community PENTAGENIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93930 Population/Community HEXAGENIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93931 Population/Community LITOBRANCHA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93932 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93933 Population/Community NEOEPHEMERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93934 Population/Community NEOEPHEMERA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93935 Population/Community CAENIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93936 Population/Community CAENIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93937 Population/Community BRACHYCERCUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93938 Population/Community TRICORYTHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93939 Population/Community TRICORYTHODES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93940 Population/Community LEPTOHYPHES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93941 Population/Community EPHEMERELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93942 Population/Community EPHEMERELLA (4) EDMUNDS ETAL USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93943 Population/Community E. DODDSI (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93944 Population/Community E.PROSERPINA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93945 Population/Community ATTENELLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93946 Population/Community CAUDATELLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93947 Population/Community DANNELLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93948 Population/Community DRUNELLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93949 Population/Community EURYLOPHELLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93950 Population/Community SERRATELLA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93951 Population/Community TIMPANOGA (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93952 Population/Community INDETERMINATE (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93953 Population/Community BAETISCIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93954 Population/Community BAETISCA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93955 Population/Community OLIGONEURIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93956 Population/Community HOMOEONEURIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93957 Population/Community LACHLANIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93958 Population/Community LEPTOPHLEBIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93959 Population/Community HOMOTHRAULUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93960 Population/Community TRAVERELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93961 Population/Community T.ALBERTANA (5) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93962 Population/Community HABROPHLEBIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93963 Population/Community PARALEPTOPHLEBIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93964 Population/Community LEPTOPHLEBIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93965 Population/Community CHOROTERPES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93966 Population/Community HABROPHLEBIODES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93967 Population/Community THRAULODES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93968 Population/Community HERMANELLOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93969 Population/Community HAGENULOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93970 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93971 Population/Community BAETIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93972 Population/Community APOBAETIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93973 Population/Community DACTYLOBAETIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93974 Population/Community PARACLOEODES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93975 Population/Community CLOEON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93976 Population/Community BAETIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93977 Population/Community PSEUDOCLOEON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93978 Population/Community CALLIBAETIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93979 Population/Community CENTROPTILUM (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93980 Population/Community HETEROCLOEON (4) ACL,USGS-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93981 Population/Community BAETODES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93982 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93983 Population/Community SIPHLONURIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93984 Population/Community ANALETRIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93985 Population/Community ISONYCHIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93986 Population/Community ACANTHAMETROPUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93987 Population/Community AMELETUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93988 Population/Community SIPHLONURUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93989 Population/Community PARAMELETUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93990 Population/Community EDMUNDSIUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93991 Population/Community SIPHLONISCA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93992 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93993 Population/Community METRETOPODIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93994 Population/Community METRETOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93995 Population/Community SIPHLOPECTON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93996 Population/Community HEPTAGENIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93997 Population/Community PSEUDIRON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93998 Population/Community STENACRON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
93999 Population/Community STENONEMA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94000 Population/Community IRONODES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94001 Population/Community EPEORUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94002 Population/Community ARTHROPLEA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94003 Population/Community ANEPEORUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94004 Population/Community SPINADIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94005 Population/Community CINYGMULA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94006 Population/Community RHITHROGENA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94007 Population/Community CINYGMA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94008 Population/Community HEPTAGENIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94009 Population/Community LEUCROCUTA N.GEN.FLOWERS(4) USGS,ACL-81 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94010 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94011 Population/Community BEHNINGIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94012 Population/Community DOLANIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94013 Population/Community AMETROPODIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94014 Population/Community AMETROPUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94015 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94016 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94017 Population/Community ARACHNIDA (1) BORROR ,1971 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94018 Population/Community ACARINA (2) BORROR,1971 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94019 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94020 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS#1 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94021 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS#2 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94022 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS#3 (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94023 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94024 Population/Community ARANEIDA (2) BORROR ,1971 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94025 Population/Community PISAURIDAE (3) BORROR ,1971 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94026 Population/Community DOLOMEDES (4) BORROR,1971 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94029 Population/Community PYCNOGONIDA (1) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94030 Population/Community PANTOPODA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94031 Population/Community NYMPHONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94032 Population/Community AMMOTHEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94033 Population/Community TANYSTYLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94034 Population/Community PHOXICHILIDIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94035 Population/Community PHOXICHILIDIUM (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94036 Population/Community ENDEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94037 Population/Community PYCNOGONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94038 Population/Community PALLENIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94039 Population/Community MOLLUSCA (0) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94040 Population/Community GASTROPODA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94041 Population/Community MESOGASTROPODA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94042 Population/Community VALATIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94043 Population/Community VALVATA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94044 Population/Community VIVIPARIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94045 Population/Community VIVARPARUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94046 Population/Community CAMPELOMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94047 Population/Community LIOPLAX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94048 Population/Community TULOTOMA (4) HALDEMAN,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94049 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94050 Population/Community PLEUROCERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94051 Population/Community PLEUROCERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94053 Population/Community GONIOBASIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94054 Population/Community ANCULOSA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94055 Population/Community LITHASIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94056 Population/Community EURYCAELON (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94057 Population/Community GYROTOMA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94058 Population/Community ANCULOSA COMPLEX (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94059 Population/Community AMPULLARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94060 Population/Community POMACEA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94061 Population/Community MARISA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94062 Population/Community M.CORNUARIETIS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94063 Population/Community THIARIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94064 Population/Community TAREBIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94065 Population/Community MELANOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94066 Population/Community TRUNCATELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94067 Population/Community TRUNCATELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94068 Population/Community T.PULCHELLA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94069 Population/Community VITRINELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94070 Population/Community VITRINELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94071 Population/Community V.FLORIDANA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94072 Population/Community V.HELICOIDEA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94073 Population/Community COCHLIOLEPIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94074 Population/Community C.PARASITICA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94075 Population/Community CAECIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94076 Population/Community CAECUM (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94077 Population/Community C.GLABRUM (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94078 Population/Community C.PULLCELUM (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94079 Population/Community CERITHIOPSIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94080 Population/Community SEILA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94081 Population/Community EPITONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94082 Population/Community EPITONIUM (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94083 Population/Community TURRITELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94084 Population/Community VERMICULARIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94085 Population/Community ALETES (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94086 Population/Community LAMELLARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94087 Population/Community RISSOIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94088 Population/Community RISSOINA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94089 Population/Community R.BROWNIANA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94090 Population/Community NATICIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94091 Population/Community POLINICES (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94092 Population/Community P.DUPLICATA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94093 Population/Community CERITHIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94094 Population/Community BITTIUM (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94095 Population/Community B.VARIUM (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94096 Population/Community CYMATIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94097 Population/Community CYMATIUM (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94098 Population/Community HYDROBIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94099 Population/Community BITHYNIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94100 Population/Community AMNICOLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94101 Population/Community SOMATOGYRUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94102 Population/Community LYOGYRUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94103 Population/Community GILLIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94104 Population/Community G. ALTILIS(LEA) (5) LEA,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94105 Population/Community NOTOGILLIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94106 Population/Community POMATIOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94107 Population/Community HYDROBIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94108 Population/Community CLAPPIA (4) WALKER,1918 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94109 Population/Community LITTORIDINA (4) SOULEYET USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94110 Population/Community PYRUGLOPSIS (4) CALL,1898 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94111 Population/Community HORATIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94112 Population/Community H. MICRA(P&F) (5) P&F,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94113 Population/Community HOYIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94114 Population/Community H. SHELDONI(PILS.) (5) PILS.,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94115 Population/Community TRYONIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94116 Population/Community T. CLATHRATA(STIMP.) (5) STIMP. USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94117 Population/Community LYDODES (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94118 Population/Community COCHLIOPA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94119 Population/Community FLUMINICOLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94120 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94121 Population/Community CALYPTRAEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94122 Population/Community CREPIDULA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94123 Population/Community BASOMMATOPHORA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94124 Population/Community PHYSIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94125 Population/Community PHYSA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94126 Population/Community APLEXA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94127 Population/Community A. HYPNORUM(L.) (5) LINN.,1746 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94128 Population/Community LYMNAEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94129 Population/Community LYMNAEA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94130 Population/Community L. COLUMELLA(SAY) (5) SAY,1817 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94131 Population/Community L. HALDEMANI("DESH."BIN)(5) BINNEY,1867 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94132 Population/Community L. AURICULARIA(L.) (5) LINN.,1758 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94133 Population/Community L. STAGNALIS(L.) (5) LINN.,1758 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94134 Population/Community L. MEGASOMA(SAY) (5) SAY,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94135 Population/Community GALBA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94136 Population/Community PLANORBIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94137 Population/Community PLANORBULA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94138 Population/Community MENETUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94139 Population/Community PROMENETUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94140 Population/Community HELISOMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94141 Population/Community GYRAULUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94142 Population/Community ARMIGER (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94143 Population/Community CARINIFEX (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94144 Population/Community MICROMENETUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94145 Population/Community TROPICORBIS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94146 Population/Community DREPANOTREMA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94147 Population/Community D. CULTRATUM(ORB.) (5) ORB.,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94148 Population/Community PARAPHOLYX (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94149 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-80 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94150 Population/Community ANCYLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94151 Population/Community HEBETANCYLUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94152 Population/Community H. EXCENTRICUS(MORELET) (5) MORELET,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94153 Population/Community FERRISSIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94154 Population/Community LAEVAPEX (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94155 Population/Community GRUNDLACHIA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94156 Population/Community RHODACMEA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94157 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94158 Population/Community ACROLOXIDAE (3) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94159 Population/Community ACROLOXUS (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94160 Population/Community A. COLORADENSIS(HEND) (5) HENDERSON,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94161 Population/Community LANCIDAE (3) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94162 Population/Community FISHEROLA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94163 Population/Community LANX (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94164 Population/Community NEOGASTROPODA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94165 Population/Community COLUMBELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94166 Population/Community ANACHIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94167 Population/Community MITRELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94168 Population/Community NITIDELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94169 Population/Community NASSARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94170 Population/Community NASSARIUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94171 Population/Community TURRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94172 Population/Community MANGELIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94173 Population/Community OLIVIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94174 Population/Community OLIVA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94175 Population/Community OLIVELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94176 Population/Community PYRAMIDELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94177 Population/Community SAYELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94178 Population/Community ODOSTOMIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94179 Population/Community TURBONILLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94180 Population/Community FUSINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94181 Population/Community APTYXIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94182 Population/Community MARGINELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94183 Population/Community CEPHALASPIDEA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94184 Population/Community ACTEONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94185 Population/Community ACTEON (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94186 Population/Community A.PUNCTIOSTRATUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94187 Population/Community CYLICHNA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94188 Population/Community BULLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94189 Population/Community HAMINOEA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94190 Population/Community H.SUCCINEA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94191 Population/Community RETUSIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94192 Population/Community RETUSA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94193 Population/Community R.CANALICULATA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94194 Population/Community ARCHEOGASTROPODA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94195 Population/Community ACMAEIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94196 Population/Community ACMAEA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94197 Population/Community TROCHIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94198 Population/Community CALLIOSTOMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94199 Population/Community FISSURELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94200 Population/Community DIODORA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94201 Population/Community FISSURELLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94202 Population/Community NERITIDAE (3) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94203 Population/Community NERITINA (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94204 Population/Community LEPYRIUM (4) USGSANAL-79 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94205 Population/Community L. SHOWALTERI(LEA) (5) LEA,? USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94207 Population/Community UNKNOWN FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94208 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94209 Population/Community BIVALVIA (1) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94210 Population/Community SCHIZODONTA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94211 Population/Community MARGARITIFERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94212 Population/Community MARGARITIFERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94213 Population/Community CUMBERLANDIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94214 Population/Community UNIONIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94215 Population/Community GONIDEA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94216 Population/Community LAMPSILIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94217 Population/Community QUADRULA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94218 Population/Community FUSCONAIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94219 Population/Community TRITIOGONIA (4) AGASSIZ,1852 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94220 Population/Community T.VERRUCOSA (5) RAFINES,1820 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94221 Population/Community QUINCUNCINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94222 Population/Community CRENODONTA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94223 Population/Community ANODONTA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94224 Population/Community ALASMIDONTA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94225 Population/Community CYCLONAIAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94226 Population/Community PLETHOBASUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94227 Population/Community PLEUROBEMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94228 Population/Community LEXINGTONIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94229 Population/Community ELLIPTIO (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94230 Population/Community UNIOMERUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94231 Population/Community CANTHYRIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94232 Population/Community ARKANSIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94233 Population/Community ARCIDENS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94234 Population/Community PROLASMIDONTA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94235 Population/Community DECURAMBIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94236 Population/Community BULLELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94237 Population/Community LASMIGONA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94238 Population/Community PTEROSYNA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94239 Population/Community STROPHITUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94240 Population/Community TOXOLASMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94241 Population/Community LIGUMIA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94242 Population/Community VILLOSA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94243 Population/Community AMBLEMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94244 Population/Community ELLIPTOIDEUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94245 Population/Community PLECTOMERUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94246 Population/Community MEGALONAIAS (4) UTTERBA,1915 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94247 Population/Community M.GIGANTEA (5) BARNES,1823 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94248 Population/Community HEMISTENA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94249 Population/Community POPENAIAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94250 Population/Community ANODONTOIDES (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94251 Population/Community SIMSONICONCHA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94252 Population/Community ACTINONAIAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94253 Population/Community CYRTONAIAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94254 Population/Community CARUNCULINA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94255 Population/Community DYSNOMIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94256 Population/Community ELLIPSARIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94257 Population/Community GLEBULA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94258 Population/Community LEMIOX (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94259 Population/Community MEDIONIDUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94260 Population/Community OBOVARIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94261 Population/Community PROTOPTERA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94262 Population/Community TRUNCILLA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94263 Population/Community CYPROGENIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94264 Population/Community OBLIQUARIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94265 Population/Community DROMUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94266 Population/Community PTYCHOBRANCHUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94267 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94268 Population/Community NUCULOIDEA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94269 Population/Community NUCULANIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94270 Population/Community NUCULANA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94271 Population/Community N.ACUTA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94272 Population/Community SPHAERIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94273 Population/Community SPHAERIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94274 Population/Community EUPERA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94275 Population/Community MUSCULIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94276 Population/Community PISIDIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94277 Population/Community UNKNOWN GENUS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94278 Population/Community ARCIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94279 Population/Community ANADARA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94280 Population/Community CORBICULIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94281 Population/Community CORBICULA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94282 Population/Community C.MANILENSIS (5) PHILIPP,1844 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94283 Population/Community MYTILOIDA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94284 Population/Community MYTILIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94285 Population/Community MODIOLUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94286 Population/Community M.DEMISSUS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94287 Population/Community MYTILUS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94288 Population/Community VENEROIDA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94289 Population/Community LUCINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94290 Population/Community ANADONTIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94291 Population/Community LUCINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94292 Population/Community PTERIOIDA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94293 Population/Community MACTRIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94294 Population/Community MULINIA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94295 Population/Community M.LATERALIS (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94296 Population/Community SPISSULA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94297 Population/Community RANGIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94298 Population/Community SOLENIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94299 Population/Community ENSIS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94300 Population/Community E.MINOR (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94301 Population/Community TELLINIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94302 Population/Community TELLINA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94303 Population/Community T.AEQUISTRIATA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94304 Population/Community TELLIDORA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94305 Population/Community MACOMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94306 Population/Community SCROBICULARIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94307 Population/Community ABRA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94308 Population/Community VENERIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94309 Population/Community CHIONE (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94310 Population/Community C.CANCELLATA (5) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94311 Population/Community PROTOTHACA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94312 Population/Community DREISSENIIDAE (3) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94313 Population/Community MYTILOPSIS (4) USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94314 Population/Community PANDORIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94315 Population/Community PANDORA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94316 Population/Community SOLECURTIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94317 Population/Community TAGELUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94318 Population/Community CHAMIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94319 Population/Community CHAMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94320 Population/Community PSEUDOCHAMA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94321 Population/Community SCAPHOPODA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94322 Population/Community DENTILIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94323 Population/Community DENTALIUM (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94324 Population/Community SIPHONODENTALIIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94325 Population/Community CADULUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94326 Population/Community AMPHINEURA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94327 Population/Community NEOLORICATA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94328 Population/Community UNNAMED FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94329 Population/Community NUTTALLINA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94330 Population/Community ECHINODERMATA (0) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94331 Population/Community ASTEROIDEA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94332 Population/Community OPHIUROIDEA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94333 Population/Community ECHINOIDEA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94334 Population/Community HOLOTHUROIDEA (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94335 Population/Community ASPIDOCHIROTIDA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94336 Population/Community MOLPADIDA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94337 Population/Community APODIDA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94338 Population/Community DENDROCHIROTIDA (2) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94339 Population/Community UNNAMED FAMILY (3) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94340 Population/Community CUCUMARIA (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94341 Population/Community HEMICHORDATA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94342 Population/Community ACANTHOCEPHALA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94343 Population/Community KINORHYNCHA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94344 Population/Community PRIAPULIDA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94345 Population/Community TARDIGRADA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94346 Population/Community ONYCHOPHORA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94347 Population/Community PENTASTOMA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94348 Population/Community ECTOPROCTA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94349 Population/Community GYMNOLAEMATA (1) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94350 Population/Community CTENOSTOMATA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94351 Population/Community PALUDICELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94352 Population/Community PALUDICELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94353 Population/Community VICTORELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94354 Population/Community VICTORIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94355 Population/Community POTTSIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94356 Population/Community CHEILOSTOMATA (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94357 Population/Community SCHIZOPORELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94358 Population/Community SCHIZOPORELLA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94359 Population/Community PHYLACTOLAEMATA (1) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94360 Population/Community PLUMATELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94361 Population/Community STOLELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94362 Population/Community HYALINELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94363 Population/Community PLUMATELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94364 Population/Community LOPHOPODIAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94365 Population/Community PECTINATELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94366 Population/Community P.MAGNIFICA (5) LEIDY,1851 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94367 Population/Community LOPHOPUS (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94368 Population/Community LOPHOPODELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94369 Population/Community CRISTATELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94370 Population/Community CRISTATELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94371 Population/Community FREDERICELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94372 Population/Community FREDERICELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94373 Population/Community UNKNOWN CLASS (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94377 Population/Community ENTOPROCTA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94378 Population/Community UNNAMED CLASS (1) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94379 Population/Community UNNAMED ORDER (2) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94380 Population/Community URNATELLIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94381 Population/Community URNATELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94382 Population/Community CHORDATA (0) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94383 Population/Community LARVACEA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94384 Population/Community COPELATA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94385 Population/Community ASCIDIACEA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94386 Population/Community ENTEROGONA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94387 Population/Community PLEUROGONA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94388 Population/Community STYELIDAE (3) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94389 Population/Community STYELA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94390 Population/Community THALIACEA (1) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94391 Population/Community PYROSOMIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94392 Population/Community DOLIOLIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94393 Population/Community SALPIDA (2) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total count
94394 Population/Community CILIOPHORA (0) WARD,WHIPPLE USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94395 Population/Community EUCILIATA (1) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94396 Population/Community CHONOTRICHIDA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94397 Population/Community PROSTOMATA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94398 Population/Community PLEUROSTOMATA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94399 Population/Community HYPOSTOMATA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94400 Population/Community HYMENOSTOMINA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94401 Population/Community TRICHOSTOMINA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94402 Population/Community MOBILIA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94403 Population/Community LORICATA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94404 Population/Community VAGINICOLIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94405 Population/Community LAGENOPHRYIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94406 Population/Community ALORICATA (2) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94407 Population/Community ASTYLOZOONIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94408 Population/Community OPHRYDIIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94409 Population/Community SYNPHIDIIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94410 Population/Community VORTICELLIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94411 Population/Community INTRANSTYLUM (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94412 Population/Community VORTICELLA (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94413 Population/Community ZOOTHAMNIUM (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94414 Population/Community CARCHESIUM (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94415 Population/Community EPISTYLIDAE (3) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94416 Population/Community PYXIDIUM (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94417 Population/Community OPERCULARIA (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94418 Population/Community RHABDOSTYLA (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94419 Population/Community CAMPANELLA (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94420 Population/Community EPISTYLIS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94421 Population/Community SYSTYLIS (4) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
94422 Population/Community SUCTORIA (1) WARD,WHIP USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96000 Population/Community CHLOROPHYTA (0) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96001 Population/Community CHLOROPHYCEAE (1) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96002 Population/Community VOLVOCALES (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96003 Population/Community POLYBLEPHARIDACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96004 Population/Community DUNALIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96005 Population/Community HETEROMASTIX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96006 Population/Community PEDINOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96007 Population/Community POLYBLEPHARIDES (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96008 Population/Community PYRAMIMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96009 Population/Community STEPHANOPTERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96010 Population/Community SPERMATOZOOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96011 Population/Community MESOSTIGMA (4) PRES.'78, 44 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96012 Population/Community CHLAMYDOMONADACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96013 Population/Community CARTERIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96014 Population/Community CHLAMYDOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96015 Population/Community CHLOROGONIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96016 Population/Community LOBOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96017 Population/Community POLYTOMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96018 Population/Community SPHAERELLOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96019 Population/Community BRACHIOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96020 Population/Community TETRASELMIS (4) PRES.'78, 41 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96021 Population/Community MESOSTIGMA (4) USGS,ACL-76 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96022 Population/Community CHLOROMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96023 Population/Community GLOEOMONAS (4) SMITH,1950 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96024 Population/Community HAEMATOCOCCUS (4) PRES.'78, 25 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96025 Population/Community PHACOTACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96026 Population/Community CEPHALOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96027 Population/Community DYSMORPHOCOCCUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96028 Population/Community PHACOTUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96029 Population/Community PTEROMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96030 Population/Community COCCOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96031 Population/Community PEDINOPERA (4) PRES.'78, 40 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96032 Population/Community WISLOUCHIELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96033 Population/Community THORACOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96034 Population/Community CEPHALOMONAS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96035 Population/Community VOLVOCACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96036 Population/Community EUDORINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96037 Population/Community GONIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96038 Population/Community PANDORINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96039 Population/Community PLATYDORINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96040 Population/Community PLEODORINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96041 Population/Community STEPHANOON (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96042 Population/Community VOLVOX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96043 Population/Community STEPHANOSPHAERA (4) PRES.'78, 49 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96044 Population/Community SPONDYLOMORACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96045 Population/Community CHLAMYDOBOTRYS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96046 Population/Community PASCHERINA (4) PRES.'78, 46 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96047 Population/Community PYROBOTRYS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96048 Population/Community SPONDYLOMORUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96049 Population/Community UVA (4) PRES.'78, 47-96045 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96050 Population/Community HAEMATOCOCCACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96051 Population/Community HAEMATOCOCCUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96052 Population/Community STEPHANOSPHAERA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96053 Population/Community PYRAMIMONACEAE (3) PRES.'78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96054 Population/Community PYRAMIMONAS (4) PRES.'78, 44-96008 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96055 Population/Community PEDINOMONADACEAE (3) PRES.'78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96056 Population/Community HETEROMASTIX (4) PRES.'78, 43-96005 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96057 Population/Community PEDINOMONAS (4) PRES.'78, 42-96006 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96058 Population/Community TETRASELMIACEAE (3) PRES.'78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96059 Population/Community TETRASELMIS (4) PRES.'78, 41-96020 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96060 Population/Community TETRASPORALES (2) PRES.'78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96061 Population/Community PALMELLACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96062 Population/Community ASKENASYELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96063 Population/Community GLOEOCYSTIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96064 Population/Community HORMOTILA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96065 Population/Community PALMELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96066 Population/Community PALMODICTYON (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96067 Population/Community SPHAEROCYSTIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96068 Population/Community ASTEROCOCCUS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96069 Population/Community HORMOTILOPSIS (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96070 Population/Community SCHIZODICTYON (4) USGS,ACL-77 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96071 Population/Community TETRASPORACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96072 Population/Community APIOCYSTIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96073 Population/Community SCHIZOCHLAMYS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96074 Population/Community TETRASPORA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96075 Population/Community CHAETOPELTIS (4) PRES.'78,144 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96076 Population/Community CHLORANGIELLACEAE (3) PRES.'78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96077 Population/Community CHLORANGIELLA (4) PRES.'78, 71 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96078 Population/Community MALLEOCHLORIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96079 Population/Community PRASINOCLADUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96080 Population/Community STYLOSPHAERIDIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96081 Population/Community COCCOMYXACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96082 Population/Community OUROCOCCUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96083 Population/Community NANNOCHLORIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96084 Population/Community DISPORA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96085 Population/Community CHLOROSARCINA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96086 Population/Community ELAKATOTHRIX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96087 Population/Community DACTYLOTHECE (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96088 Population/Community COCCOMYXA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96089 Population/Community GLOEOCYSTACEAE (3) PRES.'78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96090 Population/Community GLOEOCYSTIS (4) PRES.'78, 57-96063 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96091 Population/Community ASTEROCOCCUS (4) PRES.'78, 63-96068 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96092 Population/Community GLOEODENDRON (4) PRES.'78, 55-96070 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96093 Population/Community ULOTRICHALES (2) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96094 Population/Community ULOTRICHACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96095 Population/Community BINUCLEARIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96096 Population/Community CHLORHORMIDIUM (4) PRES.'78,136 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96097 Population/Community RADIOFILUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96098 Population/Community RAPHIDONEMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96099 Population/Community STICHOCOCCUS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96100 Population/Community ULOTHRIX (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96101 Population/Community URONEMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96102 Population/Community GEMINELLA (4) USGS,ACL-75 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96103 Population/Community MICROSPORACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96104 Population/Community MICROSPORA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96105 Population/Community CYLINDROCAPSACEAE (3) PRES.'78 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96106 Population/Community CYLINDROCAPSA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96107 Population/Community CHAETOPHORACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96108 Population/Community APHANOCHAETE (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96109 Population/Community CHAETONEMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96110 Population/Community CHAETOPELTIS (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96111 Population/Community CHAETOPHORA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96112 Population/Community CHLOROTYLIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96113 Population/Community DRAPARNALDIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96114 Population/Community ENTOCLADIA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96115 Population/Community PROTODERMA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96116 Population/Community PSEUDOULVELLA (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96117 Population/Community STIGEOCLONIUM (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96118 Population/Community THAMNIOCHAETE (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96119 Population/Community PROTOCOCCACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96120 Population/Community PROTOCOCCUS(PHYTOCONIS) (4) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA Total #/ml
96121 Population/Community COLEOCHAETACEAE (3) USGS,ACL-74 USGS use and no use by EPA